A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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jja04 (1000 D)
19 Aug 23 UTC
How to make game against Bots
FAQ says to create a new game then select play against bots, but I can't find where the play against bots is in the menu
2 replies
bache (807 D X)
13 Aug 23 UTC
anyone who play GO(baduk)
10 replies
Lavitch (989 D)
15 Aug 23 UTC
Where are the new games created?
I created a new game and 3 players registered but I don't see the game in New Game.
Where does she appear?
bache (807 D X)
15 Aug 23 UTC
you can ask the question in modforum maybe
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
15 Aug 23 UTC
I see "HO! HO! HO!" when I click "New Game". My guess is that the system does not show you new games that you have already joined.
bache (807 D X)
15 Aug 23 UTC
yeah gopher27,I agree
flipster14191 (1313 D)
15 Aug 23 UTC
On the far right of your homepage, the column "my games", games you have joined but that haven't started yet should appear near the very bottom of the column.
bache (807 D X)
15 Aug 23 UTC

5 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
06 Aug 23 UTC
Any American College Football fans?
"There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen"--Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
11 replies
Pausing games
On tour for a while. How to effectively pause games?
22 replies
bache (807 D X)
01 Aug 23 UTC
hi,I want a pause from 8/4 -8/10
from 8/4 to 8/10 I will have an important competition,I can't play vdiplomacy this period,can you help pause my games this time.Really thanks a lot!
3 replies
King Maddox (921 D)
29 Jul 23 UTC
name change
Can you change your username?
3 replies
flipster14191 (1313 D)
26 Jul 23 UTC
Domain Names
Is there a difference between and
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bache (807 D X)
05 Jun 23 UTC
where are you from
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bache (807 D X)
24 Jul 23 UTC
Some maps are not balanced.SO...
Some maps are not balanced,like Fubar,WW2.
Choose-your-country-games are not fair.It is a problem maybe...
18 replies
bache (807 D X)
22 Jul 23 UTC
can you join this?play asap
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bache (807 D X)
20 Jul 23 UTC
How to get a game's link?I want to give links to others.
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David Hood (976 D)
20 Jul 23 UTC
July 2023 Deadline News Is Out
July 2023 Deadline News just released - Interview with Renegade folk about new Diplomacy set, a new segment called Top Five where panelists give their top answer to five Diplomacy-related questions, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy.
0 replies
han-shahanshah (1459 D)
20 Jun 23 UTC
New variants?
I recently stumbled upon this seemingly abandoned play-by-email site:
which got me wondering if it would be possible to move any of those files here. Looks like there is a wide range of maps and rule edits among the variants that we don't have here, has anyone played any of those before?
3 replies
flipster14191 (1313 D)
07 Jul 23 UTC
Anon games with ready symbol?
Is anyone else interested in being able to have anon games where you can still see if people have readied their orders or not? Like how there is an option for hidden draw votes, would it be possible to have an option to either have or not have hidden order status?
3 replies
Why am I still a "Political Puppet"
I'm rather curious. Is it my rating? The amount of tokens I hold? I'm willing to bet it's because of my exceptionally low reliability, but I do want concrete answers if there are
13 replies
folie (1743 D)
14 Jul 23 UTC
Diplomacy puzzles
What if there were Diplomacy puzzles, functioning similarly to Chess puzzles? i.e. you would start with a complicated troop setup and you would have to figure out what the best orders are, or how to guarantee X supply centers in Y turns. Is there something like this that already exists? I couldn’t find much of anything online beyond a few one-offs.
5 replies
somebody909 (1012 D)
26 Jan 23 UTC
Shhh Secret Variants
This is a story about finding the variant with the fewest games played and it lead to a deep dive into the secret variants that aren't on the variants table...
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
30 Jun 23 UTC
To GOD and anyone else in Vienna
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x3n (1365 D)
27 Jun 23 UTC
Pure variant is build anywhere?
If the Pure variant is a "build anywhere" game (and I believe that it is), that needs to be added to the Special Rules/Information section of its page.
1 reply
David Hood (976 D)
22 Jun 23 UTC
June Edition of Dip News show just released
The latest edition of Deadline, DBN's monthly new program, has just been released on YouTube: This month we have a feature about Virginia hobbyist Hal Schild, an interview with recent Dipcon winner and British player Mikalis Kamaritis, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy.
0 replies
MagicalSand (1934 D)
17 Jun 23 UTC
Looking for replacement players for a private game
Looking for various players to replace players in a private Europa Renavito game I set up. Since the majority of players in said game are comeptlely new to Vdip, some of them have been having bad NMRs and CDing. There is some positions which ain't half bad that can viable that need filling.
5 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
16 Jun 23 UTC
Discord Variants: Two New Maps in July, Prep for 2024 Tournament
Hey all, NoPunIn10Did here. I hope you're enjoying Chesspolitik!

I'm revving up to playtest two new variants this July: "Sub-Saharan" (1881 Africa) and "Succession & Legacy" (1703 Europe). Details to follow.
1 reply
Finkelboat Coordination
Hello all,
5 replies
IRL politics
What's the etiquette regarding discussing IRL politics and ethics over here? Would love to engage in some healthy debate, and I definitely am not asking just because I have due homework regarding certain political and ethical issues haha
39 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
06 Jun 23 UTC
Happy those who celebrate.
1 reply
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
23 May 23 UTC
Aussie Mafia Defend your degeneracy, if you can
Mustard in mashed potatoes?
37 replies
Henrylynn2021 (980 D)
25 May 23 UTC
Is it possible to start a game by myself?
I want to start a game where I control all of the powers. I want to test moves/strategy. Is it possible to start a sandbox or a game by myself?
6 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
24 May 23 UTC
Texas invades France
I found this today and got sucked in. Curious about European cultural reaction.
4 replies
David Hood (976 D)
26 May 23 UTC
May 2023 Deadline News is Out!
Diplomacy Broadcast Network has just released the latest edition of its Diplomacy news show. Interviews with Keith Worstell (Superstition) about Nexus, Randy Lawrence-Hurt about how acting and Diplomacy can be similar, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy. Link:
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