A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
Seagull_Head (958 D)
11:40 PM UTC
Applying to be a mod for private games
Hi, I have introduced my colleagues to Diplomacy and we all love it. However, for the next time we play, it would be great to be able to play with faster turns, but pause it over weekends and evenings.
Is there any way to get mod privileges without taking part in dozens of private games?
3 replies
erikip107 (2584 D)
10 Jan 24 UTC
ER Team Game Revival
Hey Folks! I was recently thinking about the Europa Renevatio Team game we did a couple years ago and I think we can do it again, better this time. Among the improvements, it may be ideal to determine the teams ahead of time and make them public so we can try to come up with a "balanced" set of 9 teams of 4. Would anyone else (err... 35 others?) want to give it a shot?
161 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
21 May 12 UTC
Advertise your NON-live games here!
In an effort to compromise the pro-ads versus anti-ads for games: Post here for your non-live games to cut down on the number of ads but still advertise games. Post game link, WTA or PPSC, and the bet. Note: this doesn't count for special rules games.
3389 replies
hakureimarisa (2277 D)
09:22 PM UTC
So how ranking changes are calculated?
I soloed two times in Classic, and each gave me about 200 points, and this variant has 17 players, so I thought it'll be about 450 points or so. Now I get 861 points and reach #21. So how ranking changes are calculated?
0 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
12 Mar 11 UTC
Oli won.
On Imperial Civilization's off-topic thread (link inside), there was a brief stint of Second to Last Person to Post Wins. Now that the thread is closed, Oli won.
10373 replies
The Ambassador (2124 D (B))
Sun 05 AM UTC
VDippers going to WDC?
Hi folks, as listeners of the podcast know I'll be attending WDC when it kicks off in less than a week...
1 reply
David Hood (976 D)
Thu 23 May UTC
May 2024 Deadline News is Out!
May Deadline News just released - preview of summer cons, interview with DBN's Bryan Pravel, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy.
0 replies
MariTheAlien (1000 D)
Sat 11 May UTC
Any SEA Players? Newbie here looking to find some community!
Hey! I'm Alien, a player based in the Philippines (GMT+8). I got introduced to Diplomacy around this time last year, and I'm finally getting back into the hobby since summer is just around the corner. It's been a struggle finding people to talk to or play with since this hobby isn't the *most* accessible, and most of the players seem to be from the US and EU. Is there anyone from in and around the SEA region looking to link up and organize some games?
4 replies
bache (1092 D)
27 Apr 24 UTC
need more players for this map
3 replies
Chrimol (980 D)
Fri 10 May UTC
Greek Diplomacy, need Athens and Sparta
0 replies
Fake Al (1692 D)
09 May 24 UTC
IA Map Bugs with New Variant
I've got a variant I'm adding called Incensed. In the playtesting, there are issues with the interactive map. Certain regions work just fine. But there are some regions that don't get highlighted or can't really be clicked on. I'm not sure what the issue is. Seems like it also depends on what browser is being used, too. Any variant creators run into similar issues or know what might be the cause/solution?
1 reply
Kusiag (1000 D)
25 Apr 24 UTC
Need players for 1800 - Empires and Coalitions, Unranked
Need to fill: 1800 - Empires and Coalitions, Unranked
6 replies
Seagull_Head (958 D)
28 Apr 24 UTC
Private game, players want to concede
Hi we are playing a private game at our workplace, two players wish to resign. However, it is not clear how this works. Any advice appreciated! Thanks
4 replies
PeterStretch (1053 D)
25 Apr 24 UTC
Need one more for "WWVI Brawl" Join Code: Start
Gunboat, fog of war game. Classic map.

One more to start!
0 replies
Mitomon’s Gobble Earth Team Game!
Here we will start taking names for whoever wants to play Mitomon’s version of Gobble Earth Teams. The game will be anonymous and have random country assignments. These are the teams:
29 replies
bache (1092 D)
22 Apr 24 UTC
any 1-1 game variant?
(except Coldwar Classic E-T,G-R)
3 replies
Mitomon (2187 D)
22 Apr 24 UTC
Colombia Solo'd in Gobble Earth?
When did this happen, how do I find the game, and was this a real game or a set up?
6 replies
erikip107 (2584 D)
18 Apr 24 UTC
Vdip Local Meta
Hey guys! I'm curious what you guys think of the local meta here on Vdip, especially compared to other places (i.e. live-person tournaments, webdip, personal friend groups, other & etc.). I've never played anywhere outside of Vdip, having learned the game here and never expanding elsewhere, and I'm curious!
9 replies
David Hood (976 D)
21 Apr 24 UTC
April 2024 Deadline News Is Out
April 2024 edition of Deadline just released on DBN. Includes interview with recent tournament winner Steve Hogue, a feature on a new virtual Backstabbr league with TD Tyler Francis, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy:
0 replies
mc3639708 (1000 D X)
18 Apr 24 UTC
WHERE CAN I BUY COUNTERFEIT MONEY, (‪whatsapp +447436442801)
Buy high-quality undetectable grade AA+ counterfeit money Online, real fake passports,id cards,drivers license WhatsApp: ‪+447436442801

0 replies
MagicalSand (1822 D)
30 Mar 24 UTC
The Sandquest
So I've seen some players here go on some grand "quests" I'll say to play every variant on the site. I've decided I want to join the club and do so aswell, but I want to do so with some sort of cool "twist". Trying to solo every variant is a little impractical, and I'm not certain about something super simple like making them all gunboats. So anyone got some ideas?
18 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
08 Sep 18 UTC
Variant Development Thread
This thread is made for the express purpose of cutting down of multiple threads that deal with new variants, ideas, concepts etc...
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Goblin_Priest (981 D)
29 Mar 19 UTC
Really old lol but guess the game is timeless. Thanks started reading, a few ideas. So far so good. My world avoids the pitfalls common to fantasy maps from what I read so far.
Goblin_Priest (981 D)
29 Mar 19 UTC
What about variant rules? What are the possibilities with this platform? For example, is it possible to make certain SCs worth two points instead of one? Or make some exclusive sea zones which only one faction can use?
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
29 Mar 19 UTC
These variants all have some interesting rule changes:
Goblin_Priest (981 D)
29 Mar 19 UTC
Thanks, I'll look into that. How much coding knowledge is required to do that? Images, I can do no problem. Writing rules in plain text, no problem. PHP? Never worked with it, though maybe I can figure stuff out, at first glance those php files don't look overly complex.
Enriador (1507 D)
21 Apr 19 UTC
New variant coming soon!

"Chesspolitik - Kings & Knights" by @nopunin10did is a perfectly balanced Diplomacy variant for 4 players with a Chess flavor. You can check the rules here:
Chesspolitik looks weird. It also looks like a lot of fun!
Goblin_Priest (981 D)
22 Apr 19 UTC
Is there a variant for the Seven Year's War?
Enriador (1507 D)
22 Apr 19 UTC
@David It's chess with Diplomacy after all! It's bound to look weird. =)

@Goblin Available on vDip? Not yet.
But there is a wonderful variant called Ambition & Empire that is set during the aftermath of the Seven Years War. There is a page for it somewhere, can't recall it.
jmo1121109 (1200 D Mod)
22 Apr 19 UTC
@Enraidor, I am very interested in Chesspolitik. Does it work with the base game engine for webdip or does it use something special to adjudicate games? If it's the base engine I could easily see this being one I port into webdip too.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
22 Apr 19 UTC
@jmo: Nearly all games can be used at webdiplomacy.
Only the ones with "neutral" units don't work, because the OrderArchive is hardcoded.
(and the 1900 variant, that uses a lot of extra-code)
Flame (1073 D)
22 Apr 19 UTC
@Enriador. Ambition & Empire with rules attached in a file. But in Russian.
WiJaMa (1228 D)
22 Apr 19 UTC
@Enriador: Dipwiki and Variant bank also appear to have a page on Ambition and Empire
Enriador (1507 D)
22 Apr 19 UTC
@Flame @WiJaMa Thank you both, that's the map I was looking for.

Ambition & Empire is fabulous. One of its creators also made 1900 (another classic) and the Diplomacy Points system is a complete revolution of variant-making in my opinion. Top of my dream list.
nopunin10did (1041 D)
23 Apr 19 UTC
1900 could be ported to webDip if they want to make the same database changes and code changes I did.
Baron Powell is an accomplished variant designer, one of the best out there. He tends toward rules which add complexity (sometimes a *lot* of complexity, but the rules are well reasoned. His maps and settings are thoroughly researched and Baron strives for good balance among the Powers.
Technostar (1302 D)
26 Apr 19 UTC
Currently playing around with another large map:

While I have an initial sketch for it, I'm still open to major redesigns and balancing changes. I haven't decided on a catchy name for it yet, although right now I'm considering calling it "Into the Renaissance" or "Renaissance Diplomacy". The start date is 1450ish (either 1444 if I make it use 1-year increments or 1450 if I make it use 5-year increments).

As it is right now, the map has 36 players, 308 SCs (all players should be able to get at least 8), 570 land territories, and a large (haven't counted) number of sealanes. I'm contemplating decreasing the number of SCs per player to 7, however, as the map's current form is larger than Divided States.

The rulebook is pretty similar to Divided States, albeit with a few changes here and there. Rules include:
Build Anywhere
Starting conditions - Most players start with 3 or 4 centers (depending on how strong they were IRL or if they have far-flung SCs), although the Ottomans start with 5.
Custom start (with first-year default builds)
Colored neutral centers (indicated on the current map with a dot SC, as opposed to a bullseye or plus)
Transform option (including the option to rebuild on different coasts, which is useful in Suez area and other portages)
"Around the Cape" sealane that connects the Red Sea to the Atlantic by the Canaries
Desert Territories - Cannot be owned (purely aesthetic) but otherwise act like a normal land province. Where more than 3 territories share a corner, units can move diagonally.
Strait Crossings - Can be used by armies & fleets
Islands - Fleets in mixed island/water territories can't convoy. Armies must be built there or convoyed in unless there's a strait crossing (only used in Denmark). Some islands are also Overseer Zones for sealanes.
Sealanes - Implemented using the same format as Divided States
(Pretty much the only things I scrapped from Divided States were rivers, neutral armies, and the boxes for Alaska and Hawaii)

This map contains a considerable number of unique situations that result from the somewhat chaotic borders of the time. The most notable examples are the nations with far-flung starting centers such as Venice, the Papal States, Aragon, and (most extremely) Genoa. I've tried to balance out these powers by giving them easy access to a larger number of centers than most players so they aren't extremely weak in any particular area, although I'm not entirely sure how well that will balance.

Also on the topic of balance, I am attempting to make this map possible to solo (as opposed to Divided States, which might be possible to solo, though I got stopped a mere 12 centers from the threshold and nobody else has come close yet). Some consequences of this design philosophy are the large number of Sealanes (Aside from chokepoints like Gibraltar, sealanes are near-impossible to stalemate), a large number of non-SC land spaces, and an even number of SCs (to encourage tenuous 2-way draw attempts that could easily lead to a solo).

Because this map is still in the early stages of revision, any feedback, ESPECIALLY regarding balance, is highly appreciated.
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
26 Apr 19 UTC
LOL! And I thought Dawn of the Enlightenment was a big brute! A couple of ideas from tha variant might be of benefit. First, I find the sealanes rule to be unnecessarily complicated. Dawn of the Enlightenment uses a similar but simpler concept. Second, you may want to consider a less-than-majority victory criterion.
cjuric (1771 D)
26 Apr 19 UTC
For the less than majority victory, any game can be started with an EoG:# of centers condition (End of Game at X amount of centers). As fart as naming it, the map reminds me of the 1444 EU4 start. Obviously some copywright issues if you name it EU4. So maybe Battle of Varna? That was the battle that broke up the potential personal union between Hungary/Bohemia/Poland the really set the stage for further fighting in the 1400s.
This is EXACTLY the EU4 1444 start, right down to the colors! HA!

I would recommend giving the HRE some standing armies, to replicate the annoyingness of trying to expand in the HRE.
Is the darker tan supposed to be impassable?
GREAT map Technostar, can't wait to play it!
Flame (1073 D)
26 Apr 19 UTC
Dissolusion variant is also interesting to be encoded....
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
26 Apr 19 UTC
Technostar -

That looks amazing! I too am very excited to play it eventually! Not sure how it works when coding onto vDip, but I'd highly recommend not having colored neutrals, since it can be a bit confusing to see what's a neutral and what's been captured on such highly detailed and complicated maps like that, especially if someone is on a mobile device versus a computer.
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
26 Apr 19 UTC
Looks really nice Technostar! How about putting armies in all neutral territories to represent the resistance of the local governments? Before the invention of gunpowder it was pretty hard to take a fortified position even with exceedingly greater numbers of men.
bsiper (1281 D)
26 Apr 19 UTC
Would it make sense to just have more sea territories instead of sealanes? Still not really sure how to defend a sealane properly, so it might just be a personal failing
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
26 Apr 19 UTC
Well the point of sealanes is to prevent big naval stalemates like they occured in the older wolrd maps.
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
26 Apr 19 UTC
bsiper, the best defense is a good offense! -[:^)
bsiper (1281 D)
26 Apr 19 UTC
That's why I attack everyone and ignore all press! But Technostar this map is breathtaking
ScubaSteve (1234 D)
26 Apr 19 UTC
That is an insane map. Wow. I can't even begin to say how excited I would be to play it.
Technostar (1302 D)
26 Apr 19 UTC
To address some of the points raised:

Regarding sealanes, they're one feature that I intend to keep regardless of what other changes I make to the map. From my experiences in both Divided States and WWIV Sealanes, they do a very good job at preventing stalemates (especially when there aren't chokepoints like the Gulf of Alaska or Strait of Florida, and I've attempted to limit these chokepoints) while still allowing quick naval travel and not allowing too many fleets to attack a coastal center at once.

Regarding neutral standing armies, I have been considering using them (especially in the HRE), but I am unsure of whether or not to include them. I wouldn't have them in every neutral center though, as most countries are balanced around being able to take their nearby centers without worrying about supporting themselves in (which would be a nightmare for Genoa no matter how I set them up).

@Mr. Finkelmuiyer
The darker tan territories use the "Deserts" rule. They're passable to prevent stalemates but are designed to be difficult to traverse and not usually worth it unless you want to break a stalemate. As for the EU4 country colors, that's deliberate. The map does have a significant number of differences, but EU4 was one of the more useful references for constructing this map and was also my primary inspiration for choosing this particular time period. I'm also a fan of the game, so the country colors are an homage to that.

For the colored neutral centers, I will be including a tan box around each unconquered one to indicate that they're neutral (as used in Divided States and several other variants), although I haven't drawn them in just yet for my preview map. With the tan boxes around colored neutrals, it's much easier to see whether they are neutral or not.

Back to balance again, while I've had some experience balancing maps, as Divided States has shown me, there's always a good chance that I overlook some balance problem that makes a country either significantly weak or noticeably overpowered (I'm looking at you guys, Idaho, Alabama, Florida, and New Mexico). Any help with spotting critical balance issues that significantly impact particular countries would be much appreciated, as it's a lot easier to address them before I start doing the code for the variant.

On another note, a while back, I had coded a WW2-inspired world map that someone uploaded to the forums a long time ago and I wanted to try out, but I forgot about it after putting it on the Russian lab for testing. Oli will be uploading it to vDip in not too long. See the map here:
(Note: I adapted this variant as-is with only slight interpretation where rules weren't specified).

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1134 replies
How to Upload a Variant?
How do I create a variant and upload it to vDip? Do I ask a mod?
Here’s the variant:
2 replies
Fake Al (1692 D)
21 Mar 24 UTC
What do you NOT like about Diplomacy?
Are there some things you wish were a little different about Classic Diplomacy or do you think it's a perfect game?
33 replies
Inherent Balance
I was thinking about my past games today, and I noticed a pattern: when I played or fought against a (mostly) sea power that started in the corner, that power tended to have the advantage because of their spawn place and unit composition on the map. Does anyone else feel like this is the case, or do you think that these types of powers are balanced?
For reference, I was thinking of Italy--Balkans 1860, Srivijaya--Known World 901, Madagascar--Africa, and Japan--Youngstown WWII.
1 reply
Potential New Variant
Hello everyone! I have a variant idea that I designed!
The image is here!
20 replies
AJManso4 (2318 D)
15 Mar 24 UTC
Help finding a vdiplomacy variant name
What was the name of the East Asian map, that I believe was being playtested(?), where the countries were: China, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam(?), Indonesia, and Brunei?

Can’t remember what it was called and I can’t find it on my matches played for some reason
25 replies
Too Many Variants!
Here are some variant ideas. feel free to use em if yall like
3 replies
Grandsavaldo55 (1000 D X)
26 Mar 24 UTC
(+2347046335241) I want to join occult for money ritual

1 reply
abbafan1978 (999 D)
24 Mar 24 UTC
Anyone want to take over?

0 replies
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