A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
AleChoel (1244 D)
Fri 01 AM UTC
Underrated variants?
Any variant you consider (unfairly) ignored?
6 replies
wrpen (1000 D)
Wed 02 AM UTC
Other diplomacy apps
What exactly is vdiplomacy's relationship with webdiplomacy? Obviously they share a site structure, but is that it, or is there some overlap of moderation/ownership?

Also, is it possible to cite webdiplomacy or backstabbr account records and bypass the new account restrictions, and if so how do I submit them?
2 replies
Drmamafaima (1000 D X)
Wed 10 PM UTC
Stop lover from cheating, be in control of the love in the house, fix ur troubled marriage. Your lover will come back begging and the love will even be stronger than the first time .+27633555301
0 replies
Drmamafaima (1000 D X)
Wed 10 PM UTC
World best Option regarding broken relationships +27633555301
Are you in love with someone and he/she doesn't reciprocate the gesture, frustrated because of a Break -up ???? then you can call Gogo faima to help attract that lover into your life. Brings back your ex, and helps solve broken marriages and divorce. Life is too short to be unhappy. Think about that. You deserve almost happiness and love. Call or whatsApp +27633555301 Gogo Faima
0 replies
Drmamafaima (1000 D X)
Wed 10 PM UTC
Lots of people are suffering from relationships callme for help +27633555301
Love is something so special, a feeling that gives us great joy, fulfilment and happiness. It it something that we want to last forever, keeping you in a blissful state. However sometimes it goes horribly wrong causing us great pain and consternation. Those are times when we feel the whole weight of the world on your shoulders, your life falling apart. Call or whatsApp +27633555301 Gogo Faima
0 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
21 May 12 UTC
Advertise your NON-live games here!
In an effort to compromise the pro-ads versus anti-ads for games: Post here for your non-live games to cut down on the number of ads but still advertise games. Post game link, WTA or PPSC, and the bet. Note: this doesn't count for special rules games.
3420 replies
Billster82 (1147 D)
21 Jun 24 UTC
Retreats and builds phase length
Is there any feature allowing the game creator to implement shorter retreats and build phases in comparison to normal phases. As less time is needed for them it makes sense to have for example 2 days for orders and 1 day for retreats and builds.
7 replies
Notes55 (1000 D X)
Tue 16 Jul UTC
World Best Options

i got some good quality bank notes of the best grade A+( USD, GBP, CAD, EUR) and also can issue your fake/legal documents, anyone interested should hmu ASAP. notes are high quality and perfect for usage and also i offer some samples in case you want good business, so if you need just contact me on TeleGRAM: @Ranko322 or Wickr: Ranko322 or whatsapp +639950791362
i also do Face to Face deals in case you want proof first. Samples also available
0 replies
Tribn (1044 D)
Mon 15 Jul UTC
Players Needed - Fantasy World Diplomacy
Cool map wanna play :)
2 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
Mon 15 Jul UTC
Moderators wanted
Hello everyone,

we need some new blood for the mod team, see details below:
1 reply
gman314 (1016 D)
12 Mar 11 UTC
Oli won.
On Imperial Civilization's off-topic thread (link inside), there was a brief stint of Second to Last Person to Post Wins. Now that the thread is closed, Oli won.
Page 347 of 347
Mitomon (2196 D)
11 Jun 24 UTC
mouse (1919 D)
11 Jun 24 UTC
well at least this post says something more than Mitomon's does
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
18 Jun 24 UTC
This one also has more text than Mitomon's. Shall we discuss our favourite WW2 era battleship? I'll go first, mine is HMS Rodney.
halfasleep (1600 D)
18 Jun 24 UTC
The Yamato’s legendary for a reason, though it didn’t even last as long as the Bismarck at sea which takes away from its reputation somewhat. But I think that was due to more late-stage IJN issues than anything else…
JECE (1534 D)
20 Jun 24 UTC
The Yamato are a playable civilization in the original Age of Empires game. Bismarck in Civilization IV has the Expansive and Industrious traits. "Rodney was unique, however, in repeatedly and flagrantly misappropriating public money and abusing his powers of patronage in ways which could not possibly be overlooked even by the most friendly Admiralty Board."
To post, or not to post
The trick is to post something insignificant so that people dont feel inclined to respond, but not TOO insignificant to where NOBODY posts after you
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
26 Jun 24 UTC
If Virginia Woolf's brother did not bluff his way on board in blackface pretending to be an Ethiopian dignitary, can it even be called a British battleship of noteworthy repute?
jason4747 (1633 D)
27 Jun 24 UTC
halfasleep (1600 D)
27 Jun 24 UTC
Is that a quote from something Gopher?
mouse (1919 D)
27 Jun 24 UTC
Just a reference I think?
Mitomon (2196 D)
28 Jun 24 UTC
I can't believe it let me send that quasi-empty message
ezpickins (1705 D)
29 Jun 24 UTC
Believe it
JECE (1534 D)
30 Jun 24 UTC
If a post falls in a forest and nobody hears it, is it a post?
The Ambassador (2245 D (B))
04 Jul 24 UTC
I know gopher isn’t winning, but I’d like him and the rest of the thread to know I saw my first real life gopher the other day.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
Mon 15 Jul UTC
JECE for the win

10396 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
Mon 15 Jul UTC
Games to take over
Hello everyone, unfortunately I had just had to ban a rather large amount of accounts that were used by the same person. This has led to many open positions, please take those over to keep the games fun and avoid CDs.
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
04 Jul 24 UTC
one player left for a youngstown WW2 gunboat ;-)
one position left!
5 replies
graykabes (1990 D)
07 Jul 24 UTC
Game Transfer
Is it possible to transfer a game without conceding or losing your reliability? I accidently joined a game that I thought was gunboat but isn't.
2 replies
David Hood (976 D)
04 Jul 24 UTC
June Edition of Dip News show just released
Latest Deadline News just dropped - including an interview with TD of the upcoming EDC, Christophe Borgeat, as well as recent World Dipcon champ Nicolas Sahuguet:
0 replies
AventurineLe (1000 D X)
21 Jun 24 UTC
MMOexp: It seems affordable to expect
It seems affordable to expect that at the least some of those will also be proper of Dark and Darker's cell version. However, it's far a long way too early to make any severe predictions, and the brand new recreation probably is not even in development yet.

Buy Dark and Darker Gold at, safe and comfortable transactions, and years of experience to ensure the security of your account.
0 replies
AventurineLe (1000 D X)
21 Jun 24 UTC
MMOexp: There is a small dialogue difference
Completing Diablo 4 quests and using the quest log is integral to seeing the story through to the end and mopping up all sorts of side quests and tutorials on offer in Sanctuary.

Buy Diablo 4 Gold at MMOexp, safe and comfortable transactions, and years of experience to ensure the security of your account.
0 replies
AventurineLe (1000 D X)
21 Jun 24 UTC
MMOexp: EA additionally captured hundreds training drills
In this case, Atomic and Diffuse are the two outliers as best players will abatement into the Controlled classic and beforehand analogously in a controlled manner. But atomic players are beneath and added agile, able to awning abbreviate distances and avantgarde of their opponents.

Buy FIFA 24 Coins (now called EA Sports FC 24 Coins) at MMOexp, safe and comfortable transactions, and years of experience to ensure the security of your account.
0 replies
Aserthreto (887 D)
19 Jun 24 UTC
One player left
0 replies
Aserthreto (887 D)
19 Jun 24 UTC
One player left
0 replies
ITS_A_TRAP (974 D)
16 Jun 24 UTC
Asking about the creators of Cold War
Hello, I am a long-time diplomacy player but a new member of this community and I wanted to know who created the now-infamous Cold War variant. Is it Firehawk and Safari, and if so, I would like permission to use their map on my own soon-to-be free-to-play Diplomacy app.
2 replies
graykabes (1990 D)
09 Jun 24 UTC
Speed Europa Retreat Option Fix
So I am in the middle of a Speed Europa game. I was forced to retreat from Barent's Sea and the options I was given were Iceland, North Atlantic Ocean, and Serbia. Siberia borders Barent's Sea but Serbia does not (as you can probably imagine). I retreated to Serbia thinking that maybe it was a typo and I would retreat to Siberia. But I did in fact retreat to Serbia, with a fleet! So if somebody knows how to fix this, that'd be great. The game name is: Speed Europa Gunboat
5 replies
Fake Al (1707 D)
03 Jun 24 UTC
Variants to Include in a Printed Collection
Several variant creators in the community are looking to create a curated collection of variants. The idea is that groups in the hobby will be able to have this collection printed and shipped to them. That way, the hobby can have easy access to alternatives to playing modifications of the Classic board if they can't get exactly 7 players to meet.
14 replies
WelcomeGuest (929 D)
16 Jun 24 UTC
I can't play Vdip the future 10 days.
Someone to country switch my games?
1 reply
x3n (1412 D)
15 Jun 24 UTC
More scoring confusion
We had a game end in a draw and the points split equally, but then no one's score (win or lose) changed. ie. I won 12 D points and my score went from 1571(v) -> 1571 (v). Since the help pages are "for our sister site and don't apply here", can someone explain what's going on here? ID: 59410
1 reply
WelcomeGuest (929 D)
14 Jun 24 UTC
Why Interactive Map Order Interface is always loading and I can't use it?
It shows InteractiveMapOrderInterface(loading).
I've checked my Internet,it is working.
Then why I can't use it?
2 replies
x3n (1412 D)
05 Jun 24 UTC
Our PPSC game scored as if WTA
Pot = 40 points. Three-way draw at 11, 14, and 15 SC.
Game is listed as PPSC, but awarded 13 points (40/3) to each person.
I'm not worried about the points, but if it's a bug I wanted to let y'all know.
6 replies
Hakurei Marisa (2277 D)
27 May 24 UTC
So how ranking changes are calculated?
I soloed two times in Classic, and each gave me about 200 points, and this variant has 17 players, so I thought it'll be about 450 points or so. Now I get 861 points and reach #21. So how ranking changes are calculated?
2 replies
AlphaCopernicus (906 D)
29 May 24 UTC
Is it possible to delete your account?
I've had my fun and wish to leave, I have big things coming up and can't afford to be distracted. But I can't find any option to delete an account. Is there any way to do so?
8 replies
Seagull_Head (932 D)
27 May 24 UTC
Applying to be a mod for private games
Hi, I have introduced my colleagues to Diplomacy and we all love it. However, for the next time we play, it would be great to be able to play with faster turns, but pause it over weekends and evenings.
Is there any way to get mod privileges without taking part in dozens of private games?
5 replies
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