A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
Page 25 of 164
acmac10 (923 D)
19 Jul 11 UTC
Crashed Game

Please fix. Thanks,
3 replies
furball (873 D)
19 Jul 11 UTC
Looking for 32 more people to play an awesome game of CHAOS! :D
Bet is 10 D. Join people!
0 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
18 Jul 11 UTC
password: kuk
1 reply
Plenoge (998 D)
19 Jul 11 UTC
Straight Up Classic - Remake
Previous game was drawn because of CD'ing Italy in the very first year. Remade as:
0 replies
BenGuin (1529 D)
18 Jul 11 UTC
France vs Austria
I've notices in this game that Austria almost ALWAYS wins... what are some strategies from France?
8 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
18 Jul 11 UTC
Mod Unpause Request
Players are logging in and failing to unpause, despite the fact the original requesting player returned and is ready for play. Thanks. gameID=2557
7 replies
Zenetar (816 D)
18 Jul 11 UTC
Gunboat in Australia
join now!
0 replies
guak (1262 D X)
18 Jul 11 UTC
Turkey needed in 7islands gunboat

Turkey was doing pretty good but CDd after some refused to pause the game... typical gunboat. Still time for someone to take over turkey in a good position, not much harm has been done. Very important to maintain the balance of power in the game.
0 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
17 Jul 11 UTC
someone interested in a livegame right now ?
9 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
18 Jul 11 UTC
Stats Page missing
I thought it was a great idea and looked really cool. However I can no longer access the page. Any particular reason why?
0 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
17 Jul 11 UTC
does that mute button do?
7 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
17 Jul 11 UTC
Hey Oli
Can we get a draw forced? A player NMRed the first turn. A new player would be horribly disadvantaged, so just getting him CDed probably wouldn't work. Our consensus seems to be that he should be punished by losing his points.

3 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
17 Jul 11 UTC
Site back online...
Got some issues to resolve that where caused by the Netbeans-IDE and my really slow Internet connection.
8 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
17 Jul 11 UTC
Wanted Player for Grey Press!
We need one last player for this classic grey press game, should be an interesting twist on the classic map
0 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
17 May 11 UTC
VDip Cup - Game Plan
Please do not write in here, it's just so you can check when to play whom without having to go back 100 pages in the other thread... :
37 replies
Can a brother get an unpause?

Thanks mods.. u rule.
1 reply
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
15 Jul 11 UTC
9 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
15 Jul 11 UTC
New Variant Game
Balkans VI
Anony, 15 buy-in. Any takers? gameID=2802
13 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
15 Jul 11 UTC
someone interested in a livegame right now, maybe with the new map, if we get enough players
21 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
16 Jul 11 UTC
Live Balkan Test
if anyone is interested
17 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
15 Jul 11 UTC
I have a question:
How can you rise a rank on your profile ?
12 replies
Rooster (1241 D)
14 Jul 11 UTC
New Fall of America
Need more players, low bid, anonymous gameID=2789
2 replies
SacredDigits (978 D)
12 Jul 11 UTC
Austria and Italy in Classic
From the best of best thread...reading that made me it only possible to do well with one of them? Eden is a good Austria/crappy Italy (as am I), Hellenic is the opposite. More views would be good.
SacredDigits (978 D)
12 Jul 11 UTC
My thought is that the best Austria play I have is when I open strong and get risky. Italy (and Turkey who I'm also bad with) seem to require a slower style and willingness to sit on four centers until an opening presents itself.
Fauxlosophe (1191 D)
12 Jul 11 UTC
I've never had to sit through a game as Italy, but the play style I've seen recommended seems to encourage a slightly more aggressive, if still opportunistic style.

One thing that's certain; Italy's game is really Austro-centric. They can either put their efforts into seizing Trieste or ally and attempt some variation of Lapanto. Attempts on France or Germany early in the game are a waste, even with support, it takes either a negligent Western Power or one determined to ally to make a Western Italy valiable early on.

Austria on the other hand is slightly more open with, and to, her neighbours. If you're confident of your ability to control the social situation over the board, then Austria is definitely one of the better nations. However, in Gunboat game or games where for whatever reason, you're going to have difficulty finding reliable allies, Austria is pretty easy to cannibalize and an appetizing target for all her neighbours, save Germany.

In short, I'd say Italy is a naturally flexible and sneaky power capable of choosing engagements and allies very easily with significantly fewer gambles invovled while Austria is under a boom or die condition, where either she finds a reliable ally in the East and moves as quickly secure everything she can or is torn to shreds before she can grow.
Shep315 (1435 D)
12 Jul 11 UTC
I agree Austria definitely does better if he can communicate with other players, the biggest problem with Italy is getting going and to avoid the temptation to try and seize Greece in the first year, unless you are certain Austria is in your corner, that being said I think that Italy is better off working with Austria, since Russia will move in and take more of Austria than Italy if he goes to cannibalize austria, and if there is a juggernaut, Italy will be next

but as to Turkey the ideal scenario, at least in my experience is to play Russia and Austria against each and try to take them both on, granted a German or Italian alliance could work very to achieve those ends
Shep315 (1435 D)
12 Jul 11 UTC
also nothing is more annoying as Austria, than to have an Italy attack you, while Russia and Turkey are distracted, and force you to fight a seesaw war until some other power comes along to destroy you both (yes I do speak from experience :/)
...crappy Italy?

Italy average (from webDip):
5.0 win%
13.2 draw%
34.5 survive%
47.3 defeat%

Eden Italy:
16.6 win% (332% average)
37.5 draw% (284% average)
4.1 survive% (12% average)
41.6 defeat% (88% average)

I'd hardly qualify that as "crappy." I play a solid Austria and Italy, so the answer to the original question is "no."
Shep315 (1435 D)
12 Jul 11 UTC
hey im just relaying what the article said
Nah, that was in response to SD saying I play a crappy Italy. lol.

Someone asked me about Austrian strategy just yesterday and I sent a small writeup to him, so I can repost here if you like.
Shep315 (1435 D)
12 Jul 11 UTC
go ahead, i like the articles, very interesting :D
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
12 Jul 11 UTC
*copies back in for ego boost*

Italian stats:
Win: 20%
Draw: 33.33%
Survive: 26.67%
Defeat: 20%

I'll post on my strategies tomorrow morning.
Austrian Strategy

These are the centers you're hoping to get. As you know, eighteen are needed to win. The essentials are your home centers, the Turkish home centers, and the Balkan centers. You're not going to be able to win with a live power in your back, so the Balkans and Turkey must go. From there, you have some options... Munich pretty much always goes to you, so add that and you have 11. From there, you have to consider whether your primary ally is Italy or Russia. If Italy, then you add Berlin and the Russian home centers (minus St. Petersburg) for fifteen. If Russia, you add the Italian centers and Tunisia for fifteen. From there you can pick up eighteen, either by picking off the home centers of your primary ally or by pushing further from your initial borders.

Essentials: Vie, Bud, Tri, Ser, Gre, Bul, Rum, Con, Ank, Smy (10)
Pro-Italy: Mun, Ber, War, Mos, Sev, StP, Kie, Hol, Ven, Rom, Nap, Tun (12)
Pro-Russia: Mun, Ven, Rom, Nap, Tun, Mar, Spa, Por, War, Mos, Sev, StP, Ber (13)

Grab the essentials for sure, and then pick eight from one of the last two lists depending on how your alliances look.

Austria has a lot, but there are only two that are really worth mentioning: the Galician Balkan Gambit and the Southern Hedgehog. The Galician Balkan Gambit is your ideal opening and requires you to be certain of peace with Italy. Italy can either run a Lepanto or attack France. If you're strong diplomatically and you can successfully play Russia and Turkey off of each other, you want Italy going after France so he doesn't get in the way and claim centers you'll eventually need to win. If you're not certain you can play them off each other, though -- or worse, if you're sure THEY'RE allied -- then you need Italy to run a Lepanto to counterbalance them. The Galician Balkan Gambit orders A Vie -> Gal, A Bud -> Ser, F Tri -> Alb. You'll want to arrange a bounce in Galicia with Russia; this will keep him from putting another army on Rumania, giving you an easier time getting it for yourself, and it will keep your army in Vienna so that you can deter any delayed Italian backstabs. The other two units can virtually guarantee Greece. If Italy stabs you're still in a decent position; move Vienna to Trieste, take Greece, build as much as you can and defend from Italy while you recruit help from France with Italy and try to get an ally out of Russia or Turkey. If Italy doesn't stab, you can move to Galicia again and take Greece, get two builds and get to work on Russia or Turkey (or both, if you're clever).

If you're not sure of Italy, you play the Southern Hedgehog: A Vie -> Gal, A Bud -> Ser, F Tri -> Ven. Announce both the Galicia and Venice moves to Russia and Italy, respectively, and request bounces. The moves are defensive and meant to deter the infamous Russian-Italian alliance against Austria and do a pretty good job of it, while ensuring a build from Serbia. The idea is that Italy gets stood out of Venice when he moves Rome there, so the one army in Venice is stuck and not able to fight you effectively. Italy is told all of this before the first phase, and asked to run a Lepanto because he can't profit from attacking Austria. You arrange for him to move A Rom -> Ven, A Ven -> Apu and F Nap -> ION so he can convoy to Tunisia as in a standard Lepanto, without being in Venice in the fall. Then in the fall you move F Tri -> Alb to set up for Greece; A Vie -> Gal again to keep Russia out; and, most importantly, A Ser -> Bul. This gives Greece to Turkey (A Bul -> Gre), but stands him out of Bulgaria (A Con -> Bul), isolating Greece and leaving you in position to take Greece, force a disband of the Turkish army in Greece in S02, and possibly even support yourself into Bulgaria in A02.

There are some minor openings -- different variations of the Balkan Gambit that send Vienna elsewhere, basically. None of them are as good. Some of them cover Tyrolia or Trieste, but this is defeating the point. The Balkan Gambit is used because you trust Italy not to attack you. Thus you're throwing your forces at unknowns in Russia and Turkey. To compromise that effort by sending a unit as insurance to defend against someone you trust is not wise. If you don't trust Italy then one army going after him that ALSO fails to defend against Russia is not going to save you, and you need to run the Southern Hedgehog anyway.

England -- Your best friend in the west. England and Germany both struggle to project significant force into the Mediterranean; England can very rarely get beyond Tunisia. And England also doesn't have the opening to launch an attack against the Russian centers beyond St. Petersburg in force. England also needs the German centers to win, like you do, but you have a significant advantage in getting to them. So England is rarely a direct threat to your soloing chances. This is in stark contrast to France, who can push into Italy easily and block your chance to win, or Germany, whose very EXISTENCE is a block to your chance to win. But England also has the ability to harass France, Germany, and Russia, the powers you need checked to win.

France -- Not very useful to you. France is really only useful as a counter to Italian aggression (in which case you have to make the best of a bad hand -- sacrifice your claim to Italy in exchange for not being outright killed) and a distraction for Italy and Germany. Franco-Italian wars are good for you, especially if France also gets attacked by Germany and is competent enough to handle both of them. That leaves them more vulnerable to your stab.

Germany -- A short-term good friend, long-term nuisance. Germany needs to be encouraged to go west, and needs to be a counterbalance against Russia. He can keep France tied up and out of the Mediterranean, and keep Russia tied up and out of your hands. Preferably Germany is moderately competent but not superbly good; it'll eventually be competition for Warsaw and Moscow, and you'll need Berlin and Munich to win, so long-term Germany isn't your best ally.

Italy -- Depending on your diplomatic capabilities, you want him to go west if you can handle juggling Russia and Turkey, and east against Turkey if you cannot. He will be the straw that breaks your back if Russia and Turkey ally, but if they're looking allied you can probably talk him out of attacking. After all, you have enough trouble juggling Russia and Turkey; how much harder will it be for Italy, once Russia and Turkey have both grown strong through alliance with each other over your corpse? It takes a VERY good Italy to manage the kind of diplomacy that would make an attack on you work, so luckily most Italian players can be dissuaded from that attack. Long-term... you'll have to kill him (or nearly so) to win, and he'll have to kill you, but if you do some good diplomatic work then you can postpone that war as long as possible. Generally speaking, the later in the game an Austro-Italian war is, the more successful it is for Austria. So work with him very closely early and keep him busy against France (and, if you must, Turkey), and stab him when you have a clear opening (ideally a turn where you get two builds, and he has no garrison or builds; you don't always get that chance, but if you do, you can easily walk into Venice and Rome and end his winning chances).

Russia -- Useful against Turkey. You want him working with you against Turkey early. Get him to build southern fleets as much as possible: they're useless in defense of his home. Keep them bottled up in the Black Sea area and they're useless in general. You'll probably want to look for the opening to stab him before Turkey fully dies.

Turkey -- The Enemy, generally speaking. Austria and Turkey CAN ally, and I would look to this as a backup alliance option if Russia proves incompetent or insolent. But ideally you'll want to be working with Russia because you can at least have a CHANCE to attack him later. Once Turkey gets out of its hole it is virtually impossible to destroy because you have no way of attacking him, no one to ask to help. Russia has a northern front that can be shellacked, at least, so Russia's preferred. Turkey needs to be dealt with, ASAP.

Get Italy onside ASAP and weigh your options with Russia and Turkey. Prefer allying with Russia over Turkey if you have to, but don't be afraid to change alliances frequently. Your goal is to get all four Balkan centers however you can, initially. You have to do some talking and play the beginning by ear to see how to advance, but you're looking to get Russia and Turkey embroiled in war. Bring in Italy if you have to; otherwise, get him going west. Once you've beaten Turkey down adequately, decide with which of Russia or Italy you want to continue being allies, and figure out how to stab the other one quickly. If it's Italy, make your move and throw everything you can at Italy to get through him quickly, and send a unit or two north to get Munich with Russian help. Russia is going to be pushing west now, so you have to get through Italy quickly and start pressuring the western edge of the Mediterranean. Once you've secured the Mediterranean for yourself, start looking for the opening to make a game-winning stab against Russia. If you decide to ally with Italy, look for your opening to KO Russia as soon as you can and secure the entire southeastern and eastern corners of the map for yourself. You then want to move quickly into Germany; while Italy is still your ally, the rest of the powers are less inclined to gang up on you because they have to account for Italy. So push into Germany and get some more centers, then make your move into Italy for the win.

Gunboat notes -- ALWAYS play the Southern Hedgehog. Read the situation from there; you tend to want to follow the strategy outlined above, with Italy as your long-term ally, but you have to read the orders carefully to see if Italy will reciprocate. Look to get beyond the stalemate line as early as you can afford it in all cases, but especially gunboat; it's harder to set up a stalemate line, which means that if you can get a few centers behind the major line, you can hold them for quite a while.
Shep315 (1435 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
and as a side note, an unpleasant thing for austria would be an unimaginative italy :P
"me Italy, me attack trieste, because it there, ugh-ugh-uh"
SacredDigits (978 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
I must have read something else, Eden, because I thought you were the person who posted that they were subpar as Italy in the thread, I apologize.
Nah, my weakness (relatively speaking) is Turkey. No problem. :D
SacredDigits (978 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
I've never won as Italy, Turkey, or France (although I was merciful twice as France). I've never even come close as Turkey, but I've only pulled them like twice, and one time it was an early draw due to NMR's.

I haven't played an awful lot of games, but I have solo'ed every other power, and Austria twice.
SacredDigits (978 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
This is my best Italian finish.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
You were in St. Petersburg....
SacredDigits (978 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
It's a nice place to be.
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
Well Italy is definitely my speciality so I'll put a smaller (I don't write good essays like Eden) version on how I do well.

Basically, as Italy, you have to be flexibile. Italy is really quite hard to solo in a long term fixed alliance. Sneaky backstabs are important, but only if you have someone to replace your old ally with.

For the start - DO NOT HEAD WEST. Heading west is a horrible strategy as England and Germany will pick off the best bits and you'll be lucky to get more than 1 SC out of France, and will be faced by the English navy heading your way as soon as France falls. The only time attacking France in 1901 is a smart plan is if you know Russia is making a serious northern opening and you can play Austria-Turkey against each other well.

In the east, do not be too favouring of one alliance. Austro-Italian alliances can be useful but also very problematic. Lepanto's take a lot of time to finish Turkey off, and Austria always gains more. Long termwise, Austria is not a good ally. You might need him early on to stave off juggernaut threats, but the moment a juggernaut is ruled out, Austria is a dead fish.

Russia is a very good ally to have though. Russia has a lot more fronts and is always going to be open to a stabbing once Turkey and Austria are defeated. Getting Russia to move to Galicia in S1901 is important. If Austria bounces him, neither of them can secure Rumania with ease. If Austria doesn't, he comes crying to you and you no longer have anything to fear from Austria. Getting Russia to move against Turkey is crucial though. If you want to divided up Austria you need Russia to work on Turkey ASAP to make sure you get the most out of Austria and the Balkans.

Turkey is a mediocre ally. If you can convince him not to build fleets then an Italio-Turkish alliance is actually a lot more plausible than people think. You'll never be able to defeat him of course, but that doesn't mean you won't be able to stab him near the end for the final few SC's. To work with Turkey you need to convince Turkey to move against Russia (or vice versa). One of them in Armenia in 1901 is very important. Turkey can stop Austria getting into Greece too, which means Austria is very open to a joint attack. However, this isn;t neccassarily good, as it leaves a juggernaut as very viable. Therefore getting Turkey to hit Rumania can work much better, keeping Russia out of the south for good.

In the west, you want England and France to fighjt. An Anglo-Franco alliance will doom you. Germany siding with England is preferable, but only if France is competent enough to hold them off for long enough for you to make enough gains in the east. You want Germany to do the best of the west as that way neither French or English navies will come sailing down into the med.

Oh, and ALWAYS GET TUNIS IN 1901. Greece may look tempting, but unless you're certain of support from Turkey then don't even think about it.

For the best S1901 move: Naples - Ion, Rom - Nap, Ven hold.

Convoying into Tunis is always better than putting your fleet there.

Opening super aggressive against Austria (Ven - Tyr, Rom - Ven) is awful and usually helps a juggernaut form.

Here's an example:

Admittedly I did break my own rule and go for Greece in spring, but I was confident of Turkish support (misplaced, but oh well, I still got in due to the Austrian NMR). I seized upon this to get Turkey to work with me to overrun Austria, then as soon as I'd finished that, switched sides and stabbed Turkey and work with Russia. France's random moves were a worry, but he was alwayus being kept busy by England. I was able to switch back and move against France with my fleets right when England stabbed him, which meant he had to pacify me. Turkey's NMR helped Russia stay alive more than me and was actually annoying (I was happy for them to finish each other while I seized Turkish home SC's), but I turned that to my advantage also as Russia was now a solid ally for me and could attack Turkey from the north. Turkey did stubbornly hold out for a frustratingly long time and I kinda lost hope of soloing after he blockedm e repeatedly before I finally got into Syria and finished him off in 1906.

Out west France and England were still battling, and Russia was damaging England in the north. I was continually messaging all of them encouraging each other to keep fighting. I now had enough fleets to control the med and under the pretext of moving units up to help defend Russia from an English solo I was able to rearrange my armies and prepare for a stab.

I wanted Russia to let me into Silesia but he refused, which was a shame. I was continuing to try and prop France up out west to keep me from the English navy and 1909 is all went right. I managed to retake the MAO and thus England was neverable to threaten me again from then on. Russia took Berlin and caused more trouble for England, France was battling with very little left, and my blitzkrieg into Russia began with massive success. Armenia, Rumania and Ukraine all going in spring 1909, and then Warsaw going my way after I pretended to offer peace to Russia which he desperately took.

Being able to retreat to the NAO left England scrabbling around as my fleet up there could threaten so many SC's. With Moscow and Livonia both falling in spring 1910 it was over as I marched into STP in fall, but with me regaining the MAO and still having the unit in Clyde my solo was assured even if Russian resistance had been successful.

An enjoyable victory :P
airborne (970 D)
14 Jul 11 UTC
Unforunately, I'm much like Richard Sharps and I don't think Italy should win a high class level game barring NMRs and/or high level of metagaming.
I highly recommend that as Austria, beg Germany keeps his army in Munich, he doesn't need it you do.
With German support physical and diplomatically Italy would be pretty desperate to attack Austria. Germany can block the most common ending for the Tyrolia attack Tyr S Ven-Tri with a simple Mun-Tyr
If Italy and Austria goes at each other throat both players might as well give up. Jug incoming. Neither of them are really that strong to really attack other off the gate, and if the Jug doesn't get them a Western Power will. Go kill each other a few years later please.
My main thing is Venice isn't as important to Italy as Milan and the surrounding industial area. Having a Milan SC would help both sides a lot more tahn Fleet Rom.
Dejan0707 (1986 D)
14 Jul 11 UTC
After reading this strategic advices, I am thinking how shame will be when those posts drop down and disappear in the forum. It would be real great if we could stick this posts to some strategic section for new (and old) players to read it.
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
14 Jul 11 UTC
I just read mine and noticed how many spelling errors I made. Ooops.

I suppose I could do one for Turkey too if we wanted to do one for each power.
airborne (970 D)
14 Jul 11 UTC
@Hellenic There are some pretty good attack France strategies, I wouldn't say "DO NOT HEAD WEST" If Italy takes the MAO and Spain he has a strong position for the game, Italy should be able to claim Mar at least yes but, if he's fast enough or have German support he can take MAO, Spa, and Por. AS we all should know getting past the Straits if the hardest thing ir not impossible to do. Going for a decent shot at it in my opinion worth considering.
What I don't recommend is bad attacks on France easily the most popular and worse is moving to the TyS, no point don't bother
An attack I would recommend is
A Ven-Pie A Apu-Ven F Tun-Wes F Nap-TyS
or the Alpine Chicken
A Ven-Pie A Rom-Ven F Nap-Ion
The army in Pie is key in any attack the ball is in Italy court, an Italian attack again in my opinion is more annoying to a France then an attack from Germany or England.
Here is a good article outlining starting strategies and strategical strength and weaknesses of Italy
airborne (970 D)
14 Jul 11 UTC
I hate to be critial here but, Austria CDed, Most Austrias barring the insane, novice, or NMRs would ensure that Italy doesn't make much ground on Austria. Ok Let's say I was Austria, first off I would of opened the much more favourable Galician Opening (Tri-Alb, Bud-Ser, Vie-Gal), The Hedgehog (Tri-Ven, Vie-Gal, Bud-Ser) or if I could completely trust Russia Trieste Balken Gambit (Vie-Tri, Bud-Ser, Tri-Alb) The Hedgehog is particularly favourable manvuer for an Austria to survive at least the first three years
airborne (970 D)
14 Jul 11 UTC
Besides the fact I can't say that's a high class game if I may only you and and England showed any sort of Diplomacy spark. Russia attacking Germany early, Germany NMRing, Austria CDing, the French not coming up with a real strategy for a win, and Turkey stumbling around and then NMRing but proving some pretty handy defensive skills at the end
airborne (970 D)
14 Jul 11 UTC
Here's two of my favourite examples for a Western Opening with Italy
This one I couldn't grow fast enough, that's it. I should known having wooooo as my neighbor would mean he would grow faster than I would by the time, I became master of Iberia, France, and Italy it was too late, Austria was way too big for me to take out effectively, Austria never took an SC from me, he took all 15 from everyone else
The same simplely the other way around, as Austria I didn't grow fast enough! ITaly got off to a rocket start grabbing Spain and Mar and just sprinted down to victory, I sure I had a shot at forcing a two way (shrugs) always another game
Shep315 (1435 D)
14 Jul 11 UTC
I like the strategic debates, perhaps after we cover a bit more of the nations in classic we could move on discussing other variants

26 replies
reminder to oli to unpause
As requested :)
1 reply
Plenoge (998 D)
14 Jul 11 UTC
Game: Straight up Classic
Classic diplomacy is what started all of this but I never see games created for it. So here's one with a 10 point bet. See you there!
0 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
Afraid of a little Challenge?
PTS bet - 20
15 players needed for world map game. Join up!
1 reply
LoveDove (1368 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
Pause Request gameID=2557
gameID=2557 Player requests pause due to storm damage in local region
2 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
11 Jul 11 UTC
Live Game
anyone up for a live game, hopefully on something other than 2 or 3 player? I was thinking a variation of classic if we can get enough people, maybe FoW or something
114 replies
The Ambassador (2267 D (B))
16 Jun 11 UTC
Best of the best game
Hi all - To allow for the necessary argy-bargy/discussion about what variant to play (I'm guessing a month of back and forth banter), I'd like to suggest a best of the best game with a buy-in of around 120. Any interest?
89 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
11 Jul 11 UTC
I've noticed some players
always save and never finalise, even if they have no choice in the matter...
14 replies
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