A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Anon (?? D)
28 Feb 15 UTC
King of Gunboat
Anonymous, WTA, Gunboat, 400pt buy-in, Day and a half long phases. gameID=22411 No riff raff.
42 replies
Zach0805 (811 D)
18 May 15 UTC
Pick Countries
0 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
09 Apr 15 UTC
Google Translate Game
I'm proposing a new game... details inside
80 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
09 May 15 UTC
The Reconquista circa 1030? A diplomacy variant
I was just reading about the Spanish inquisition and it occured to me that an interesting time period would be the Spanish reconquista. After a google search I found this map:
17 replies
Valis2501 (985 D)
20 Jan 15 UTC
5-game GB Series
15 D each. Random countries. Classic map. WTA. Anon. No messaging.
153 replies
bobafro (1080 D)
04 May 15 UTC
Live WW2 Variant
Hey folks, if anyone fancies a quick game feel free to join.
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
27 Apr 15 UTC
Competitive Gobble earth game
For those interested in a competitive game ask me for the password
I am sitting this one out.
1 reply
TheatreVarus (874 D)
19 Apr 15 UTC
Potential Fix for Convoy Orders
Is there a way to fix convoy orders to where there is a set of blue lines leading from the convoyed armies' location, to each of the convoying fleets, to the end location, rather than a red move order directly to the destination with connecting blue lines from the fleets
3 replies
diatarn_iv (1458 D)
16 Apr 15 UTC
Country assignment
I do not know how many of you played on the "diplomacy judges" of old...

But I was wondering if someone might be interested in introducing the semi-random country assignment that they used, and whether it's doable from the point of view of the code.
3 replies
The Ambassador (2237 D (B))
15 Apr 15 UTC
Good neighbors (neighbours) variant idea
Hi everyone

I'd like to get people's views on this suggested variant idea...
16 replies
Dr. Rec's Tournament Sideshow
Open to all, details to follow
3 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
14 Mar 15 UTC
Negotiation? What's that?
It’s been more than one year since I played my last full-press game.
Well… I want to start another one in order to check if all those gunboats made me forget how to play diplomacy.
53 replies
Unmuddler (876 D)
12 Apr 15 UTC
I played as the trolls (Light Green, upper-left corner of the map). Why didn't my fleet bounce the Pirates from the High Seas (Autumn, 1)?

Am I misunderstanding something?
8 replies
The Ambassador (2237 D (B))
27 Feb 15 UTC
Extreme Personalities: 2015 edition
You know the drill, scroll down...
125 replies
Menkara (1065 D)
02 Apr 15 UTC
"Draw" games?
How to end a game in a multi-player draw? Is it possible on this site? If so, where is it documented. Is there a way to grant "proxy" to another player for any period of time? Where would that be documented? Is that enough questions for one post?
2 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
28 Mar 15 UTC
What happened??
11 replies
ghug (1012 D)
23 Mar 15 UTC
Online Diplomacy Championship
A lot of you are active on webDip too, so apologies for making you read this twice, but we're trying to get a tournament with players from all around the internet started, and I'd love for any of you that aren't on/don't check webDip (and all of you who are as well) to join. More inside.
38 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
01 Apr 15 UTC
Hey, Butterhead
So Texas is seemingly looking hard only at Shaka Smart. Gregg Marshall from Wichita State is seemingly not being looked at in the same way. For all of the hoopla over the Final Four run, do you have any insight as to why Shaka Smart has never won a conference title in either the Colonial or a gutted Atlantic 10?
0 replies
EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
27 Mar 15 UTC
I live!
Thanks to Mr Oli!
5 replies
Maucat (1834 D)
27 Mar 15 UTC
Maps of IMperial Diplomacy II disappear
The site is unable to charge the maps of Imperial Diplomacy II so it's impossible see anything of what happened in those games.
Can someone resolve the problem?
1 reply
EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
27 Mar 15 UTC
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
18 Mar 15 UTC
World War IV - Five players needed!
World War IV Public Press PPSC
Five players needed to replace players who have left - game hasn't started yet.
1 reply
Al Swearengen (1000 D)
07 Mar 15 UTC
Radio Free Webdiplomacy
Thank you for tuning in, Friends.
Al Swearengen (1000 D)
09 Mar 15 UTC
The purpose of this column shall be to provide news, information, and analysis to users of web sites where the free flow of information is either banned by government authorities or not fully developed.

Please expect our first publishing in several days. Applications from qualified persons for non-salaried writing assignments shall receive all due consideration.
rodgersd09 (987 D)
09 Mar 15 UTC
Sounds exciting, can't wait! :)
Battalion (2326 D)
09 Mar 15 UTC
So your aim is to get this website banned too? :p
Al Swearengen (1000 D)
12 Mar 15 UTC

by Andrej Gjorgievski with Al Swearengen

The title sounds like it is intended for a fairytale from 2 centuries ago. However, it is a harsh reality for many individuals in the world, for the average Joe and the common Jack who work in the local factory. Free trade does not take fairness in consideration. It does not have to be fair as long as it is profitable and efficient. That is the backbone of free trade.
**The role of the government**
Governments are doing something about this issue, making promises. “We are going to protect our workforce and our businesses. We are going to restrict the cheap products coming from overseas!” .These are the sayings you might hear when elections are around the corner. If only the politicians kept their promises. These same politicians have their campaigns funded by the corporations who are never satisfied with their profits, it is never enough. The greed reaches out to every country in the world. There are no borders for the free trade. Once the politicians are in power, policies that open the market for overseas companies follow. The government and the corporations act in the following way: “You scratch my back, I scratch your”. Guess whose back is not scratched? You’re right, Jack’s and Joe’s backs. In fact they are feeling the whip on their back. No job, no income and the bills keep piling up. It seems like the government remembers them only when tax is to be paid.

**The effects of free trade**
Cheap products are good for the society, but not for the businesses in it. Without any restrictions on imports, nothing stops the corporations and the big businesses to have their production facilities in a foreign country where the labor is cheaper. That is good, right? Wrong. Every U.S. major corporation has its production facilities in countries like Malaysia, China and Indonesia. This means jobs; jobs are going out of the states. For every single person working in a U.S. corporation factory in China, a U.S. citizen is unemployed. The main reason for this is, yet again, the labor cost.
There is one solution to the problems which are caused from free trade. Abolish it. The EU is an open market for its members. So far the only country who has/had benefits of it is Germany. The rest are in debt, with high unemployment or are on the verge of bankruptcy. Millions of people lost their jobs because of the open market. Businesses moved their facilities to the poorer countries to exploit the lower wages. Why shouldn’t they? There is nothing to stop them. It is an open market, free trade, no restrictions on products which come from overseas.
Benjamin Franklin said “No country was ever ruined by trade”. Well, trade did not, but free trade certainly did.

**What to do about it?**
There is not much the common man can do to fight free trade. Paying extra dollars to support local businesses and their products is the only thing the common man can do. In the short run it turns out costly, but your son/daughter tomorrow might get a job in that company. If the government is not protecting the small businesses, you do it by buying domestic products, manufactured by domestic workforce. That is fair. The small business and the common man should scratch their backs. By protecting domestic businesses you protect your future, your children’s future.

**Free trade in the future**
Free trade is the bane of the existence of the small business and politicians support it with their actions and policies. Let’s hope that there will not be free trade. Let’s hope that every market can operate as a separate organism. Any foreign products should be under tariff policy to discourage foreign companies from selling in our country. This will also move off-shore facilities home, which will provide local unemployed workforce with jobs they crave about.
However, this is highly unlikely going to happen. Globalization grinds the little guy, paves the way for the big business and their astronomical profits.
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
13 Mar 15 UTC
Wrong century mate, mercantilism is outdated...
US Businesses manufacturing overseas isn't "trade". You need to take a class in international business. No, "trade" is when US businesses and consumers buy the product from foreign manufacturers. And the big problem there is when the foreign business is sponsored or outright owned by the foreign government, the government subsidizes the product so it can be sold for a loss here but still make the foreign business money from the subsidy. That combined with the cheaper wages (and child labor/forced labor) result in prices that US companies can't compete with. Therefore, we put tariffs in place to turn free trade into fair trade. But if we have to high a tariff, the foreign government complains and stops us doing any business altogether within their sphere of influence. And make no mistake, their sphere of influence goes far beyond their borders in the form of trade unions like OPEC.
Al Swearengen (1000 D)
15 Mar 15 UTC
Thanks for the feedback, guys. Please let me know if you have any ideas for the next article.
the.dibster (913 D)
16 Mar 15 UTC
The issue is, most products in the world require components from a number of countries-- you assume in your argument that for most intents and purposes that call products not only should but CAN be made at home, which is not true in the slightest. So protectionist policies would hurt all of these products, and being the majority of all products made, would drive prices up to unsustainable levels globally and thus decreases standard of living, which was presumably your goal.

In addition to this, the fact is that the infrastructure (factory locations, banking structures) is already in place to support the current system and your proposed scaling back of free trade would be terribly inefficient in finding uses for all of these factories and trying to rebalance. It would take decades.

In short, the idea of free trade is not the enemy. There exist potential policies to help small businesses outside of the downfall of the entire globalized free trade system.
the.dibster (913 D)
16 Mar 15 UTC
Also, you said "free trade is good for societies, but not the businesses in it". I would hope that our goal is in fact the PEOPLE in the world (read: society) not the business or corporate structures. If free trade is good of society then it is de facto good period.
Correct dibster. Regional advantages exist beyond cheap labor (like rice in China or oranges in Florida). There need not be protectionism for them. But there is nothing g inherently advantageous to textiles in Mexico yet free trade like NAFTA which even Hillary Clinton, whose pushed her husband to get it written is now for repealing. A time to every purpose. So an analysis needs to be made if a given product's cheaper import is A) hurting domestic business and B) if there is a true geographic advantage and not just child/forced labor in sweatshops and government subsidies making the price so much cheaper than domestic production.

And yes, I took an economics class last year when I return to college at 47 years old.
Al Swearengen (1000 D)
21 Mar 15 UTC
Thank you for the additional criticism. Do you have any suggestions for the next article?

11 replies
Tyran (1361 D)
17 Mar 15 UTC
Welcome me back with a good game.
Been a long time since I played on vdip. I have a game under my belt recently but I'm hoping I can get a good one together to welcome me back.
2 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
11 Mar 15 UTC
Fellow WWIV experts and other Dip Players
You should do well at this. I got 16 out of 18 and would have gotten about 3 out of 18 if I'd never played Diplomacy.
12 replies
Anon (?? D)
05 Mar 15 UTC
Play Me - I Need to Avoid Working
1 reply
nschaumann (951 D)
05 Mar 15 UTC
How do I create a private game?
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
04 Mar 15 UTC
Fog game
Hey guys. Looking for people to join my new fog of war game. Just wanting to see how to variant plays out, casual game.
0 replies
Teams Torunament (2v2 or 2v2v2)
This would require special adjudication in the end game, I guess, but the idea sounds interesting. Anyone else interested. Please don't come in spouting how it isn't real diplomacy. Some of us don't care. We just want to have fun playing a game that uses the fundamental rules set of Diplomacy.
581 replies
Fivest (816 D)
01 Mar 15 UTC
Close account
Please, i need to close this account, can you handle with that? Thanks
1 reply
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