A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Anon (?? D)
28 Feb 15 UTC
King of Gunboat
Anonymous, WTA, Gunboat, 400pt buy-in, Day and a half long phases. gameID=22411 No riff raff.
42 replies
Zach0805 (811 D)
18 May 15 UTC
Pick Countries
0 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
09 Apr 15 UTC
Google Translate Game
I'm proposing a new game... details inside
80 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
09 May 15 UTC
The Reconquista circa 1030? A diplomacy variant
I was just reading about the Spanish inquisition and it occured to me that an interesting time period would be the Spanish reconquista. After a google search I found this map:
17 replies
Valis2501 (985 D)
20 Jan 15 UTC
5-game GB Series
15 D each. Random countries. Classic map. WTA. Anon. No messaging.
153 replies
bobafro (1080 D)
04 May 15 UTC
Live WW2 Variant
Hey folks, if anyone fancies a quick game feel free to join.
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
27 Apr 15 UTC
Competitive Gobble earth game
For those interested in a competitive game ask me for the password
I am sitting this one out.
1 reply
TheatreVarus (874 D)
19 Apr 15 UTC
Potential Fix for Convoy Orders
Is there a way to fix convoy orders to where there is a set of blue lines leading from the convoyed armies' location, to each of the convoying fleets, to the end location, rather than a red move order directly to the destination with connecting blue lines from the fleets
3 replies
diatarn_iv (1458 D)
16 Apr 15 UTC
Country assignment
I do not know how many of you played on the "diplomacy judges" of old...

But I was wondering if someone might be interested in introducing the semi-random country assignment that they used, and whether it's doable from the point of view of the code.
3 replies
The Ambassador (2237 D (B))
15 Apr 15 UTC
Good neighbors (neighbours) variant idea
Hi everyone

I'd like to get people's views on this suggested variant idea...
16 replies
Dr. Rec's Tournament Sideshow
Open to all, details to follow
3 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
14 Mar 15 UTC
Negotiation? What's that?
It’s been more than one year since I played my last full-press game.
Well… I want to start another one in order to check if all those gunboats made me forget how to play diplomacy.
53 replies
Unmuddler (876 D)
12 Apr 15 UTC
I played as the trolls (Light Green, upper-left corner of the map). Why didn't my fleet bounce the Pirates from the High Seas (Autumn, 1)?

Am I misunderstanding something?
8 replies
The Ambassador (2237 D (B))
27 Feb 15 UTC
Extreme Personalities: 2015 edition
You know the drill, scroll down...
125 replies
Menkara (1065 D)
02 Apr 15 UTC
"Draw" games?
How to end a game in a multi-player draw? Is it possible on this site? If so, where is it documented. Is there a way to grant "proxy" to another player for any period of time? Where would that be documented? Is that enough questions for one post?
2 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
28 Mar 15 UTC
What happened??
11 replies
ghug (1012 D)
23 Mar 15 UTC
Online Diplomacy Championship
A lot of you are active on webDip too, so apologies for making you read this twice, but we're trying to get a tournament with players from all around the internet started, and I'd love for any of you that aren't on/don't check webDip (and all of you who are as well) to join. More inside.
ghug (1012 D)
23 Mar 15 UTC
Hey, all!

The internet is home to several excellent diplomacy communities, and sadly, there isn't as much overlap between those communities as there should be. Luckily for all of us, I (with the help of friendly Playdip mod Skidmarks/Tarsier) am about to change that and give you a fun tournament to play in in the process. You'll recognize the format as being similar to the GFDT we've had in the past, but there's going to be an added focus on giving you all the chance to play with the top players from other sites, most of whom you've likely never had the pleasure of facing before.

The rules are as follows:
The tournament will be played in three rounds, with each player playing two games in each round. Games will all be played at webDiplomacy on the original Diplomacy map (Classic), and will be fully anonymous, full press with 36-hour phases and 5-point buy-ins. Games in the same round will start two weeks apart so that players aren't starting two games at once, and care will be taken to mix players from different sites in games so that everyone has a chance to experience unfriendly faces and new playstyles. If a player receives the same country assignment in both games in a round, the second game's country assignments will be shuffled.

A player's score in a game will be his or her final supply center count plus 420/draw size for a draw or 420 for a solo. Rounds will be seeded initially by site ranking and then by previous round's score in rounds after the first. Ties will be broken by seeding. Depending on the number of players, 14 or 27 with the highest scores will advance from the first round to the semifinal round, and then seven will advance from the semifinal round to the final round.

Each player will be allowed one pause per game lasting up to one week without question. Any further pauses must be agreed upon by everyone, and it is recommended that account sitters be found if such a situation arises. Games will also be paused to prevent NMR when possible, but any player who NMRs or is saved from NMRing twice will be replaced.

Sign up here:
How do webDip banned players play?

Hint: Better than your average webDipper. :-)
CoXBoT (1136 D)
25 Mar 15 UTC
Definitely interested...what should we use as our ranking number for vDip in the survey?
ghug (1012 D)
25 Mar 15 UTC
Use the ELO-based, vpoints hall of fame.
Valis2501 (985 D)
25 Mar 15 UTC
Elo isn't an acronym...why do this to us Hungarians?
Octavious (0 D)
25 Mar 15 UTC
...are you saying it's not a ranking system developed by the Electric Light Orchestra? Well, there goes my respect for it.

Draug asks an interesting question. Clearly there is no sensible option other than to give him a new webDip account.
Mapu (2086 D (B))
25 Mar 15 UTC
Octavious should join through this site, have his rating be last on the site, and get matched up against scrubs for the first couple of rounds.
Octavious (0 D)
25 Mar 15 UTC
I was thinking of joining for Facebook Diplomacy. I've been a member there for five years, and nearly finished my first game!
Maucat (1834 D)
25 Mar 15 UTC
I'm interested.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
26 Mar 15 UTC
Oh, I submitted an old GR from WebDip. I'll resubmit with my current VDip ranking. Gonna cut me a couple of fat slices of WebDip poontang.
jmo1121109 (1200 D Mod)
26 Mar 15 UTC
"How do webDip banned players play?"

They don't
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
26 Mar 15 UTC
@jmo - perhaps you ignorant cunts could have made that clear BEFORE I wasted my time. Jackass.
Octavious (0 D)
26 Mar 15 UTC
I'm assuming if the inter-site tournament was hosted by any other site than webDip then webDip banned players could join without issue. Given that, it strikes me as somewhat off that a ban from one of the many sites taking part should prevent someone joining.

It's not as if it would be difficult to allow an account to be created for the duration of the tournament and be deleted afterwards. It wouldn't be difficult either to keep those accounts silenced if you really wanted to. I really don't understand what the problem is.
@jmo - I didn't ask how the play in the tournament. I asked how the play in general. Then I answered. And I used a smiley. So go pound sand, smartass.
Thanks, oct. Maybe one or two of the other banned players would like to take part in the tournament. For me, I was just taking an opportunity to make a light hearted joke and have zero desire to join.
Octavious (0 D)
26 Mar 15 UTC
Aww... It would have been good to see you back. Maple too, for that matter. Not Synapse though, because he's an arse :p.

mapleleaf (1155 D X)
26 Mar 15 UTC
@jmo - perhaps you ignorant cunts could have made that clear BEFORE I wasted my time. Jackass.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
26 Mar 15 UTC
Oops. Sorry. Didn't mean to double post THAT ^
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
27 Mar 15 UTC
We ought to, in solidarity, inform these goofs that they can shove their tournament up zultar's mother's ass.
EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
27 Mar 15 UTC
EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
27 Mar 15 UTC
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
27 Mar 15 UTC
It does appear that this tournament attempts to use a scoring system that discourages players from allowing solos, and significantly punishes those who do. With the bonus pot set at 420 D to the winner or 420 to split among the draw, it effectively does away with the idea of dumping a solo because you can score more points by losing.

ghug (1012 D)
27 Mar 15 UTC
That's accurate.
Valis2501 (985 D)
27 Mar 15 UTC
Which is normal and correct. Tru's tournament is both an abberation and abnormal IMO
Mapu (2086 D (B))
01 Apr 15 UTC
Bump... we have some amazing press players on this site. Let's show the half-breeds from PlayDip and Webdip where the best players in the world play. Sign up and represent!
Les Matadors (1283 D)
01 Apr 15 UTC
I just joined.
Octavious (0 D)
01 Apr 15 UTC
We already know the best players are from Bounced. But thank you for offering to show us anyway, Mapu.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
02 Apr 15 UTC
WebDip ought to be IGNORED until they smarten up.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
02 Apr 15 UTC
They NEED to be told to go fuck themselves. It would be good for them.

If they decide to squirm back around again with a LOT more humility, THEN we consider lowering ourselves to associate with that detritus.
Valis2501 (985 D)
02 Apr 15 UTC
ghug (1012 D)
03 Apr 15 UTC
One more day to sign up, folks. We've got an excellent roster so far. Join them.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
03 Apr 15 UTC
A billion webdipper punks and a handful from the other sites. THREE from here, unless any more misguided souls broke ranks....
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
03 Apr 15 UTC
WebDip is essentially FLOODING this tournament with their members.

Sounds fair....
Octavious (0 D)
04 Apr 15 UTC
In what sense is it unfair? Diplomacy isn't a team game, unless I've been playing it wrong all these years...
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
04 Apr 15 UTC
A cross site tournament is won for the greater glory of one's tribe, moreso than for oneself.
Octavious (0 D)
04 Apr 15 UTC
No it isn't :p.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
04 Apr 15 UTC
Let's see how it plays out....
Maucat (1834 D)
08 Apr 15 UTC
I'm playing it for vdiplomacy... :)

38 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
01 Apr 15 UTC
Hey, Butterhead
So Texas is seemingly looking hard only at Shaka Smart. Gregg Marshall from Wichita State is seemingly not being looked at in the same way. For all of the hoopla over the Final Four run, do you have any insight as to why Shaka Smart has never won a conference title in either the Colonial or a gutted Atlantic 10?
0 replies
EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
27 Mar 15 UTC
I live!
Thanks to Mr Oli!
5 replies
Maucat (1834 D)
27 Mar 15 UTC
Maps of IMperial Diplomacy II disappear
The site is unable to charge the maps of Imperial Diplomacy II so it's impossible see anything of what happened in those games.
Can someone resolve the problem?
1 reply
EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
27 Mar 15 UTC
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
18 Mar 15 UTC
World War IV - Five players needed!
World War IV Public Press PPSC
Five players needed to replace players who have left - game hasn't started yet.
1 reply
Al Swearengen (1000 D)
07 Mar 15 UTC
Radio Free Webdiplomacy
Thank you for tuning in, Friends.
11 replies
Tyran (1361 D)
17 Mar 15 UTC
Welcome me back with a good game.
Been a long time since I played on vdip. I have a game under my belt recently but I'm hoping I can get a good one together to welcome me back.
2 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
11 Mar 15 UTC
Fellow WWIV experts and other Dip Players
You should do well at this. I got 16 out of 18 and would have gotten about 3 out of 18 if I'd never played Diplomacy.
12 replies
Anon (?? D)
05 Mar 15 UTC
Play Me - I Need to Avoid Working
1 reply
nschaumann (951 D)
05 Mar 15 UTC
How do I create a private game?
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
04 Mar 15 UTC
Fog game
Hey guys. Looking for people to join my new fog of war game. Just wanting to see how to variant plays out, casual game.
0 replies
Teams Torunament (2v2 or 2v2v2)
This would require special adjudication in the end game, I guess, but the idea sounds interesting. Anyone else interested. Please don't come in spouting how it isn't real diplomacy. Some of us don't care. We just want to have fun playing a game that uses the fundamental rules set of Diplomacy.
581 replies
Fivest (816 D)
01 Mar 15 UTC
Close account
Please, i need to close this account, can you handle with that? Thanks
1 reply
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