A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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LoveDove (1368 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
Quick Question
Fleet in Spain SC and Port. Can Spain SC move to Port and Port move to Spain NC or is that a bounce?
4 replies
stumerac (815 D)
05 Apr 11 UTC
Antilles bug in World War IV

I just got booted from Bio Bio(BIO). It's giving me the option to withdraw to Antilles(ANT). I think I'll forego the move even though it looks like an interesting strategy.
0 replies
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
05 Apr 11 UTC
Colonial Test
We need a new player for France in the game gameID=412.
Cause everybody fights Britain it could be a good position in future. Please join!
0 replies
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
1914 World Variant
Just something I've been doing in my free time...
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
I have too much time on my hands (IE study time), and while playing diplomacy I thought about why it wasn't expanded onto a whole world map, from in 1914. I thought i'd give it a try, and eventually, created this.


The main problem I came across was, obviously, balancing a variant based around empires which weren't balanced. Then I figured, that they didn't need balance. What will happen is that not all SC's will have units on at the start, which will weaken the big empires like Britain and France. I also made the Europeans powers without big colonies into powerhouses (Austria, Italy, Germany) with 4 SC's each in Europe.

The 10 countries in the variant are: Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Russia, Turkey, USA, Japan, Portugal.

It's obviously not finished yet, but I'm interested to know what thoughts (if any) you have on it. Constructive criticism, or just to laugh at me for having too much free time xD.

PS. Apologies for the map not looking great, i had to use software because my art is so bad.
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
Original link didn't seem to work. Oops. :P
Stormy (722 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
I like and I would love to play something like that. I guess the only 'criticism' I can think of is that there is no China. I would put a China in there maybe based off the China in Colonial Diplomacy or something.
ashleygirl (1285 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
Great job Hellenic.
butterhead (1272 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
cool. I would play it for sure.
Triskelli (735 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
I like it. You have any idea for unit placement yet?
ezpickins (1742 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
are all the SCs captured within each respective country captured?
That looks amazingly awesome!
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
02 Apr 11 UTC
Does it make sense for Germany's African Empire to be worth as much as Germany? The colonies make everything much more complicated, but I wonder if a duel track game might be possible where Europe happens at one level and the colonies happen at a lower level. It would seem odd to me for French West Africa to be worth twice what Germany is.
Why would you have a China in here? China sucked terribly in 1914.
Stormy (722 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
So did Portugal but alas there he is
If you're going to have a sucky Portugal you may want to consider a sucky netherlands with Indonesia (ditto Belgium with Congo and Timor). Perhaps make the colonies worth less as suggested by Gopher and consider a reminiscito (always spell that wrong) set of rules where countries starting with less SCs get proportionally more pot if they survive?
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
I don't think Portugal is that sucky, it has a nice spread out empire which means it has plenty of options. Angola, Mozambique, Bissau and Timor (which wasn't Belgian?) are all Portuguese. The proportional rules sounds good though, I'll look into that.

As for colonies, I have a special rule there. To win, you need a certain amount of SC's (not yet decided), as well as a certain amount of capital cities, like in the 1066 variant. So you can't just take over the Americas or Africa to win. This rule may not come into effect for USA and Japan though, or be lessened for them.

China was very weak in 1914. It would have no chance against any of them. And with its position it would be surrounded by Britain, Russia, France, USA and Japan, so it wouldn't last long at all.

Unit placement wise - The weaker nations will have units in all of their SC's, whereas Britain, France, USA and Russia will have a lot of empty ones, representing how they were stretched to cover it all at that time.

Stormy (722 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
True, China was very weak in 1914 but this game is called 'Diplomacy' not 'China sucked in 1914'. I'm sure Germany or France wouldn't mind an alliance with China.
Shep315 (1435 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
In reality they did so logic follows that they should in a game
Shep315 (1435 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
plus if you want to use the logic that declining countries should be out, then you would have to boot Austria from classic, I mean they couldnt fight France or Germany one on one
@ Stormy: " this game is called 'Diplomacy' not 'China sucked in 1914'. "
very nice one!
what if each SC in the world has a different 'value'?
for example Rome counts 10, Venice 6, Naples 6, Madagascar 2, CapeTown 3, etc etc etc
and you can maintain 1 unit every 10 SC-points you own.
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
04 Apr 11 UTC
That sounds very complicated...I'm not good at coding so i'd have to ask someone else to code it for me anyway, I don't want to give them a nightmare task?
canaduh (1293 D)
04 Apr 11 UTC
This looks great.

Re the SC value idea - to make it simpler, have the 'home' empire SCs worth more.

Also, I think that you would need a Hong Kong - still punches above its weight!
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
04 Apr 11 UTC
@Hellenic Riot: If you add the territory-names in a 2nd layer I can do the coding. You "just" need to define the borders with a point and click interface after I'm done coding.
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
04 Apr 11 UTC
Would shortened ones be ok? Some are kinda small to put the whole names?
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
04 Apr 11 UTC
You can use the current maps available here as a rough guide. (And don't forget, there are units to be placed on the map to...) I usually use a fontsize of 9 for the smallmap, and 11-14 for the largemap
gman314 (1016 D)
05 Apr 11 UTC
Just a couple of questions/ideas.
1. The larger powers don't start with units everywhere. However, should they be limited in where they can build or in how many units they can build so that they don't suddenly get a ton of units after the first year?
2. Even though it's not entirely historically accurate, you might like to consider giving Portugal one SC in Brazil (their former colony) to make South America a 3-power fight and keep French and English expansion in SA in check.
3. England could start with a few fleets not in centers but instead on the ocean. This would represent their already deployed fleet. Specifically, they might want one beside Eastern Canada to stop the USA from easily taking it.
Shep315 (1435 D)
05 Apr 11 UTC
Why not just make Brazil a playable power?
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
05 Apr 11 UTC
Well, I don't have much time this week but next week is my school holidays, so I'll be able to finish it then.

I will think about making Brazil and China playable. Brazil is certainly workable, I am still concerned China will be surrounded and crushed with ease unless I make it massively overpowered though.

As for Hong Kong, I was trying to limit how many SC's Britain has to about 20. If I put in Hong Kong I will also put in Macau though.

26 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
05 Apr 11 UTC
Points not working
Hey guys. I've been trying to create new games, but every time a click submit, the entry points keep going to 1....It doesnt matter what I put it as, it keeps going back to 1. Does anyone know why?
3 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
New 7 Islands Game
7 Islands Sorrow, Bid of 25. gameID=1148
8 replies
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
27 Mar 11 UTC
?1066 issue?
ok - I'm in the Irish sea with a fleet - but I cannot see if there is any unit positioned at Hadrian's Wall.

I understand that my fleet cannot move or support there, but surely I should be able to see if there is any army there...
31 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
30 Mar 11 UTC
New Global only Chaos! Everybody join for a fun (and spam) filled go round on the classic chaos map! Everyone come prepared with your best alliance names!
64 replies
poppyseed (1080 D)
05 Apr 11 UTC
1 on 1
I am looking for one person to play for 99 coins!

7 replies
IKE (1179 D)
04 Apr 11 UTC
Hour & some change to join, need 2 more.
0 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
31 Mar 11 UTC
1 v 1 strategy
I play a lot of these variants and rarely seem to win. I usually hold my own on the classic map style matches with 7 players but these 1v1 things are too difficult for me.

How do you guys play these? What strategies work?
19 replies
Eliphas (926 D)
27 Mar 11 UTC
Making a variant:
Who is allowed to make variants?
Will you accept all variants?
If not, what are the criteria?
What does one have to do to make the variant? (Is it just what is described in the dev forum howto?)
7 replies
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
04 Apr 11 UTC
13th Century Mongolian Empire - Variant

working on a new variant - feedback welcome.
10 replies
Geforce (699 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
gameID=1163 enjoy enjoy please please
1 reply
Rancher (1275 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
New standard play Rinascimento - Borgia Bluff
Let's try it again, Paisonos
1 reply
Rancher (1275 D)
30 Mar 11 UTC
Mafia Melee - "Borgia Bluff"
Full press, standard rule Rinascimento, pour the wine and pull the swords
5 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
Oli please unpause
Hi oli pls unpause this game,
Italy was online severalt times and does not unpause...
1 reply
Avram (1391 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
Join Fog of War!
Need four more players for Fog of War: (4 hours left)!
0 replies
Geforce (699 D)
01 Apr 11 UTC
enjoy to live game go go go
2 replies
immabe (820 D X)
02 Apr 11 UTC
1v1 5min/phase
2 replies
b2c (853 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
I will make it quick 5min/phase 1v1
3 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
01 Apr 11 UTC
I've killed winning
6 replies
Caedus (952 D X)
30 Mar 11 UTC
Anonymous WWIV game
gameID=1090 Please join!
2 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
01 Apr 11 UTC
Pause Request gameID=977
Request a forced pause in gameID=977. One player clearly made a reasonable request for pause and despite PMs, two players refuse to pause. Although the absent player may return before the end of the phase, I'd rather play it safe and honor his/her request just in case. Thanks.
2 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
01 Apr 11 UTC
I can't view this map gameID=679

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting T_FUNCTION in /usr/www/users/vdiplo/webdiplomacy/variants/Sengoku5/classes/userOrderBuilds.php on line 25
8 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
28 Mar 11 UTC
New Chaos gameID=1057
Shall we try again? gameID=1057
7 replies
b2c (853 D)
01 Apr 11 UTC
1v1 5min/turn
1 reply
Rancher (1275 D)
30 Mar 11 UTC
European Disunion -- Modern standard
Modern Dip game, standard full press non-anon rules, let's get it going
2 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
01 Apr 11 UTC
Quick Question
Can Fleet Western Med, GoL, or Mar support MAO or Port to Spain NC?
same situation applies to Fleet Gas supporting to south coast, etc
2 replies
Catch23 (884 D)
30 Mar 11 UTC
Looking for a Good Group for Lots of Games
NOT META-GAMMING! sence their aren't alot of ppl that play here, i'm looking for a group of up to 50 to play games with. I'll post when we're having games, and you guys are welcome to post too!
6 replies
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