A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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acmac10 (923 D)
19 Jul 11 UTC
Crashed Game

Please fix. Thanks,
3 replies
furball (873 D)
19 Jul 11 UTC
Looking for 32 more people to play an awesome game of CHAOS! :D
Bet is 10 D. Join people!
0 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
18 Jul 11 UTC
password: kuk
1 reply
Plenoge (998 D)
19 Jul 11 UTC
Straight Up Classic - Remake
Previous game was drawn because of CD'ing Italy in the very first year. Remade as:
0 replies
BenGuin (1529 D)
18 Jul 11 UTC
France vs Austria
I've notices in this game that Austria almost ALWAYS wins... what are some strategies from France?
8 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
18 Jul 11 UTC
Mod Unpause Request
Players are logging in and failing to unpause, despite the fact the original requesting player returned and is ready for play. Thanks. gameID=2557
7 replies
Zenetar (816 D)
18 Jul 11 UTC
Gunboat in Australia
join now!
0 replies
guak (1262 D X)
18 Jul 11 UTC
Turkey needed in 7islands gunboat

Turkey was doing pretty good but CDd after some refused to pause the game... typical gunboat. Still time for someone to take over turkey in a good position, not much harm has been done. Very important to maintain the balance of power in the game.
0 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
17 Jul 11 UTC
someone interested in a livegame right now ?
9 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
18 Jul 11 UTC
Stats Page missing
I thought it was a great idea and looked really cool. However I can no longer access the page. Any particular reason why?
0 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
17 Jul 11 UTC
does that mute button do?
7 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
17 Jul 11 UTC
Hey Oli
Can we get a draw forced? A player NMRed the first turn. A new player would be horribly disadvantaged, so just getting him CDed probably wouldn't work. Our consensus seems to be that he should be punished by losing his points.

3 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
17 Jul 11 UTC
Site back online...
Got some issues to resolve that where caused by the Netbeans-IDE and my really slow Internet connection.
8 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
17 Jul 11 UTC
Wanted Player for Grey Press!
We need one last player for this classic grey press game, should be an interesting twist on the classic map
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RoxArt (1732 D)
17 May 11 UTC
VDip Cup - Game Plan
Please do not write in here, it's just so you can check when to play whom without having to go back 100 pages in the other thread... :
37 replies
Can a brother get an unpause?

Thanks mods.. u rule.
1 reply
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
15 Jul 11 UTC
9 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
15 Jul 11 UTC
New Variant Game
Balkans VI
Anony, 15 buy-in. Any takers? gameID=2802
13 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
15 Jul 11 UTC
someone interested in a livegame right now, maybe with the new map, if we get enough players
21 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
16 Jul 11 UTC
Live Balkan Test
if anyone is interested
17 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
15 Jul 11 UTC
I have a question:
How can you rise a rank on your profile ?
12 replies
Rooster (1241 D)
14 Jul 11 UTC
New Fall of America
Need more players, low bid, anonymous gameID=2789
2 replies
SacredDigits (978 D)
12 Jul 11 UTC
Austria and Italy in Classic
From the best of best thread...reading that made me it only possible to do well with one of them? Eden is a good Austria/crappy Italy (as am I), Hellenic is the opposite. More views would be good.
26 replies
reminder to oli to unpause
As requested :)
1 reply
Plenoge (998 D)
14 Jul 11 UTC
Game: Straight up Classic
Classic diplomacy is what started all of this but I never see games created for it. So here's one with a 10 point bet. See you there!
0 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
Afraid of a little Challenge?
PTS bet - 20
15 players needed for world map game. Join up!
1 reply
LoveDove (1368 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
Pause Request gameID=2557
gameID=2557 Player requests pause due to storm damage in local region
2 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
11 Jul 11 UTC
Live Game
anyone up for a live game, hopefully on something other than 2 or 3 player? I was thinking a variation of classic if we can get enough people, maybe FoW or something
114 replies
The Ambassador (2267 D (B))
16 Jun 11 UTC
Best of the best game
Hi all - To allow for the necessary argy-bargy/discussion about what variant to play (I'm guessing a month of back and forth banter), I'd like to suggest a best of the best game with a buy-in of around 120. Any interest?
89 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
11 Jul 11 UTC
I've noticed some players
always save and never finalise, even if they have no choice in the matter...
furball (873 D)
11 Jul 11 UTC
to waste your fuckin time, or to find a better move.
fasces349 (1007 D)
11 Jul 11 UTC
I always finalized unless I NMR I only save when my internet is crappy and might loose the result.
Dejan0707 (1986 D)
11 Jul 11 UTC
There is few strong reasons why not finalizing is good thing to do:

When you finalize and negotiations with your allies are in progress, they might think you are decided already what to do and negotiations could be fruitless. On the other hand if you are not finalized even if you decided what you will do (and will not change your opinion) you have larger diplomatic area to pursue your goals by using press to make your allies do what you want them and not show firm unwillingness to do some concessions for them too.

Many times last minute press and informations I got from it makes all the difference and changed orders makes me win some situation I would lose if I have finalized.

I love slow paces games and much press so I use every time evaluable to negotiate deals with other players. If everyone finalize all the time game would be fast paced one and usually of less quality. Longer phases are generally sign of better quality games.

Not finalizing is great tool. The one who have problem with it could just play games with shorter phases. When I join game I have committed myself to a game that will be played for maybe 2 months so it makes no difference if it take two or three days longer.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
11 Jul 11 UTC
@ kaner406. Are you talking about "cannonfodder5"? He never finalizes. Even in a gunboat when he's the last one to put orders in, the others have all put their orders in and finalized, there are 36 hrs left...he logs in, saves, but doesn't finalize. Not then, not in the following 36 hrs. So I don't think he's looking for a better move....
This is very annonying although I think it's legal. But the point is another: he doesn't play to win. Look at this: gameID=2420. He never tried to grab a SC or to do something to fight me. He just ruined the game letting me to have an easy win (and never finalizing). His neighbours are lucky having him into the game. This is an unfair advantage they have, I think.
I suspect he's in some other anonymous gunboat I'm playing. Somebody not doing anything to win and never finalizing.

@Dejan0707. Yeah SOMETIMES I don't finalize for some of the good reasons you said. And sometime I don't finalize a gunboat to slow it down for the Weekend, when I'm out. But find me a good reason to NEVER finalize in a gunboat. Never. Never. Never.
But, mainly, please find me a good reason to play without trying to win.
ashleygirl (1285 D)
11 Jul 11 UTC
I have no issue with saving in press games. Gunboats however there is no need for it,especially in build and retreat phases.
fasces349 (1007 D)
11 Jul 11 UTC
retreat options, when there is only 1 place to got, and build options when there is 1 place to disband/build is annoying when a player only saves.

And I agree with finalizing makes it harder to contact allies, thats why I never input orders until I have confirmed what all my allies are doing.

I NMR all lot because of this.
Daiichi (1339 D)
11 Jul 11 UTC
Even then, i sometimes have saved and not finalised in a retreat with just 1 option, but to slow it for the weekend, as said above. There can be plenty of reasons, both personal and in-game.
For example, i'm now in a week-per-phase game, where a guay already complained about the slow pace of the game in the second day of the year 1. If you enter a 1day or 1week game, you know what you are up to. If you want a faster game, go live, or 8hours per phase... These are the rules that abide here, and evethough sometimes it can be annoying, this is the life
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
11 Jul 11 UTC
I agree with you Daiichi. And the guy in your game should not complain since he knew what he was up to. But the topic is "always save and never finalise" - that some player in this site does.
I'm in a 5days/phase Gunboat game with a player that ALWAYS do this: he waits the first day when everybody finalize, then he logs in and saves. We have to wait 4 days because he didn't finalize. ALWAYS. He's always the last one! He's clearly doing it only to disappoint us. Further, from the very start, he never played to win, he's throwing his SCs to his neighbours....he joined the game only to disappoint us!
I think. Or can you explain this?
Shep315 (1435 D)
11 Jul 11 UTC
thats why I like 24 hour games, slow enough to avoid frustration and be able to talk to people, but fast enough that no one gets agitated about the pace, not finalizing is good when dealing with allies, especially with prospects at the very beginning, finalize too fast and they think you already have a plan, unless the first turn is a build
Daiichi (1339 D)
11 Jul 11 UTC
Guaroz, the situation you describe is true. If so, kick that one's butt, cancel the game, create a new one with a password, and find one more player to replace the jerk. In any case, trowing a game and not finalising are very different things. The first of them is much more serious, and game-wrecking, than the second. The second one only slows down the game.
ironic1 (1123 D)
11 Jul 11 UTC
@Guaroz, Why would you join a 5 day turn Gunboat game?

I agree that there is little reason not to finalize in a Gunboat game except to cheese off your opponents. There are LOTS of reasons not to finalize in a Wilsonian or regular game. I always assume that the given period of play is how long it's going to take each turn, whether it's 12 hours or 5 days. I'm almost never disappointed in that expectation. This is especially true in variants with lots of players.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
11 Jul 11 UTC
@ironic hehe you're right. I noticed it was 5days only after I joined. Not a big issue I thought. The game lenght would have been 1/5 if there was not THAT player who NEVER finalizes....

@ Daiichi
A = Never finalizes in Gunboat = annoying but not illegal
B = Throws the game = unfair advantage for his neighbours
C = He (obviousely) didn't vote for "cancel"
Daiichi (1339 D)
11 Jul 11 UTC
@guaroz: I said: "take him out, then cancel"
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
11 Jul 11 UTC
I sometimes save because i just don't want to go on every day.
With saving sometimes i can go on one time every day and that's it.
Also, especially on weekends, i can't go on, so i save and don't miss a phase.

14 replies
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