A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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sydney city (994 D)
16 Feb 12 UTC
new game
1 reply
mongoose998 (1344 D)
12 Jan 12 UTC
The OTHER South American Series
I am looking for 7 other players to join me in a different kind of South American series. When I saw butterheads post I was all "ooo, thats a good idea" but it turns out he wasnt doing what I thought he was. details inside.
42 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
29 Jan 12 UTC
What To Do...?
Once I finish writing this damned research paper, I would probably become very bored with myself (sexual connotation not to be inferred). And because I have already finished my current variant...I was wondering what YOU guys would want me to work on next.
100 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
14 Feb 12 UTC
what does
"me gusta" mean?
19 replies
carpenter (871 D)
15 Feb 12 UTC
As might be clear, this is referring to gameID=5580 I saw that one of the other players wanted to issue a bet on that the rules indicated the game would continue to 2101, when one of the players had not yet entered their orders variantID=52
1 reply
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
13 Feb 12 UTC
Help with a developer-wiki...
Hi everybody.
I'd like to develop a wiki for variant-developing.
As my last english-class was 20 years ago I'm not good at writing long articles.
The link is here: Editing is open to anybody at the moment.
5 replies
Ruud (547 D)
14 Feb 12 UTC
Error message
I get the following message: Parameter 'toTerrID' set to invalid value '8'.

What does it mean?
7 replies
Praed (868 D)
14 Feb 12 UTC
1vs1 Classic FvA 24hr
I'm looking for someone to play as France. Thanks.
1 reply
G (966 D)
14 Feb 12 UTC
Question about American Conflict
Was this map made with the specific intent that Russia should have a 0% win record? Seriously... one of their centers is utterly incapable of reaching any other center within a year. Another of their centres can only reach one. The third is only able to take a single center, from the British. The SC-happy southeast of the map is ridiculous in comparison to the empty northwest. How is this supposed to work?
5 replies
Wiesl (1079 D)
14 Feb 12 UTC
Group Chat
@the developers: It is able to create the possibilty of a group chat ingame? In big games like World War IV it is most likely that the states form alliances and teamchat would help organizing this a lot.
0 replies
Grand Admiral Thrawn (1207 D)
07 Feb 12 UTC
Need I say more?
25 replies
keyran (1095 D)
07 Feb 12 UTC
I a university lecturer, I want to interview Diplomacy players
I am an Art History lecturer from London, England and I am looking for willing interviewees for a session I am holding in a few months time.

keyran (1095 D)
07 Feb 12 UTC

What does diplomacy have to do with art history? Good question!

I am interested in the personality of gamers, the difference between face-to-face gamers, postal and web. Among other things, how a potential ultra-ego may be adopted whilst playing, and the difference between your 'real' personality, and the adopted. Comparing this, with that of 'real life' diplomats, and should the two be compared.

Willing interviewees will be subject to questions, of which I will email to you. The content will be compiled, and presented as a part of a wider subject, based around conceptual art and the ultra-ego to degree level student at Kingston University, London, England.

If you are willing, want more information,
Please reply to this thread

Best Wishes, and of course, happy gaming!

(I appreciate posts like this may not be appreciated, I have created an account primarily to play! But also saw the opportunity to study the game)
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
07 Feb 12 UTC
Hm I would like to do that, although I dont understand english THAT well but thats what dictionaries are for...
mongoose998 (1344 D)
07 Feb 12 UTC
that sounds like an interesting project, I'd love to help, but my diplomacy experience is limited to purely internet play. I understand that that may be an issue in your project.
Alcuin (1454 D)
07 Feb 12 UTC
Sounds like fun. I'm up for it
BenGuin (1529 D)
07 Feb 12 UTC
Kool Idea! oh and I'm going to Kingston this friday for a Debate Tornament... Ontario Kingston :P but yea, I'd be interested! but what kind of people do you need? like the requirements and stuff... age, education, etc...
airborne (970 D)
07 Feb 12 UTC
God Save the Queen!
BenGuin (1529 D)
08 Feb 12 UTC
God Save Our Gracious Queen
Long Live Our Noble Queen
God Save the Queen!!!
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
11 Feb 12 UTC
count me in as officially interested and willing to be involved.
keyran (1095 D)
11 Feb 12 UTC
Haha, indeed, God Save THE Queen.

For those that are interested, please see the following questionnaire.
Please post all answers to my personal email address,

All participants answers are to remain anonymous.
Feel free to repost, the more answers I get, the better the experiment.


Diplomacy(c) is a strategic board game created by Allan B. Calhamer in 1954 and released commercially in 1959. Set in Europe just before the beginning of World War I , Diplomacy is played by seven or fewer players, each controlling the armed forces of major European powers. Each player aims to move their units - and defeat those of others - to win possession of a majority of strategic cities and provinces marked as "supply centres" on the map; these supply centres allow players who control them to produce more units.

Like chess, no element of chance is involved. Players are only likely to be successful if they can convince other players to cooperate with them. And it is in this element that the game comes to life. The deal making and breaking, the back-stabbing and the paranoia that accompany it all are what make the game so pleasurable and so ideal to play over the internet.

Diplomacy(c) has many variants, of which have evolved from the original game, many having the same basic rules.

My question is 'Do the players in Diplomacy(c) posses the qualities and imperfections of real life leaders, politicians, generals and leaders of men? Do these real life figures posses the same skills of recoverability and alienation as Diplomacy(c) players in order to succeed. Ultimately, rising to power and dominance at the expense of weaker forces, and those with perhaps lesser skills of real life diplomacy.

Please answer the following questions as honest as possible.

Please answer the following questions with as much detail as possible. It is important you answer honestly.

1. Your Age
2. Your Sex
3. Your Profession
4. Your Martial Status
5. Your Height, (Approx.)
6. Your Weight, (Approx.)
7. Your Political Preference, and what is it about this political theory that makes you align yourself with it? (Do not name a party, name a genre, e.g. Liberalism, Communism, Democracy, Fascism).
8. How long have you been playing Face-to-Face Diplomacy?
9. How long have you been playing Web Based Diplomacy?
10. What is your favourite Nation to play, and describe in as much detail as possible your historical knowledge of that nation in Real Life. (Do not specify why this is your favourite Nation to play, only name the nation, and what you know about it historically).
11. What is it that you like about the game Diplomacy(c), and of all the variants based on real life maps, which is your favourite. Why is this your favourite?
(e.g. My favourite is the Modern Diplomacy variant, as the map is as close to real life as variants come).
12. When playing as a nation that has allegedly acted against the laws of human rights at some point in history, do you find it easier to "stab" your allies, and act more aggressive?
E.g. If you are playing as Russia, do you adopt a hostile view towards the west? If playing as Germany, or Britain, do you take a negative approach towards France?

Please give as much detail in your answer as possible, it will aid the experiment all the more

1. When playing, do you adopt a sense of nationalism for that nation? E.g. When playing as Britain, do you pretend to be more British?
2. When playing, do you take on the presumed role as leader/ruler of that nation? Or do you consider yourself a general of the armed forces, or non of the above. You simply play.
3. What do you believe Diplomacy(c) is about? What is at the games heart?
4. Knowing your actions do not directly hurt anyone, do you ever think of your armies actually killing other armies?
5. Do you believe that in times of war, generals, leaders and politicians view the world as a map with movable pieces?

Thank you for your time.
There will be a second part to this questionnaire

Best wishes,
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
11 Feb 12 UTC
To point 4. You dont kill the armys, they simply retreat...
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
11 Feb 12 UTC
Why do you want to know whats my height and weight?
Ienpw_III (980 D)
12 Feb 12 UTC
Will you release the results of the questionnaire?
mongoose998 (1344 D)
12 Feb 12 UTC
@GOD, most likely to get an overview of players who play diplomacy. Are they all obese 40 year old men sitting at home? (Diplomat33.....)
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
12 Feb 12 UTC
orathaic (952 D)
12 Feb 12 UTC
interested. email me.
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
13 Feb 12 UTC
YOU have to email HIM, it seems...
mongoose998 (1344 D)
13 Feb 12 UTC
Oh the irony!
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
13 Feb 12 UTC
PM him, although I would like to know what university keyran is associated with.
keyran (1095 D)
13 Feb 12 UTC
Hey guys, thanks so much for your taking part in the project.
The answers you are giving are most interesting!

I will be feeding the results back to you guys for sure, just as soon as I have collated the results, so far they seem to be showing that all players are smart, and like adopting characters whilst playing, ;-)

I associated with Kingston University London :-)
keyran (1095 D)
13 Feb 12 UTC
@God, yes, as mongoose998 said, there is a perception of internet gamers that I don't think is real haha, so gathering gamers height, weight, age shows that this stereotype is just that, a stereotype!

7. Utopian Socialism!
Funny story to Fantasy Question 5. Involving the origin of War Games like this. The Germans played them all the time, in sandboxes with toy armies, for years before WW2. Everyone made fun of them. Until they captured Paris in under 2 months because they had practiced strategy over and over again.
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
13 Feb 12 UTC
so hitler captured france so fast because he was often playin in his sandbox?
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
13 Feb 12 UTC
castles in the sand.
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
13 Feb 12 UTC
but i think/hope they are built in other countrys too?

keyran (1095 D)
13 Feb 12 UTC
@Diplomat33 That's amazing haha,
I hope you don't mind if I reference you for that?
Go ahead. Reference me. But mo personal info other than my account name please!
keyran (1095 D)
13 Feb 12 UTC
No problem!
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
13 Feb 12 UTC
Diplomat33 said: "guqwufzfzwf"...doesnt sound that good...
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
13 Feb 12 UTC

30 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
13 Feb 12 UTC
Oli, our game has suddenly gone on "Pause"
No one voted pause. We were about to end the game in a draw after doing one last convoy. Suddenly we find the game has been paused. Any idea why?
1 reply
NikeFlash (979 D)
12 Feb 12 UTC
How and Why the pot for all my games defaults to 1?
For any 1v1 game I create no matter the pot size I enter it always is set to 1 after I press the create button. Anybody know how I can change this?
11 replies
DeathStalker (1331 D)
13 Feb 12 UTC
WWIV game soo close to starting.
Common peoples. We're looking for (currently) 7 more people to join this WWIV game. It would be such a waste for it to end when so many have already joined. 5 cred entry fee and lots of friendly players. Join now.
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
12 Feb 12 UTC
World's Longest Game
Someone quit on us! Join in their stead and sign up to be a part of the benevolent USSR Alliance!

5 replies
airborne (970 D)
25 Jan 12 UTC
Notice: Changes in Abstraction III to code v1.6
-Palermo (SC) will replace Sicily while Bari will become Apulia (Non-SC) again.
-Fleets in Palermo, Sevastopol, and Angora
-Pre-"River" Convoy" coding for Gibraltar finally coding once the bugs with Rvier Convoys are fixed
-Rules html file to be added
34 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
09 Feb 12 UTC
Lazy People
So, I had this writing assignment...
And it made me think.......
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RTH (736 D)
11 Feb 12 UTC
World War Game over half way full
1 reply
Hominidae (726 D)
12 Feb 12 UTC
Join a new American Conflict game.

We need four more people before time runs out!
0 replies
crixno (1248 D)
12 Feb 12 UTC
fast paced game!!
please join this fast paced game! i only have tonight! gameID=6023
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GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
09 Feb 12 UTC
american conflict
Why couldnt you wait ti i had some points to join a game on this epic map?!
30 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC
While I wait to continue working...
Currently working on a variant, waiting for a few small tweaks from Oli before I continue... would like suggestions for my next one, or I will come up with one on my own...
13 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
08 Feb 12 UTC
star wars in 3D!!!!!!!!!!!!
34 replies
brainbomb (662 D)
10 Feb 12 UTC
simo92to blithering moron
speaks for itself.
10 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
11 Feb 12 UTC
1 on 1
Anyone want to play a G vs I tonight? gameID=5991
0 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
09 Feb 12 UTC
Foggy bottom
Need a couple of polyglots. Fog of War. Choice of Classic powers going fast.
Guaranteed choice of builds
3 replies
BenGuin (1529 D)
05 Feb 12 UTC
BenGuin Invitationals
Seeing as many players are starting their own tornament, I'll do the same... But unlike others this tornament will be Team Games for a bit of twist... Please comment!
45 replies
kikker82 (1102 D)
08 Feb 12 UTC
Cruel World
i know i'm probably brakin' some code by talkin' about this but...

can we all gang up on Columbia until he starts finalizing his orders.
17 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
08 Feb 12 UTC
I am leaving v dip
I am leaving v dip for two to three months due to my Class XII senior secondary Exams. So can we draw. Or you win without playing. So have happy playing Hope we are friends now?!
2 replies
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