A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Jeff Kuta (998 D)
05 Jun 15 UTC
Live Classic France v Austria starting soon!
1 reply
rick.leeds (0 D)
06 Jun 15 UTC
Hi, just in case you missed it, the new Dip Zine 'The Velvet Glove' is out now. You can take a look here:
8 replies
Cult-of-Trajan (986 D)
08 Jun 15 UTC
Replacement player needed
Looks like we need a new England in a Fog of War game. Autumn 1901.
2 replies
ScubaSteve (1234 D)
05 Jun 15 UTC
Someone to take over my games
I have a personal emergengy that might make playing almost impossible.
1 reply
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
02 Jun 15 UTC
Ding Dong, the witch is dead! Good riddance, Sepp Blatter!
Surely even Retillion cannot find a way to disagree with this news.
34 replies
renzothepro (941 D)
02 Jun 15 UTC
Battle For Colonial Empires
1 reply
Marlen (1056 D)
28 May 15 UTC
Trust (a thought experiment)
I have an interesting hypothetical situation. Bonus points to whoever sees any real world parallel.
7 replies
Cult-of-Trajan (986 D)
31 May 15 UTC
Fog-of-War players needed
Need 2 more players for Grey Press Fog-of-War standard game (Hendricks)
5 replies
Anon (?? D)
02 Jun 15 UTC
To be the supreme dictator of all africa
0 replies
Hazza4569 (981 D)
01 Jun 15 UTC
2 Player ClassicGvI
0 replies
Hypoguy (1613 D)
31 May 15 UTC
Anyone interested in an Octopus game?
2 replies
Hazza4569 (981 D)
31 May 15 UTC
Droidippy Game
Does anybody use the android app droidippy? Looking for 2 more players in an invitational game 23vjvz8.
0 replies
Marlen (1056 D)
21 May 15 UTC
Rules/etiquette question
Anon full press game. I think I know who another player is. Is it cheating to attack a third player with the trust I have in this person based on their moves in the current game and past reputation?
35 replies
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
28 May 15 UTC
Is this a valid set of moves?
Read on...
11 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 May 15 UTC
Existential question from GOD?...
So as a bit of joke, GOD asked in an unrelated thread "What is love?" It was meant to illicit a response allusive of a music lyric. I throw out the actual question with my added subtext of how do we label our personal experiences with collective titles. Am I the only person who questions whether the "emotions" or "feelings" I attaches basic collectively defined nouns to even resemble what the words "mean" to the collective humanity? So "What is love?" but also "What is human?"
26 replies
Anon (?? D)
25 May 15 UTC
This thread is for people to confess sins safely and anonymously.

My confession is that I usually pee in the pool. Saves time, and who wants to get out to pee? The pool deck is cold.
2 replies
Billsome (911 D)
25 May 15 UTC
Classic Chaos?
I'm trying to start a game of Classic Chaos and have posted already on a new games thread, but I felt that to ever hope of reaching enough players, it needs more publicity. I had some people sign up but they've now left so if there aren't any takers this time, I'll take the hint and give up but please if anyone's interested, I really love to give this variant a try, it looks like such fun.
1 reply
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 May 15 UTC
RIP John Nash
Inventer of my 2nd favourite game in the whole world... plus being a math genius.
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
24 May 15 UTC
New game .. please join
2 replies
Marlen (1056 D)
24 May 15 UTC
Any programmers here?
Two things. First anyone interested in collaborating on some project and secondly can someone explain to me why Golang's panic is a heaping pile of fecal matter? Details to follow
1 reply
Marlen (1056 D)
23 May 15 UTC
Dare to dream: The Empire of Israel
We can pull it off. Basically I propose the following attacks: USA -> Syria, Iran -> USA, USA -> Iran, USA -> Saudi Arabia. The United Islamic State -> Israel, Israel -> UIS with the creation of an empire. ... thoughts?
11 replies
PTTG (808 D)
14 May 15 UTC
Games like vDiplomacy, but also TripleA?
I'm looking for a game that has vDiplomacy's simultaneous turns, asynchronous multiplayer, and ideally a light or in-browser UI, BUT also has a much more complex game system (not to say that Diplomacy is bad because it is simple, but rather that I'd like an alternative).
7 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
30 Aug 14 UTC
Hi all, I’d like to check if there's some interest for this 20-players Tournament idea.
In case we got a few people less or many people more, I could change within a few days the structure to adapt it to the new number, but the ideal number would be 20. More to follow.
161 replies
Tomahaha (1170 D)
20 May 15 UTC
I demand an apology
I was accused of lying about my mother being on her deathbed!
That demands an apology!
10 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
19 May 15 UTC
Rules/etiquette question
Anon full press game. I think I know who another player is. Is it cheating to warn a third player about this person based on their moves in the current game and past reputation?
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
28 Feb 15 UTC
King of Gunboat
Anonymous, WTA, Gunboat, 400pt buy-in, Day and a half long phases. gameID=22411 No riff raff.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
28 Feb 15 UTC
Classic Diplomacy.
Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
28 Feb 15 UTC
Classic Anonymity.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
28 Feb 15 UTC
It'll be interesting to see if you can find enough players here willing to put that many points on the line.
Mapu (2086 D (B))
28 Feb 15 UTC
Who cares how many points at this point since points are obsolete?
Jimbozig (1179 D)
28 Feb 15 UTC
Who cares about v points since they aren't accurate?

I'm in for this game.
So you're playing, Mapu?
y2kjbk (1512 D)
28 Feb 15 UTC
Lower it to 300 and I play
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
01 Mar 15 UTC
@DrR, Yeah I winced. "Good one", said I.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
01 Mar 15 UTC
@millenniumgibberish, The 300pt riff raff game is a good idea, and I'm sure that many riff raff would clamor to such a game. THIS game, however, is a 400pt no riff raff game. No risk; no reward.
y2kjbk (1512 D)
01 Mar 15 UTC
k hope you fill it
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
01 Mar 15 UTC
@DrR, Yeah I winced. "Good one", said I.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
04 Mar 15 UTC
Only need four more. Lots of time to make this happen.
y2kjbk (1512 D)
04 Mar 15 UTC
i might make the points in 6 days. i unblocked you in the event i get them and can join.
(You're welcome, for that post of great substance)
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
06 Mar 15 UTC
Need only three now. This is the big money.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
08 Mar 15 UTC
C'MON lame-o's

Let's see what you've got.....
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
08 Mar 15 UTC
Join phase has been extended, as per my request THIS MORNING, to the moderators.

Impressive level of courtesy and services to members here, at VDip.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
11 Mar 15 UTC
WTA Anonymous Gunboat. 400 point buy in. Day and a half phases. Classic Diplomacy.

King of Gunboat, baby. Only three spots left.
Anon (?? D)
11 Mar 15 UTC
Anon (?? D)
17 Mar 15 UTC
bump. 3 brave souls.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
19 Mar 15 UTC
Come on people. This will be a memorable one.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
25 Mar 15 UTC
Five brave souls on deck, waiting upon the final two. Game of the year, so far.....
Jimbozig (1179 D)
25 Mar 15 UTC
One more
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
25 Mar 15 UTC
The only true king of Gunboat hath joined the fun already.
y2kjbk (1512 D)
25 Mar 15 UTC
if i'm lent 21 D i'll join
Mapu (2086 D (B))
25 Mar 15 UTC
I will give him 21 D if I'm allowed.
Mapu (2086 D (B))
25 Mar 15 UTC
In exchange for 15% of his winnings. And he has to wear the "Mapu" logo since I'll be his sponsor.
y2kjbk (1512 D)
25 Mar 15 UTC
5% stake for a 15% win bonus? weaksauce
I need a link to the "Mapu" logo, please. Or we could have a contest here to make some up and vote for the best!
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
26 Mar 15 UTC
Game on!!!
Mapu (2086 D (B))
26 Mar 15 UTC
Here is the logo y2kjbk will be wearing:

Thanks to Dr. Recommended for designing it.
y2kjbk (1512 D)
26 Mar 15 UTC
i'm not in it
I don't usually do EoG's. You all might prefer I don't, given the length of this one! I'm posting without proofreading, because even I don't want to read all this:

King of Gunboat
End-of-game summary:

Spring 1901 -- I draw France, sweet! I do well with France – at least, I think I do. Not going to bother sifting through games to verify if that’s real or imagined. I opt for a standard French opening. Neither England’s aggressive move to EC, nor Germany’s attempt to bounce from (or sneak into) Burgundy are particularly alarming on their own, but in combination it’s definitely a concern. I could be facing a combined threat from the get go. Glad to see Austria’s move on Venice, as it decreases probability of Italy looking my way. It would have been nice to see Russia move towards Germany, to take some of the immediate potential pressure off of me. The east looks like it could be a typical quagmire.

Autumn 1901 – Well that went perfectly. I was likely to either keep Brest or take Belgium. The bounce at Belgium held England to one build and kept Germany out of Burgundy. Germany and I are clearly going to have a problem. Very glad to see him bounce Russia from Sweden, though, as it increases the probability of Russia engaging with him on his eastern front, something I’m hoping to see develop. England’s build in Edinburgh is a welcome development, and so are Turkey’s fleet builds, which all but guarantee that Italy will give me plenty of space as well as increasing the chances that Russia will feel safe enough to let Germany know how he feels about the Sweden bounce. The German fleet build adds even more probability of conflict with Russia. Things were potentially bad for me after Spring, but now I’m in great shape.

Spring 1902 – No surprises, except maybe that Russia did not focus more on the fairly clear threat from Germany. Nonetheless, he left himself in good position to stave off the attack. England continues to move away from me, and with the collective moves around Belgium there is now opportunity for English-German conflict to develop. I’ve got solid defensive position, and good options for launching an attack.

Autumn 1902 – I considered taking England’s implied offer of peace, but I was unlikely to have the same opportunity to get positional advantage, and an advance on Germany would be a long slog. I was pleased to see my fleets slip in while Norwegian moved further away. As a nice bonus, Germany simultaneously moves against England, which means he has now pissed off his three primary neighbors and greatly reduced any chance that I’ll be fighting a united Germany/England. Elsewhere, Austria is done for, Italy’s botched convoy keeps his army from coming into range as a potential threat (though I still feel comfortable that he’s focused on Austria/Turkey, not me), and the Juggernaut has solidified. A strong Russia is poised to keep England and Germany from concentrating their attention on me. I start thinking about long-term possibilities – a 3-way draw with Russia and Turkey rises to the top of potential non-solo outcomes for me. I’m glad that I did not take Belgium and get a build, because at this point we’re all still balanced in terms of centers, if not positional advantage, and I’m able to stay under the radar for the time being.

Spring 1903 – Germany looks wonderfully dizzy, all this back-and-forth between France and Russia. While Russia *still* does not move towards Germany, just the threat was enough to get Germany moving strong in his direction – and away from me. Even with Germany’s signal to North Sea, I’ve got some time and space to press the attack on England. I guessed correctly and put myself in position to take a center or two. The continued Juggernaut ensures that my southern flank will remain safe for a while, though I have to start thinking about getting a fleet or two down there to either boost Italy’s defense or vulture a center when he collapses and establish a defense to hold Turkey. Barring a devastating stab by Russia, I know I’m not going to be making any significant progress east through the Mediterranean. Turkey already has a significant fleet advantage over me. I’ll have to hope that Italy can withstand the advance.

Autumn 1903 – Gascony moves to safeguard Portugal and Spain, a just-in-case option that ended up being necessary – until England’s disband. I could have ended up with Belgium, Liverpool, both, or neither, and I could have lost Brest. I end up in control of all of them – best-case scenario! (Brest-case scenario?) Germany/Russia and Italy/Turkey are fully engaged, and while I get two builds, we remain pretty well balanced overall so I won’t be facing any suddenly-coordinated effort to stop me. I’ve got good options. A fleet in Brest is necessary to deal with England in MAO and NAO, at this point he’s desperate and unpredictable and could wreak havoc behind my lines. With the other build, I could use an army and begin chipping away at Germany, or I could build another fleet in preparation for action in the south. Germany’s not a threat at this point, and still might be tough to crack, and he has room to retreat from Russia to focus all units on me. The choice seems clear: Focus on eliminating England and building improved position to work against Germany and/or Italy – while trying to give them both the impression that I’m an ally, or at least not an immediate threat. I want them both dealing with the Juggernaut while I work quietly in the background. Neither Russia nor Turkey has good reason or position to stab the other, so nothing else is going to slow them at this stage.

Spring 1904 – Russia attacks Turkey! Beautiful. Now I’m seeing increased chances for a solo. Germany has potential to add two units with Norway and either St. Pete or Warsaw. He may play himself into draw contention, and be an important factor in limiting Russia’s growth should he be effective against Turkey – which seems unlikely. Turkey’s going to lose Ankara, but he’s in good shape to withstand the stab. Either way, I’m glad to see things so destabilized. Of course, Germany could now become a bigger problem for me as well, and based on his play so far I have to expect anything. If I trusted him just a bit more, I would really try to signal good intentions here…but I just can’t trust him, can I? I decide to take a risk….

Autumn 1904 -- ….and it works beautifully! Expecting Holland and Munich to bounce in Ruhr again, I figured I’d try to pull the army out of Holland while I slipped in from Belgium. [When I first started playing Diplomacy here, the first time I saw someone pull this move off, it was GOD. So I have to say I enjoy that it was GOD I pulled this off against.] If I had failed, I would have been facing a pissed-off Germany with two new units, and no builds myself. It wouldn’t have been dire, but not ideal. I still have a pissed-off Germany and a tenuous grip on Holland and Belgium. I decided I had to move West Med and Gascony toward the German theatre to prepare for the fight I was starting, so my build was to keep a presence near the Italy/Turkey front. England is almost an afterthought by now, I know I can just keep safely chasing units around UK to maintain overall number of centers and eventually take him out. I also don’t want anyone deciding that I’m growing into too big a threat and building opposition, so I consider the remaining English centers in the bag while keeping my actual total lower for now. I wish Russia was in better shape to handle Turkey and Germany. Now it’s looking like Turkey and Germany (despite my attack) as the likeliest draw partners, but I’m very much focused on the win.

Spring 1905 – My goals here were to reassure Italy, gain better position against Germany, and maybe have an opportunity to pick off another English center. Check, check, and check. Lots of possibilities around Norway, Denmark, Holland, Burgundy….next turn could be crucial. Germany offers reconciliation with Russia and moves to defend. I wish Russia was in position to carve up Germany with me, but his failed stab of Turkey has him in trouble and he’s got to accept peace with Germany. Even so, it looks like things in the east will continue to be messy, with Turkey dealing with Russia, Italy’s improved position, and even the ghost of Austria adding a wildcard to the mix. I look to handle Germany, finish England, and make my move.

Autumn 1905 – An expected trade of Norway for Holland. I’m in good shape – no chance for Germany to break through anywhere along our lines, my fleets filling in behind to work in England, and a continued mess in the east. Only Turkey gets a build, and he can’t use it. Russia’s on the way out, but he’ll still keep Turkey occupied and maybe buy Italy enough time to play a greater role. Barring an NMR of course, but there won’t be any NMRs in this game, right? Right?!?

Spring 1906 – Ohhh, Russia. Well, OK, there’s not much you could’ve done there anyway, except maybe keep that army out of Rumania, and there’s a silver lining to that because now Turkey’s got issues in Trieste that a Serbian army could have helped with. Austria coming back from the dead? Closer to home, I’m just holding ground and maneuvering to dig England out of his hole. This is going to take awhile. I decide I’ll lose Norway to take Edinburgh, knowing I can retreat to Skag and keep strong position against Germany….

Autumn 1906 – Except I don’t, because suddenly NMRs are in style. While Germany’s NMR helped me for sure, it ended up helping him too because my focus had to shift from going for the solo to making sure someone would be able to help me stop Turkey from winning, and that was going to be Germany. Turkey benefitted greatly from the other NMRs. Russia might have taken Rumania, Italy/Austria might have controlled Vienna and Trieste, and Italy surely would have kept Naples. Instead, Turkey is now the leader and my solo chances are evaporating. Can we stop with the missed turns already? And hell no, I’m not going to accept a premature and too-big draw because of NMRs at this stage of a game that had been generally played very well by most. If the offenders go into CD, I’d consider drawing with the remaining 3 or 4.

Spring 1907 – Hey, everybody’s back! Thanks for playing, fellas.
I have to be careful here. I expect I’ll need Germany to help me stop Turkey, but there’s a lot of game to be played before we get there, and I’m not giving up my quest to win it. At any rate, I know that Germany won’t refrain from attacking/aggressively defending, and with no means of talking things over I can only hope he’s paying as close attention to Turkey as I am. I may have to just do what I can to just keep him in place, being prepared to take centers if the right opportunity presents itself and if conditions change due to more NMRs. At the moment, though, Russia can hold Rumania and Turkey’s losing Naples. My window is not closing just yet, and Holland’s there for the taking. Time to finally move fleets to the Italian theatre.

Autumn 1907 – Damn, I hoped Vienna would remain Austrian for another turn, and Russia would get a build. My chances trending downward again – Germany adds a fleet, as does Italy, who I’m at risk of irritating here. I have to hope the years of good relations plus the reasonable possibility that my intentions are helpful add up to keeping his focus on Turkey. Not a big deal either way, I don’t intend for him to be there at the end.

Spring 1908 – Just hang in there, England, I’ll get to you eventually. I can’t tell if Italy’s second NMR helps, hurts, or makes any difference. I hope – if he returns – that my lack of move on Tunis or Tyrrhenian, plus the lost cause of Venice, equal keeping his focus on Turkey despite my presence and Turkey’s support holds. Russia’s pretty much done as a hindrance for Turkey.

Autumn 1908 –Italy’s on his way out, and might be an irritant for me while he’s at it. Russia’s hanging tough, but Turkey’s clearly increasing in strength and position. It’s getting close to time to disentangle myself with Germany, no easy task given my continued attacks to this point. How pragmatic and aware is he? I’ll be finding out….

Spring 1909 -- … but I really want to win this, and I’m willing to go all the way to the edge to keep the chance alive. I’ll keep the pressure on Germany, but it’s time to finally eliminate England, and I’ll need another fleet at least to plug up the Med. Sorry to be forceful Italy, but I want to make sure we keep Turkey from advancing to Tyrrhenian. I’ll take the risk that you’ll suicide into me. Aaaaaannnnnd another NMR anyway. Glad I moved as I did. Hey wait – Turkey with an NMR too?!? This is getting ridiculous. I don’t want to have to draw with remaining players over a CD to the leading player so late in the game, and if I win I don’t want it stained by so many NMRs.

Autumn 1909 – Can’t rely on Italy showing up, and don’t know what he’ll do if he does. Time to pry him out. Even with the builds, an honest assessment leaves me knowing that I’ll lose a race to 18 with Turkey. I’ve got to build in Brest to cover EC. I can afford to lose centers to Germany – in fact, it might become advantageous to do so – but I don’t want him slipping a fleet behind my lines.

Spring 1910 – I begin preparations for the final stage, which I recognize now will be me, Germany, and Turkey drawing – if everyone does what they should. Goodbye England, sorry to leave you hanging there for so long. Now, how to disentangle from Germany. I don’t want him taking too much from me too soon, but he’ll need builds to hold off Turkey, who is still fighting with Russia but I expect will be launching armies at Germany within a year or two. I consider Norway gone, but try to keep Holland and Belgium under my control for the time being. Italy helps by keeping Turkey out of Tyrrhenian, and gets no thanks from me as I move to potentially take a center or at least keep Turkey from doing so.

Autumn 1910 – I look to reduce the potential losses among Norway/Holland/Belgium by going for Kiel, a very messy way of disengaging with Germany, who only presses the attack, understandably. Fortunately I get a build. Got to be really careful here. Turkey is inching closer and Germany is further away from defending.

Spring 1911 – Time to be clearer to Germany and start putting up some walls. I know I have the units to prevent Germany from doing too much damage if he continues to attack, and I also know he needs at least a center of mine, maybe two, to both stop Turkey and feel more secure with me. I’m not winning this game, and that needs to become obvious to Germany. I move to establish strong defensive position, get another fleet down south, and get Germany a build while keeping him on his side of the line. Turkey starts the rush.

Autumn 1911 – I hope Germany reads and accepts my signals. Ooops. Not quite yet. I expected he would take two from me – three makes me very nervous, especially with Turkey taking a fourth in Rome. I worry that I’ve played it too close to the wire, that Germany is going to just keep rushing me and allow Turkey to win. I can only hope my moves this turn – combined with my disbands, which should make things obvious – finally make things clear and we can wrap this game up right. No more room for error.

Spring 1912 – I’ve got to take Tunis, knowing that Turkey has Warsaw and possible St. Pete. I’m surprised that Turkey allows me to take it, and very relieved, because I know I can hold it and keep him where he is. Now it’s up to Germany to do his part. I’m a little nervous about the move to North Sea, but his other moves are encouraging.

Autumn 1912 – All that’s left for me to do is keep adding to my wall, and watching to see that Germany does what he must. Protecting Belgium instead of rushing to seal things off in the east is concerning.

Spring 1913 – That’s better.

Autumn 1913 – Now I can breathe a sigh of relief, we've got it. Turkey, recognizing the same, leaves St. Pete for Germany, facilitating the draw…

Spring 1914 -- ….except Germany doesn't take it. This might be the luckiest 700 D Russia earns, and not entirely undeserved given the role he played in disrupting Turkey just long enough…

….still, I have a bit of the cold-blooded bastard in me, my draw vote is removed.

Autumn 1914 – And there it is. Great game, worthy of the high entry fee. Wish there weren’t so many NMRs….and I wish I had a dollar for every time I've said that.
G-Man (2466 D)
13 May 15 UTC
Well written and entertaining EOG Dr. Recommended. I felt like I was in the game! I don't play gunboat, so appreciated a glimpse into the inside game there.
Thanks G-Man! I play far more gunboat than full press, but that's entirely because I don't have time to play more than a couple press games at once, which often leaves me jonesing for more Diplomacy. Gunboats allow me to play a bunch of games, and over time I've really come to appreciate that even without the press, it's a damned good game we have here! When playing with quality opponents, even gunboats have a degree of communication, however mixed and/or obscured it may be at times.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
14 May 15 UTC
King of Gunboat EoG - The Captain’s Log

Quick note to start – one thing I find myself doing a lot as Turkey is not taking much interest in the western side of the board for a long time. As such, the west is not mentioned much in the first half of this EoG since I wasn’t really thinking about it.
Spring 1901 – I intensely dislike playing Turkey, both in Full Press and Gunboat, so I’m very disappointed to draw it. I’m a lot happier when I see Austria hedgehogging, because I know I have a 50/50 at getting a second centre, and with Italy opening with a Lepanto I need that. With an Austrian hedgehog, the Juggernaut seems like the obvious alliance to go with.
Autumn 1901 – Success! The 50/50 works out in my favour, and I get the extra build. It’s a good thing too, because it allows me to completely negate the Lepanto threat by building two fleets. I think Russia’s locked into the Jug after letting me into Bla, so I’m confident that I won’t need too many army builds initially.
Spring 1902 – I attempt to support Russia to Budapest, but unfortunately that gets cut. Italy blocks my move into the Eastern Med instead of the move to the Aegean, which I’m very happy about, since Aegean is much more useful. Germany moves on Russia in the north – I think this might work in my favour also, provided I prop Russia up so he’s still a useful ally, since he won’t have the free units to stab me.
Autumn 1902 – I decide to go for the safer moveset around Greece, having the possibility of not getting in but making sure there’s no chance I lose Serbia. It works out, and with Russia getting into Budapest and Italy messing up his convoy as well, the Jug and my own position are both looking very strong indeed. I’m slightly annoyed that Germany swung back West again – I need to be careful of a Russian stab at some point, because his northern prospects are not looking good right now, but I this alliance should be stable until Austria is gone at least.
Spring 1903 – I take Ionian (I can just walk in due to Italy’s misorder last phase) and set up to take Trieste. Not much interesting going on down here, but I’m certainly going to be making more progress than Russia. Probably a lot more progress, given that Germany has had another mood swing and catapulted his units East again. Hopefully Germany will keep him occupied, because I would certainly turn on Turkey ASAP in his position.
Autumn 1903 – I thankfully manage to take Trieste, despite the notable lack of support from Russia. Germany is still attacking him in the north, so he can’t attack me at the moment without losing the rest of his country. As a result, I feel relatively safe from attack, even if I can’t count on Russian support.
Spring, 1904 – I decide to protect myself, just in case, instead of supporting the Russian into Vienna. That turns out to be a very good decision as I prevent myself losing Serbia, which would have made it much harder to fight back the following turn. I had convoyed into Italy to try to make some progress there, but now I’ll be fighting on two fronts I doubt that progress will be fast, or even possible.
Autumn, 1904 – I decide to go all out for Rumania and not bother protecting my homeland, since Russia is guaranteed to take Ankara whatever I do. Keeping in mind that the Russian might move Bud-Ser, which would put his army behind my lines, I move Trieste to defend Serbia, which would have been a huge blunder had not Austria cut the Russian support in Budapest. I make a half-hearted attempt at Naples too, but I don’t expect it to succeed and in any case I get my support order the wrong way round.
Spring 1905 – At this point I look at the west and notice what a dominating position France is getting into. While Germany holds the entirety of northern Russia and Scandinavia, he’s invested most of his builds in armies and only has two fleets, whereas France has done the complete opposite and has built almost entirely fleets. This means France has a huge advantage, since the F/G land border can be easily deadlocked so the fight will be in the northern seas. The southern fleet build worries me as well – France doesn’t need all his fleets in the north, so he could move some into the southern seas while Italy is busy fighting me to try to get some SCs across the stalemate line. As such, I decide I need to make peace with Italy so he can fight off any French units heading South.
Unfortunately, France doesn’t swing south, so although my evacuation of Italy gives me a better position against Russia, it also allows Italy security, which means he’ll be free to go on the offensive against someone soon. I have to hope that’s against France rather than me, although I’m not certain it will be given that I have been attacking him and France hasn’t.
Autumn 1905 – I make progress against Russia, taking Budapest, but Italy moves against me and Austria attacks me. That means I’m now fighting an A/I/R coalition with no allies, and although all of them are rather weak, I’m not sure I can stand up to that. Germany’s made peace with Russia in the north, which means all three powers can focus everything solely on me.
Spring 1906 – I attempt to show that I want peace to Italy, but that doesn’t work out as he supports Austria into Trieste. Russia NMRs, but that actually disadvantages me since I no longer have the unit in Serbia to help retake Trieste. Draw and Cancel votes immediately go up from every country except France and I, which I’m annoyed by, since the NMR did not really affect much (the only difference would have been potentially a bounce in Rum rather than me getting in, which doesn’t change much) and it feels like those countries are voting just because they’re doing badly. Needless to say, I do not put up either vote.
Autumn 1906 – Now come the NMRs that benefit me. Reasoning that I couldn’t hold both fronts at once, I try to give Russia a peace offering by heading west with all units, figuring that at most I would lose Rumania and I might be able to get a much needed ally. I guess that Austria will move to Vienna to stop himself being eliminated, and Italy will support himself to Trieste, so I move to bounce Italy out. I also make an attempt at Naples, which I don’t remember the reason for (TyS makes more sense looking back).
Both Russia and Italy NMR, letting me get a unit into Trieste, take Naples, and keep Rumania. This was ridiculously good for me and I felt very bad about it, but I figured it was their fault for NMRing, and I was not going to let the game be drawn or cancelled early because of it.
Spring 1907 – Even though I’m in a much better position now, I decide to back out of Naples after noticing the French fleet build in Marseilles. I’m still worried about a southern swing from France, and I want Italy to be in a position to fight it if it does happen. I also think that fleet is unmistakeably hostile to Italy, so I should be able to get Italy to ally me if I let him back into Naples. While France does send that unit south, he doesn’t send any supporting units, which strikes me as odd but might be enough to get Italy to reconsider anyway.
Hoping that Russia thought I was trying to work with him from last moves, I try to sneak into Rum while also blocking any Austrian attempt at Budapest. Russia doesn’t fall for it, and gets an army into Rumania, delaying my progress by about a year as my army chain fails to leave Turkey.
Autumn 1907 – I was incredibly lucky this year. I decided to attempt to take out Austria while I was setting up around Rumania with my other units, and although both the Russian and the Italian offer Austria supports that could have saved him, he holds and that allows me to take Vienna. I also correctly predict where Black Sea is going, keeping me even on Supply count despite losing Naples.
A second southern fleet is built for France – surely Italy sees that that’s hostile now. I gave him a friendly support hold too, so with any luck he’ll turn and help me fight France while I wipe out Russia.
Spring, 1908 – Another Italian NMR. Hmm. Doesn’t really change much, but it means I can’t see what his intentions are and which side he’s taking in the E/F standoff. France seems to be signalling that he wants to help Italy too, which is suspicious – if he wants to go for a solo he needs those Italian SCs.
I make considerable progress in the north as Russia retreats, and managed to get into position to attack Italy if he sides with France. Despite the Italian NMR, it’s a good phase for me.
Autumn, 1908 – I decide that I might as well take Venice, since the Frenchman isn’t advancing. I support Italy to Tunis to show that I’m still happy to help him against a French attack, and the Frenchman does the same to signal he’s willing to help Italy against me. This is turning out to be a very interesting standoff, with both sides wanting to take Italy’s SCs but neither side wanting to incur Italy’s wrath, which would give all the SCs to the other side.
I get knocked out of Sevastopol but I’m looking strong on that front and should be able to get it back next year. I finally control the entirety of Austria and the Balkans, which puts me in a very strong position going forward.
Spring 1909 – Ugh. To my shame, I missed this phase – I was out for the day and thought I would be back in time to enter orders, but ended up missing phasing by 10 minutes. Thankfully (for me) Italy NMR’d too, otherwise my solo chance would have died here – it still went down dramatically after the Russian got into Rumania, essentially setting me back a year and a half. I think if I hadn’t have NMR’d here I would probably have gotten across the line before Germany could react and would have had a very good chance at a solo, but since that chance was brought about by enemy NMRs in the first place it’s probably fairer that it went the way it did. I apologise to everyone for missing this phase.
Italy’s (and my own) NMR also caused France to get into the Tyrrhenian, which is problematic as that gives him a huge positioning advantage over me. If he takes Tunis (which he is able to do from there) I will never be able to take it, and that will hurt my solo chances even more.
Autumn 1909 – I work on getting my position against Russia back, and on getting into position to knock Italy out of Apulia (which it turns out is not necessary). I also support hold Italy in Tunis to stop France getting it, but that’s also unnecessary since France goes for the guaranteed, but in my eyes less valuable, SC of Rome.
An interesting thing to note at this point is my relationship with Germany. He’s the closest thing I’ve had to an ally since the Juggernaut, since he’s dedicating his entire army to fighting France and isn’t bothering to defend his southern borders. This is reasonable at this stage of the game (I’m not a massive solo threat yet due to the NMR) but he seems very trusting, and I’m starting to wonder if I can get to a point where I’ll be able to jump on Munich and Berlin before he has a chance to react – if he continues acting as he is, it should be easy.
Spring/Autumn 1910 – Not much to say for these phases. I was advancing vs Russia, managed to get into the Tyrrhenian, and was getting more excited about the solo possibility. At this stage I was amazed that Germany was still leaving his back completely open, and I figured I should be able to get the solo if I crossed that line very soon.
Spring 1911 – I had a choice here between going for Tunis and going for all the remaining Italian centres. Tunis was more important, but I figured if I didn’t go for Italy now it would take a couple of years to break it, and I needed to be in rush mode now, since although Germany seemed unaware of the solo threat now, he was sure to notice if I got a triple build this year. It looked likely I could get both Munich and Berlin if Germany kept fighting France, so sacrificing Tunis was not too much of a problem. I also figured that it was likely that France would be support holding Tunis, so any move against it would be a waste.
Autumn 1911 – Here I had a choice between taking Warsaw immediately, or leaving Warsaw for later and making a run for the German centres. There was no way Germany would not notice the solo threat if I hit 16 this year, and if I was not on the Tyl/Boh/Sil/Pru border when he noticed I could wave my solo hopes goodbye. I decided to go for the German centres, hoping Ruhr would move out and Kiel would stay in, which would hopefully mean that I would be able to take Munich the following phase (if F/G didn’t cooperate properly). Unfortunately, Germany got his fleet out of Kiel, allowing him a double build that destroyed any chance of me getting Munich or Berlin.
Spring 1912 – I tried to break the line in the hope that he’d misorder or that he hadn’t noticed and would continue attacking France (:D), but that wasn’t to be. I positioned to knock Russia out of Warsaw and got into an unbreakable position in Italy (unfortunately, France had done the same).
Autumn 1912 – Since Germany had been seemingly ignorant of my solo threat earlier, I started to wonder whether he might be swayed by me backing off and signalling I wanted to help him take out France, at which point I could sweep back in and grab a centre. It was a long shot, but it was the best I was going to get. At the same time, I set up around StP, hoping that miscommunication between G/R or Germany’s want to eliminate Russia would allow me to get in.
Spring 1913 to end –Germany evidently wasn’t falling for it. That, combined with his support hold of Russia, solidified the fact that this game would not end in a Turkish solo. As such I took up my position on the stalemate line and waited for Russia to be eliminated to draw, giving Germany support in several times until he finally took StP.

GGWP all! Hopefully if we ever do another high bet game there will be less NMRs.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
14 May 15 UTC
Ouch, that formatting didn't come out right. I'm going to repost it with double spacing.

King of Gunboat EoG - The Captain’s Log

Quick note to start – one thing I find myself doing a lot as Turkey is not taking much interest in the western side of the board for a long time. As such, the west is not mentioned much in the first half of this EoG since I wasn’t really thinking about it.

Spring 1901 – I intensely dislike playing Turkey, both in Full Press and Gunboat, so I’m very disappointed to draw it. I’m a lot happier when I see Austria hedgehogging, because I know I have a 50/50 at getting a second centre, and with Italy opening with a Lepanto I need that. With an Austrian hedgehog, the Juggernaut seems like the obvious alliance to go with.

Autumn 1901 – Success! The 50/50 works out in my favour, and I get the extra build. It’s a good thing too, because it allows me to completely negate the Lepanto threat by building two fleets. I think Russia’s locked into the Jug after letting me into Bla, so I’m confident that I won’t need too many army builds initially.

Spring 1902 – I attempt to support Russia to Budapest, but unfortunately that gets cut. Italy blocks my move into the Eastern Med instead of the move to the Aegean, which I’m very happy about, since Aegean is much more useful. Germany moves on Russia in the north – I think this might work in my favour also, provided I prop Russia up so he’s still a useful ally, since he won’t have the free units to stab me.

Autumn 1902 – I decide to go for the safer moveset around Greece, having the possibility of not getting in but making sure there’s no chance I lose Serbia. It works out, and with Russia getting into Budapest and Italy messing up his convoy as well, the Jug and my own position are both looking very strong indeed. I’m slightly annoyed that Germany swung back West again – I need to be careful of a Russian stab at some point, because his northern prospects are not looking good right now, but I this alliance should be stable until Austria is gone at least.

Spring 1903 – I take Ionian (I can just walk in due to Italy’s misorder last phase) and set up to take Trieste. Not much interesting going on down here, but I’m certainly going to be making more progress than Russia. Probably a lot more progress, given that Germany has had another mood swing and catapulted his units East again. Hopefully Germany will keep him occupied, because I would certainly turn on Turkey ASAP in his position.

Autumn 1903 – I thankfully manage to take Trieste, despite the notable lack of support from Russia. Germany is still attacking him in the north, so he can’t attack me at the moment without losing the rest of his country. As a result, I feel relatively safe from attack, even if I can’t count on Russian support.

Spring, 1904 – I decide to protect myself, just in case, instead of supporting the Russian into Vienna. That turns out to be a very good decision as I prevent myself losing Serbia, which would have made it much harder to fight back the following turn. I had convoyed into Italy to try to make some progress there, but now I’ll be fighting on two fronts I doubt that progress will be fast, or even possible.

Autumn, 1904 – I decide to go all out for Rumania and not bother protecting my homeland, since Russia is guaranteed to take Ankara whatever I do. Keeping in mind that the Russian might move Bud-Ser, which would put his army behind my lines, I move Trieste to defend Serbia, which would have been a huge blunder had not Austria cut the Russian support in Budapest. I make a half-hearted attempt at Naples too, but I don’t expect it to succeed and in any case I get my support order the wrong way round.

Spring 1905 – At this point I look at the west and notice what a dominating position France is getting into. While Germany holds the entirety of northern Russia and Scandinavia, he’s invested most of his builds in armies and only has two fleets, whereas France has done the complete opposite and has built almost entirely fleets. This means France has a huge advantage, since the F/G land border can be easily deadlocked so the fight will be in the northern seas. The southern fleet build worries me as well – France doesn’t need all his fleets in the north, so he could move some into the southern seas while Italy is busy fighting me to try to get some SCs across the stalemate line. As such, I decide I need to make peace with Italy so he can fight off any French units heading South.
Unfortunately, France doesn’t swing south, so although my evacuation of Italy gives me a better position against Russia, it also allows Italy security, which means he’ll be free to go on the offensive against someone soon. I have to hope that’s against France rather than me, although I’m not certain it will be given that I have been attacking him and France hasn’t.

Autumn 1905 – I make progress against Russia, taking Budapest, but Italy moves against me and Austria attacks me. That means I’m now fighting an A/I/R coalition with no allies, and although all of them are rather weak, I’m not sure I can stand up to that. Germany’s made peace with Russia in the north, which means all three powers can focus everything solely on me.

Spring 1906 – I attempt to show that I want peace to Italy, but that doesn’t work out as he supports Austria into Trieste. Russia NMRs, but that actually disadvantages me since I no longer have the unit in Serbia to help retake Trieste. Draw and Cancel votes immediately go up from every country except France and I, which I’m annoyed by, since the NMR did not really affect much (the only difference would have been potentially a bounce in Rum rather than me getting in, which doesn’t change much) and it feels like those countries are voting just because they’re doing badly. Needless to say, I do not put up either vote.

Autumn 1906 – Now come the NMRs that benefit me. Reasoning that I couldn’t hold both fronts at once, I try to give Russia a peace offering by heading west with all units, figuring that at most I would lose Rumania and I might be able to get a much needed ally. I guess that Austria will move to Vienna to stop himself being eliminated, and Italy will support himself to Trieste, so I move to bounce Italy out. I also make an attempt at Naples, which I don’t remember the reason for (TyS makes more sense looking back).
Both Russia and Italy NMR, letting me get a unit into Trieste, take Naples, and keep Rumania. This was ridiculously good for me and I felt very bad about it, but I figured it was their fault for NMRing, and I was not going to let the game be drawn or cancelled early because of it.

Spring 1907 – Even though I’m in a much better position now, I decide to back out of Naples after noticing the French fleet build in Marseilles. I’m still worried about a southern swing from France, and I want Italy to be in a position to fight it if it does happen. I also think that fleet is unmistakeably hostile to Italy, so I should be able to get Italy to ally me if I let him back into Naples. While France does send that unit south, he doesn’t send any supporting units, which strikes me as odd but might be enough to get Italy to reconsider anyway.
Hoping that Russia thought I was trying to work with him from last moves, I try to sneak into Rum while also blocking any Austrian attempt at Budapest. Russia doesn’t fall for it, and gets an army into Rumania, delaying my progress by about a year as my army chain fails to leave Turkey.

Autumn 1907 – I was incredibly lucky this year. I decided to attempt to take out Austria while I was setting up around Rumania with my other units, and although both the Russian and the Italian offer Austria supports that could have saved him, he holds and that allows me to take Vienna. I also correctly predict where Black Sea is going, keeping me even on Supply count despite losing Naples.
A second southern fleet is built for France – surely Italy sees that that’s hostile now. I gave him a friendly support hold too, so with any luck he’ll turn and help me fight France while I wipe out Russia.

Spring, 1908 – Another Italian NMR. Hmm. Doesn’t really change much, but it means I can’t see what his intentions are and which side he’s taking in the E/F standoff. France seems to be signalling that he wants to help Italy too, which is suspicious – if he wants to go for a solo he needs those Italian SCs.
I make considerable progress in the north as Russia retreats, and managed to get into position to attack Italy if he sides with France. Despite the Italian NMR, it’s a good phase for me.

Autumn, 1908 – I decide that I might as well take Venice, since the Frenchman isn’t advancing. I support Italy to Tunis to show that I’m still happy to help him against a French attack, and the Frenchman does the same to signal he’s willing to help Italy against me. This is turning out to be a very interesting standoff, with both sides wanting to take Italy’s SCs but neither side wanting to incur Italy’s wrath, which would give all the SCs to the other side.
I get knocked out of Sevastopol but I’m looking strong on that front and should be able to get it back next year. I finally control the entirety of Austria and the Balkans, which puts me in a very strong position going forward.

Spring 1909 – Ugh. To my shame, I missed this phase – I was out for the day and thought I would be back in time to enter orders, but ended up missing phasing by 10 minutes. Thankfully (for me) Italy NMR’d too, otherwise my solo chance would have died here – it still went down dramatically after the Russian got into Rumania, essentially setting me back a year and a half. I think if I hadn’t have NMR’d here I would probably have gotten across the line before Germany could react and would have had a very good chance at a solo, but since that chance was brought about by enemy NMRs in the first place it’s probably fairer that it went the way it did. I apologise to everyone for missing this phase.
Italy’s (and my own) NMR also caused France to get into the Tyrrhenian, which is problematic as that gives him a huge positioning advantage over me. If he takes Tunis (which he is able to do from there) I will never be able to take it, and that will hurt my solo chances even more.

Autumn 1909 – I work on getting my position against Russia back, and on getting into position to knock Italy out of Apulia (which it turns out is not necessary). I also support hold Italy in Tunis to stop France getting it, but that’s also unnecessary since France goes for the guaranteed, but in my eyes less valuable, SC of Rome.
An interesting thing to note at this point is my relationship with Germany. He’s the closest thing I’ve had to an ally since the Juggernaut, since he’s dedicating his entire army to fighting France and isn’t bothering to defend his southern borders. This is reasonable at this stage of the game (I’m not a massive solo threat yet due to the NMR) but he seems very trusting, and I’m starting to wonder if I can get to a point where I’ll be able to jump on Munich and Berlin before he has a chance to react – if he continues acting as he is, it should be easy.

Spring/Autumn 1910 – Not much to say for these phases. I was advancing vs Russia, managed to get into the Tyrrhenian, and was getting more excited about the solo possibility. At this stage I was amazed that Germany was still leaving his back completely open, and I figured I should be able to get the solo if I crossed that line very soon.

Spring 1911 – I had a choice here between going for Tunis and going for all the remaining Italian centres. Tunis was more important, but I figured if I didn’t go for Italy now it would take a couple of years to break it, and I needed to be in rush mode now, since although Germany seemed unaware of the solo threat now, he was sure to notice if I got a triple build this year. It looked likely I could get both Munich and Berlin if Germany kept fighting France, so sacrificing Tunis was not too much of a problem. I also figured that it was likely that France would be support holding Tunis, so any move against it would be a waste.

Autumn 1911 – Here I had a choice between taking Warsaw immediately, or leaving Warsaw for later and making a run for the German centres. There was no way Germany would not notice the solo threat if I hit 16 this year, and if I was not on the Tyl/Boh/Sil/Pru border when he noticed I could wave my solo hopes goodbye. I decided to go for the German centres, hoping Ruhr would move out and Kiel would stay in, which would hopefully mean that I would be able to take Munich the following phase (if F/G didn’t cooperate properly). Unfortunately, Germany got his fleet out of Kiel, allowing him a double build that destroyed any chance of me getting Munich or Berlin.

Spring 1912 – I tried to break the line in the hope that he’d misorder or that he hadn’t noticed and would continue attacking France (:D), but that wasn’t to be. I positioned to knock Russia out of Warsaw and got into an unbreakable position in Italy (unfortunately, France had done the same).

Autumn 1912 – Since Germany had been seemingly ignorant of my solo threat earlier, I started to wonder whether he might be swayed by me backing off and signalling I wanted to help him take out France, at which point I could sweep back in and grab a centre. It was a long shot, but it was the best I was going to get. At the same time, I set up around StP, hoping that miscommunication between G/R or Germany’s want to eliminate Russia would allow me to get in.

Spring 1913 to end –Germany evidently wasn’t falling for it. That, combined with his support hold of Russia, solidified the fact that this game would not end in a Turkish solo. As such I took up my position on the stalemate line and waited for Russia to be eliminated to draw, giving Germany support in several times until he finally took StP.
Good reading, Cap'n. Very interesting to hear your perspective.
G-Man (2466 D)
18 May 15 UTC
Another good EOG with a nice season-by-season breakdown. Thanks for sharing guys. I'll have to post an EOG thread again for occasional games in our ongoing Cloak & Dagger series, where we explore many variants.
Please do, I'll read 'em!

42 replies
Zach0805 (811 D)
18 May 15 UTC
Pick Countries
0 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
09 Apr 15 UTC
Google Translate Game
I'm proposing a new game... details inside
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kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
09 May 15 UTC
The Reconquista circa 1030? A diplomacy variant
I was just reading about the Spanish inquisition and it occured to me that an interesting time period would be the Spanish reconquista. After a google search I found this map:
17 replies
Valis2501 (985 D)
20 Jan 15 UTC
5-game GB Series
15 D each. Random countries. Classic map. WTA. Anon. No messaging.
153 replies
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