A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Join ww2 Simulation first europe 1939 map game
we play the ww2 alliances.
5 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
01 Mar 12 UTC
New stat: "Left"...
From now on the site will monitor how many games you "Left".
14 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
02 Mar 12 UTC
It's a sad, sad day

1 reply
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
01 Mar 12 UTC
how man y turns do YOU plan ahead?
Usually I plan 2 turn (predicted) ahead, but mostly I work off what happens season by season. I'm wondering if this is common?
8 replies
Kal (1360 D)
01 Mar 12 UTC
Modern Variant border question
Is Fleet Israel to Jordan (and the reverse) a valid move in Modern? It doesn't seem like it should be, but I'm given the option in the movement drop down. It's an anonymous game, I can provide the game I'd via PM if it's needed.
8 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
29 Feb 12 UTC
I tried a layout for a map..
Please see this map and If someone likes this Idea please convert into map...I don know php so I cant do it..

7 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
28 Feb 12 UTC
Wow! Europe 1939 is so cool!
I love the broken link, Oli...But I guess Classic and WWII are synonymous...
25 replies
adalephat (733 D)
01 Mar 12 UTC
join random live game!
0 replies
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
29 Feb 12 UTC
New Variant Game!
11 point bet, Anon, PPSC. gameID=6430
Everybody (or the first seven people) join the game!
4 replies
President Eden (1588 D)
29 Feb 12 UTC
EvT Openings
Openings/Strategy discussion thread. I'd like to kick this off by trying to tabulate the main strategies (which largely end up being reflected in openings anyway) that are employed in EvT so we can discuss them and further our understanding of this great variant.
16 replies
The Ambassador (2241 D (B))
29 Feb 12 UTC
Reading archive messages?

6 replies
Big Whip (1008 D)
28 Feb 12 UTC
How do you design new maps?
I see many people have good ideas for maps and I myself have ideas...but how would i design a new map?
5 replies
President Eden (1588 D)
28 Feb 12 UTC
Come kick my ass in EvT!
17 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
25 Feb 12 UTC
butterheads birthday battle!
So today, Sat. Feb. 25th, is my birthday! so for my birthday, I am going to start a classic game, first 6 to post here will be invited!
44 replies
ezpickins (1610 D)
17 Feb 12 UTC
I feel it has been too long since a good treaties game. Would anyone else be up for such a game? I would like to play Modern If possible, but am open to other suggestions.
67 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
18 Jan 12 UTC
The Bigger Biggest Pot Ever!!!
50 point buy-in, Chaos map, WTA... Join at your own risk, 33 people are losing 50 D!
26 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
21 Feb 12 UTC
A crazy idea that could be vary entertaining
So I took a look at the Viking map and I got this crazy idea, would anyone be interested in playing a "character" game? it would have a roleplaying aspect similar to the treaties games, but less rules, basically you would invent a character and then play the game as that character ex. Louis the Crusader, King of France, blah blah blah (personal stuff about the character)
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So what's people's preference - if KA is in we have 7 needed for Classic, or wait to see if we get more interest and go with Modern?
Surokh (693 D)
21 Feb 12 UTC
I would say classic sorely for balance reasons, but Modern opens up for role playing, with the countries being different in power! :)
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 Feb 12 UTC
When we did this before we ended up with:
Britain: drunken yob
Austria: perverted archduke of Central European pornography
Turkey: sadistic, blood thirsty brute
Germany: obsessed with his own bodily functions, both neurotically and sexually
Italy: disappeared so flaky and unreliable

I barely remember France and Russia. I just remember Amby begging me to give him Lesbos. That and Britain striving to take Belgium, Bohemia and Bavaria for the beer.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 Feb 12 UTC
Does anyone know what the difference in national stereotypes would be between Poland and Ukraine? Admittedly, Ukraine has the group of "feminists" who show up everywhere topless to try to convince the world that not all Ukrainian women are whores.
King Atom (1186 D)
21 Feb 12 UTC
Uh, yeah...that comment I made meant that I wanted to join.
Maybe two Classic games, one Extreme Personalities (from an updated list) and an Extreme National Stereotypes game. ExP should be purely fun with winning/losing being secondary. ExNS would be normal Dip drivers (ie play to win/draw/survive) but in extreme national character with whatever traits you wish.

@gopher - I take you'd be in this? Remember your deranged psychotic Turk well.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
22 Feb 12 UTC
Well, it was genocidal psychopath or casual sodomy. I think I made the correct choice.
Surokh (693 D)
22 Feb 12 UTC
I would be in for both! :D @The Ambassador
Im in! And im paranoid naturally! THATS ME!
butterhead (1272 D)
22 Feb 12 UTC
oh no, time to cancel the game, Diplomat saw it... haha jk jk.
Shep315 (1435 D)
22 Feb 12 UTC
I just want to spread the message of the true freedom! Throw off your chains oppressed masses, rise up and overall the forces of imperialism! They know your strength and fear it!
So the list of interested people is (PLEASE UPDATE BELOW):

Surokh (Extreme Personalities AND Extreme National Stereotypes)
The Ambassador (Extreme Personalities AND Extreme National Stereotypes)
King Atom
mongoose998 (1344 D)
22 Feb 12 UTC
@Butter, why would you kid about that?

Surokh (EP&ENS)
The Ambassador (EP&ENS)
King Atom
SacredDigits (978 D)
22 Feb 12 UTC
Surokh (EP&ENS)
The Ambassador (EP&ENS)
King Atom
SacredDigits (whichever, really)
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
22 Feb 12 UTC
I can't join new games at the moment (I promised my wife) but I would quite happily randomly apply the Personalities to the players for people.

Love the idea, and will be observing the game :D
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
22 Feb 12 UTC
(and you can start an Anonymous game and I can PM players their allotted personality without any of the other players know precisely what it will be :)
butterhead (1272 D)
22 Feb 12 UTC
Surokh (EP&ENS)
The Ambassador (EP&ENS)
King Atom
SacredDigits (whichever, really)
@kaner - that's brilliant and is the way I'd ideally hope it'd go.

@everyone - Based on the two previous games don't underestimate how much reading/postings there would be. You'll be buried (but it'll be worthwhile!) I'd recommend that we play just one game (choosing now on EP or ENS) and suggest Modern as the board (we have 9 players already & just need one more.)
I'd gopher is in we'll have the 10 for modern.
If not i'd (stupid little iPhone keyboard)
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
22 Feb 12 UTC
I'll even be happy to add witticisms/observations to the game as it goes :)

[much the same way as pre-phpdip adjudicators used to do back at]
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
22 Feb 12 UTC
Id like to join...but the bet has to be REALLY low...
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
22 Feb 12 UTC
I'm trying to cut back really.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
22 Feb 12 UTC
In a Modern Game, what would be the defining differences between Egypt and Turkey or Poland and Ukraine or Spain and Italy?
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
22 Feb 12 UTC
Modern isnt that good for playing this, i agree...
(BAD english)
SacredDigits (978 D)
22 Feb 12 UTC
If you can get enough, Haven would be AWESOME for it.
G-Man (2466 D)
22 Feb 12 UTC
Don't forget Captain Convoy, who must organize the most complex multi-national convoys the world has ever seen, delivering countries' armies to the furthest possible destination just because they can!
Captain Convoy.... classic.

Speaking of classic, I think based on gopher's usual good sense some of the differences in Modern may be too subtle unless you're already familiar with national stereotypes etc. I think Modern could work though for an Extreme Personalities game as nationality is less an issue.
mongoose998 (1344 D)
22 Feb 12 UTC
nice segue
Shep315 (1435 D)
23 Feb 12 UTC
so how close are we to starting this?

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gamerx215b (1066 D)
27 Feb 12 UTC
New Game Anyone?
I haven't actually used these threads before, but if anyone wants to try a game on the haven map, I've set one up, it looks quite fun, so we could have a go?
0 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
27 Feb 12 UTC
Anyone up for a game?
1 reply
mongoose998 (1344 D)
24 Feb 12 UTC
site improvement suggestion
I would like to suggest a scroll down box thingy on the variants page that offers the following options:
arrange by: alphabetical, # of players, # of games played, and date created(optional)
12 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
26 Feb 12 UTC
it has come to my attention that on some maps the required SC count for a solo are over half of the total count. does this mean that it is not possible for a 2 way draw?
15 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
26 Feb 12 UTC
0 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
24 Feb 12 UTC
Players Needed

We need a replacement Brazil and Song Empire on this game, and probably a Texas soon too (for some reason, although he NMR'd, it didn't put his country into CD).
8 replies
champ11228 (775 D)
21 Feb 12 UTC
Napoleonic Diplomacy
On the old site with google wave we made progress on a Napoleonic Diplomacy game, but interest kind of fell apart. I was wondering if anyone was interested in starting it up again.
4 replies
airborne (970 D)
22 Feb 12 UTC
Original (1958) Diplomacy
20 replies
General Cool (978 D)
26 Feb 12 UTC
Hurry and join!
1 reply
G (966 D)
16 Feb 12 UTC
Join ye up to this here game.
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taylor4 (936 D)
25 Feb 12 UTC
Viking ten pointer

Join Vikings variant startup gameID=6324
Choice of powers. 10 point bet
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
24 Feb 12 UTC
Yes, yes...I finally have some points. SO, I would like to ask you all not to make any more cool or expensive games until I have finished all of the ones that I am already in. Once I have all my points available, I will go back to spending them all. NOW GET BACK TO YOUR CAVES!
0 replies
carpenter (871 D)
19 Feb 12 UTC
Disussion about the special 1st turn CD rule
it's France and in this game: gameID=6120
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