A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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keeperteacher (902 D)
26 Mar 12 UTC
im looking for some people for a classic map
0 replies
LakersFan (1373 D)
26 Mar 12 UTC
Reparations for being Ousted by Multi's?
7 replies
President Eden (1588 D)
26 Mar 12 UTC
EvT Games
Still trying to get an understanding of how this variant works.

5 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
26 Mar 12 UTC
Lets see we can play it or not!
2 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
26 Mar 12 UTC
Anyone up for a live game?
2 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
25 Mar 12 UTC
100 games completed in 83 Days Tenure!
I have completed century of games!

15 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
25 Mar 12 UTC
What Does "smh" mean?
Crazy teenagers and their poorly educated textual messaging! I ought to smack some sense into each and every one of them! Back in my day, the only abbreviations we needed to know were "ICBM," "SDI," and "R.R. '85!"
10 replies
Piece of Land (965 D)
24 Mar 12 UTC
The Big Fight!
2 replies
Cannot get orders in

9 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
25 Mar 12 UTC
I think there should be a muting stat next to "Liked" for both threads and individuals. I want to know.
0 replies
crixno (1248 D)
24 Mar 12 UTC
New Games tab not working!!!
My "New Games" tab is not working! It says there are 28 new games but only 1 show up!!! AHHHH!!! plz help!
5 replies
Winning 3
Cause anythings better if good ol' Diplomat 33 starts it. And wins.
10 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
21 Mar 12 UTC
Winning 2
I will now institute my evil plan, I now declare myself the winner of the winning thread, this is the winning thread, let the game begin! mwahahahahahahaha
17 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
14 Mar 12 UTC
players needed for an epic battle for Italy!!!
password is: nodraws
just want a game where everyone agrees to only draw in event of mass NMR's-CD's or a stalemate. it's pick your country so join up!!!
20 replies
G (966 D)
24 Mar 12 UTC
Posting in this thread disqualifies you from winning in any other thread.
1 reply
fasces349 (1007 D)
24 Mar 12 UTC
1066 bug
It appears I can see north east north sea even though I have no unit nearby.
2 replies
Caedus (952 D X)
23 Mar 12 UTC
Touchy Variant Gunboat

Need just two more players
22 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
14 Mar 12 UTC
need someone to take over russia in youngstown! game didnt start yet
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
14 Mar 12 UTC
You joined it or 20 D... we would have to join for 32...
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
14 Mar 12 UTC
points matter
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
14 Mar 12 UTC
dafuq...but if you are a REALLY good player, you will win with Russia!
So, who accepts the challenge?
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
14 Mar 12 UTC
Russia's screwed in this map.
In Europe it's a regular 4-units Russia against giant 4-units Austria Germany & Turkey.
In Asia it's a meaningless 2-units power that can't even watch its borders.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
14 Mar 12 UTC
Also...this gunboat just turned into a NAA game.
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
14 Mar 12 UTC
but no one knows who i am!
*feel like a ninja*
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
14 Mar 12 UTC
No, I don't know who you are. But I know you're in. I know there's a very good player inside who has a winning record (win+draw)= 47%. I know there's a player with a good draw attitude (21%) and this could mean that you're a good cooperator. And since it's more likely that you'll be allied with someone else (5 : 1) than with me, this is not a good news.
Further, I'm not the only one who knows you're in and you're not Russia. Maybe someone else knows your style better than me and could guess who you are, at some point.
Also, who can assure to me that one or more in the other six won't PM you like "Hi GOD, I'm France who are you?". I'm sure you wouldn't reply, you're a fair player. But you'd know who's France and so you'd know some things about him more than me.

GOD, although I'm aware it's NOT cheating yet, knowing who's in an Anon game is the first step towards cheating. That's why I don't join Not-Anonymous-Anymore games.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
16 Mar 12 UTC
Oh, about Anonymous games...Something everyone should read that I was forgetting, GOD.

If someone has time to spend, he can watch as the countries' orders change status.
IE (by fantasy):
1:02 PM Game progressed to Diplomacy, Spring 1777.
1:15 PM Austria saved orders - check to GOD's profile "Last logged in: 7:35 AM" - No, GOD is not Russia and he's not Austria.
1:52 PM Japan finalized orders - check to GOD's profile "Last logged in: 7:35 AM" - So, GOD is not Russia, not Austria, not Japan.
2:29 PM France saved orders - check to GOD's profile "Currently logged in" - GOD is not Russia, not Austria, not Japan. Maybe France.
5:12 PM India saved orders - check to GOD's profile "Last logged in: 2:31PM" - GOD is not Russia, not Austria, not Japan, not India. Maybe France.
5:55 PM France finalized orders - check to GOD's profile "Last logged in: 5:54 PM" - GOD is not Russia, not Austria, not Japan, not India. PROBABLY France.
...and so on....
GOD, if someone wants to know who you are, he can discover it. Very easily, it's just a matter of time. And, after he discovered you, you could receive this PM:
"Hi GOD. I know you're France. I'm Britain. I'm moving X to Y. If you support me, I'll support .."
The game would be screwed enough already, but...
Temptation... ♫ Temptatiooon...♪

Why do you think the programmers bothered to hide all your current Anon games in your profile? It's to make the cheaters' life harder.
Programmers even hid your real current D-points amount, when you're at least in one Anon game, so nobody can understand where you are just counting D-points.
If hiding the correspondence between Nicknames and Countries was safe enough, they wouldn't have done all that programming work, would they?

EACH TIME somebody reveals himself, this is what I think and wonder (like anyone else could do) about him:

1) Probably he doesn't intend to cheat. Probably, not surely. (Funny, everyone usually swears he doesn't intend to cheat. As if Diplomacy Players were all sincere guys who never never ever lie. Lol.)
To believe or not to believe? This is the question. Why he's giving me such a dilemma? It's distressing. It hurts. It's disrespectful towards me. It's so hard to understand? He's putting me in a position where I must decide if he's either a good guy or a liar attempting to cheat. And I don't want to be in this position! I _didn't_ want, but now I'm in. He decided for me.... Very disrespectful!
Could I ever say something like:
"Listen mate... frankly... I don't trust you. Why should I? I don't know you: we're on the internet! But you're giving me no choice but to totally trust you, while I don't want to. It's disrespectful towards me. Even if there's no cheat (who could be sure?), you've already ruined my fun. So: shut up and don't reveal you're in an Anon never ever again!"
Could I? No. I could not. Because I would be the disrespectful guy then.

2) Even _if_ he doesn't intend to cheat, he's helping anyone who wants to.

3) Programmers did a lot of job and provided any kind of features to hide players' identity into an Anon, and he's throwing away their job. Does he really think he's smarter than programmers, or he's not that stupid (and therefore he's probably a cheater)?

4) As usual, the reason why the player revealed himself into the public forum, it's NOT a good reason. I've never found a good one. I guess there aren't reasons good enough to screw a game. Can he listen to anything else but his own ego? He looks rather selfish.

5) So, why it's so hard to understand for him that he should keep himself anonymous? It's a simple shouldn't be that hard. Anonymous means that NOBODY knows the name. It's unknown. Period.
Isn't it common sense? Yes. Infact somebody replied "oops...sorry" several times.
But now this guy's saying "Nobody knows which Country I am!" instead. As if it was a logical thing. Well, it looks so, at a very first sight. But isn't it what a chronical cheater would say?
Or does he believe that a cheater would say "Yes, I was trying to cheat and to encourage possible other cheaters to PM me" ?

6) Looks like he didn't notice he's talking about an anon. And maybe he's the one who created it. He created it anonymous... only for the others! Not for himself. Does he think he's superior and rules don't apply to him? We're 2,000 users here...

7) If he doesn't like anonymous games, he should simply not join/create them.
And not turn them into NAA, keeping those who believed they joined an Anon as hostages into his NAA prison-game. Did he asked them their permission to reveal his name on a Forum? Did they granted it to him? No. Hostages into a prison. The first turn has begun and they can't leave the NAA anymore. He left them no choice.

So, GOD, revealing you're in an Anon it's a thing whose advisability shouldn't be even discussed. It should be forbidden. Actually, as Oli recently said in another thread:

"Talking about ongoing games is not allowed on the forums as it's considered metagaming. Esp. if it's an anon game."
"It's pointless to make anon games and tell everybody that you are in the game..."

GOD, I believe you're a honest guy whose intentions are good, but please don't do it again. Thanks.

Kind regards
Decima Legio (1987 D)
17 Mar 12 UTC
GOD (I mean User ID#: 790 :-D), I would expect you to have the good manners to answer about this topic. Let us have your point of view.
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
17 Mar 12 UTC
Uhum...much english text to read...wait :D
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
17 Mar 12 UTC
Seeing now how hard it is to find new members on the forum for a anon game it might help if I made an interface to post an anonymous-message from within the game on the forums... (But I have no clue how hard this would be...)
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
17 Mar 12 UTC
@Guaroz: something isnt working with your calculation who i not france :DD
And it was never my intention to cheat, I was just afraid the game would get unbalanced if Russia would go CD in the first year and i thought that the postion wasnt that bad because it is a gunboat so noone made alliances against Russia during the time...
AND I DONT CHEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont like cheating like that because I LOVE gunboats...because you cant communicate with words...
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
17 Mar 12 UTC
No reply?
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
17 Mar 12 UTC
Haha GOD, I believe you and I are the worst english-read/writers on this site! :-)
Like a mute speaking to a deaf! :D:D

>>>>IE (by fantasy):
1:02 PM Game progressed to Diplomacy, Spring 1777.
**** It was just a fantasy example, totally invented. Or is your game really in 1777 ?
Luckily, you added a :DD in the end! :-)

<<<<And it was never my intention to cheat,
>>>>GOD, I believe you're a honest guy whose intentions are good,
>>>>GOD, although I'm aware it's NOT cheating

<<<<I was just afraid the game would get unbalanced if Russia would go CD in the first year
**** I knew this was your reason. It was even a rather good reason, that's how I know that your intentions were good. But, as it always happens in these cases, it was not a reason good enough to screw a game.
There is no excuse to turn an Anon into a non-Anon.

<<<<i thought that the postion wasnt that bad because it is a gunboat so noone made alliances against Russia during the time...
**** Who knows, maybe you're right and Russia is not that bad. But this is off-topic, We're all talking about NAA games, now.

<<<<AND I DONT CHEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>GOD, I believe you're a honest guy whose intentions are good,
>>>>GOD, although I'm aware it's NOT cheating

<<<<i dont like cheating like that because I LOVE gunboats
**** Oh.... I LOVE gunboats so much, too... That's why I HATE NAAs!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gunboats work only if they're fully anonymous.
Gunboats are funny only if they're fully anonymous.
If you really love them, you know it.
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
17 Mar 12 UTC
lets end this topic with saying that my intention were honest but i didnt made the right thing?
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
18 Mar 12 UTC
Ok, sure. :))
But do a right thing, from time to time. As you can, teach people that talking in the Forum about starting or ongoing Anon it's not a right thing! :)
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
18 Mar 12 UTC
@ Oli. >>> an interface to post an anonymous-message from within the game on the forums... (But I have no clue how hard this would be...)

It looks a good idea. But.

But it would also be rather useless if, first, people doesn't learn how important is to preserve anonymity of games. Because they could still post on forum with their name. Esp. new beginners or newcomers could not be aware of the usefulness of this new tool. They could be even not aware it exists. Or they'd know it, but they're not aware that posting on Forum is an issue, if they use their real Nickname. So? So:

__________ 1 - A clear Rule ________

Well, in the whole >help/etiquette page, there's only one, weak and small, reference* about this issue. And it could not be that obvious, that you must not talk in the Forum about Anon/Gunboats, if you don't read it carefully.

I believe that we should put more enphasis on this issue. Perhaps with a new stand-alone Rule where you state clearly that anonymity of games must be preserved, and therefore in the Forum is forbidden:
- to talk about ongoing games
- to post links of Anon games
- say anything that can make it clear that you're in a certain Anon games
- ...
So...Make up Rule 10? :)

IE, the Italian WebDiplomacy site has Rule 3.1.** This is my (bad) translation:

>3.1 Preserve anonymity
>If you join an Anonymous game, do not reveal, in any case, that you're in it to
>any users. Depending on how grave infringements of the present rule are,
>Mods will remove you from a game, "freeze" your account for a period, ban
>you forever. They can also cancel games as many people are involved.

A stand-alone Rule would be a useful tool.
This way, when somebody links, in the Forum, a gameID of an Anon, other users wouldn't be forced to explain with long messages all the reasons why it's a wrong thing to do, but they could simply say "Hey mate, you can't do this. Didn't you read Rule 3.1?"

So the Forum would be really and easily self-moderated. Any user could teach the proper behaviour to newcomers and mods would intervene in a very little number of cases.

__________ 2 - A sight from a different point of view __________

Why should people be wanting to talk about starting/ongoing games?
I see 4 main reasons:
1) Advertising the game they just created or joined
2) Ask for clarifications about the Variant they're playing (Special rules, features, borders...)
3) Report errors, bugs, glitches...
4) Search & recruit a substitute who takes over a CDed Country

Am I forgetting any more good reason?... No?... Well, let's see.

1) Advertising is not a good reason. Quiet, I explain.
ADvertising is funny, yes. But is it really necessary? Like most of the players do in here, and surely all expert players do, when I want to join a new game I open the >Games/New page. Then I read ALL the games. I read what their variant/bet/phase/pot type/press rule/EoG/VC/Rating Req/whateverelse is. Only THEN, I choose my game. Why should I care of ADs? Perhaps there's a better game starting! I always check ALL starting games, so I can choose.
I won't miss the ADed game because I'll check them all. So what's the use in ADs? And why I usually read ADs and open the links inside, then? Mainly because someone could reveal he's into an Anon, and turn the game itself from Anon to NAA.
Funny. Currently, the main reason why I read ADs is to know which games I MUST NOT JOIN or which games I MUST LEAVE before they start. :D
So they only kinds of games that really need ADs are:
a) Live Games. There's a thread already. (But many people don't know/use it. A pity all newcomers open new threads for their live games. And the Forum is rather spammed. There's should be something in the Help Section. A link?)
b) Games with some special rule (no-stabbing, team games, fasces349's Metagames, ... ) that you can't deduce from the game parameters. A thread explaining the special rule(s) is needed. Interested people usually make questions and rules are debated. So everybody know who will join it. At this point make it Anon would be... pointless.
c) Games inside a Tournament. Same as "b"
All other kinds don't need ADs. Expert players read the >Games/New page often and carefully.

2) Explanations. They can be asked WITHOUT linking the GameID. If only someone could explain this simple rule to beginners. Put anything in the Help Section?

3) Errors Report. The only person who can do something with errors is Oli. So why the hell people post messages on the forum linking gameIDs of Anon games?!? PM Oli! I don't care! Only cheaters care.
Put anything in the Help Section?

4) Search & recruit a substitute who takes over a CDed Country (And we're back to where this thread started, BTW).
Well nobody makes ADs for hopeless CDed countries. And people usually don't make ADs if they can take advantage from a neighbour's CD. So when I read an ADs like "Take over this France! Very good & playable position!", I open the map and I usually understand which Country is held by the user who made the AD. I mean to say that "take-over-this-Country" ADs are done ONLY when there's someone who has an interest in it. Usually because his enemy can take more advantage from that CD than him. Well. (Well?)
Now. I must confess that I don't open >Games/Open page when I'm looking for a new game. And I'm afraid that not enough people do it, since the CD Countries aren't usually taken over, in the games I'm in. This is the point.
I think we should find a way to encourage people to take over countries in any position. Not only those playable and ADed ones. Possibly all.

My idea is the following:
1) Taking over a CD is the opposite of doing a CD. It's a right thing to do! It's useful!
So why don't we consider it when we compute a Reliability Rating? If you could do a stand-alone stat for Take-Overs (like "Left", but without interfere with other percentages) you could use this stat like a "bonus" in your RR formula.
2) Half buy in. TO's bonus wouldn't be enough encouraging for those who already have RR=100%. Further, it often happens that you see the map and read:
France....Left.....Bet 20 D....worth 40 D....SCs 12.....units 10
it may look a good position but it's Autumn and last Spring 2 enemy units took 2 French SCs and now they're about to take one more. Stats say 12 SCs. Truth is 9. So why should I spend 40 D for a Country that actually is worth only 30 D? Let players pay 20 D for it and you'll have tons of users looking for TOs. Would it be doable?

People trying to overcome their bad RR. People looking for a good buy. Or both things.
>Game/Open would be the first page users would open as they log in this site.

No more ADs.
No more 40 "Open" games (I just looked at it), that is to say 40 screwed games, on this server.

________ 3 - Conclusions _________

There are more effective ways to avoid people break their anonymity typing game IDs on the Forum. Also they are SOLID solutions, because they teach people the correct behaviour. Many new players join this site every week and they learn bad behaviours from uneducated old users. It'll be ever worse... unless we don't break this vicious circle and start teach.
If we put many useful informations on the Help Section, people would open it often.
They'd learn.

So maybe anonymous-messages is just a good-looking weak solution, on the wrong path. Also, they'd be easily misused. We'd have lots of idiots anonymously SPAMMING the Forum.

Luckily, we got better solutions, I believe.

Kind regards,


* - "Rarely self-moderation isn't enough; e.g. threads which share information on a private / anonymous / gunboat game,"

** -
Decima Legio (1987 D)
18 Mar 12 UTC
Keeping people talking about ongoing games on the forum is a habit you should forbid.
Expecially for Anon games.
Expecially for Anon+gunboat games.

If you let people send anonymous messages in the forum about gameID-XXXX...
gameID-XXXX shall be totally screwed by metagaming.
The chance you give us will be widely abused.

You should find a way to promote the already existing page instead:

30% to 50% off price buy in is a simple and excellent idea.
The current bet size is too high because of the harsh circumstances you find when your good intention is to replace a CD.

Oli, halve the price and you will hardly see a "resigned" score.
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
18 Mar 12 UTC
Oh you have nothing better to do than writing about three billin pages text on english?
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
18 Mar 12 UTC
It's because... I love gunboats. Really.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
21 Mar 12 UTC
currently open games are 48... they are about one quarter of the active games...
gman314 (1016 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
You know, most of these ideas are good, but there is a massive problem: Your solutions preach to the converted.

I think what might be a useful idea would be to create an account called "Advertisement" to be the site's multi. This account could probably be set up to have no points and then its username and password could be posted in the "New Thread" section. Then, someone posting an ad might, with any luck, see that they should use the "Advertisement" account instead. Then, all ads could be posted by the same account to break anonymity.
LOL, just misread the thread title. Thought it said "Need someone to take over Russia in a rubbish position."

23 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
23 Mar 12 UTC
Game isnt progressing o.O
7 replies
The Ambassador (2267 D (B))
21 Mar 12 UTC
Communication breakdown game?
I'm playing a game where someone playing silly buggers discussed the idea of Dip Roulette (Chat Roulette with pants on). It got me thinking about a game that requires a bit of honesty, would be relatively low value and a bit of interest....
16 replies
Nemesis17 (1709 D)
22 Mar 12 UTC
Looking for players for classical map
5 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
21 Mar 12 UTC
There are 12 players online.. Who are they? Can they just put there hello here?
At this time not many players are online because its night n Usa or Europe(I dont know) But in India its Broad DAY...So wanted to see how many people are online at this time..
5 replies
airborne (970 D)
22 Mar 12 UTC
Sid Meier's Pirates!
New Pirate map, 1 day phases, 10 buy-in
1 reply
Varianto (1894 D)
22 Mar 12 UTC
Flush on the footlocker

hey UK, you here?
Please don't NMR.
0 replies
canaduh (1293 D)
22 Mar 12 UTC
Jumping screens?
Does anyone know what I mean? I am looking at my map, have put in some instructions and saved, and then my screen starts moving up and down as if it is scrolling through all my orders. Apart from being really annoying, I was wondering what was causing it - any thoughts?
4 replies
Need 2 players for classic Diplomacy
2 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
16 Mar 12 UTC
[LIVE] Breaking Silence Series.
I don't know why not many play live games. I like live games so starting this series ..Maybe I could get to you all....

24 replies
Up for a 1-on-1 american civil war game?
7 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
21 Mar 12 UTC
This thread will be used to keep track of the amount of prestige held by players competing in the Prestige Series
1 reply
taylor4 (936 D)
19 Mar 12 UTC
Youngstown gunboat
Need replacement anonymous player gameID=6669
8 replies
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