A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Argentinean Empire (1606 D)
27 Apr 17 UTC
Word Association Thread
Hello! I saw a thread like this on WebDip. We start with a word, and you then post the one word that pops into your mind after you read that word. The first word is FIRST.
838 replies
Major Problems (1364 D)
23 Sep 17 UTC
Live game anyone?
If anyone likes live games (gunboat, anon) let's see if we can get one going. Only an hour to sign up!
2 replies
BenjaminHester (1035 D)
14 Sep 17 UTC
While I'm going through the long slog of rebuilding Sengoku...
...any interest in a vDip implementation of my most recent, and arguably best balanced variant that rolled off the assembly line before my last long Dip sabbatical?
21 replies
NManock18 (1019 D)
18 Sep 17 UTC
Are there any tips on software to use for designing a variant? Thanks!
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faded box (1101 D)
05 Sep 17 UTC
anyone up for a live 1v1? u can choose map if u dont like one i got posted
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Vauban (953 D)
17 Sep 17 UTC
Colour for Neutral Province
Check below
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Cometk (1278 D)
15 Sep 17 UTC
Replacing Inactive Member
how does my group go about replacing an inactive member?
1 reply
President Eden (1588 D)
13 Sep 17 UTC
Is England* vs Turkey truly balanced?
The stats spread on England* vs Turkey is innocuous enough. England* wins 55% of games which do not end in a draw, Turkey wins 45%. England is favored, but not to the extent that Turkey can't win; the game is not balanced, but it also isn't drastically skewed either way.

However, I have recently encountered an opening from England that I'm struggling to counter as Turkey.
8 replies
Anon (?? D)
12 Sep 17 UTC
Gunboat with me
Hey, if anyone is interested in playing a beginner gunboat with me (I suck at gunboat) holla at me for the password
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
12 Sep 17 UTC
"...tuesday" game sequel is out...
Pls play this WWII map...
Remember, only on Tuesdays!
8 replies
michael_b (952 D)
11 Sep 17 UTC
Strong British Position
0 replies
The Ambassador (2237 D (B))
06 Sep 17 UTC
Online Dip Pet Peeves
We're introducing a new segment to the podcast. Have your say (more below)...
53 replies
Jamie_T (895 D)
16 Aug 17 UTC
I have been banned from webDiplomacy because Zultar wants it to be a safe space for neo-Nazis and other white supremacists.

You nice people will have to put up with me instead (until I get banned here, I guess).
42 replies
TheatreVarus (874 D)
09 Sep 17 UTC
Looking for someone to play a few friendly duels on the Cold War map. Just picked the game back up and I want to get some practice in. Anyone interested can DM me.
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kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
24 Sep 16 UTC
I've been Boursed!!! 2016
Hi all, when Amby and I were recording our recent podcast ( the topic of Bourse came up, and I got really excited and thought that I would try to get another game of this variant running...
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So how do you account for cash accounts at the end game. Someone who played the market well could have thousands sitting in a,sweep fund (a brokerage equivalent of cash that in the real world makes a small fixed interest rate similar to a savings account).
This would have been awesome combined with the chaoctopi game. :-)
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
26 Sep 16 UTC
The Known World 901 map works really well with the Bourse rules as it provides for excellent cross board diplomacy and 15 different currencies to trade. Naturally it works better with committed players. Three day phases are a good idea because of the additional negotiating, but it would be nice that we agree beforehand to ready up retreats and adjustments, which are non-trading turns. Nothing kills a game's momentum more than waiting three days for a player to put in a retreat, specifically those with limited or disband only options. I think most players can be agreeable to requested extensions as long as they're not being made to game the game. In this case DC is stating his need going into the game, and it's that level of disclosure and respectful behavior that makes a delay acceptable to me.

It might be a good idea to play this as a moderated game just in case we need it for this purpose, or if Kaner needs a day or two to collect and publish the Bourse results.
ScubaSteve (1202 D)
26 Sep 16 UTC
Is there an opening in this game? I'm embarrassed to admit how intrigued I am.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
26 Sep 16 UTC
@ DC - I'll send you a link so you can spectate

@ YCHTT - Cash accounts are essentially worthless at the end of the game. Your Victory Points (VPs) throughout the game, and at the end, are calculated according to stock held in a countries currency (100 units of stock *multiplied by* SCs held) - see rule 7. From experience it is good to have a float, but it's a balancing act between having not enough and too much.

@RUFFHAUS - I will be moderating this game so that I can post the results of the bourse season by season on global chat. Retreats & Builds are encouraged to be readied after the results of the Bourse has been published. I will nearly always enter into my spreadsheet player's Sell & Buy orders as I receive them and will endeavour to post them to global as soon as possible.

@ScubaSteve - welcome! No need to be embarrassed, it's a fascinating variation on playing the game

2) Captainmeme
3) Leif_Syverson
5) Lukas Podolski
6) Caerus (3+ day phases)
7) The Ambassador (3+ day phases)
8) ingebot
9) ScubaSteve


Also please remember that even if you happen to be eliminated from the actual game, you are still encouraged to participate in Bourse trading.
2) Captainmeme
3) Leif_Syverson
4) YouCan'tHandleTheTruth
5) Lukas Podolski (3+ days phases)
6) Caerus (3+ day phases)
7) The Ambassador (3+ day phases)
8) ingebot
9) ScubaSteve

Realized 3+ days phases are better for both kaner and I so yep.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
29 Sep 16 UTC
Ezio (1057 D)
29 Sep 16 UTC
2) Captainmeme
3) Leif_Syverson
4) YouCan'tHandleTheTruth
5) Lukas Podolski (3+ days phases)
6) Caerus (3+ day phases)
7) The Ambassador (3+ day phases)
8) ingebot
9) ScubaSteve
10) EZIO
Ezio (1057 D)
29 Sep 16 UTC
*Ezio if you'll have me
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
29 Sep 16 UTC
Hi Ezio, I see you haven't been on the site long but I also understand (on good authority) that you have experience over at webDip, so welcome to the game! So far we have a really good line up and I'm really looking forward to watching how the game pans out with the bourse!

Folks - we have 10 players now, we can start with Modern if people want to, or we can wait for a little longer for more players. Gents?

2) Captainmeme
3) Leif_Syverson
4) YouCan'tHandleTheTruth
5) Lukas Podolski (3+ days phases)
6) Caerus (3+ day phases)
7) The Ambassador (3+ day phases)
8) ingebot
9) ScubaSteve
10) EZIO
ingebot (1922 D)
29 Sep 16 UTC
I'm inclined to starting now
Caerus (1470 D)
29 Sep 16 UTC
Let's Go!
Let's get it on!
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
29 Sep 16 UTC
Prefer to do this with 901, but we need 5 more players. There's a fine line we walk waiting for more and losing those currently interested. Maybe another couple few days?
Till Sunday maybe? I'm good with Modern but I recognize some wants 901 so yep.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
29 Sep 16 UTC
Dr. Recommended and Bozo are conspicuously absent from this list. Just saying...
Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
29 Sep 16 UTC
I've been teetering on the fence all along. I really shouldn't add any more to my plate. The 3 day phases make it more tempting. Tell you what, if you get enough players for Known World you can count me as one of them, otherwise go ahead and start Modern - I'll spectate and look forward to the next one.
dargorygel (871 D)
29 Sep 16 UTC
Hi... this looks amazing. I would like to at LEAST spectate. But if you are looking for a last participant to make the 901 limit, I'll give it the ole college try. :-)
dargorygel (871 D)
29 Sep 16 UTC
(although I am freshly returned after a long absence. I might not have the points to enter... let me know.)
bozo (2302 D)
29 Sep 16 UTC
I also have been thinking about signing up. I will add my name to the list in case you go for Known World 901.

2) Captainmeme
3) Leif_Syverson
4) YouCan'tHandleTheTruth
5) Lukas Podolski (3+ days phases)
6) Caerus (3+ day phases)
7) The Ambassador (3+ day phases)
8) ingebot
9) ScubaSteve
10) EZIO
11) bozo
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
29 Sep 16 UTC
That brings us up to 13 confirmed players, 2 more needed for a Known World game.

2) Captainmeme
3) Leif_Syverson
4) YouCan'tHandleTheTruth
5) Lukas Podolski (3+ days phases)
6) Caerus (3+ day phases)
7) The Ambassador (3+ day phases)
8) ingebot
9) ScubaSteve
10) EZIO
11) bozo
12) dargorygel
13) Dr. Recommended (3+ days, KW901)

dargorygel (871 D)
30 Sep 16 UTC
I should warn you, though.. that by 'giving it the ole college try' I mean bury you under the mounds of currency that I will accumulate out of your soon to be emptied pockets... just saying...
Before 9/11, I had a portfolio that, had it not been wiped out, would have allowed me to be retired today at just 50 years old. We'll see who plays the market better.
Your exchanges (no pun intended) sound intriguing for someone without investment/finances knowledge i.e. me
Hmm ...
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
30 Sep 16 UTC
:-) 2 more needed!!! I am definitely looking forward to seeing how this game plays out now :)
Unstupid (1058 D)
02 Oct 16 UTC
Please could I join. + 3 day phases would be best if it is not too much to ask
dargorygel (871 D)
03 Oct 16 UTC
Kaner... it is Sunday... are you going to start the game with the smaller number? or wait for one more?
One more will join.
dargorygel (871 D)
03 Oct 16 UTC
We should all use our jedi mind tricks to bring someone in...

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d-ice (1969 D)
06 Sep 17 UTC
Force drawn games
Games with fixed end year are (for ranking purposes) treated like solo victories for the power with the largest SC tally (even when PPSC scoring is used). Is that intentional? Not that I think it matters much to me, but I do find it rather odd, it would seem like the more logical approach would be that they are treated as force drawn, or possibly use affect ranking differently depending on scoring system used.
6 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
12 Aug 17 UTC
Update regarding vPoints/Rankings
See below:
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jason4747 (1633 D)
03 Sep 17 UTC
“Vietnam: Apocalypse Then” – new variant in development
I am working on a Diplomacy variant and am seeking opinions on the board and design. See below
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The Ambassador (2237 D (B))
02 Sep 17 UTC
Dumb question: where is Imperium?
I felt like playing a map I haven't played in a million years: Imperium Diplomacy (

More to follow...
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Enriador (1507 D)
26 Aug 17 UTC
Early game vs. End game
Every game of Diplomacy has two distinct phases, which mix a bit in the middle: the early game and the end game, each of them with a very different vibe and atmosphere.
1 reply
BenjaminHester (1035 D)
24 Aug 17 UTC
Oli - still out there? (re: Sengoku V6)
just posting here in case my vacation delay caused you to lose the other thread. Several responses there, including the map with names you requested.
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Vauban (953 D)
23 Aug 17 UTC
New Variant: Corsican revolt
See reply
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Enriador (1507 D)
21 Aug 17 UTC
How are Points Per Supply Center calculated?
Hello guys;

I searched the forum but did not find any information on the formula used at PPSC games. If anyone can come up with an example using the formula as well I would thank you very much.
32 replies
ScubaSteve (1202 D)
21 Aug 17 UTC
Bug in game. What action to take?
I am trying to enter a move in a variant but for some reason, the game won't allow it. I sent a message to the mods. Is there anything else I can/should do?
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00matthew2000 (2409 D)
16 Aug 17 UTC
New Rinascimento Game
The password for this game is "a" (lowercase). Players are greatly desired, but be advised, several players in this game know each other in real life. We will keep communication strictly within the game as per site rules.
1 reply
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
10 Aug 17 UTC
To Everyone in Furnace of Affliction
I'm really sorry, as I was trying to fix the Indonesia Build bug the game sent everyone into CD and cancelled itself. This was because I forgot about another bug - if you enter all holds, it counts as an NMR even if saved, so when I tried to advance the game 2 phases it assumed everyone had NMR'd twice (even though I'd set hold orders for everyone).
34 replies
Vauban (953 D)
12 Aug 17 UTC
HOW TO for variants
For anyone who wants to share their variant creating skills
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CCR (1957 D)
10 Aug 17 UTC
Furnace of Affliction
"Due to inactivity the game was abandoned and removed."
5 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
09 Aug 17 UTC
Cross-site advertisement: The Tournament Through Time
Just thought I'd put in a plug for the 2018 tournament that I'm running online over at the PlayDiplomacy forums. I know there are lots of variant players over here on vDip, so you might find one or more of these interesting. (Link will be in the response.)
1 reply
Cav (1153 D)
06 Aug 17 UTC
Joint Victory?
Is it possible to declare a joint victory in the game?
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