A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Supernatural (681 D X)
09 Apr 11 UTC
0 replies
Caedus (952 D X)
08 Apr 11 UTC
A Variant of Ice and Fire
Would anyone be interested in helping to create a variant based on the book series A Song of Ice and Fire? It would be based on the continent of Westeros, the map of which is here:
9 replies
The Czech (1921 D)
07 Apr 11 UTC
No Press FOW Password protected
PM me the password please. I'd like to play.
4 replies
Morty1138 (1133 D)
25 Feb 11 UTC
Economic game - Let's try it!
10 point buy-in, 2 day phases
Let's do it!
53 replies
Supernatural (681 D X)
08 Apr 11 UTC
Any one for 1v1 live?
join m for 1v1
0 replies
Supernatural (681 D X)
08 Apr 11 UTC
Anyone for two player 1v1 live game?
PLease join a game with me!
2 replies
Supernatural (681 D X)
08 Apr 11 UTC
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
08 Apr 11 UTC
need a new England
thank you in advance
0 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
07 Apr 11 UTC
Interesting Issue
Something has happened to this site on my computer. The font is smaller and different, and so is the in-game (not zoomed) map. there is no change to any other websites. I am currently in 4 or so Chaos games, could that cause the smaller font? I am in about 8 games total, if that matters
2 replies
canaduh (1293 D)
07 Apr 11 UTC
Why can I not read a reply from another use? Help
I have a message from Oli, but I can only see the first line. If I click on Oli (his name) it brings up a blank page. And there does not seem to be anywhere else to click.
5 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
03 Apr 11 UTC
EOG - comments: First Play HAVEN
Can I get some feedback for this variant? Please...
20 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
31 Mar 11 UTC
Team Game!
Chaos- Team game.
here's how it will go down. we will set up the game, when the game starts, I will Put the names of all countries in a hat. I will draw ten teams of 3, and one team of 4, and those will be the alliances. I understand there will be concerns with me stacking alliances, but do not fear. I want to see this succeed, so I have no incentive to cheat.
121 replies
Supernatural (681 D X)
07 Apr 11 UTC
Post Live games here!
1 reply
Supernatural (681 D X)
07 Apr 11 UTC
join 1v1
pls join th game!
1 reply
Supernatural (681 D X)
07 Apr 11 UTC
Join war for exixtence!
1 reply
Supernatural (681 D X)
07 Apr 11 UTC
4 replies
Join This 1v1 game if u like!
0 replies
join within 5 min ( 5 min moves)
9 replies
Join this Fast Game 5 min moves
A Battle to end All Others gameID=1233 and join it fast please.
2 replies
join this game as fast as u can and play 1v1 gameID=1224
pls join fast
9 replies
... or HighStake Anonymous PublicPress 2Days/Turn PasswordProtected
12 replies
raapers2 (1787 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
1066 Conversion Option
I was wondering what others think about adding a conversion option at each country's home SCs to allow fleets to turn into armies, and vice versa.
raapers2 (1787 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
England, in particular, I feel is forced to walk a very tight line between having enough armies to evict HW from the Isles, and then have enough fleets to expand after.

Also, with the fog of war element, an enemy could suddenly slip behind your lines and cause more havoc than usual. For instance, if England gets into NE North and takes Trondheim, it is considerably more difficult for Norway to get him out without an army.

I also think it would be in line with the historical context of this map.
good idea.. what do you think, TheAmbassador?
b2c (853 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
Although this has 0.01% chance of implementation I think only fleets -> armies should be allowed. A platoon can abandon there ship and walk on land but they can not conjure one out of thin air to sail on to.
ezpickins (1717 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
i feel like that is a good idea and i think it should be a option in the new game creator if possible
I agree it's a good suggestion Tadar, my only concern is whether it throws the balance out that we were trying to achieve. You might recall I suggested when we were planning the variant the idea of players choosing the nature of their builds. You were a little reluctant on the idea. How would this subtle variation be much different?

I also like b2c's logic, but don't know how possible this is technically.

Looking at the stats it warms my heart to see England and the Norwegians now getting quite a few wins and a good many draws. Normans are still leading the stats but the difference is no where near as large as it was in the early days.
yap, Normans are in trouble now..

re: army --> fleet well, men in the Norwegian forests can cut trees and build ships, can't they?

I'm still 200% convinced that in this map the starting positions cannot be chosen freely, otherwise some powers would get enormous advantage from this rule, and we'd lose some of the effects we wanted to create.
that said, we have to assess how much transforming units could affect the game-play in this variant
Shep315 (1435 D)
06 Apr 11 UTC
yeah norway is catching up last 3 games i was in had norway soloing
fasces349 (1007 D)
06 Apr 11 UTC
is it now been implemented or no?

9 replies
join this 1vs1
1 reply
LoveDove (1368 D)
03 Apr 11 UTC
Quick Question
Fleet in Spain SC and Port. Can Spain SC move to Port and Port move to Spain NC or is that a bounce?
4 replies
stumerac (815 D)
05 Apr 11 UTC
Antilles bug in World War IV

I just got booted from Bio Bio(BIO). It's giving me the option to withdraw to Antilles(ANT). I think I'll forego the move even though it looks like an interesting strategy.
0 replies
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
05 Apr 11 UTC
Colonial Test
We need a new player for France in the game gameID=412.
Cause everybody fights Britain it could be a good position in future. Please join!
0 replies
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
1914 World Variant
Just something I've been doing in my free time...
26 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
05 Apr 11 UTC
Points not working
Hey guys. I've been trying to create new games, but every time a click submit, the entry points keep going to 1....It doesnt matter what I put it as, it keeps going back to 1. Does anyone know why?
3 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
02 Apr 11 UTC
New 7 Islands Game
7 Islands Sorrow, Bid of 25. gameID=1148
8 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
27 Mar 11 UTC
?1066 issue?
ok - I'm in the Irish sea with a fleet - but I cannot see if there is any unit positioned at Hadrian's Wall.

I understand that my fleet cannot move or support there, but surely I should be able to see if there is any army there...
31 replies
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