A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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President Eden (1588 D)
14 Mar 12 UTC
Pre-emptive thread for EoGs for "SMS Zeus 5"

Fair warning to those sensitive about mental development - Expect lots of use of the phrase "functionally retarded" in mine.
11 replies
Anyone up for a quick game?
0 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
17 Mar 12 UTC
I feel so stupid:
but after like, 2 years here or so, I JUST realized that the notifications about your games(when you have moves or messages) are in the color of your country!!! anybody else not notice that, or am I just that oblivious XD
12 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
18 Mar 12 UTC
the winner gets less points??
Up till year 961 Denmark and Rome had equal amount of centers and points. But in the year after 962 Denmar got more centers and won the game. The question is how come I got less points than the second player!?
2 replies
Praed (868 D)
18 Mar 12 UTC
Live Gunboat 3/18
Anyone interested in a live gunboat within the next hour, please let me know here. Thanks.
6 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
16 Mar 12 UTC
Habelya Team Game
Habelya....the way it was meant to be played....
Do we have any takers?
17 replies
Neil (957 D)
17 Mar 12 UTC
Youngstown bug
I cant move STP to Norway... gameID=6668
1 reply
Praed (868 D)
17 Mar 12 UTC
Live Gunboat 3/17
If anyone wants to play a live gunboat within the next 30mins, please sign up below. Thanks.
1 reply
javidtl (976 D)
17 Mar 12 UTC
New game
I have created this game. Please join it. It's a Fall of the American Empire IV
0 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
17 Mar 12 UTC
I'd like to implement a setting to disable processing of a game during the weekend. But what is a weekend?
What time frame should I choose...?
8 replies
nikat (987 D)
17 Mar 12 UTC
FoW in Attack of the Rats
AotR variant includes the Fog of the War rule.
In Classic-FoW there's a rule: "Territories with a support-center: See their current territory + every territory that share a border with them"
It seems that rat's non-home support-centers don't see their neighbour territories.
1 reply
orathaic (952 D)
17 Mar 12 UTC
Jesus of Nazereth was a Buddhist monk?

pm for password
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adalephat (733 D)
16 Mar 12 UTC
Anybody wants to play a live duel now?
0 replies
Dharmy (956 D)
04 Mar 12 UTC
The Duel LIVE :: Evs.T - England vs. Turkey - Place ads here...
( Pref.: 5min, Anon. Public Chat. ) _ _ _ The Duel LIVE :: Place ads here.
3 replies
mwaschak (1237 D)
16 Mar 12 UTC
Help Starting 1066
Hello! We are trying to start a game with the 1066 variant but it doesn't appear it is available in the variant menu (where as many others are). Is there something we have to do to try it? Thanks!
3 replies
Need 2 more players...
For this game:
3 replies
Youngstown Question
Are North Pacific Ocean and St. Petersburg touching?

It seems that way, but that would be kind of strange.
6 replies
crixno (1248 D)
16 Mar 12 UTC
play ww2 with me
1 reply
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
15 Mar 12 UTC
New EXTEND feature. One question and one worry.
12 replies
canaduh (1293 D)
15 Mar 12 UTC
Objection to game restriction!
I got this rather surprising message ....
10 replies
World War II - Europe in Chaos
I am seriously hoping that we can get a Europe1939 variant going.
0 replies
airborne (970 D)
15 Mar 12 UTC
Game of Diplomacy: Youngtown Redux
This is going to be a periodic installment of a Game of Diplomacy style ( writing. I will post new chapters as soon as I'm done. Comments are encouraged each chapter!
airborne (970 D)
15 Mar 12 UTC
Game of Diplomacy: Youngtown Redux
1. Japan
A powerful country, “the Britain of the East” Japan is clearly a strong power defensively and has some offensive capabilities. Yet, Japan’s main flaw is the fact the defensiveness of the Japanese Isles weakens its offensive position requiring convoys and control of the seas to move inland that is needed to win. In that perspective, Japan overarching goal then should be to make Tsingtao, Vladivostok, Shanghai, Peking, Guangzhou, Saigon, and Singapore; Japanese or allied with Japan. With those ports in control Japan is almost assured a survival and strong possibility of a solo or draw. Japan is overall comparable to Britain however is a bit weaker defensive (in the short term at least) and stronger offensively.
Japan has a very secure position in the East with three fleets and an army Japan has a very good chance for 2 or 3 builds and landing an army on the mainland. The Philippines, Formosa, Korea, and Karafuto are all within grasp in the first year. Yet, there is one respect where Japan is a bit weaker defensively than Britain, while Britain only have the French fleet in Brest; Japan has a Russian, Chinese, and German fleet within striking distance. There is also a critical sea space that will be contested with Japan; East China Sea which touches 6 SCs, 3 of which are Home SCs.
To win a player only needs 1/3 of the SCs or 28. This is where Japan struggles a bit. Let’s start north with Vladivostok, Karafut, then all of “Greater China” (All Chinese Home SCs, Tsingtao, then the 4 neutrals of Mongolia, Korea, Xinjiang, and Manchuria for a total of 9) this gives Japan 14 in the north and center. Moving south Japan can seize the Philippines, Borneo, Java, Saigon, Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, and Burma. This puts Japan at 22, now picking up the remaining 5 is where Japan has to think of for the long term game. Japan can seize a European SC or two with the off boxes but this is gain and hard to defend yet somewhat possible. Japan could end up mopping up India and take Ceylon, Delhi, Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay for a win. It would be really hard work to take Omsk or Persia since they are easily held from the west. A few more possible end game SCs are Afghanistan, Mogadishu, and Oman.
Japan has some options in the first year. We will be concentrating on the fleets. While the Army in Kyoto has a lot of options indeed this is deceiving. The army should move into Non-SC Japanese territories depending on what fleet that the army is going to be convoyed on. Sapporo should go to Sea of Japan if possible. With this it keeps Russia on its toes, keep Russia away from Japan and contests for Korea and Karafuto. However, if Russia’s friendship is desired it may be better to move into North Pacific Ocean. Tokyo is useful to move into the South Pacific Ocean which will be able to pick up a build in the south. North Pacific Ocean with Tokyo in combination with Sapporo-Sea of Japan is a risky gambit to gain control of northeast Asia, I don’t recommend it but, it has merits. Osaka has the awkward East China Sea conflict to deal with. It is 100% preferable for Japan to take East China Sea in the spring however this can be opposed by China or Germany or in a worse case situation the combination of both.
Friends and Enemies
Japan has a few neighbors to deal; the most important however is China. Shanghai will always be a threat to Japan, China is also a crucial part of a Japanese Empire, it would be extremely hard to get a solo without China or its neutrals that China will claim. Short term alliances and deals can be formed but, in the long term China and Japan are hardly compatible. Germany or Russia in that regard can be good short to midterm allies given a token position in the Far East. As Japan they are ultimately going to have to be dealt with less they become a threat. Ideally, Japan work to create alliance against China and then work one by one knock off the Europeans. An Anglo-French war in the south is very much preferred for easier expansion in the South and with an Anglo-French alliance a serious threat to Japanese expansion. India can be a friend or foe. India has solid armies which can help Japan on its landward expansion while its fleets can be a major problem in the long term. It preferable for India to go west and it is possible for India and Japan to form a mid to long term alliance.

1 reply
catan (998 D)
14 Mar 12 UTC
Building issues on Rinascimento maps
Hi, We had discovered that france can build at annecy and turkey can build at wester mediterranean sea (or eastern i don't remember well). So i want know if this is a well know bugs of the map or we have make a wrong implementations for this map.

7 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
for curious players: Variant popularity ranking
this is the current situation:
18 replies
crixno (1248 D)
14 Mar 12 UTC
HOW SO I POST A VARIANT!!! I REALLY WANT TO MAKE ON AND POST IT BUT I DONT KNOW HOW!!? please let me know how if you do!!!!!
10 replies
canaduh (1293 D)
13 Mar 12 UTC
Retracting messages
Is there any support for the idea that you can retract a message to another player before they have read it?
I have just sent the wrong message to the wrong player. I would like to take it back, as he has not seen it. What do people think?
9 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
12 Mar 12 UTC
I Need Some Critiquing...
Hey, everyone...I need some real, thoughtful criticism on this poem here. It is to be submitted with the chance of being selected to be published:
20 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
13 Mar 12 UTC
Youngstown Redux2 gulfs bug?
gameID=6669 2 powers each allowed post fleet orders move to non-adjoining Gulf. - G. of T (Tonkin) on map separated both by SChinaSea. G. of Thailand (spelled out) on map separate. France submits: "fleet at Cambodia support move to Gulf of Thailand from Saigon." - Saigon move succeeded except that it is now adjacent to Vietnam in Gulf of Tonkin. - Likewise, Britain orders fleet Borneo to Gulf of Thailand. Maps show Borneo fleet attempt to go to Gulf of T(onkin), not Thailand gulf
6 replies
Raro (1449 D)
14 Mar 12 UTC
Replacement needed
chaos game:

Vienna 4sc's (3 units)
0 replies
kmorris22 (967 D)
14 Mar 12 UTC
Epic Game
I need some more people to join my game! its called epic game and has five minute phases! only 10 to join! :)
4 replies
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