A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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erikip107 (2519 D)
10 Jan 24 UTC
ER Team Game Revival
Hey Folks! I was recently thinking about the Europa Renevatio Team game we did a couple years ago and I think we can do it again, better this time. Among the improvements, it may be ideal to determine the teams ahead of time and make them public so we can try to come up with a "balanced" set of 9 teams of 4. Would anyone else (err... 35 others?) want to give it a shot?
161 replies
The Ambassador (2245 D (B))
26 May 24 UTC
VDippers going to WDC?
Hi folks, as listeners of the podcast know I'll be attending WDC when it kicks off in less than a week...
1 reply
David Hood (976 D)
23 May 24 UTC
May 2024 Deadline News is Out!
May Deadline News just released - preview of summer cons, interview with DBN's Bryan Pravel, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy.
0 replies
MariTheAlien (1000 D)
11 May 24 UTC
Any SEA Players? Newbie here looking to find some community!
Hey! I'm Alien, a player based in the Philippines (GMT+8). I got introduced to Diplomacy around this time last year, and I'm finally getting back into the hobby since summer is just around the corner. It's been a struggle finding people to talk to or play with since this hobby isn't the *most* accessible, and most of the players seem to be from the US and EU. Is there anyone from in and around the SEA region looking to link up and organize some games?
4 replies
bache (831 D X)
27 Apr 24 UTC
need more players for this map
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Chrimol (980 D)
10 May 24 UTC
Greek Diplomacy, need Athens and Sparta
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Fake Al (1707 D)
09 May 24 UTC
IA Map Bugs with New Variant
I've got a variant I'm adding called Incensed. In the playtesting, there are issues with the interactive map. Certain regions work just fine. But there are some regions that don't get highlighted or can't really be clicked on. I'm not sure what the issue is. Seems like it also depends on what browser is being used, too. Any variant creators run into similar issues or know what might be the cause/solution?
1 reply
Kusiag (1000 D)
25 Apr 24 UTC
Need players for 1800 - Empires and Coalitions, Unranked
Need to fill: 1800 - Empires and Coalitions, Unranked
6 replies
Seagull_Head (932 D)
28 Apr 24 UTC
Private game, players want to concede
Hi we are playing a private game at our workplace, two players wish to resign. However, it is not clear how this works. Any advice appreciated! Thanks
4 replies
PeterStretch (1010 D)
25 Apr 24 UTC
Need one more for "WWVI Brawl" Join Code: Start
Gunboat, fog of war game. Classic map.

One more to start!
0 replies
Mitomon’s Gobble Earth Team Game!
Here we will start taking names for whoever wants to play Mitomon’s version of Gobble Earth Teams. The game will be anonymous and have random country assignments. These are the teams:
29 replies
bache (831 D X)
22 Apr 24 UTC
any 1-1 game variant?
(except Coldwar Classic E-T,G-R)
3 replies
Mitomon (2196 D)
22 Apr 24 UTC
Colombia Solo'd in Gobble Earth?
When did this happen, how do I find the game, and was this a real game or a set up?
6 replies
erikip107 (2519 D)
18 Apr 24 UTC
Vdip Local Meta
Hey guys! I'm curious what you guys think of the local meta here on Vdip, especially compared to other places (i.e. live-person tournaments, webdip, personal friend groups, other & etc.). I've never played anywhere outside of Vdip, having learned the game here and never expanding elsewhere, and I'm curious!
9 replies
David Hood (976 D)
21 Apr 24 UTC
April 2024 Deadline News Is Out
April 2024 edition of Deadline just released on DBN. Includes interview with recent tournament winner Steve Hogue, a feature on a new virtual Backstabbr league with TD Tyler Francis, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy:
0 replies
mc3639708 (1000 D X)
18 Apr 24 UTC
WHERE CAN I BUY COUNTERFEIT MONEY, (‪whatsapp +447436442801)
Buy high-quality undetectable grade AA+ counterfeit money Online, real fake passports,id cards,drivers license WhatsApp: ‪+447436442801

0 replies
MagicalSand (1966 D)
30 Mar 24 UTC
The Sandquest
So I've seen some players here go on some grand "quests" I'll say to play every variant on the site. I've decided I want to join the club and do so aswell, but I want to do so with some sort of cool "twist". Trying to solo every variant is a little impractical, and I'm not certain about something super simple like making them all gunboats. So anyone got some ideas?
18 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
08 Sep 18 UTC
Variant Development Thread
This thread is made for the express purpose of cutting down of multiple threads that deal with new variants, ideas, concepts etc...
1134 replies
How to Upload a Variant?
How do I create a variant and upload it to vDip? Do I ask a mod?
Here’s the variant:
2 replies
Fake Al (1707 D)
21 Mar 24 UTC
What do you NOT like about Diplomacy?
Are there some things you wish were a little different about Classic Diplomacy or do you think it's a perfect game?
Fake Al (1707 D)
21 Mar 24 UTC
A common complaint I see is over home centers Venice and Trieste touching and there's variants that try to change that.
This depends on the players, but games sometimes can devolve into grinding tactics, which some players like. It can also feel bad if an alliance has decided to eliminate you and there's not much you can do but play it out. I've heard of an interesting alternative win condition, where the game ends when one player is eliminated and the player with the most centers is the winner. This takes away from the fun of soloing or foiling a solo attempt.
I just mean for these to be examples, what other things do people have in mind?
JGLikesStratGames (1712 D)
22 Mar 24 UTC
If we're excluding Gunboat, then I'd say how Iberia is set up. I feel like France gets these centers too easily and also can defend them with minimal resources. My suggestion would be to rearrange some of the sea tiles, or perhaps combine North Africa with Tunis and allow movement between North Africa-Spain. That way at least one or two powers could have a better chance of disrupting the southwest corner of the map. I could be crazy, but I feel like that's one of the most unbalanced parts of Classic, aside from the Venice/Trieste mechanic FakeAI mentioned.
JustAGuyNamedWill (1060 D)
22 Mar 24 UTC
A little pet peeve I have with the Diplomacy Classic map is that you can’t move from Skagerrak to Baltic Sea.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
22 Mar 24 UTC
@JustAGuyNamedWill - does that annoyance apply to the Aegean -> Black Sea combo as well?
G-Man (2516 D)
24 Mar 24 UTC
I’ve always wanted to see a bit more balance, which I think could be achieved by two things already mentioned. One, by creating more space around Austria since Austria is at a huge disadvantage. This would certainly include separating it from Italy, creating more of a buffer zone there, as Italy enjoys with Germany, and as Germany also enjoys with Russia.

And two, by making Iberia equally contestable between France and Italy, and adjusting France’s border so he’s not as exposed to Germany on the opening to compensate for that. Otherwise, it’s quite a classic game ;-)
@kaner406 yes, but to a lesser extent because it makes sense that whoever owns Constantinople owns the strait. Moreso my pet peeve is that it’s just weird
G-Man (2516 D)
24 Mar 24 UTC
What David, you think Classic is perfect or sacred?
ubercacher16 (2077 D)
25 Mar 24 UTC
Classic is a terrible variant, Alacavre is much better.
MagicalSand (1966 D)
25 Mar 24 UTC
Sometimes I'll get to a game a little late, and also for some variants that aren't as refined. Sometimes it feels like before I even start my diplomacy all my neighbors will have already decided to target me and there is no way to get out. Which can be really annoying... I guess thats just diplomacy though!
Frozen Dog (1638 D)
26 Mar 24 UTC
I think it helps when the first phase is builds.
Frozen Dog (1638 D)
26 Mar 24 UTC
But also it can kind of *set* a strategy on some maps, which can kind of worsen that phenomenon.
I am a personal defender of the Modern2 variant. It’s the best variant and the best map. More fun then Classic, although Russia needs to have an army in Murmansk
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
27 Mar 24 UTC
For me it's getting 7 people in a room who are interested in playing this awesome game. We seriously need to start thinking about endorsing a recognised 6-player variant for face to face play.

What I mean by this is that as THE site that focuses on vairants we should have some sort of consensus of what 6-player variant can be brought out and played (when *that player* doesnt turn up) and is endorsed as a recognised substitute by the various Diplomacy associations around the world.

Putting the thought out there for you folks.
@G-Man Quite the contrary.
@Kaner406 check Aegemonia
Maybe I should make a 6 player map lmao
For those who don't dare clicking on a discord link, Aegemonia (Égémonie) is a 6P-variant created by Lei Saarlainen. The current version has been played approx 90 times.
(and the link is an invite to the "Embassy- Diplomacy Variant Bank" server)
Fake Al (1707 D)
27 Mar 24 UTC
I agree it would be cool to have a list of "certified great" variants for any number of players.
ubercacher16 (2077 D)
27 Mar 24 UTC
That's why I love 1862 by Keith Worstell so much. It can play 2-18 and is designed to flow like Classic but even better. Not too many centers even though it is a global variant. It also has a really cool modular design that allows you to play on just one continent, a couple of continents, or the whole world. Victory conditions are also resolved separately on each map.
Fake Al (1707 D)
28 Mar 24 UTC
1862 is great! I've played the 5-player South America board a few times face-to-face now and it's really good.
G-Man (2516 D)
28 Mar 24 UTC
1862 sounds intriguing. Would be nice to have it here.

@ David: Ok, the cough has me intrigued!

I like Greek Diplomacy for 6, but admittedly it is a rather simple variant. But loads of fun and starts with a build phase Frozen Dog.

And I’m with you on Modern II Will, an excellent design with lots of great tension. One of my absolute faves,
ubercacher16 (2077 D)
28 Mar 24 UTC
1862 has a lot of pretty necessary special rules, mostly the modular map win system, that are really difficult to adjudicate using vDip.
Fake Al (1707 D)
28 Mar 24 UTC
A few of the subvariants of 1862 could probably adapted for vDip. The only tricky rule is that there are island regions that border coastal regions, fleets can move between the island the coast, but armies can only move by convoy. It's the same with the Balearic Islands in Ancient Med. According to the variant rules, armies shouldn't be able to move directly by themselves, but I think when adapted to webDip, that specific rule for Ancient Med got changed to make it easier to adapt.
han-shahanshah (1551 D)
28 Mar 24 UTC
Can’t you just mess with the adjacencies? Some of the variants with rivers (Dutch Revolt?) have similar styles of border.
JECE (1534 D)
31 Mar 24 UTC
It seems like 1862 was in the process of getting ported to vDiplomacy at some point:

Looks interesting! Does anybody know where to find a link to the full/modular version of the variant? It doesn't seem to be archived in the Variant Bank.
All right, @G-Man. Here is my list, which certainly isn't original:

1. Too stalemate-prone, due to density, build restrictions, Switzerland.

2. Ven-Tri adjacency.

3. "Automatic" moves (A Con-Bul, and to a slightly lesser extent, F StP(sc)-Bot.

I have additional quibbles regarding the naming of certain provinces, but those are very minor.

But improving the game by creating better maps has always been one of the main motivators behind variant creation, and this has led, indirectly, to the creation of this platform and to this very discussion.
G-Man (2516 D)
01 Apr 24 UTC
Great points David, especially #1. Is there a Classic variant you like that has fixed maybe both #1 and 2? I think build anywhere works in Classic and helps, and I know there are variants that address #2, and even #3, but I think incorporating build anywhere with #2 and 3, and a minimalistic approach to eliminating the stalemate lines would make a nice “Ultimate Classic” version. Additional reworking I proposed above are severe enough that I think they’d warrant their own more unique variant.
Jean_Henri_BERNARD (1908 D)
02 Apr 24 UTC
I believe that many of the problems that were mentioned in this conversation are (/are trying to be) fixed in the 1900 variant (as well as other problems). Without saying that it is the perfect variant, I think it does a very good job, and it is worth playing some games on it (there is a PDF explaining better the variant than what I could put in a message).
JECE (1534 D)
02 Apr 24 UTC
G-Man, if I wanted to play something fairly similar to Standard Dip, I'd probably go with 1900.
G-Man (2516 D)
02 Apr 24 UTC
Thanks all. Y’know, of the many variants I’ve played, I’ve never hit 1900! It’s now officially on my list.
JECE (1534 D)
03 Apr 24 UTC
Making this URL super-secure:

33 replies
Inherent Balance
I was thinking about my past games today, and I noticed a pattern: when I played or fought against a (mostly) sea power that started in the corner, that power tended to have the advantage because of their spawn place and unit composition on the map. Does anyone else feel like this is the case, or do you think that these types of powers are balanced?
For reference, I was thinking of Italy--Balkans 1860, Srivijaya--Known World 901, Madagascar--Africa, and Japan--Youngstown WWII.
1 reply
Potential New Variant
Hello everyone! I have a variant idea that I designed!
The image is here!
20 replies
AJManso4 (2318 D)
15 Mar 24 UTC
Help finding a vdiplomacy variant name
What was the name of the East Asian map, that I believe was being playtested(?), where the countries were: China, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam(?), Indonesia, and Brunei?

Can’t remember what it was called and I can’t find it on my matches played for some reason
25 replies
Too Many Variants!
Here are some variant ideas. feel free to use em if yall like
3 replies
Grandsavaldo55 (1000 D X)
26 Mar 24 UTC
(+2347046335241) I want to join occult for money ritual

1 reply
abbafan1978 (999 D)
24 Mar 24 UTC
Anyone want to take over?

0 replies
David Hood (976 D)
23 Mar 24 UTC
Mar 2024 edition of Deadline News from the Diplomacy Broadcast Network
Newest Deadline program just released on DBN, featuring the Tournament through Time, an interview with DBNI winner Peter McNamara, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy:
0 replies
sadfsafsff01 (1000 D X)
21 Mar 24 UTC
3 replies
Babakagolo (1000 D X)
18 Mar 24 UTC
This is your chance to head off the negative and often harmful intent of a person who doesn’t have your best interests at heart.

This potent Cancel Enemy curse is designed to block any maneuver this person is planning against you. This is your chance – perhaps your last chance – to pre-empt a nemesis before they sabotage you.
1 reply
Babakagolo (1000 D X)
18 Mar 24 UTC
Whether It's a Broken Heart, a Plunging Bank Account, or an Inattentive Lover, This Powerful Spell Could Make It Right +27672740459,

Do you want to be loved but are not getting it? Feel so lonely you could cry? Is your heart breaking and nobody seems to care?
1 reply
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