Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Stinky Will (1317 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
43260 BattleOfSherbia Classic Defeated 25 1025
43807 THE COLDEST OF WARS ColdWar Won 7 1032
43845 THE COLDER WAR THAN LAST TIME ColdWar Won 7 1039
43844 THE HIGHLANDER SCRAW Hundred Won 32 1071
43866 Grow stuff in closets TreatyOfVerdun Survived -4 1067
43865 Battle of the Civil SCRAW Empire1on1 Defeated -5 1062
43971 COLD WAR-69 ColdWar Won 7 1069
44008 JEDI V. SITH ColdWar Won 7 1076
44007 SCRAW-WARS~ ColdWar Won 7 1083
44078 Anakin vs DARTH VADER ClassicFvA Won 7 1090
44105 Darth Maul vs Qui Gon Jin ClassicFvA Won 7 1097
44132 The force is strong with you ClassicEvT Survived -9 1088
44228 Battle of the Civil SCRAW - 2 Empire1on1 Won 2 1097
44234 Hammer Flips ClassicGvI Won 7 1104
44106 Trying Again ColdWar Won 7 1111
44108 Fearsome Foursome SouthAmerica4 Won 26 1137
44265 BOGT - Buy one get TWO!! ClassicGvI Survived -9 1128
44280 DUO FOR DONUTS Duo Won 5 1133
44290 Brawl for the Burg ClassicFvA Won 7 1140
44331 2nd Battle of Reynoldsburg ColdWar Won 6 1146
44341 C-SITH-PO ColdWar Won 6 1152
44273 Breath of the DRAGON ColdWar Won 6 1158
44291 More Ladder Drills ClassicGvI Won 6 1164
43846 THE 2nd BATTLE OF SHERBIA CelticBritain Defeated -46 1118
44244 Zen Frog ClassicFvA Won 7 1125
44275 SPROGASM vs STINKY WILL ClassicEvT Won 6 1131
44380 Jango Fett vs Mace Windu Duo Survived -10 1121
44467 RASTAFARI Haile Selassie ClassicFGvsRT Won 6 1127
44490 Guerra Fria-2 ColdWar Won 5 1132
44499 Tequila 'n' Lime ColdWar Won 6 1138
44485 Browns v Bengals ColdWar Won 6 1144
44486 Rain Dance ClassicFvA Won 5 1149
44484 The Dice Decided ClassicGvR Won 6 1155
44365 Power Struggle ColdWar Won 6 1161
44619 Burg Battles ClassicGvI Won 6 1167
44618 Double Hammer Flip ClassicEvT Won 6 1173
44621 Property ClassicFvA Won 5 1178
44947 CW-16 ColdWar Drawn 0 1178
44948 CW-17 ColdWar Survived -9 1169
44929 The Dice ClassicEvT Won 6 1175
44932 I Love Diplomacy ColdWar Won 6 1181
44925 Welcome Home ColdWar Won 4 1185
44930 The True Cali Dude ClassicGvR Won 6 1191
44927 Back in Ohio ClassicFvA Won 5 1196
44332 90s Kidz Rule WWII Survived -36 1160
44924 Raider Nation Bleeds Purple ClassicGvI Survived -9 1151
44986 1v1 = Fire ClassicFvA Survived -9 1142
44983 Cold War-81 ColdWar Survived -5 1137
44895 Symmetry-2 Chromatic Won 102 1239
45089 SCRAWFISH_BOILER Empire1on1 Won 2 1241
45169 Mutually Assured Destruction XIV ColdWar Survived -7 1234
43643 The First War-2 WorldAtWar1937 Defeated -49 1185
44620 Heart Land vs Left Coast Duo Won 6 1191
45281 Still Addicted ClassicFGvsRT Survived -9 1182
45280 NFL ColdWar Won 7 1189
45284 How's it... ClassicFvA Survived -9 1180
45194 Sour Trash TenSixtySix_V3 Won 28 1208
44623 Aferbia Africa Won 179 1387
45360 THE 1v1 ColdWar Survived -11 1376
45359 South Ho 2 SailHo2 Resigned -35 1341
44923 Corona Gunboat Classic1913 -26 1315
44958 1898 FoW Classic1898Fog -33 1282
45118 Gunboat American Conflict 103 AmericanConflict -14 1268
44209 The War of 614 Imperial2 Defeated -27 1241
45119 Gunboat Fall of America 103 Empire4 Defeated -45 1196
44957 No chat just fun 89 ClassicSevenIslands -45 1151
45158 Gunboat Fall of America! 104 Empire4 Defeated -18 1133
45129 Das Gunboat AberrationV -49 1084
45251 Frederick Enlightenment -35 1049
45369 the virgin PPSC vs the chad WTA Habelya -17 1032
45179 Bush Fire! MateAgainstMate -20 1012
46103 Samurai Swordz Sengoku6 Defeated -28 984
45405 Wonderland Gunboat Habelya -40 944
45181 1885-2 Colonial1885 -33 911
45308 Public World War 2 WWII -6 905
47301 SCRAWWW WARS 3 Duo Won 1 906
47330 Scraw Wars 3.1! ClassicFvA Survived -10 896
47345 SCRAWWW WARS 19 Empire1on1 Defeated -5 891
47411 The First Battle of 2021 ClassicFGvsRT Won 12 908
47476 NEVER SURRENDER - REMATCH ClassicFvA Survived -10 898
47475 The Second Battle of 2021 ColdWar Won 12 910
47442 KH Practices War ClassicFvA Won 8 918
47511 ZOMBLAST_REMATCH LVL30 Duo Survived -10 908
44455 Disintegration of the U.S. Divided_States -31 877
47361 Gunboat - 14 SC for the victory-2 Classic Survived 8 885
47573 The Third Battle of 2021 ClassicEvT Won 12 897
47676 SCRAWWARS 2021 - REMATCH ClassicFvA Won 6 903
47260 Things that go bump in the night Classic1898Fog Defeated 0 903
47696 The Fourth Battle of 2021 ClassicEvT Won 12 915
47757 its saturday night, LYVE!!!! ClassicGvI Won 6 921
47756 Let's Work Together ClassicGvR Won 3 924
47699 Kino fee Toten ColdWar Won 7 931
47284 Classic Gunboat-22 Classic Defeated 0 931
47276 North America in 2021 Empire4 Defeated 0 931
47438 Indians Gunboat 2021 GreatLakes Defeated 0 931
47856 Its a Sprint! ClassicEvT Won 5 936
47861 The Fifth Battle of 2021 ClassicFGvsRT Won 11 947
47859 Win and I will... ClassicFvA Won 8 955
47898 dropped from S.American leg of the tour ClassicEvT Won 5 960
47285 North America in 2022 Empire4 Defeated 5 965
47691 Practice in a Warehouse SouthAmerica4 Won 27 992
47609 SA Variant SouthAmerica8 Drawn 37 1029
47857 Espionage ColdWar Won 9 1038
47909 Still Death to Arkady ClassicFvA Survived -5 1033
47984 Opener band dropped from the Martian tour leg Duo Survived -11 1022
47670 Martian Law Mars Won 61 1083
48208 Spain Should Stab... ClassicEvT Won 3 1086
48262 Hello Wetty SailHo2 Won 64 1150
48185 DUO for DOUGHNUTS IV Duo Survived -12 1138
48093 Half of us are Dads AtlanticColonies Survived -28 1110
48207 The Sixth Battle of 2021 Duo Won 7 1117
48050 SPROGASM vs STINKY WILL II Empire1on1 Won 5 1122
47358 No chat just fun 107 Europe1939 Defeated -21 1101
45215 Europapa Europa_Renovatio -55 1046
48365 Bro Zones ClassicEvT Won 5 1051
47460 Dark Times Are Over KnownWorld_901 Resigned -42 1009
48369 The 7th Battle of 2021 ColdWar Won 8 1017
48083 Gunboat Vikings! 111 Viking Defeated -14 1003
48366 While We Are Waiting... Empire1on1 Defeated -3 1000
48368 Errare Humanum Est-2 AtlanticColonies Survived 0 1000
48198 funGoat 14 GreekDip Survived -20 980
48493 。。。-2 Classic Defeated 0 980
48789 FvA-152 ClassicFvA Won 9 989
48685 Game-Restrictions in Effect Duo Survived -11 978
48853 different duo Lepanto Won 5 983
48844 Duo Continuum Duo Won 5 988
48899 Cold War 05182021 ColdWar Survived -3 985
48887 Different Duo Duez Lepanto Won 5 990
47970 FoW gunboat WTA - 16 SC for the win Classic1898Fog Defeated -12 978
48394 SLUGLUST AmericanConflict Defeated -26 952
48201 funGoat 17 YoungstownWWII Won 244 1196
48555 Alone in the Mists Classic1898Fog -47 1149
48507 Alachzam Alacavre Defeated 0 1149
48200 funGoat 16 YoungstownRedux -25 1124
48051 Africa-20 Africa Survived 6 1130
49289 Quick 1v1-4 Empire1on1 Defeated -7 1123
49285 Darth Maul vs Qui Gon Jin II ColdWar Won 4 1127
49286 The Eighth Battle of 2021 Lepanto Won 7 1134
49376 Carthage vs Egypt ClassicFGvsRT Won 4 1138
49396 Carthage vs Egypt II ClassicFGvsRT Won 4 1142
48148 GC Colonial Drawn 27 1169
49205 Ancient Meditation AncMed Drawn 11 1180
49407 The Ninth Battle of 2021 ClassicGvR Survived -9 1171
49025 A Minor Variation Baron1900 Drawn 45 1216
49379 Persia vs Egypt ColdWar Won 4 1220
49477 Cold War 0707021 ColdWar Survived -4 1216
48134 funGoat 4 Balkans1860 Defeated -20 1196
49383 Who Are You? Where Are You? TenSixtySix_V3 Won 9 1205
49377 Just a little pregame ClassicGvI Survived -10 1195
47238 Europe en flamme Europa_Renovatio Drawn 80 1275
47248 World War Joy 2 WorldAtWar1937 Defeated 0 1275
49223 Anonymous Fantasies FantasyWorld Defeated -31 1244
46856 Divided We Fall-3 Divided_States Defeated 0 1244
49884 The Tenth Battle of 2021 ColdWar Won 6 1250
48820 Conquerers in the Colonies in Covid-Times Colonial1885 -29 1221
49358 WW2-22 YoungstownRedux Defeated -39 1182
49716 I don’t know you Chromatic Won 29 1211
49571 King of the Variants!!! Modern2 Won 143 1354
49759 Three Amigos-2 ClassicFGA Won 5 1359
49758 Let Us Regret The Life We’ve Chosen Empire1on1 Won 4 1363
49995 WE ARE LYVE! Duo Survived -13 1350
49800 Fog Gunboat in 1898 I Classic1898Fog Won 221 1571
48828 GB 1 World Defeated -50 1521
49883 Turn of Last Century Baron1900 Survived 13 1534
49633 The day and a half blitz #3 ClassicAnkaraCrescent Drawn 28 1562
49463 KSFM Modern2 Drawn 99 1661
50206 DARTH MAUL VS DARTH SIDIOUS ClassicFvA Won 1 1662
49413 European Rumble!!! A_Modern_Europe Defeated -22 1640
49799 Gunboats in the Fog XI ClassicFog Drawn 18 1658
50352 OTIS VS MASTER I ClassicFGvsRT Survived -14 1644
50383 Vae Victis-7 NorthSeaWars Survived -18 1626
49897 Epic Gunboat KnownWorld_901 Drawn 37 1663
49815 Youngstown Gunboat-4 YoungstownRedux Defeated 0 1663
49852 [GUNBOAT] Balkans 1860 Balkans1860 Survived -54 1609
50089 REST IN DISTRESS_ELON MARS Mars Drawn 2 1611
49850 Deus non constristatur FirstCrusade Defeated -40 1571
50446 EARN YOUR SOLOS ClassicFGvsRT Survived -13 1558
50640 Tickle That Nickel_Feel that Steel! ClassicFvA Won 2 1560
50092 Youngstown Gunboat-5 YoungstownRedux Survived 0 1560
48750 Elves in armored bras Haven Defeated 0 1560
50775 John Try to Crack this Code ClassicEvT Won 2 1562
49434 The day and a half blitz #2 Colonial1885 Defeated -40 1522
50397 Foggy 1898 VII Classic1898Fog -52 1470
50207 Silent Iron age KnownWorld_901 -24 1446
51106 VDIP _ Climb to Glory! ClassicFvA Survived -12 1434
51214 Game of Pricks Empire1on1 Defeated -5 1429
51215 Ron Weasley's Revenge ClassicFvA Survived -12 1417
50400 Abberant Boat 2 AberrationV -35 1382
50524 Das Gunboat-5 WWII -37 1345
51303 Game of_Flip Stump v.1.0 Empire1on1 Survived -11 1334
50993 Classic Gunboat-34 Classic -41 1293
51184 Gunboat-16 YoungstownRedux -6 1287
51307 Supremacy of South America SouthAmerica8 -28 1259
51728 SW returns to face SD ColdWar Survived -11 1248
50593 For the Empire!-2 Imperial2 -21 1227
51305 Alternative History AberrationV -29 1198
51792 prisoners_of_geography ColdWar Survived -10 1188
49570 36-4-All Europa_Renovatio Defeated -13 1175
52183 Prisoners of Geography ROUND 2 ClassicFvA Won 2 1177
52263 la zuffa per libertà TreatyOfVerdun Won 31 1208
52118 2020-2 War2020 Defeated 0 1208
52110 Bullets and Dreams Classic Defeated 0 1208
52011 Colonial game Colonial Defeated 0 1208
52441 По заветам Сунь Цзы TreatyOfVerdun Won 27 1235
52295 Classic Fogboat-3 Classic1898Fog Survived -27 1208
52285 Oogly boogie CelticBritain Survived -23 1185
52293 Atlantic Gunboat-3 AtlanticColonies Won 67 1252
52241 Youngstown Gunboat -5 YoungstownRedux Defeated -34 1218
52436 WW2 Diplomacy WWII Defeated -12 1206
52283 balkandip Balkans1860 Defeated -30 1176
52410 Classic 1880 Gunboat Classic1880 Defeated -21 1155
51771 crusade gunboat 3 FirstCrusade Drawn 42 1197
52300 Heptarchy Gunboat HeptarchyIV Defeated -41 1156
52392 1937gunboat WorldAtWar1937 -37 1119
52835 Return of the Bill: Rise of the Scraw ClassicFvA Won 6 1125
52859 CLE VS COL ClassicFvA Won 5 1130
52909 ROUND THREE ClassicFvA Won 5 1135
52973 ROUND FOUR ClassicFvA Won 5 1140
52244 R m8ies Pirates -28 1112
52526 Africa Gunboat-4 Africa Defeated -15 1097
49118 This is madness II Europa_Renovatio -15 1082
52755 Das Gunboat-15 WWII -20 1062
53257 Duo Quadgundo ColdWar Won 4 1066
53134 Shield Scrum! Duo Defeated -10 1056
48358 No name-11 Divided_States Defeated 14 1070
52311 Parma A_Modern_Europe -35 1035
53455 1v1s Jay up ClassicFvA Won 6 1041
53105 Summer Game GreatLakes Defeated 2 1043
52905 A World in Heat World Drawn 127 1170
51286 Renaissance-4 Europa_Renovatio -22 1148
53738 Sith Wars 2022 ClassicGvR Survived -10 1138
51275 Wait, how many stars and stripes?! Divided_States -38 1100
53581 Furrow sem ide Viking -28 1072
54168 Cold War-225 ColdWar Survived -4 1068
54148 4 MAN FUCK AROUND SailHo2 Survived -19 1049
53707 Home of the Brave V Empire4 -13 1036
54311 ewkoxa ClassicFvA Survived -8 1028
54141 98FOW-GB-WTA #15: Smyrna! Classic1898Fog Defeated -26 1002
54194 Atlantic Gunboat-8 AtlanticColonies Survived 2 1004
54265 Mediterranean Gunboat AncMed Defeated -8 996
54076 Caribbean Gunboat-6 Karibik Defeated 0 996
54392 J-Town vs R-Burg I ColdWar Won 10 1006
54254 98FOW-GB-WTA #22: Berlin! Classic1898Fog Defeated -18 988
54261 [98FOW]Decade 5: Ruhr! Classic1898Fog Survived 68 1056
50269 European Vacation II Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1056
54198 Viking Gunboat-4 Viking Survived -23 1033
54457 J-Town vs R-Burg II ClassicEvT Survived -6 1027
54264 Heptarchy Gunboat-2 HeptarchyIV Defeated -13 1014
54274 Celtic Gunboat-4 CelticBritain Defeated -25 989
54382 Mediterranean Gunboat-2 AncMed Survived -17 972
54260 98FOW-GB-PPSC #08: Black Sea! Classic1898Fog Defeated -8 964
54221 Europe10 GB #05: Lisbon! Modern2 Defeated -29 935
54391 Champ Gets Challenged ClassicFvA Won 7 942
54195 African Gunboat-9 Africa Survived 39 981
54149 Europe10 GB #03: Belgrade! Modern2 Defeated -12 969
54293 Europe10 GB #06: Minsk! Modern2 Defeated -7 962
54465 98FOW-GB-WTA: #27: Jiao! Classic1898Fog -23 939
53422 Known World Gunboat-6 KnownWorld_901 -18 921
54456 Viking Gunboat-5 Viking Defeated -5 916
54211 GB-3 Colonial1885 Drawn 56 972
54077 Imperial Gunboat-9 Imperial2 Defeated -14 958
54388 Caribbean Gunboat-7 Karibik Drawn 103 1061
54350 Europe Modern2 Drawn 123 1184
54393 SCRC II AtlanticColonies Drawn 0 1184
54520 1939 Gunboat Europe1939 Defeated -31 1153
54266 Modern Europe Gunboat A_Modern_Europe Defeated -20 1133
54371 1885 Gunboat-14 Colonial1885 -40 1093
54720 Youngstown Gunboat -11 YoungstownRedux Defeated -21 1072
54531 Gunboat 1475 Classic1898 Defeated -11 1061
54535 Gunboat 1479 ClassicSevenIslands -21 1040
54757 Europe10 GB #07: Amsterdam! Modern2 Defeated 4 1044
54533 Gunboat 1477 Classic1880 -32 1012
54132 901 Gunboat-2 KnownWorld_901 -25 987
52930 Terra WWIVsealanes -17 970
54584 Gunboat 1484 YoungstownWWII -17 953
56153 Vita ClassicFvA Survived -9 944
56227 Segundo ClassicFvA Survived -9 935
56200 ready when ready -3 Abstraction3 Survived -29 906
53985 El Mundo Gunboat WWIV_V6 -24 882
56196 Greece-7 GreekDip -23 859
57259 #2 = SOON and/or NOW ClassicFvA Defeated -4 855
56079 For Opium! V4.0 Imperial2 -18 837
57219 Viking Gunboat-10 Viking -25 812
58085 Jedi Duel ClassicEvT Survived -9 803
57710 Maria Theresa's nightmare AustrianSuccession -10 793
58115 South of Sarah ;) SouthSahara -18 775
57901 Winner Winner Chicken Dinner Colonial1885 -26 749
59826 Rivalry Renewed - Only Pirates Allowed ClassicFvA Won 8 757
59490 Queen of the Britons HeptarchyIV -23 734
59955 No game limits ColdWar Won 6 740
59812 ClassicGunboat-2 Classic Survived -10 730
59787 Scottish Diplomacy Scottish_Clan_Wars Defeated 0 730
59972 FvAvG-4 ClassicFGA Survived -12 718
59954 Atlantic Gunboat-38 AtlanticColonies Won 99 817
60040 Duel of the Sun’s Apex ClassicGvI Defeated -3 814
59868 Sen-Gunbo-ku Sengoku5 Defeated -23 791
60073 Battle of the Ecalypso ClassicGvI Won 6 797
60095 Rematch 3; Rings of Saturn ClassicGvI Won 5 802
59977 ClassicGunboat-3 Classic Survived -8 794
60015 Gunboat1900 Baron1900 Defeated -11 783
59869 1600 Gunboat Europe1600 Won 417 1200
59976 Classic7Islands ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 30 1230
59817 Western World Gunboat WesternWorld_901 Defeated -18 1212
59705 1885 Gunboat-20 Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1212
60096 Open Hand Play; Dr. Strangelove AtlanticColonies Survived -32 1180
60061 Ancient Mediterranean gunboat AncMed Survived 0 1180
60277 Punic Wars Gunboat PunicWars Survived -11 1169
59924 Successful Napoleon? ClassicFog Drawn 24 1193
59863 ShroudedinDarkness Classic1898Fog Defeated 0 1193
60280 Punic Wars Gunboat-2 PunicWars Survived -26 1167
60123 ClassicGunboat-6 Classic Defeated -26 1141
60130 ClassicGunboat-7 Classic Defeated -26 1115
60132 Playing through all the variants #17: UK Anarchy AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 14 1129
60289 Duo Redux Duo Survived -11 1118
60097 1900 for fun Baron1900 Drawn 17 1135
60183 ClassicGunboat-9 Classic Defeated -38 1097
59479 now for real Imperial2 -19 1078
60016 Playing through all the variants #16: American Con AmericanConflict Survived -22 1056
60252 ClassicGunboat-10 Classic Defeated -9 1047
60172 BritishGunboat ClassicBritain Defeated -16 1031
60394 Rollorollo DarkAges Defeated -29 1002
60254 Austrian Succession gunboat - ready orders plz AustrianSuccession Survived -25 977
60086 Chaos is a Ladder - The Black Plague MongolianEmpire Defeated -25 952
60270 Playing through all the variants #18: Atlantic Col AtlanticColonies Survived -9 943
59469 A Modern Europe XXX A_Modern_Europe 0 943
59992 GunboatEurope1939 Europe1939 Drawn 17 960
60586 Prodigious Minds Bounds In Glory_This is the way!! ColdWar Won 5 965
60030 Murica FY Empire4 Defeated 0 965
60253 FoggyGunboat-3 Classic1898Fog Defeated -10 955
60038 Solstice War GreatLakes Defeated -37 918
60301 Germany1648 Won 290 1208
60186 Das Gunboat-63 WWII Survived -13 1195
60113 AbberationVGunboat AberrationV Defeated 0 1195
60158 Das Gunboat-62 WWII Drawn 25 1220
59842 colonial 1885 4 Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1220
60168 GunboatYoungstownRedux YoungstownRedux Survived -12 1208
60542 Libertas quæ sera tamen-10 SpiceIslands Won 77 1285
60477 August -2 Rinascimento Defeated 0 1285
60568 AbberationVGunboat-2 AberrationV Defeated -28 1257
60576 1885 Gunboat-21 Colonial1885 Drawn 16 1273
59448 Quiet Euro A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1273
60570 King of the World Zeus5 Survived -19 1254
60532 World in year 901 gunboat KnownWorld_901 Defeated -16 1238
60534 Paulaner Germany1648 Defeated -38 1200
59952 Island Hopping-4 EastIndies Drawn 202 1402
59853 The new era A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1402
59834 Colonial 1885 gunboat-14 Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1402
60621 A gunboat war WorldAtWar1937 -26 1376
60601 Alvarez Empire4 -20 1356
59840 Europa Renovatio Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1356
59624 Massive European Gunboat Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1356
60763 Balthazar-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -38 1318
59651 El Mundo Gunboat-2 WWIV_V6 Defeated 0 1318
60839 Abstraction III-3 Abstraction3 -1 1317