A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Supernatural (681 D X)
09 Apr 11 UTC
0 replies
Caedus (952 D X)
08 Apr 11 UTC
A Variant of Ice and Fire
Would anyone be interested in helping to create a variant based on the book series A Song of Ice and Fire? It would be based on the continent of Westeros, the map of which is here:
9 replies
The Czech (1921 D)
07 Apr 11 UTC
No Press FOW Password protected
PM me the password please. I'd like to play.
4 replies
Morty1138 (1133 D)
25 Feb 11 UTC
Economic game - Let's try it!
10 point buy-in, 2 day phases
Let's do it!
53 replies
Supernatural (681 D X)
08 Apr 11 UTC
Any one for 1v1 live?
join m for 1v1
0 replies
Supernatural (681 D X)
08 Apr 11 UTC
Anyone for two player 1v1 live game?
PLease join a game with me!
2 replies
Supernatural (681 D X)
08 Apr 11 UTC
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
08 Apr 11 UTC
need a new England
thank you in advance
0 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
07 Apr 11 UTC
Interesting Issue
Something has happened to this site on my computer. The font is smaller and different, and so is the in-game (not zoomed) map. there is no change to any other websites. I am currently in 4 or so Chaos games, could that cause the smaller font? I am in about 8 games total, if that matters
2 replies
canaduh (1293 D)
07 Apr 11 UTC
Why can I not read a reply from another use? Help
I have a message from Oli, but I can only see the first line. If I click on Oli (his name) it brings up a blank page. And there does not seem to be anywhere else to click.
5 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
03 Apr 11 UTC
EOG - comments: First Play HAVEN
Can I get some feedback for this variant? Please...
tt612 (1404 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
like what specifically?

I thought it was pretty good, but more games will have to be done to get an idea for balance. The Nomads still seem as screwed as they appear and I think the Underworld may be too easily defended such that once a player gets possession of it, they usually keep it.
butterhead (1272 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
Indeed, Nomads are pretty much hopeless it seems. all I have to say really is, thank you Tadar for saving my life early in the game. without you, I would have died, and would not have gotten the opportunity to stab you later in the game.
tt612 (1404 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
which you couldn't even follow up on...
LoveDove (1368 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
Ongoing Haven now has Nomads doing alright for himself. gameID=1022
butterhead (1272 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
uhh, tt... I was killing Tadar very quickly. had we not all agreed to draw, we would have killed him. it was stabbing you that I couldn't follow up on...
tt612 (1404 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
yeah, it was because you attacked me that I was forced to draw early
butterhead (1272 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
haha, exactly. the rest of us were ready to draw, I had to be sure you were going to accept it.
tt612 (1404 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
@love, he has 4 centers but lost one home center, plus it's still early. you'll see what we mean.
tt612 (1404 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
you could have waited to be sure AFTER you finish what you started
butterhead (1272 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
indeed, he won't last long without some luck.
butterhead (1272 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
haha, well, the most that would have happened was Tadar got killed, which would not have happened, because after I stabbed him I gave him my word he would survive, and fully intended to keep it.
tt612 (1404 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
well, I don't think Oli will consider our bickering as feedback, so lets move on.
from this game and based on my experience in "Haven-this map is insane" I feel like there's a bit of a stalemate line around the north continent. also some build centers are infective late game, I had to post pone some because I knew the units couldn't get anywhere quick enough. By the time you reach more eternal centers, it's likely you already have the forces necessary to take over half the map.
butterhead (1272 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
I agree with tt on that part. it took years just for someone to take the Last Troll center, and no one was moving.
Triskelli (735 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
I'll say this much about the Nomads: They are not for the causal Dipper, and a single mistake will END you, especially if some of your neighbors only come on once per turn at 4 in the morning.
(hint hint, Capt. Hook)
well Nomads are in a disadvantaged position, but usually experienced larger powers offer less powerful ones a way out.. personally I tried to offer all the support I could to them, hoping in some pay-back later on.

overall: very nice map, with a lot of good spots. I personally like the fact that after having lead the game for quite a while two powers were able to wipe me out of the board incredibly quickly.. this means that there aren't much stalemate lines, which I like. I have to add that I was Undead and I was based in the central part of the map: my home island, the isle in the middle, the northern coast of the southern island, and half of the underworld.I passed from 20-ish to 10-ish centers in no time! and I had a plan to stab Magicians which could have done the opposite.. so the map is cool for this kind of changes.. I think this is due to the relatively low ratio SCs/non-SC-territories .

about the underground: very very nice idea! to be exported in thousands of other new variants! I personally don't think it's easy to defend: in the game we played it was conquered by 3-4 different players. think at how many times have you seen a Germany or a Turkey owned by 4 different players in the same game!!! again I think this is due to the low SC/non-SC ratio. yes, you can populate the underworld with ten armies.. but you'll use ten armies to keep 4 SCs, which is uttermost inconvenient!

north: I haven't played in the northern part of the map, but for what I saw there WAS an easy stalemate line.. so that part could maybe be a good spot for improvement.

about the implementation: Oli did a spectacular job, one of the finest so far! I can't write all the positive comments I've got in mind (I'd need 3 separate threads :P) so I'll only put a suggestion for improvement.. in the passages between world and underworld, it's not clear when a unit has just happened to arrive or has been standing there for a while. this could be improved by adding a small red arrow of movement if the unit has just arrived..

thank you Oli for this present!
tt612 (1404 D)
06 Apr 11 UTC
Regarding the underworld, in our example yes it was more easily fought over, but look at gameID=323, the ogres held a good lock over the area without needing to sacrifice too many overworld units. and as for your 10-4 Unit-SC argument, remember that person also holds the lock on a second half of the board, making it a strong stalemate position as I unfortunately had to find out.
Speaking of Stalemates, to elaborate more on the northern area, it's not just an easily defended line, it's multiple lines that can bend and merge to fit a shape that works for the number of units available. again looking at the other game, despite taking full advantage of the NMR, I was only able to push a little bit before it snapped back. I think what makes the line worse is how easy it is for one country on each of the two continents to dominate the region. two games so far show this effect.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
07 Apr 11 UTC
Any more comments now that "Haven-This map is Insane but awesome" ended too?
tt612 (1404 D)
07 Apr 11 UTC
my comments were based on both, was there a particular subject you wanted critiqued?
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
07 Apr 11 UTC
No, only generic impressions, as I never played the map on my own but liked all the ideas very much. Also it was quite challenging and interesting to implement...
tt612 (1404 D)
07 Apr 11 UTC
It was good and well put together, I believe the only error found was Crystal, correct?
more games will be needed to see if there's balance problems between any players and if there's any other stalemate locations.

20 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
31 Mar 11 UTC
Team Game!
Chaos- Team game.
here's how it will go down. we will set up the game, when the game starts, I will Put the names of all countries in a hat. I will draw ten teams of 3, and one team of 4, and those will be the alliances. I understand there will be concerns with me stacking alliances, but do not fear. I want to see this succeed, so I have no incentive to cheat.
121 replies
Supernatural (681 D X)
07 Apr 11 UTC
Post Live games here!
1 reply
Supernatural (681 D X)
07 Apr 11 UTC
join 1v1
pls join th game!
1 reply
Supernatural (681 D X)
07 Apr 11 UTC
Join war for exixtence!
1 reply
Supernatural (681 D X)
07 Apr 11 UTC
4 replies
Join This 1v1 game if u like!
0 replies
join within 5 min ( 5 min moves)
9 replies
Join this Fast Game 5 min moves
A Battle to end All Others gameID=1233 and join it fast please.
2 replies
join this game as fast as u can and play 1v1 gameID=1224
pls join fast
9 replies
... or HighStake Anonymous PublicPress 2Days/Turn PasswordProtected
12 replies
raapers2 (1787 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
1066 Conversion Option
I was wondering what others think about adding a conversion option at each country's home SCs to allow fleets to turn into armies, and vice versa.
9 replies
join this 1vs1
1 reply
LoveDove (1368 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
Quick Question
Fleet in Spain SC and Port. Can Spain SC move to Port and Port move to Spain NC or is that a bounce?
4 replies
stumerac (815 D)
05 Apr 11 UTC
Antilles bug in World War IV

I just got booted from Bio Bio(BIO). It's giving me the option to withdraw to Antilles(ANT). I think I'll forego the move even though it looks like an interesting strategy.
0 replies
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
05 Apr 11 UTC
Colonial Test
We need a new player for France in the game gameID=412.
Cause everybody fights Britain it could be a good position in future. Please join!
0 replies
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
1914 World Variant
Just something I've been doing in my free time...
26 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
05 Apr 11 UTC
Points not working
Hey guys. I've been trying to create new games, but every time a click submit, the entry points keep going to 1....It doesnt matter what I put it as, it keeps going back to 1. Does anyone know why?
3 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
New 7 Islands Game
7 Islands Sorrow, Bid of 25. gameID=1148
8 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
27 Mar 11 UTC
?1066 issue?
ok - I'm in the Irish sea with a fleet - but I cannot see if there is any unit positioned at Hadrian's Wall.

I understand that my fleet cannot move or support there, but surely I should be able to see if there is any army there...
31 replies
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