A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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gman314 (1016 D)
21 Dec 11 UTC
Classic Touchy Glitch
Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't a fleet in Venice be able to move to Ionian Sea?
1 reply
Fall Of the American Civilization Civil War!!!
Starts in 10 min , Pot 5, 5 min turns
0 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
21 Dec 11 UTC
rat gunboat !!!
0 replies
Leon (1021 D)
19 Dec 11 UTC
New Viking Diplomacy Game
Anyone interested in a game of Viking Diplomacy?
4 replies
p0kerg0d (1173 D)
19 Dec 11 UTC
I hope the name "Touches" you glitch
Hello everyone. There is a game with the new 'Classic Touchy' map called 'I hope the name "touches" you. It is the 1901 build phase, and Russia only has three Supply Centers, but the game thinks he has four, and he doesn't need to destroy a unit. Does anyone know how to fix this glitch, or know of anything we can do?
15 replies
Fall Of the American Civilization Civil War!!!
Starts in 5 Min
10 pot, 1 on 1, 5 min turns
Confedracy Vs Union
2 replies
rogersr (1042 D)
20 Dec 11 UTC
Live Game Begins in 30 Minutes...5 Minute Rounds
0 replies
rogersr (1042 D)
20 Dec 11 UTC
South America - need 1 more player soon!
We need one more play for the following game beginning in less than 10 minutes.
0 replies
Hominidae (726 D)
20 Dec 11 UTC
New Haven Game
The game found at gameID=4770 hasn't gotten many players, so I've decided to announce it here. Quick! We need nineteen players, and we only have four!
0 replies
Fall Of the American Civilization
gameID=4810 Pot 5, 30 min turn
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
08 Dec 11 UTC
The Subject Of Turkey
Who out there Considers Turkey European? Why?
What country are you from? Where do you live currently?
I think I know a correlation, but want see if there is one on here
29 replies
~:Prestige:~ (804 D)
12 Dec 11 UTC
LIVE 1V1 game! PLS anyone?
5min phase
pls join 1v1!
I am returning after a long time so pls!
7 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
19 Dec 11 UTC
classic touchy no talky
0 replies
Dictator555 (870 D)
19 Dec 11 UTC
Can't read messages

I can't read Global Messages. Can anyone tell me what's wrong?
6 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
14 Sep 11 UTC
VDip Mini Tournament.
Details Inside
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mongoose998 (1344 D)
15 Nov 11 UTC
So if the third place player in game 3 beats 7 centers, they are in?
Devonian (1887 D)
15 Nov 11 UTC
The 3rd place player in the final game can either have more than 7 centers with a survive, or finish with a draw regardless of centers.
Devonian (1887 D)
15 Nov 11 UTC
Per Butterhead on Sept 14:

"-For this tournament, Draw> Survive. so if you are in a draw with 6 centers, you still go over a survive with 6+, because you were able to help stop a solo, which obviously means you played a better game. "
SacredDigits (978 D)
15 Nov 11 UTC
There's debate about drawing the final game which would put that game's Turkey, England, and France into the final mix, since France will either end with 6 centers and the draw or 7 centers and the draw.
Dejan0707 (1986 D)
15 Nov 11 UTC
Definitely draw is more worth than survive, I would say that even one center draw is better than 14 center survive.
mongoose998 (1344 D)
15 Nov 11 UTC
and game 2 is done!
tied for first in game two: mongoose998, dejan0707
3 place with 8 centers: SacredDigits
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
15 Nov 11 UTC
The list of player who are in final mix:

1. Drano019
2. Bozo
3. Alder
4. tobi1
5. mongoose998
6. dejan0707
7. SacredDigits
butterhead (1272 D)
16 Nov 11 UTC
Drano, I put you in charge of starting the final...
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
16 Nov 11 UTC
Sounds good. Setting preferences people?
SacredDigits (978 D)
16 Nov 11 UTC
No preference, although 24 hour phases at minimum.
Dejan0707 (1986 D)
16 Nov 11 UTC
36h if possible.
ezpickins (1717 D)
16 Nov 11 UTC
24 is fine
ezpickins (1717 D)
16 Nov 11 UTC
Whoa Whoa. How did I get booted?
That's what you get for betraying me! Bwah hahahaha! ok, just kidding. You're right tho, ez. I thought the final was to be top 2 from each game and then the wild card would be top 3rd place player overall....
SacredDigits (978 D)
16 Nov 11 UTC
It is. tobi got second in the game that he and ez had the same number of SC's at the end because if you went back through each year tobi had more SC's the most recent year that their SC's were not the same. And I took the wild card spot because I'm a dick like that.
butterhead (1272 D)
16 Nov 11 UTC
Yes, ez, I mis-counted the centers, and tobi had one more center than you the year prior...
ezpickins (1717 D)
16 Nov 11 UTC
Well perhaps starting with more SC's is worse?
butterhead (1272 D)
16 Nov 11 UTC
shall we discuss this matter? tobi, ez, and anyone else who wants their opinion heard, I'm willing to hear it...
mongoose998 (1344 D)
17 Nov 11 UTC
so ez is working the point that he got to 6 centers later than tobi. him being Turkey, that is expected. by the time ez had 6, tobi had 8. in autumn 1908, it was turkey 9, france 10.
according to the prestated rules, tie goes to the most centers, which is tobi
Adler (1490 D)
19 Nov 11 UTC
Are we going to start the final game soon? The games have ended long ago.
butterhead (1272 D)
19 Nov 11 UTC
I'm wanting to see if anyone else has anything to add to the argument of who is the second place winner of the tobi-ez game... if nobody is going to add anything, tobi makes it in... if anyone can bring a valid argument, we will discuss...
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
19 Nov 11 UTC
I believe Turkey should advance based on this statement by butterhead previous to the beginning of the tourney:

"-If player C finished 3rd with 6, making it a tie with him and player B, then It will be decided by who had the best gameplay. Ex: if Player B got to 6 centers with little to no effort, say he is France and gets Spain and Port and Belgium due to a German support, and then he just helps Germany coast into an easy win, while Player C fights for the whole game to try to win it, he will go over B. it will be discussed more if that situation arises, and it will be open for discussion by all participants."

This exact situation practically happened. France gained 3 builds in the first year, whereas Turkey gained 1. Not only that, France had a CD England where he easily gained builds while Turkey had to fight both Austria and Italy. Having France advance is decidedly unfair as Turkey clearly had a harder time gaining the same amount of SCs than France did.
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
20 Nov 11 UTC
But France managed to get an alliance with Germany and this was the reason for it's success. Turkey only got it's SC's, because Germany stabbed France and France decided, it was the best way to ally with Turkey to have a little chance. If Germany had never stabbed France, there would have been a two-way-draw between France and Germany at the end (and Turkey were destroyed).
In addition to that: How could France played better, it didn't only support Germany to win like in the example.

Honestly I think it's difficult to decide about a better gameplay especially if you don't no anything about the diplomacy behind the moves. It's a problem now, that we have "two second places" and I preferred that both are in next round. But then there would be another player who should be in according to the rules but is pushed out. The best way is to strictly decide like it is said in the rules, even if it is bad for ezpickins.
mongoose998 (1344 D)
20 Nov 11 UTC
Drano, hows about you start the final game, invite all but tobi and ez, so that once this gets settled we can get going
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
20 Nov 11 UTC
No, there is nothing in the rules about going back 2 years to see who has more SCs. The rules explcitly mention SCs at game's end ONLY. Other than that, the rules stipulate that butterhead picks whoever he thinks played better.

IMO, France had an easy time with a CD England. Of course he got an alliance with Germany. It makes sense. England CDs, F/G ally, and sweep the board. Not very hard. Turkey had to fight against 2 powers early to make gains. Quite a bit harder.
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
20 Nov 11 UTC
But Turkey get his SCs not because it played better than France but because Germany stabbed France. I don't know if Turkey invited Germany to this stab, then it would be fair for the Turk to be in next round. But otherwise it was just luck for Turkey. And it wasn't just luck for France to ally with Germany.
But as I said we can't decide about gameplay in this situation.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
20 Nov 11 UTC
I disagree. Turkey DID play better because he didn't get stabbed by an ally.

In fact, I argue france played very poorly because he was foolish enough to leave himself open to a stab. Id not move France on for that very reason. He was too trusting and not careful enough - which is poor play in the game of Diplomacy.
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
20 Nov 11 UTC
Please understand my point:
You can't say Turkey played a better game, because he didn't get stabbed. There was no ally who could have stabbed Turkey. Russia as his only big ally always have to fight against the German. You don't know if the player of Turkey would have been stabbed by Germany, too, if he had played France.
For me, who played russia in that game, I would pick ez -- 1) diplomatically, he was a solid ally who only stabbed me when he had little other choice and, in fact, was able to cash in on my war with austria for some solid gains. 2) France was mostly diplomatically silent (at least from my POV). except for a brief duscussion early in the game about teaming up against the germans and the english (pre-CD), which never panned out, i heard nothing for him.

if we've voting, I vote ez
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
20 Nov 11 UTC
@AtlastheBarbarian: At one point I decided to work with Germany and you decided to concentrate on Austria. Maybe I'm a bad diplomat, but in may point of view there wasn't a good reason to contact you anymore.
You pointed out right, that I was mostly diplomatically silent in YOUR POV. In my POV you were diplomatically silent, too.

I would love to make a compromise, but the only compromise I see, is playing the final game on an eight-player-variant. But on the other hand this would be against the aims of this tournament and I'm sure, not every player will agree.

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187 replies
Multi-account Gamer
Turkey answered for England. I request for an admin to check this game.
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
18 Dec 11 UTC
Classic Touchy Game
From the new variant!
0 replies
Hominidae (726 D)
16 Dec 11 UTC
Does anyone know what Alcavre is based on? Or is it just a generic fantasy map with Australia on it?
21 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
16 Dec 11 UTC
Don't Process Moves
An Idea that I think would be nifty and certainly helpful to our CD problem is if we had an option that when utilized, moves would not process on certain dates. (Christmas, New Years, etc) This would make Diplomacy less of a burden on the holidays, and prevent CD's
15 replies
Hominidae (726 D)
14 Dec 11 UTC
What does Mute Player mean?
What do the little mute player buttons mean?
13 replies
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
15 Dec 11 UTC
2-way-draw impossible
I've just realized that in Hussite Wars it is impossible to draw a game with only one other player. Because of the odd number of SCs one player will always get the 24 SCs needed to win the variant. I don't know if there are other variants with a similar problem, but I think it has to be possible to make two-way-draws so I suggest to set the number of SCs needed to win one point higher than it is at the moment.
15 replies
orathaic (952 D)
05 Dec 11 UTC
Stats page suggestion
Can distributions of the game length be made?
2 replies
yourBALDneighbor (1225 D)
15 Dec 11 UTC
variant statistics
I propose adding a statistic based on tokens.
14 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
16 Dec 11 UTC
0 replies
El Cremoso (1728 D)
15 Dec 11 UTC
Fast Gunboat Sail Ho game starting in 30 mins.
Need 3 more players.
2 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
15 Dec 11 UTC
I got the following message when going to gameID=4730.
11 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
13 Dec 11 UTC
Some Classic Modifications ideas
Would any of these be possible?
19 replies
airborne (970 D)
14 Dec 11 UTC
Touchy Gunboat
13 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
14 Dec 11 UTC
need replacement
0 replies
Hominidae (726 D)
13 Dec 11 UTC
New Fall of the American Empire Game
Here's a Fall of the American Empire game with a 2-day phase: gameID=4707
1 reply
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