A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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President Eden (1588 D)
14 Mar 12 UTC
Pre-emptive thread for EoGs for "SMS Zeus 5"

Fair warning to those sensitive about mental development - Expect lots of use of the phrase "functionally retarded" in mine.
airborne (970 D)
14 Mar 12 UTC
About who? Me?
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
14 Mar 12 UTC
Talking about ongoing games is not allowed on the forums as it's considered metagaming. Esp. if it's an anon game.
EoGs will not be posted until the game ends, no worries. I just want to claim the thread because I have plenty of questions for some people when the game is done.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
14 Mar 12 UTC
But now everybody knows you are in the game. It's pointless to make anon games and tell everybody that you are in the game...
Some people might now be able to communicate with you outside the game just because they know who to message...
While true, if I don't say anything to them (and I won't!) then there shouldn't be an issue, correct?

(admittedly I must confess I misjudged time... I expected the game was going to finish very shortly)

England, are you functionally retarded? I at least understand the Soviet Union's concern, I think. I suspect airborne feared he would be cut out of the draw and was fighting to get Italy to solo before that happened. I don't *necessarily* know that this would be the case, because I was trying to sue for peace with the USSR for a couple years as I kept being attacked.

But Ruud, seriously, what the fuck were you thinking? You were vital to holding the line in Canada, there was no way you were getting cut from the draw. You seriously threw the whole game and gave Italy the win so you could color Scandinavia pink and get a couple of thoroughly-inconsequential dots. Please never play with me again, I can't afford absolute inanity in my gunboats.

Japan & China - I apologize for throwing the game, I know you both were actually working to stop the Italian solo and I appreciate that you backed my efforts in the matter. I felt like if we had continued that England would try to cut me from the draw, and fuck that noise, he didn't make any effort to stop Italy and I don't feel it would have been right for me to spearhead the charge against Italy only to get screwed by the rest for it. I appreciate both of your efforts to stop Italy.

And finally, Guaroz - great win, my friend. You played that very very well. Our clash was fun while it lasted - it's just a damn shame some other people in the game are apparently unable to think.

(Neil - sorry I don't have any real comment for you :/ would have been nice to see you win against England, believe me. Better luck next time!)

As for the map itself - GREAT concept, I loved that. I feel like there might be some balance issues, though I'm not terribly certain how to articulate them. German strategy was initially to go for Italy, ironically, but the Soviet Union's early aggression around Poland (which I believe to be vital to German interests and a German natural neutral), and Italy's early support against the USSR, was the tipping point in switching that strategy.

The English then made their first serious mistake, which was to get involved with wars with the USA in North America AND Italy in the Middle East. The latter one came back to bite them in the rear when Italy began dominating South America, I think. On top of that, they seized Finland from me, selfishly grabbing what I'd worked hard to take, and then tried to move further against me, so I launched a two-front war (this sounds familiar). Unlike Herr Hitler, however, I successfully got to Moscow with Italian help, and routed the English from Norway. In A06 I saw Italy totally dominating the southern half of the board and decided that I had to try to stop the solo, so I stabbed Italy, sued for peace with Britain and the Soviet Union... and basically got slapped in the face for it. Ended up fighting a 3-front war with Italy in the south, England in the north and remnants of the Soviets in the East. I initially thought England was just taking Norway to get a build to use against Italy (which would have been fine), but then the incompetent bastard threw virtually his entire military at me, so I said the hell with it and gave Italy the win so I could survive.
airborne (970 D)
16 Mar 12 UTC
A bounce in Poland in the Spring is aggression? I hardly tried to stop you in the fall and in the next spring I was hoping to move south and into the Middle East where I believe Britain was weak but, then your builds made me too nervous, the rest is history.

BTW you over thought my end game after Turtling for a bit I moved forth just to grab a couple builds
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
16 Mar 12 UTC
PE, thanks for your congrats, but it's not me the one who played very well.
I took over kaner406's position in Dip. Autumn, 1909. (threadID=22998).
I will turn your congrats to kaner406 as he'll come back.

So... sorry, but I can't do meaningful comments because when I took it over I was already in a splendid position and fighting with everybody but UK. I played only last 7 Dip phases. So no strategy, at that point. Only tactics.

I just can tell you something about this thread.
At first, I wondered why PE (who's usually careful) opened a EoG...before the end!
Well, not a big issue, if it was only a misjudged time.
But I must confess that when you opened it (it was right after Ret Spr 1911 and Germany just missed his retreat to Hun from Yug), I thought you were Japan (my 2nd most serious enemy) complaining about a "retarded" Germany who missed that important retreat. LOL.
Only after the next turn, when you threw all you had against UK, I realized that the missed retreat was intentional and you were actually Germany complaining about UK! It was rather obvious... a shame I didn't understand it earlier.
Yeah. I do the same when the only chance to survive is helping the winner to win... ASAP!
(I throw all against a weaker enemy, I mean. And usually he's the latest enemy I got)

However. Can I ask you a favour?
I followed what you and Oli said. I have to tell you that I agree with Oli.
But what I want to ask you is to read this threadID=23668, in which I wrote my considerations about how anonymous game are misused (with my awful rethorical questions, please forgive me, I can do nothing about my style), and to read how an anonymous player feels when somebody else in the same game reveals himself in a Forum.
What I hope is that I can convince you and that a smart thinker like you will join the battle against NAA games.
Thank you. :)

Kind regards,
@airborne - Not *very* aggressive, but I figured Poland was a natural neutral, so I interpreted it akin to Russia bouncing England in St. Petersburg. I thought my builds were pretty neutral - 2 fleets would be committed against England, 3 armies would be unable to resist England.

And why would you do that? You didn't need the builds. You sabotaged Japan's and my attempts to stop Italy. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, but that excuse is almost as bad as England invading me when he did.

@Guaroz: I mistimed it, yeah. I thought I was making it on the final turn, didn't expect it to affect anything. Sorry if it did. You're right about the anon/non-anon issue.

Congrats to you and kaner for the excellent play, then!
airborne (970 D)
17 Mar 12 UTC
Well your point was also a reason too
ezpickins (1717 D)
18 Mar 12 UTC
As Japan, I had some great fun.
In the beginning, I opened what I consider to be quite poorly, and had to scramble to take enough US centers to recoup my losses. Attacking China was not desired, but he made me quite nervous. 1903 was a good year for me as I took Midway and Okinawa, and had convinced China to become friendly. England then moves on me, and I was baffled, which ended up in a loss of Panama. China moves towards me as I turn to face Italy and England and I feel stressed at this point (06). I lose both Hawaii and Okinawa (again) and I was fearful of an Italian solo. By 1909 Italy was a clear favorite to win, and China got greedy about my SCs and lost Okinawa. I take russia's SC, and after this point, it takes Germany and I a few turns to coordinate regarding Leningrad.

In the End, my biggest complaint is the English Player who randomly attacked Germany, when we could have held out against Italy

11 replies
Anyone up for a quick game?
0 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
17 Mar 12 UTC
I feel so stupid:
but after like, 2 years here or so, I JUST realized that the notifications about your games(when you have moves or messages) are in the color of your country!!! anybody else not notice that, or am I just that oblivious XD
12 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
18 Mar 12 UTC
the winner gets less points??
Up till year 961 Denmark and Rome had equal amount of centers and points. But in the year after 962 Denmar got more centers and won the game. The question is how come I got less points than the second player!?
2 replies
Praed (868 D)
18 Mar 12 UTC
Live Gunboat 3/18
Anyone interested in a live gunboat within the next hour, please let me know here. Thanks.
6 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
16 Mar 12 UTC
Habelya Team Game
Habelya....the way it was meant to be played....
Do we have any takers?
17 replies
Neil (957 D)
17 Mar 12 UTC
Youngstown bug
I cant move STP to Norway... gameID=6668
1 reply
Praed (868 D)
17 Mar 12 UTC
Live Gunboat 3/17
If anyone wants to play a live gunboat within the next 30mins, please sign up below. Thanks.
1 reply
javidtl (976 D)
17 Mar 12 UTC
New game
I have created this game. Please join it. It's a Fall of the American Empire IV
0 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
17 Mar 12 UTC
I'd like to implement a setting to disable processing of a game during the weekend. But what is a weekend?
What time frame should I choose...?
8 replies
nikat (987 D)
17 Mar 12 UTC
FoW in Attack of the Rats
AotR variant includes the Fog of the War rule.
In Classic-FoW there's a rule: "Territories with a support-center: See their current territory + every territory that share a border with them"
It seems that rat's non-home support-centers don't see their neighbour territories.
1 reply
orathaic (952 D)
17 Mar 12 UTC
Jesus of Nazereth was a Buddhist monk?

pm for password
0 replies
adalephat (733 D)
16 Mar 12 UTC
Anybody wants to play a live duel now?
0 replies
Dharmy (956 D)
04 Mar 12 UTC
The Duel LIVE :: Evs.T - England vs. Turkey - Place ads here...
( Pref.: 5min, Anon. Public Chat. ) _ _ _ The Duel LIVE :: Place ads here.
3 replies
mwaschak (1237 D)
16 Mar 12 UTC
Help Starting 1066
Hello! We are trying to start a game with the 1066 variant but it doesn't appear it is available in the variant menu (where as many others are). Is there something we have to do to try it? Thanks!
3 replies
Need 2 more players...
For this game:
3 replies
Youngstown Question
Are North Pacific Ocean and St. Petersburg touching?

It seems that way, but that would be kind of strange.
6 replies
crixno (1248 D)
16 Mar 12 UTC
play ww2 with me
1 reply
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
15 Mar 12 UTC
New EXTEND feature. One question and one worry.
12 replies
canaduh (1293 D)
15 Mar 12 UTC
Objection to game restriction!
I got this rather surprising message ....
10 replies
World War II - Europe in Chaos
I am seriously hoping that we can get a Europe1939 variant going.
0 replies
airborne (970 D)
15 Mar 12 UTC
Game of Diplomacy: Youngtown Redux
This is going to be a periodic installment of a Game of Diplomacy style ( writing. I will post new chapters as soon as I'm done. Comments are encouraged each chapter!
1 reply
catan (998 D)
14 Mar 12 UTC
Building issues on Rinascimento maps
Hi, We had discovered that france can build at annecy and turkey can build at wester mediterranean sea (or eastern i don't remember well). So i want know if this is a well know bugs of the map or we have make a wrong implementations for this map.

7 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
for curious players: Variant popularity ranking
this is the current situation:
18 replies
crixno (1248 D)
14 Mar 12 UTC
HOW SO I POST A VARIANT!!! I REALLY WANT TO MAKE ON AND POST IT BUT I DONT KNOW HOW!!? please let me know how if you do!!!!!
10 replies
canaduh (1293 D)
13 Mar 12 UTC
Retracting messages
Is there any support for the idea that you can retract a message to another player before they have read it?
I have just sent the wrong message to the wrong player. I would like to take it back, as he has not seen it. What do people think?
9 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
12 Mar 12 UTC
I Need Some Critiquing...
Hey, everyone...I need some real, thoughtful criticism on this poem here. It is to be submitted with the chance of being selected to be published:
20 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
13 Mar 12 UTC
Youngstown Redux2 gulfs bug?
gameID=6669 2 powers each allowed post fleet orders move to non-adjoining Gulf. - G. of T (Tonkin) on map separated both by SChinaSea. G. of Thailand (spelled out) on map separate. France submits: "fleet at Cambodia support move to Gulf of Thailand from Saigon." - Saigon move succeeded except that it is now adjacent to Vietnam in Gulf of Tonkin. - Likewise, Britain orders fleet Borneo to Gulf of Thailand. Maps show Borneo fleet attempt to go to Gulf of T(onkin), not Thailand gulf
6 replies
Raro (1449 D)
14 Mar 12 UTC
Replacement needed
chaos game:

Vienna 4sc's (3 units)
0 replies
kmorris22 (967 D)
14 Mar 12 UTC
Epic Game
I need some more people to join my game! its called epic game and has five minute phases! only 10 to join! :)
4 replies
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