A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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gman314 (1016 D)
21 Dec 11 UTC
Classic Touchy Glitch
Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't a fleet in Venice be able to move to Ionian Sea?
1 reply
Fall Of the American Civilization Civil War!!!
Starts in 10 min , Pot 5, 5 min turns
0 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
21 Dec 11 UTC
rat gunboat !!!
0 replies
Leon (1021 D)
19 Dec 11 UTC
New Viking Diplomacy Game
Anyone interested in a game of Viking Diplomacy?
4 replies
p0kerg0d (1173 D)
19 Dec 11 UTC
I hope the name "Touches" you glitch
Hello everyone. There is a game with the new 'Classic Touchy' map called 'I hope the name "touches" you. It is the 1901 build phase, and Russia only has three Supply Centers, but the game thinks he has four, and he doesn't need to destroy a unit. Does anyone know how to fix this glitch, or know of anything we can do?
15 replies
Fall Of the American Civilization Civil War!!!
Starts in 5 Min
10 pot, 1 on 1, 5 min turns
Confedracy Vs Union
2 replies
rogersr (1042 D)
20 Dec 11 UTC
Live Game Begins in 30 Minutes...5 Minute Rounds
0 replies
rogersr (1042 D)
20 Dec 11 UTC
South America - need 1 more player soon!
We need one more play for the following game beginning in less than 10 minutes.
0 replies
Hominidae (726 D)
20 Dec 11 UTC
New Haven Game
The game found at gameID=4770 hasn't gotten many players, so I've decided to announce it here. Quick! We need nineteen players, and we only have four!
0 replies
Fall Of the American Civilization
gameID=4810 Pot 5, 30 min turn
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
08 Dec 11 UTC
The Subject Of Turkey
Who out there Considers Turkey European? Why?
What country are you from? Where do you live currently?
I think I know a correlation, but want see if there is one on here
29 replies
~:Prestige:~ (804 D)
12 Dec 11 UTC
LIVE 1V1 game! PLS anyone?
5min phase
pls join 1v1!
I am returning after a long time so pls!
7 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
19 Dec 11 UTC
classic touchy no talky
0 replies
Dictator555 (870 D)
19 Dec 11 UTC
Can't read messages

I can't read Global Messages. Can anyone tell me what's wrong?
6 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
14 Sep 11 UTC
VDip Mini Tournament.
Details Inside
187 replies
Multi-account Gamer
Turkey answered for England. I request for an admin to check this game.
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
18 Dec 11 UTC
Classic Touchy Game
From the new variant!
0 replies
Hominidae (726 D)
16 Dec 11 UTC
Does anyone know what Alcavre is based on? Or is it just a generic fantasy map with Australia on it?
21 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
16 Dec 11 UTC
Don't Process Moves
An Idea that I think would be nifty and certainly helpful to our CD problem is if we had an option that when utilized, moves would not process on certain dates. (Christmas, New Years, etc) This would make Diplomacy less of a burden on the holidays, and prevent CD's
15 replies
Hominidae (726 D)
14 Dec 11 UTC
What does Mute Player mean?
What do the little mute player buttons mean?
13 replies
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
15 Dec 11 UTC
2-way-draw impossible
I've just realized that in Hussite Wars it is impossible to draw a game with only one other player. Because of the odd number of SCs one player will always get the 24 SCs needed to win the variant. I don't know if there are other variants with a similar problem, but I think it has to be possible to make two-way-draws so I suggest to set the number of SCs needed to win one point higher than it is at the moment.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
15 Dec 11 UTC
I don't understand what you mean.
In a draw the points in the game will be split up equally and a share given to each player still surviving. (a surviving player with 15 supply-centers will get the same number of points as a surviving player with only one!)
kaug (1220 D)
15 Dec 11 UTC
In most variants it is impossible to get a two-way draw. You just have to be aware of the fact and go for either a 3way draw or for the win.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
15 Dec 11 UTC
Ahh. I see now. +1 kaug
mongoose998 (1344 D)
15 Dec 11 UTC
there is the possibility of a neutral NPC nation controlling an SC to give a nice even number. or a CD'ed player could hold onto one.
EvW (1771 D)
16 Dec 11 UTC
The goal in this game isn't 2 way drawing. The goal is the solo.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
16 Dec 11 UTC
If the game starts with neutral SCs, then a two way draw is always technically possible.
Devonian (1887 D)
16 Dec 11 UTC
The rule book does not state that a solo is "the goal" of the game. Thankfully, it leaves it more vague. I think this makes this game much more interesting than any other game.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
16 Dec 11 UTC
One more Map is Crowded. The first time I've played it, I found an excellent ally. But while the game was ending, we realized that the Map had 35 SCs. Surprise! The 2-way draw we planned was impossible, and we sadly start to fight each other.

I'm not against Maps with an odd number of SCs. You can consider the impossibility of a 2-way just as a feature of the Variant. But I think you should be warned before you join the game. I believe that each Variant Page should report the number of SCs in the Map.

But even/odd SCs is only the most evident characteristic. Expanding this thought, with both the purpose of helping players who play a Variant for the first time and the purpose of helping new Variant's developers, I believe that each Variant Page should report the basic characteristics of its Map. A sort of 'Standard Table' like this:

Total number of Territories [all: seas+lands]
Number of SCs (and SCs/Territories ratio or SCs/nonSCs ratio)
Number of SCs required for a solo (and a warning if it's not 50%+1 as in Duo or WWIV)
Number of lands [inland+coasts](and lands/Terr ratio)
Number of coasts (and coasts/lands ratio)
Number od inlands (and inlands/lands ratio)
Number of seas (and seas/Terr ratio or seas/lands)...

This is just an example and, if Oli likes it, we could discuss it and modify it.
Everybody knows that the SCs/nonSCs ratio is very low for Duo and "infinite" for Pure. So everybody adapts his strategy to this information. But you can't always calculate this ratio with a glimpse, expecially in large maps.
Well, having this information for each Map would help players to realize how their strategy should be likewise. And would help new Variants' creators to understand to what, the Map they're developing, reassembles to.
It would be the 'Identity Card' of a Map.

Oli (977 D Mod (P))
16 Dec 11 UTC
Very good idea.
This should be no problem to implement.
Other suggestions what you need on the variant-information page?
Alcuin (1454 D)
16 Dec 11 UTC
I must say I was rather surprised to realise that the winning point for Viking was somethign like 25%.
orathaic (952 D)
16 Dec 11 UTC
for games with 35 centers, you could require 1 more than half of the centers to win, or...

it is possible to pus the game to a stalemate with three players, and then wait for the third player to resign...

this would work fairly well if they only had a non-home SC left and you manage to destroy their unit (without taking the supply centers)

neither option is ideal, imo, but at least the first does take the principle of 'winning' being the assumption that you can take the whole board once you have a majority of the centers.... it just forces you to take an extra (19/35 in the case of crowded)
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
16 Dec 11 UTC
A method to get more suggestions could be scrolling the Variant list. "Pure" gave me the 'SCs/nonSCs ratio' idea.
So, i.e., "Crowded" could suggest these 'crowdness' ratios:
- Territories/Powers
- SCs/Powers
basically averages of avaliable Terr or SCs per Power.
Is "Viking" more or less crowded than "Crowded"? :-)

Very less. But you have the feeling it is very crowded! What's wrong? Well, it's because in Viking each Power starts with a lot of units and there are also Neutral units. So one more interesting ratio could be: Starting Units/SCs. A very high result for Viking, but not as high as Crowded or Pure: 100%. Or, slightly different, we could use NeutralSCs/PowersSCs.

Mmmm...perhaps fantasy is better than a method :D, But I'm afraid fantasy would bring us to have hundreds of ratios that would make the ID Card of a Map unreadable. I believe we should choose the most 12-18 significant ones.

fasces349 (1007 D)
16 Dec 11 UTC
how about rather then including the percentages, just the info:
Number of territories
Number of SC
SC required to win
Number of land territories
Number of sea territories

That way percentages are easily calculable.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
17 Dec 11 UTC
Number of territories is easy calculable too, just watch the map. Same for SCs. And land or sea territories. It just takes a few minutes, so why should we include this stats at all?
Fasces, my point is to have a tool you can use very easy and quickly each time a player or a developer needs it. If you have to look for your pocket calculator or open an excel file each time you want to know one of the most significant ratios, the purpose of the idea would be lost.

Perhaps, to keep good the readability (legibility?) of a Variant Page (I guess this was your intention) we could put into the VP only the very most important data:
- Number of territories
- Number of SC
- SC required to win (and a warning if it's not 50%+1 as in Duo or WWIV or Viking or Economic ...)
and then set up a page (for expert players or developers or... just curious people) where you may find all the data, ratios or whatever, in a way you can easily compare two or more variants. Look at this page:
When you open this table you find it sorted by ID. When you click on the head of a column you get it re-sorted by that characteristic. Try! Click on "Draw"!
This way you can compare all the variants, by each characteristic, without making unreadable each VP. I strongly hope Oli can do it and find the time.

Last words about ratios. Those ARE the interesting informations. When I join a new variant game for the first time, I don't wonder "How many Territories has this map?" (well, for WWIV, I did :D). I usually think something like "Wow!What a map! Let's see... what's this desert? Are there so little SCs? and... uhmmm... I feel like I could build only 2 fleets and win. Are there so little seas?" or, maybe, after the first spring "OMG, I can't move! Are there so many Powers? so many starting units? so little nonSC?"
The answers to all these questions are ratios. Actually, I wouldn't wonder these questions at all if, before joining, I could read the answers. I don't want to spend a whole afternoon with my pocket calculator. Please let me find 'em.

15 replies
orathaic (952 D)
05 Dec 11 UTC
Stats page suggestion
Can distributions of the game length be made?
2 replies
yourBALDneighbor (1225 D)
15 Dec 11 UTC
variant statistics
I propose adding a statistic based on tokens.
14 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
16 Dec 11 UTC
0 replies
El Cremoso (1728 D)
15 Dec 11 UTC
Fast Gunboat Sail Ho game starting in 30 mins.
Need 3 more players.
2 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
15 Dec 11 UTC
I got the following message when going to gameID=4730.
11 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
13 Dec 11 UTC
Some Classic Modifications ideas
Would any of these be possible?
19 replies
airborne (970 D)
14 Dec 11 UTC
Touchy Gunboat
13 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
14 Dec 11 UTC
need replacement
0 replies
Hominidae (726 D)
13 Dec 11 UTC
New Fall of the American Empire Game
Here's a Fall of the American Empire game with a 2-day phase: gameID=4707
1 reply
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