Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for strategoi20 (1329 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
48832 The end of Europe-2 Modern2 Defeated -11 989
48746 Infidel FirstCrusade Drawn 78 1067
49516 FA-22 ClassicFvA Won 13 1080
49225 Blind samurai Sengoku5 Drawn 80 1160
49493 Mercury, the Winged Messenger Colonial1885 Defeated -26 1134
49489 Yoooooooooooo Sengoku5 -38 1096
49662 South of the Border-2 SouthAmerica5 Survived 0 1096
49534 Gunboat001 Classic Survived 0 1096
49222 The Man They Call Jayne Canton Defeated 0 1096
49229 Free Weekends Classic Survived -22 1074
49811 European Values Enlightenment Defeated -30 1044
49822 Save Turkey! Colonial1885 Survived 26 1070
49886 Let’s do this-2 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 42 1112
51014 The Dark North DarkAges Defeated -26 1086
50047 Coalition Janus EmpiresCoalitions Defeated -15 1071
49311 Diplomacy Beyond Europe Colonial1885 Survived 37 1108
50805 Stalemates 101 Colonial1885 Defeated -3 1105
50492 Italian Wars-2 Rinascimento Drawn 0 1105
51396 The Great War-4 Classic Defeated -17 1088
51723 Greek Diplomacy-7 GreekDip Survived -33 1055
51367 The Fate of the Hapsburg imperium AustrianSuccession Defeated -7 1048
51490 sacas el ele Enlightenment Defeated -22 1026
51632 Youngstown Non-Gunboat YoungstownRedux Survived -4 1022
51720 Vikingolp Viking Drawn 30 1052
49860 The Art of the Possible Europa_Renovatio Drawn 105 1157
51406 Free for all Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1157
51684 War Beneath the Sun Sengoku5 Survived -11 1146
49717 Yellowstone Honey Europa_Renovatio Defeated -5 1141
52266 Btown Africa Africa Defeated -11 1130
52303 Where is Rome? FirstCrusade Survived 36 1166
52318 oioo Europe1600 Drawn 58 1224
52353 Not Colonial 1885 Imperial2 Defeated 10 1234
52304 Le Grande Design EmpiresCoalitions Drawn 45 1279
52302 An Abukir Experience ClassicEgypt Defeated -40 1239
49314 EU4 Roleplay Europa_Renovatio Drawn 265 1504
49118 This is madness II Europa_Renovatio Defeated -29 1475
48358 No name-11 Divided_States -72 1403
51906 Global WWIVsealanes Defeated 0 1403
52284 Kings and Generals Imperial2 Survived 11 1414
52714 The Great Game-7 Imperial2 Defeated -15 1399
53044 WW1 all over Imperial2 Survived 0 1399
53220 Pallas Athena AgeOfPericles Survived -8 1391
52957 Epic world diplomacy Imperial2 -31 1360
52703 War Beneath the Sun-2 Sengoku5 Drawn 77 1437
53309 Way To Pobjeda! AncMed Defeated 0 1437
51275 Wait, how many stars and stripes?! Divided_States Defeated -2 1435
53663 Hyperdiplomacy Classic -37 1398
53441 Austria rejects the Diet AustrianSuccession Survived -16 1382
53320 Imperatores totius Mundi Imperial2 Defeated -28 1354
54225 NØKK ClassicFog Defeated -25 1329
54292 It’s Lyin’ Time Again! ClassicGreyPress Survived -9 1320
52627 Dirty Valley High Europa_Renovatio Defeated -16 1304
55304 sjd-6 ClassicGvR Won 2 1306
54531 Gunboat 1475 Classic1898 Drawn 17 1323
54330 Wholesome Crusades1201 Defeated -26 1297
54340 Mongols MongolianEmpire Defeated 0 1297
54696 Seven Kings, Two Caesars, and a Doge Enlightenment Drawn 34 1331
54377 For Opium! 3.0 Imperial2 Defeated 0 1331
55079 Gg-10 WWII Defeated 0 1331
54224 Train to Damascus Classic Defeated -35 1296
55120 g-2 GreekDip Survived 0 1296
54150 Calc A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1296
54900 Gunboat 1496 Abstraction3 Defeated 0 1296
55342 Rinascimento Alternativo Rinascimento Defeated 0 1296
55186 Who wants to be Emperor? HeptarchyIV Drawn 31 1327
55929 Unpopular 2 - Pilot Diplomacy ClassicPilot Drawn 39 1366
55529 War beneath the Sun-3 Sengoku5 Drawn 18 1384
54739 Imperial Diplomacy Returns Imperial2 Defeated 0 1384
53982 europe36 gb2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1384
54857 Shake the World World -66 1318
55893 Western World 901 No Msg Pick’em WesternWorld_901 Drawn 41 1359
55945 Diplomatic Revolution AustrianSuccession Defeated -38 1321
55537 Imperial Zenith and Nadir Imperial2 Drawn 37 1358
55927 Flash Gunboat Colonial 1885 Colonial1885 Drawn 16 1374
56392 Holy Fury FirstCrusade -27 1347
55982 Dark Ages World Rumble WesternWorld_901 Defeated -28 1319
53173 EU4 Roleplay-2 Europa_Renovatio -12 1307
56122 Well, rip us Divided_States Defeated -21 1286
56935 32r2dfe Classic -27 1259
55924 Die Hard XXXVIII A_Modern_Europe Drawn 116 1375
54838 Kings and Generals -2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -25 1350
57431 Classic Germany vs. Italy-83 ClassicGvI Survived -5 1345
57625 1v1 - France vs Austria-20 ClassicFvA Survived -7 1338
56235 Border Wars Imperial2 Defeated -14 1324
56411 Hands off my spices! EastIndies Drawn 118 1442
56079 For Opium! V4.0 Imperial2 Drawn 37 1479
57372 Amerind Great Lakes Wars GreatLakes Survived -10 1469
57279 Shoot first never ask questions ClassicBrazilian Defeated -40 1429
57160 Europe 2023 A_Modern_Europe Defeated -39 1390
57851 wwiii-4 Europe1939 Defeated -27 1363
57908 who cares DarkAges Defeated 0 1363
57742 Crescent & Cross Crusades1201 Defeated -29 1334
56336 The Fifty Nifty Divided States! Divided_States Defeated 0 1334
57737 Sender Unknown ClassicGreyPress Defeated -42 1292
57734 Paths of Glory Baron1900 Defeated -19 1273
57956 For Opium! V5.0 Imperial2 Survived -2 1271
57017 Just Like A Dream Europa_Renovatio Drawn 44 1315
56975 Eternal Griping Imperial2 -24 1291
57999 Wham Bam Edwardian3 Defeated -17 1274
59613 Austrian Succession Gunboat, plz ready your orders AustrianSuccession Survived 0 1274
59623 Massive game KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1274
59479 now for real Imperial2 Defeated 0 1274
60033 Classic - 7 Islands-3 ClassicSevenIslands -28 1246
60039 Scramble for Europe Classic Drawn 20 1266
58442 EU4 Roleplay-3 Europa_Renovatio -24 1242
61146 Atlantic Gunboat-45 AtlanticColonies Drawn 7 1249
57747 America 2024 Divided_States -29 1220
59840 Europa Renovatio Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1220
61406 98-fowgb-03: Warsaw Classic1898Fog Defeated -24 1196
61388 It's all Greek to me!-3 GreekDip Defeated -34 1162
61322 Youngstown Gunboat-13 YoungstownRedux Survived 95 1257
60072 Clash of Civilisations KnownWorld_901 Drawn 72 1329