Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Scrawdaddy55 (633 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
43260 BattleOfSherbia Classic Defeated 10 1010
43807 THE COLDEST OF WARS ColdWar Defeated -7 1003
43845 THE COLDER WAR THAN LAST TIME ColdWar Defeated -7 996
43844 THE HIGHLANDER SCRAW Hundred Survived -16 980
43866 Grow stuff in closets TreatyOfVerdun Won 11 991
43865 Battle of the Civil SCRAW Empire1on1 Won 5 996
43971 COLD WAR-69 ColdWar Survived -7 989
43957 ROBERT E LEE's CRAB BOIL Empire1on1 Won 8 997
44008 JEDI V. SITH ColdWar Survived -7 990
44007 SCRAW-WARS~ ColdWar Survived -7 983
43885 SKYNYRDY SWAMP MUZIK Empire1on1 Won 4 987
44078 Anakin vs DARTH VADER ClassicFvA Survived -7 980
44105 Darth Maul vs Qui Gon Jin ClassicFvA Survived -7 973
44132 The force is strong with you ClassicEvT Won 9 982
44217 CRAB BATTLE Empire1on1 Won 1 976
44228 Battle of the Civil SCRAW - 2 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 975
44108 Fearsome Foursome SouthAmerica4 Survived -17 958
44265 BOGT - Buy one get TWO!! ClassicGvI Won 9 967
44280 DUO FOR DONUTS Duo Defeated -5 962
44341 C-SITH-PO ColdWar Survived -6 956
43846 THE 2nd BATTLE OF SHERBIA CelticBritain Survived -38 918
44380 Jango Fett vs Mace Windu Duo Won 10 928
44467 RASTAFARI Haile Selassie ClassicFGvsRT Survived -6 922
44490 Guerra Fria-2 ColdWar Defeated -5 917
44499 Tequila 'n' Lime ColdWar Survived -6 911
44621 Property ClassicFvA Survived -5 906
44927 Back in Ohio ClassicFvA Survived -5 901
44332 90s Kidz Rule WWII Won 122 1023
45089 SCRAWFISH_BOILER Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1021
45281 Still Addicted ClassicFGvsRT Won 9 1030
44623 Aferbia Africa Defeated -28 1002
45360 THE 1v1 ColdWar Won 11 1013
45359 South Ho 2 SailHo2 Defeated -27 986
45557 ABSOLUTE ZERO COLD WAR ColdWar Won 7 993
45582 Cold War-107 ColdWar Defeated -3 990
45518 THE FINAL 3 Hundred Won 32 1022
45620 FvA-108 ClassicFvA Won 8 1030
45621 Amer Ica-2 Empire1on1 Won 2 1032
45632 Punic People PunicWars Won 95 1127
44209 The War of 614 Imperial2 Survived -18 1109
45617 Classic FoW Faster Classic1898Fog Defeated -32 1077
45783 Cold War-108 ColdWar Defeated -5 1072
45813 Cold war-111 ColdWar Defeated -5 1067
45808 IG-10 ClassicGvI Defeated -1 1066
45800 Cold War-110 ColdWar Defeated -4 1062
45809 Tunis ClassicEvT Survived -2 1060
45862 fayne war 2 SouthAmerica5 Won 0 1060
45824 Frank and Jug-2 ClassicFGvsRT Won 6 1066
45643 Atlantic Colonies EARLY BIRD SPECIAL AtlanticColonies Survived -10 1056
45896 Debrickiscraw Ferguson Duo Defeated -7 1049
45976 Cold War-116 ColdWar Defeated -5 1044
46010 America-19 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1042
46013 EvT-57 ClassicEvT Survived -7 1035
45960 Manifest Speedboat ManifestDestiny -25 1010
46087 Frank V AuZ ClassicFvA Won 9 1019
46192 America-25 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 1018
46221 AF-12 ClassicFvA Defeated -3 1015
45645 Imperial Gunboat-3 Imperial2 -11 1004
46103 Samurai Swordz Sengoku6 Won 113 1117
46052 Tilly's Revenge Chromatic Survived -18 1099
45595 It's getting Crowded in here... ClassicCrowded Defeated -37 1062
45641 Gunboat Africa Africa Defeated -16 1046
45922 Crowds in 2020 ClassicCrowded -34 1012
45633 Italian Stallions Machiavelli Defeated -19 993
46038 This is definitely not Sparta GreekDip -15 978
46316 Duo-110 Duo Defeated -4 974
45828 classic but epic ClassicBritain Defeated -32 942
46057 Celtic Britain-6 CelticBritain Defeated -26 916
46053 2030 World Cup Balkans1860 Defeated -27 889
46627 Chess Anyone? Duo Won 7 896
46498 ayyo Empire1on1 Won 6 902
46033 the civil war but w/commies (also france owns Mexi AmericanConflict -25 877
46716 Chess Anyone II Empire1on1 Defeated -2 875
46209 Classic Game, for beginners or anyone really Classic -21 854
46760 USSR vs. USA ColdWar Defeated -3 851
46759 Civil War-88 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 850
46080 Make China great again AmericanConflict -14 836
46645 Martian madness-2 Mars Defeated -25 811
46805 FvA-128 ClassicFvA Won 2 813
45689 MARS!!! Mars -9 804
46761 Battle 1066 TenSixtySix_V2 Survived -4 800
46844 GBV _ Gold Star For Robot Boy ClassicFvA Won 11 811
46874 EASY PEASY LEMON SQUEEZY ClassicGvR Defeated -4 807
46626 Asiatic Canton Defeated -18 789
46937 Cold War-141 ColdWar Survived -6 783
46758 Ante up for a 1v1 Duo Defeated -1 782
46471 Tokyo Station Sengoku5 Defeated -20 762
46936 Punic Punishment PunicWars -10 752
46310 No chat just fun 96 Modern2 -14 738
46944 Edwardian Monarchies Rematch Again Edwardian3 -14 724
46643 PIRATES III Pirates -29 695
46436 Easy........,... ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -13 682
46693 Canton Continuity Canton -16 666
45930 Die happy VI Classic1913 -18 648
47301 SCRAWWW WARS 3 Duo Defeated -1 647
47344 FvsA-4 ClassicFvA Survived -5 642
46877 Foooooogggggg ClassicFog -7 635
46906 ³ Classic1913 -15 620
46792 Zero BC/AD... before coffee/after dessert AncMed -18 602
47369 Cold War - μ ColdWar Defeated -4 598
47330 Scraw Wars 3.1! ClassicFvA Won 10 608
47345 SCRAWWW WARS 19 Empire1on1 Won 5 613
47343 rc cola detente ColdWar Won 12 625
47372 REMATCH_BUT NEVER SURRENDER ClassicFvA Survived -5 620
47454 Free Parking Empire1on1 Defeated -1 619
47456 a tasty old time war for oil ColdWar Defeated -3 616
47455 CoRvid 19 Sounds like a player for the Cleveland B ClassicFvA Survived -4 612
47457 Mob Hit Empire1on1 Defeated -1 611
47476 NEVER SURRENDER - REMATCH ClassicFvA Won 10 621
47453 Cold War Coviditus ColdWar Won 13 634
47540 Pop Feuds: Taylor Swift vs. Katy Perry ColdWar Won 10 644
47538 Battle of brit-pop: Oasis vs. Blur ClassicFvA Won 7 651
47555 No show jones: George Jones vs. the liquor (randy) Duo Defeated -1 650
47511 ZOMBLAST_REMATCH LVL30 Duo Won 10 660
47536 Spilt Beer: dave mustaine vs. james hetfield Duo Defeated -1 659
47539 Rock Feuds: Levon Helm v. Robbie Roberstson ColdWar Won 9 668
47521 THE BRICKYSCRAWWW ClassicFvA Won 13 681
44455 Disintegration of the U.S. Divided_States Defeated 35 716
47607 Cold War-147 ColdWar Defeated -1 715
47615 Cold War Coviditus 2021 ColdWar Defeated -2 713
46861 foggy 143 ClassicFog -21 692
47618 Where the picnic baskets, eh boo! boo! - yogi bea ClassicFvA Defeated -1 691
47669 gg-6 ColdWar Won 12 703
47633 Foreign Bodies ClassicGvR Survived -6 697
47653 Cold War-150 ColdWar Survived -2 695
47676 SCRAWWARS 2021 - REMATCH ClassicFvA Survived -6 689
47671 Lepanto-43 Lepanto Defeated 0 689
47674 Rematch_1963 ColdWar Survived -4 685
47617 Rabid Yogi Bear Loose in Jellystone Park ClassicFvA Survived -2 683
47616 Crawdad vs rock-lobster Duo Defeated -5 678
47689 12 hour F v A ClassicFvA Survived -1 677
47719 F v A - 12 hour ClassicFvA Survived -1 676
47726 Germany vs Austria 1v1 (GA)-2 ClassicVS Defeated -1 675
47718 DUO FOR DONUTS II Duo Survived -2 673
47741 UFOs Exist ClassicEvT Survived -3 670
47757 its saturday night, LYVE!!!! ClassicGvI Survived -6 664
47756 Let's Work Together ClassicGvR Defeated -3 661
47739 TSAR BOMBA ColdWar Defeated -3 658
47740 DUO III Duo Defeated -1 657
47742 Heroic age of exploration ClassicGvR Won 9 666
47708 dropped from the European leg (of the stadium tour Duo Defeated -2 674
47432 1897 gunboat Classic1897 Defeated -3 671
47856 Its a Sprint! ClassicEvT Survived -5 666
47898 dropped from S.American leg of the tour ClassicEvT Survived -5 661
47643 Powder Keg of Europe BalkanWarsVI Defeated -5 656
47984 Opener band dropped from the Martian tour leg Duo Won 11 667
47670 Martian Law Mars Survived -14 653
48117 The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway-3 ColdWar Defeated -2 651
48185 DUO for DOUGHNUTS IV Duo Won 12 663
48093 Half of us are Dads AtlanticColonies Survived -8 655
48284 Fine just means okay ClassicGvR Survived -6 649
48285 Dastardly Duvall ClassicEvT Survived -1 648
48292 Shelly Duvall's Dastardly Retribution Empire1on1 Won 6 654
48353 Theatre of pain: Litigious Divorcee edition (first Empire1on1 Survived 0 654
48350 Buckle-up Butterkupp (25 SC's to win) Empire1on1 Survived -3 651
48347 Currently Listening to Nice to Meet Ya by Meghan T Duo Won 12 663
46417 Water Goblins Imperial2 Defeated 14 677
48294 Shaun of the Dread (must capture all 59 SC's) Empire1on1 Won 15 692
47197 Classic1898 Defeated -9 683
48365 Bro Zones ClassicEvT Survived -5 678
47460 Dark Times Are Over KnownWorld_901 Defeated -25 653
48206 Civil War 03292021 Empire1on1 Defeated 0 653
48458 Currently Listening to Ruling Me by Weezer ColdWar Won 11 664
48064 ScrawDADDY Empire1on1 Defeated -4 660
48203 1898 FoW again ! WTA Classic1898Fog Defeated -6 654
48685 Game-Restrictions in Effect Duo Won 11 665
48853 different duo Lepanto Defeated -5 660
48808 Cold War 05112021 ColdWar Survived -2 658
48844 Duo Continuum Duo Survived -5 653
48887 Different Duo Duez Lepanto Defeated -5 648
49126 1-16 ClassicGvI Won 11 659
48394 SLUGLUST AmericanConflict Defeated -17 642
49182 1v1-377 ClassicEvT Survived -3 639
49176 1v1-371 ClassicEvT Won 13 652
49184 1v1-379 ClassicEvT Won 12 664
48133 funGoat 3 Classic1898 Drawn 40 704
49232 TE-4 ClassicEvT Won 14 718
49185 1v1-380 ClassicEvT Won 12 730
49233 Order ClassicFvA Survived -1 729
49231 FA-20 ClassicFvA Survived -1 728
49285 Darth Maul vs Qui Gon Jin II ColdWar Survived -4 724
49376 Carthage vs Egypt ClassicFGvsRT Survived -4 720
49396 Carthage vs Egypt II ClassicFGvsRT Survived -4 716
49205 Ancient Meditation AncMed Resigned -21 695
49403 IG-14 ClassicGvI Survived -1 694
49213 Civil War 06172021 Empire1on1 Survived -2 692
49782 Live 1v1 anyone? Empire1on1 Defeated -2 690
49225 Blind samurai Sengoku5 -20 670
49748 Cold War 0722021 ColdWar Survived -1 669
49888 Cold War 0805021 ColdWar Survived -1 668
49716 I don’t know you Chromatic Survived 1 669
49995 WE ARE LYVE! Duo Won 13 682
50093 finding the northwest passage, for war ColdWar Survived -3 679
50178 X-12 ColdWar Survived -5 674
50167 The fall of Kabul Empire1on1 Survived -4 670
50206 DARTH MAUL VS DARTH SIDIOUS ClassicFvA Defeated -1 669
50227 Fall of Kabul II - Soviet Edition Empire1on1 Survived -4 665
49730 Chamberland USofA Drawn 62 727
50352 OTIS VS MASTER I ClassicFGvsRT Won 14 741
50295 new_DUO Duo Survived -4 737
50334 Ragnar Lothbrok NorthSeaWars Drawn 13 750
50505 Metallica are a bunch of posers. Megadeth RULES!~ Empire1on1 Defeated -1 749
50089 REST IN DISTRESS_ELON MARS Mars Drawn 7 756
50446 EARN YOUR SOLOS ClassicFGvsRT Won 13 769
50565 Cold War-196 ColdWar Defeated -4 765
50641 CoRvid-19_I'm regular baby ClassicEvT Won 11 776
50654 CoRvid_Blazing_American_Jhunts ClassicGvI Won 10 786
50667 CORVID_Smoking Jhunts II ClassicEvT Won 9 795
48916 Impish Grin Imperial2 -16 779
50709 1v1 All Over ClassicGvR Won 10 789
50675 CoRvid_Jhunts_3 ClassicGvI Won 9 798
50640 Tickle That Nickel_Feel that Steel! ClassicFvA Survived -2 796
50755 Macaulay Culkin's RIGHTEOUS REVENGE! ClassicFvA Won 7 803
50723 1v1 - American Secession War-4 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 801
50599 As they have said little TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -6 795
50800 1v1 - American Secession War-6 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 794
50825 Never Ending COrVID-19 ClassicFvA Defeated -3 791
50808 System Mod Glitch 4 Duo Defeated -3 788
50854 Catch A Car Dealership Lying Empire1on1 Won 2 790
50856 NeVeR FIGHT a MAN w/ A PERM! Empire1on1 Defeated -1 789
50775 John Try to Crack this Code ClassicEvT Survived -2 787
50893 DUO-111 Duo Won 8 795
50894 American Civil War -2 Empire1on1 Won 4 799
50807 Flic a Bic ColdWar Won 8 807
50899 Bid-en_Flation ClassicFvA Won 9 816
50922 Sweeping Victory ClassicGvI Defeated -2 814
50903 DUO duo DUO-3 Duo Won 9 823
50806 EAGLE_FIGHT_220 Duo Won 7 830
50754 ALL HAIL Our Dear Leader Macaulay Culkin Duo Won 8 838
50803 Smoke 'em if you got 'em 5 Empire1on1 Won 4 842
50809 Do you believe in life after love? ClassicGvI Won 9 851
50902 unCIVIL WAR-5 Empire1on1 Won 4 855
50923 rematch-26 Empire1on1 Defeated -3 852
50987 Battle Wars 4 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 851
50940 Chinese PLA 'bloodless victory', research it YOU ColdWar Defeated -3 848
50939 UFOs Exist...WHAT ARE THEY?! ClassicFvA Survived -4 844
50942 COrVID: clearly, PLA (intentional) lab leak Duo Defeated -3 841
51004 RINGO quit the BAND ClassicGvR Won 3 844
51005 Gangs all here ClassicEvT Survived -4 840
50988 Battle Krieg 11 Empire1on1 Survived -5 835
51007 Cold War Coviditus 2021 II ColdWar Defeated -3 832
51001 3rd Empire1on1 Won 2 834
51003 While my Diplomacy gently weeps ClassicGvR Survived -2 832
51103 10 Kingdom Empire Empire1on1 Defeated -1 831
51101 Killer Clowns from Outer Space Empire1on1 Won 5 836
51107 Climb to Glory 2 ColdWar Defeated -1 835
51104 Concentric Circles ClassicGvI Defeated -3 832
51175 hurry up and buy 982 ClassicFvA Defeated -1 831
51102 Gobekli Tepe Duo Defeated -4 827
51171 Don't mess with the Zohan Empire1on1 Won 7 834
51106 VDIP _ Climb to Glory! ClassicFvA Won 12 846
51216 Final Looks ClassicFGvsRT Survived -4 842
51213 Player of Games Empire1on1 Defeated -1 841
51219 VDIP _ Climb to Glory! 2 ClassicGvR Won 5 846
51214 Game of Pricks Empire1on1 Won 5 851
51215 Ron Weasley's Revenge ClassicFvA Won 12 863
51220 13 ClassicEvT Won 9 872
51289 Game of Pricks v2.1 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 871
51302 Rematch_1963_but no L.H. ClassicGvI Won 8 879
51386 Sticky Ypsi Jhunts ClassicFvA Won 8 887
51388 Quizes ClassicFGvsRT Won 7 894
51387 MG-42 ClassicGvI Won 7 901
51389 Speed_Duo Duo Defeated -4 897
51303 Game of_Flip Stump v.1.0 Empire1on1 Won 11 908
51218 U dont mess w/ the Zohan 2 (disco_disco edition) AncMed Survived -23 885
51435 Speed_Duo_2 Duo Defeated -3 882
51368 Si se puede pero el coche esta en fuego amigo SouthAmerica4 -5 877
51655 1v1 - Italy and Germany-3 ClassicGvI Defeated -4 873
51383 Jo Jo Choo Choo CelticBritain -10 863
51728 SW returns to face SD ColdWar Won 11 874
51407 The Dastardly Duvalls_2 Pirates -1 873
51792 prisoners_of_geography ColdWar Won 10 883
52183 Prisoners of Geography ROUND 2 ClassicFvA Defeated -2 881
51642 Not All Who Wander Are Lost Colonial1885 Defeated -3 878
52080 Talk Talk Classic -3 875
52835 Return of the Bill: Rise of the Scraw ClassicFvA Survived -6 869
52233 World at War 1937 - Gunboat!-3 WorldAtWar1937 -15 854
52859 CLE VS COL ClassicFvA Survived -5 849
52909 ROUND THREE ClassicFvA Survived -5 844
52973 ROUND FOUR ClassicFvA Survived -5 839
53245 duo segundo Duo Won 8 847
53257 Duo Quadgundo ColdWar Defeated -4 843
53134 Shield Scrum! Duo Won 10 853
53256 Duo Trigundo Duo Won 7 860
53267 Duo Fuhgung Duo Drawn 0 860
53437 Let’s have some fun 3 Duo Won 1 861
53455 1v1s Jay up ClassicFvA Defeated -6 855
53367 Post Pennsic 49 ClassicFGA Won 31 886
53525 Rematch-27 ClassicFGA Survived -2 884
52905 A World in Heat World Defeated -31 853
53825 England Vs Turkey-28 ClassicEvT Won 9 862
53598 Anarchy UK Gunboat-2 AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -20 842
53738 Sith Wars 2022 ClassicGvR Won 10 852
51275 Wait, how many stars and stripes?! Divided_States -25 827
53452 Youngstown State Penguins YoungstownWWII -15 812
53795 Olden Diplomacy Europe1600 -17 795
50269 European Vacation II Europa_Renovatio Defeated -13 782
53637 Not sure about this. WWII -3 779
53615 europe36 gb Europa_Renovatio -28 751
56179 1v1 - American Secession War-73 Empire1on1 Survived -2 749
56153 Vita ClassicFvA Won 9 758
56227 Segundo ClassicFvA Won 9 767
56307 open invitation 1v1 Duo Survived -5 762
56200 ready when ready -3 Abstraction3 -23 739
56195 Ancient Med-14 AncMed -20 719
57259 #2 = SOON and/or NOW ClassicFvA Won 4 723
58181 Duel-72 ClassicEvT Survived -3 720
58085 Jedi Duel ClassicEvT Won 9 729
58115 South of Sarah ;) SouthSahara Drawn 41 770
58068 Polly ClassicFog Defeated -3 767
58472 1v1 - American Secession War-167 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 765
58528 1v1 - Germany vs Italy-86 ClassicGvI Defeated -3 762
58203 m m m mo Colonial1885 -19 743
59826 Rivalry Renewed - Only Pirates Allowed ClassicFvA Survived -8 735
59955 No game limits ColdWar Defeated -6 729
60040 Duel of the Sun’s Apex ClassicGvI Won 3 732
60073 Battle of the Ecalypso ClassicGvI Defeated -6 726
60095 Rematch 3; Rings of Saturn ClassicGvI Defeated -5 721
60096 Open Hand Play; Dr. Strangelove AtlanticColonies Survived -20 701
60094 Debate, Beers & Moose Duo Won 8 709
60289 Duo Redux Duo Won 11 720
60394 Rollorollo DarkAges -19 701
60586 Prodigious Minds Bounds In Glory_This is the way!! ColdWar Survived -5 696
60038 Solstice War GreatLakes Defeated -27 669
60113 AbberationVGunboat AberrationV -7 662
60568 AbberationVGunboat-2 AberrationV -10 652
60594 Sesterianus AncMed -16 636
62049 The Iron Crucible ClassicFvA Survived -3 633
62033 Duel-101 ClassicEvT Drawn 0 633