A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Jeff Kuta (998 D)
05 Jun 15 UTC
Live Classic France v Austria starting soon!
1 reply
rick.leeds (0 D)
06 Jun 15 UTC
Hi, just in case you missed it, the new Dip Zine 'The Velvet Glove' is out now. You can take a look here:
8 replies
Cult-of-Trajan (986 D)
08 Jun 15 UTC
Replacement player needed
Looks like we need a new England in a Fog of War game. Autumn 1901.
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ScubaSteve (1234 D)
05 Jun 15 UTC
Someone to take over my games
I have a personal emergengy that might make playing almost impossible.
1 reply
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
02 Jun 15 UTC
Ding Dong, the witch is dead! Good riddance, Sepp Blatter!
Surely even Retillion cannot find a way to disagree with this news.
34 replies
renzothepro (941 D)
02 Jun 15 UTC
Battle For Colonial Empires
1 reply
Marlen (1056 D)
28 May 15 UTC
Trust (a thought experiment)
I have an interesting hypothetical situation. Bonus points to whoever sees any real world parallel.
7 replies
Cult-of-Trajan (986 D)
31 May 15 UTC
Fog-of-War players needed
Need 2 more players for Grey Press Fog-of-War standard game (Hendricks)
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Anon (?? D)
02 Jun 15 UTC
To be the supreme dictator of all africa
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Hazza4569 (981 D)
01 Jun 15 UTC
2 Player ClassicGvI
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Hypoguy (1613 D)
31 May 15 UTC
Anyone interested in an Octopus game?
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Hazza4569 (981 D)
31 May 15 UTC
Droidippy Game
Does anybody use the android app droidippy? Looking for 2 more players in an invitational game 23vjvz8.
0 replies
Marlen (1056 D)
21 May 15 UTC
Rules/etiquette question
Anon full press game. I think I know who another player is. Is it cheating to attack a third player with the trust I have in this person based on their moves in the current game and past reputation?
35 replies
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
28 May 15 UTC
Is this a valid set of moves?
Read on...
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 May 15 UTC
Existential question from GOD?...
So as a bit of joke, GOD asked in an unrelated thread "What is love?" It was meant to illicit a response allusive of a music lyric. I throw out the actual question with my added subtext of how do we label our personal experiences with collective titles. Am I the only person who questions whether the "emotions" or "feelings" I attaches basic collectively defined nouns to even resemble what the words "mean" to the collective humanity? So "What is love?" but also "What is human?"
26 replies
Anon (?? D)
25 May 15 UTC
This thread is for people to confess sins safely and anonymously.

My confession is that I usually pee in the pool. Saves time, and who wants to get out to pee? The pool deck is cold.
2 replies
Billsome (911 D)
25 May 15 UTC
Classic Chaos?
I'm trying to start a game of Classic Chaos and have posted already on a new games thread, but I felt that to ever hope of reaching enough players, it needs more publicity. I had some people sign up but they've now left so if there aren't any takers this time, I'll take the hint and give up but please if anyone's interested, I really love to give this variant a try, it looks like such fun.
1 reply
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 May 15 UTC
RIP John Nash
Inventer of my 2nd favourite game in the whole world... plus being a math genius.
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Anon (?? D)
24 May 15 UTC
New game .. please join
2 replies
Marlen (1056 D)
24 May 15 UTC
Any programmers here?
Two things. First anyone interested in collaborating on some project and secondly can someone explain to me why Golang's panic is a heaping pile of fecal matter? Details to follow
1 reply
Marlen (1056 D)
23 May 15 UTC
Dare to dream: The Empire of Israel
We can pull it off. Basically I propose the following attacks: USA -> Syria, Iran -> USA, USA -> Iran, USA -> Saudi Arabia. The United Islamic State -> Israel, Israel -> UIS with the creation of an empire. ... thoughts?
11 replies
PTTG (808 D)
14 May 15 UTC
Games like vDiplomacy, but also TripleA?
I'm looking for a game that has vDiplomacy's simultaneous turns, asynchronous multiplayer, and ideally a light or in-browser UI, BUT also has a much more complex game system (not to say that Diplomacy is bad because it is simple, but rather that I'd like an alternative).
7 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
30 Aug 14 UTC
Hi all, I’d like to check if there's some interest for this 20-players Tournament idea.
In case we got a few people less or many people more, I could change within a few days the structure to adapt it to the new number, but the ideal number would be 20. More to follow.
161 replies
Tomahaha (1170 D)
20 May 15 UTC
I demand an apology
I was accused of lying about my mother being on her deathbed!
That demands an apology!
10 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
19 May 15 UTC
Rules/etiquette question
Anon full press game. I think I know who another player is. Is it cheating to warn a third player about this person based on their moves in the current game and past reputation?
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
28 Feb 15 UTC
King of Gunboat
Anonymous, WTA, Gunboat, 400pt buy-in, Day and a half long phases. gameID=22411 No riff raff.
42 replies
Zach0805 (811 D)
18 May 15 UTC
Pick Countries
0 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
09 Apr 15 UTC
Google Translate Game
I'm proposing a new game... details inside
80 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
09 May 15 UTC
The Reconquista circa 1030? A diplomacy variant
I was just reading about the Spanish inquisition and it occured to me that an interesting time period would be the Spanish reconquista. After a google search I found this map:
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
09 May 15 UTC
However it strikes me after some further searching that this map could stand to be made much more interesting. In particular I am refering to the following maps:

So what do people think? Worth developing a new variant on this topic?
Kaner - are you thinking 1 vs 1? Or a multitude of smaller Christian players vs a big Islam player?
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
09 May 15 UTC
I was thinking several smaller Christian players, but there seems to be scope for splitting some of the muslim territories as well...
steephie22 (933 D)
09 May 15 UTC
Yeah I would have several Christian and several Muslim players. I think you'd need to introduce some special mechanic involving the Christian and Muslim players to make this a really interesting variant rather than just another map. Since fleets don't play a major role here (I think?), I would think it might be a good idea to remove them as units and replace them with a Crusader/Jihadi unit, which has 2 strength against a unit of the opposing religion and 0 strength against a unit of the same religion.

That would encourage some sort of pact between people of the same religion, since if they can fight with Crusader/Jihadi units against the other religion, they have a huge advantage. It really adds a religious element and makes it truly unique as a variant.

Just put me in the credits I guess :-)
steephie22 (933 D)
09 May 15 UTC
Alternatively, if you can eliminate all people of your religion, you only need Crusader/Jihadi units and have a huge advantage that way, so that's a serious consideration too.
As I prefer historical accuracy over pure Dip gameplay, I would like to see Christians can't attack Christians and Muslims can't attack Muslims. The code to do this exists in the Pirates variant which prevent European countries and their privateers from attacking each other.
steephie22 (933 D)
09 May 15 UTC
Did Christians not attack eachother and Muslims not attack eachother though?
We are talking about the time when people pressed claims and fought eachother even within countries..
Obviously there was more incentive to drive back the 'infidels'..
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
09 May 15 UTC
It is my understanding that there was some serious infighting between the Christian rulers prior to the Aragon and Castille unification under Isobella and Ferdinand. I was also under the impression that the Muslim rulers of Al-Andalus weren't a united front either.

Some more research is needed I think
Been digging too kaner and you're right. If the map is balanced right there's no reason why you couldn't do three variants off one well designed map:

1. a multi-player (numerous Christian and Islamic kingdoms) as originally proposed.
2. if you wanted unify the Chistians and unify the Muslims to make a 1 vs 1 based on historical more north-south battle lines
3. if you don't like the premise of 1-vs-1 C/M, you could always create a 1 vs 1 Spanish Civil War map. A quick Google search has a finely balanced map for that one.

Bam! 3 variants for the price of 1.
steephie22 (933 D)
09 May 15 UTC
Meh, they all seem so.. normal to me. I like my idea most.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
10 May 15 UTC
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
10 May 15 UTC
I don't really want to play around too much with the concept of differently powered units. But the idea of having a unit that can move 2 spaces to some regions could work - something like the German 1648 variant (only less crazy!!)
steephie22 (933 D)
10 May 15 UTC
Okay, you lost my interest but good luck!
The key to either a unit that moves farther or that has more strength is to provide limits on where it can build or conversely on the opposing capability (strong moves only once per year or is only strong if it has dug in for a season, fast movers have half strength or must end a year on an SC, that kind of thing) otherwise the super unit is all anyone builds.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
10 May 15 UTC
You could have regions that are connected at a distance to provide an 'illusion' of being able to move further than normal (like a road or river system). IMO powerfull units are tricky and unbalance a map somewhat. I'm ok with keeping fleets as well Ibiza, Mallorca, Menorca and Nth Africa all played a role in this period)
Roads are a good idea. When I think of enhancing Diplomacy in general, I look to Middle-earth Play By Mail. Eliminating the random aspec5, there are still units of varying strength and speed with varying costs to build/support. There are roads and unpassable or more difficult to pass terrain and, much like Rinascimento (sp?), uncrossable rivers with bridges or mountain ranges with passes as well as garrisoned troops. Of course, MePBM is a he based map, and has a more complex economic system that we probably don't want to bring into play.
Hex based map... Stupid "smart" phone autocorrect.

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Valis2501 (985 D)
20 Jan 15 UTC
5-game GB Series
15 D each. Random countries. Classic map. WTA. Anon. No messaging.
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