A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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butterhead (1272 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC
Pure Chaos- In the making.
Hey guys, I have begun working on the Pure Chaos map we talked about(32 player Pure)(34 was not conducive to the symmetry of the map), and wanted to ask if there was any opinions you had on it.
butterhead (1272 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC
P.S- this is one of many variants I plan to make, so expect to see it, and soon after, expect to see another Civil War map, along with 2 other U.S maps, and a battle for Texas map(If Oli gives them the O.K.)
Graeme01 (1224 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC
You're a web developer, butter? Epic.
Thoughts about pure chaos:
You may want to make it build every phase so that dislodging someone means something.
fasces349 (1007 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC

part of the fun is when you have 2 sc and 1 unit
butterhead (1272 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC
No, I am no web developer, but I have been teaching myself code. Specifically HTML and php. Also, I think that normal builds will stick around, eventually someone will win!
Shep315 (1435 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC
now by battle for texas do you mean like sam houston and the alamo and that kind of stuff?
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
24 Mar 11 UTC
Ok - a serious critique to a Pure Chaos (34p) map would be that everyone can move anywhere anyway (EVERY REGION IS CONNECTED TO EVERY OTHER REGION) so why bother having the 2 region-move rule?

One way around this would be to implement 1 or 2 neutral regions between each SC in a circular manner... is this what you are thinking of Butterhead?
butterhead (1272 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC
@Shep- no, something different.
@Kaner- Pure Chaos, not Pure Chaos with octopus rules... just 32 players all with one center, all can move anywhere. no double move crap, as that would be, as you said, pointless.
butterhead (1272 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC
@Shep- what I mean by battle for Texas is, there is like, 22 or something around that districts(representing major cities/political districts), and it will be either a 2 or 3 player map, because it is pretty small, even though it is Texas, and to win, you have to have the usual one more than 1/2, which is different than the 3 U.S maps I am working on, on which, the civil war one, you must control the usual number, AND you must control the states along the Mississippi river, on the 3/4 player one(haven't decided, leaning towards 4), you must control 36 of the 48 states, and on the 6/8 player one(haven't decided yet), you must have all 48 states. that is the plan for now.
gigantor (937 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC
All 48 states? Won't that get a bit tiring towards the end? Perhaps it would require a forfeit button that doesn't give you a CD on your record if you're only got say, 15 against 33 and just can't be bothered fighting any more.
it's probably so you can set up a stalemate with like, ten guys left and force a draw
Oh! And could you make Ancient Chaos while you're being amazing butter?
butterhead (1272 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC
haha, yes, all 48. no, it will be the exact same as the WW4 variant, actually, 2 less. also, no, no forfeit button, too hard, and if I was going to do that, I would wan't it to give a resign if I did that, as it is not fair too the winning person for people to leave when they are losing. also, Ancient, I will take a look at Ancient Chaos, but no gaurentees. I am very new at this coding stuff, and also, cannot progress my making until I fix my computer, as I am not allowed to save documents on my mothers computer. soon I will be working again, and I will try to figure it out.
butterhead (1272 D)
25 Mar 11 UTC
here is my updated list of maps I am working on(with the names I wish to give them):
Blood of our Brothers(this will be the Civil War map, first to control 25 states AND the Mississippi river states)
The Native Wars(this will consist of 4 players, first to control 36 states win, it will be 4 of the Biggest Native American tribes in the 48 states)
48 or nothing(this will be an 8 player game, regional, as in, South West, South East, New England, West, etc., first to 48 wins(btw, there will be slight alterations to the map to make a few states have connections to other states so it can actually be fought over, like Maine))
Pure Chaos( a 32 player map, all territories connected, first to 17 wins)
Ancient Chaos(If I have the time),(Ancient will tell me anything special he has for me to do with it)
** NOTE**
the 3 U.S maps and Pure Chaos will have NO fleets!!
any specific complaints, suggestions, or other requests, I will be posting my email on my profile, and you can email me. Ancient, you should go ahead and email me telling me what you want for Ancient Chaos. If I don't get back to any comments or suggestions right away, Do not worry, I will get back to you eventually.
Shep315 (1435 D)
25 Mar 11 UTC
Shouldnt the Civil War map have at least some type of naval aspect seeing as how the Monitor vs. Virginia is considered an important moment in naval history and because river fleets were so important on the Mississippi and in the taking of New Orleans by Union Forces?
Triskelli (735 D)
25 Mar 11 UTC
Nah, if anything a Civil War map should try to provide a balanced experience for the two players, rather than try to replicate history exactly.
butterhead (1272 D)
25 Mar 11 UTC
possibly. I more so want to focus on the actual states. I may make the GoM and Atlantic possible to use, as well as the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, but that would be it I'd assume. that would also make it possible to take Main without major remodels of the map. good suggestion...
suggestions can also be made here, but I prefer them in email, because I can check that easier than this.
butterhead (1272 D)
25 Mar 11 UTC
Indeed, it all depends on Balance and power, etc. I have to make sure they are equally powerful
butterhead (1272 D)
25 Mar 11 UTC
Oops, forgot one:
Battle for Texas: a 4 player game, first to 12(I believe, will have to look at it again), wins. also, no fleets, 100% land based
Ancient Chaos is the Ancient Med 5 player map but it should start with a build phase and like normal chaos, every supply center is its own nation
standard rules except for build anywhere.

Also, Yay! i love all land maps. :)

butterhead (1272 D)
25 Mar 11 UTC
I know Ancient, but I wasn't sure if you had other things you wanted me to do to it. you specifically should email me with any suggestions. this map is your idea, I will do it however you want me to. your the Developer, I am just doing the work. :)

21 replies
OlympicTorch (835 D)
25 Mar 11 UTC
New Variant?
I developed a potential map for my own group to play Diplomacy. Is there a way to send it to vdip as a working variant?
6 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
5 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC
next post
10 replies
ezpickins (1656 D)
17 Mar 11 UTC
Treaties Game
Does anyone want to play a treaties game on the original map or any other map?
54 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
Anony Gunboat Fantasy?
Super fun for everyone! Well, except the losers.
1 reply
gigantor (937 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
We urgently need a replacement for Moscow. The replacement will be part of the Balkans alliance and despite the imminent loss of his home SC is being given support into Rumania in 5 hours' time.
3 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
S American Supremacy
1 reply
Jimbozig (1179 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
Quick question
Say there is a gunboat game that has reached a stalemate line. Would you ever froce draw in said game? Would there have to be a certain number of turns wit no movement or something like that?
4 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
Live TenSixtySix
Some in for live 10 minutes 1066?
0 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
Germany v Italy live in 15 minutes!

Commemorate this special 1000th game by joining!
0 replies
Graeme01 (1224 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
Who Controls America
0 replies
Onar (833 D)
13 Mar 11 UTC
Variant Idea.
See inside for details.
40 replies
ezpickins (1656 D)
18 Mar 11 UTC
A couple games to pique your interest
3 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
Public Press FOW

Now is the time to convince others that you aren't in Tyrolia!
1 reply
Mythos (1271 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
101D FoW Gunboat?
Anyone interested in such a game?
0 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
20 Mar 11 UTC
Still trying to play a 1066 game in which I don't screw the pooch
37 replies
ezpickins (1656 D)
21 Mar 11 UTC
One More America!
0 replies
1066: Starting positions
Apologies, we forgot to include the starting positions of the players in the rules of the 1066 variant.
1 reply
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
19 Mar 11 UTC
Possible Bug
Unable to convoy from Yukon Territories to Mexico on the World Map:
Multiple attempts resulted in system freezing up every time.
1 reply
LoveDove (1368 D)
20 Mar 11 UTC
Fantasy Anonymous Game
Come on, come all.

0 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
18 Mar 11 UTC
New Grey Press game!
18 hr phases, 5 point bet, Anon, join now!
1 reply
ashleygirl (1285 D)
19 Mar 11 UTC
Oli I can't support hold or move to Krystal from Coal in gameID=736
2 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
19 Mar 11 UTC
1066, need 1 more
Here is the info:
5 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
18 Mar 11 UTC
new variant
anyone up for a gunboat to test it out? gameID=924

Also, why can we bet more than 1 Dollar in this one and not the other 1v1v1 variants?
3 replies
JoGa (995 D)
17 Mar 11 UTC
Germany 1648
join a new game of germany 1648
1 reply
killer135 (656 D)
11 Mar 11 UTC
6 needed
I wanna play an anon grey press, but I want to know who I'm playing with, so say if you're interested
7 replies
Graeme01 (1224 D)
15 Mar 11 UTC
Chaoctopi: full press
7 more to play chaoctopi full press!!!
7 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
10 Mar 11 UTC
cmon join new game: gameID=846
join! :D
8 replies
denis (937 D)
17 Mar 11 UTC
Live game
0 replies
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