A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Lucadic (947 D)
14 Mar 24 UTC
Nuovo gioco
Quando clicco gioco per creare una nuova partita il tasto diventa bianco e non funziona. Sto usando il cellulare
4 replies
The Ambassador (2245 D (B))
12 Sep 23 UTC
Big hitters game
Interested in organising a game for folks interested in playing other big hitters. Not sure what the cut off should be, but would be good to get a mass of quality players interested and then we'll land on a general consensus if some aren't as big hitters as others.
180 replies
Kapperson (1000 D)
06 Mar 24 UTC
username change
I started this account so I could join in games set up by my school, but I didn't realize that I needed to model my username after specific formatting, so now I'm stuck with a username that doesn't fit the guidelines of the setup. does anyone know how one could go about changing their username on here?
8 replies
Playtest with some old play-by-mail variants
Welcome to Crazy Combo, an attempt to combine 2 old variants: Para-Time Dip and Twilight Zone Dip.
6 replies
ubercacher16 (2077 D)
06 Mar 24 UTC
High Bet Gunboat
I'm interested in playing some high bet gunboat games. Like 100 plus D points. Is there anyone interested in such games?
1 reply
AJManso4 (2318 D)
29 Feb 24 UTC
Massive world variant game on discord, 1682 iirc

Here is the map. They’re trying to fill a fourth match:
5 replies
Pander Beers (1148 D)
07 Feb 24 UTC
can't create moderator games?
I have 25 non-live, 3+ player games completed, but when I go to create a new game, I cannot select YES to the moderator option. Any idea?
2 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
11 Jan 24 UTC
Drano's Centennial Celebration!
See below.
33 replies
gchar (929 D)
24 Jan 24 UTC
[Speed Europa variant] moving from Burgundy to Ruhr should not be possible

As noticed by Tyran (user ID 2518) in the game "Wolf Pack v3" (game ID 58137) armies may move from Burgundy to Ruhr and vice versa (see the Map info tab of the variant's page) while the map doesn't say that. Maps on the external variant homepage also, so I suppose it is an error in the code, not the map.
2 replies
bache (831 D X)
09 Feb 24 UTC
Happy Spring Festival!
New year coming!
14 replies
Erevant (983 D)
07 Jan 24 UTC
Notification before NMR
Is there a way to set up notifications so I don't NMR? Either an email or text message so I don't forget that turns are about to be processed.
3 replies
Marky Maypo (1421 D)
07 Feb 24 UTC
Unrated Games
Dumb question? What's the point of unrated games? Are they meant for new players to learn the system?
5 replies
bache (831 D X)
01 Feb 24 UTC
3 or 4 players games!
3or4 players games!
6 replies
x3n (1412 D)
25 Jan 24 UTC
[Speed Europa variant] Check Barrents Sea adjacency
In my current game (ID=58131), it says the Barents Sea can move to Serbia (rather than Siberia)

It also lists Norway as an option, though the spaces are not adjacent on the map.
0 replies
delfmercy1 (1000 D)
23 Jan 24 UTC
Instant register 100% authentic Ielts, Toefl, Toeic without exam(+27 83 880 8170)
Watsap(+27(838-80-8170)Buy 100% Authentic DELF/DALF GOETHE A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 ,DUT,BPJEPS,DUOLINGO,IELTS,TOEFL,PMP,CISSP,CELPIP WITHOUT EXAM/Passports,Drivers License,ID Cards,Visas,Counterfeit Money,$,€,£:
1 reply
delfmercy1 (1000 D)
23 Jan 24 UTC
Obtenir un approuvée diplôme valide avec vérification en ligne
Achetez 100% authentiques BPJEPS,DUOLINGO English TEST, NEBOSH, PTE, GMAT, PMP, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, GRE, ESOL TOEIC ,IELTS, TOEFL, PMP, CISSP, SANS EXAMEN / Passeports, permis de conduire,, certificats de naissance, diplômes, fausse (Viber/Telegram:+33 6 77 25 70 29

1 reply
David Hood (976 D)
20 Jan 24 UTC
January 2024 Deadline News from DBN
Newest Deadline show just released on DBN. This month we have an interview with North American Diplomacy Federation President Zachary Moore, a panel on what is Hot or Not in the hobby, and headlines from around the World of Diplomacy.
0 replies
Zybque (1000 D)
27 Dec 23 UTC
A new Cold War tournament (Nexus CW6)
Hey everybody. It was about time someone organised another cross platform Cold War tournament.

The tournament will be played wherever the players agree to play. Which means vDip will be hosting games. I have made a rule set on discord: - if you do not like discord I will communicate via e-mail. I will post updates here.
6 replies
Wildmanwok (766 D)
02 Jan 24 UTC
Great new variant - Bronze Age Diplomacy
IMHO a really great new variant with many options, constantly fluctuating balances of power, both fleets and armies with power, sensible offboard movement that makes stalemates hard.

This is a good one I think
9 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
01 Jan 24 UTC
Happy new year dear vdippers
Thanks for being such a nice community to be part of <3
3 replies
The Ambassador (2245 D (B))
24 Dec 23 UTC
Merry Christmas vDippers!
Where ever you are around this big world of ours, you have a home here. Merry Christmas to you all!
9 replies
AleChoel (1244 D)
19 Dec 23 UTC
Public messaging only games.
What do you all think of those games? I believe there should be more of them! It's a really messy but fun experience.
9 replies
The Ambassador (2245 D (B))
02 Sep 16 UTC
New podcast for online Dip games
Hi everyone

Kaner and I have started a podcast about playing Diplomacy online....
334 replies
Looking to unload some good positions.
Hello all!

I've got some very good positions in a Europa Renovatio and a Colonial 1885 that I'd like to unload. Excellent opportunity for some shiny V points with no risk. PM me for details....
1 reply
Wildmanwok (766 D)
17 Dec 23 UTC
Dislodging your own unit
I have 2 scenarios I'd like to run past the boffins in regards to dislodging your own unit.
4 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
04 Dec 23 UTC
The 2024 Tournament Through Time
Registration is now open for a one-of-a-kind Diplomacy tournament: The 2024 Tournament Through Time!
3 replies
David Hood (976 D)
17 Nov 23 UTC
November 2023 Deadline News is out!
Latest episode of Deadline just released - feature story on the Virtual Diplomacy Championship:
0 replies
Marcus the Conqueror (1038 D)
16 Nov 23 UTC
Replacement(s) needed
Going through an unexpectedly busy period at the moment and can't really pay full attention to all of my games. I don't want to keep spamming extend or pause requests so I was hoping someone could take a couple of gunboat games off my hands. Only solid positions, including one board top. DM if interested!
0 replies
ingebot (1874 D)
03 Nov 23 UTC
Extreme edge case in 1900 of double convoy cutting (Gibraltar)
I reviewed the rules of, and I suddenly came up with an extreme, but totally plausible edge case:
ingebot (1874 D)
03 Nov 23 UTC
Let's say France has a fleet in Mid Atlantic, a fleet in North coast of Spain, a fleet in West Med and an army in Brest. Meanwhile, Britain has an army in Morocco, a fleet in English chaneel, a fleet in North Atlantic, and a fleet in Gibraltar.

French fleet in Spain support holds Mid Altantic, which convoys an army to Gilbatar supported by West Med. Meanwhile, Britain's Gilbaltar fleet convoys the army from Morcco to Spain, and use the fleets in North Atlantic supported by English Channel to attack Mid Atlantic.

Question: Did Britain's army from Morocco successfully "bump" Spain, meaning Mid Atlantic is dislodged, meaning France's convoy to Gibraltar failed to happen, or did France successfully dislodge the Gibraltar fleet, meaning it can't convoy the army from Morocco to "bump" Spain?
ingebot (1874 D)
03 Nov 23 UTC
If both Britain and France didn't try the convoy, but instead made the attacking move directly with their fleet, BOTH MOVES WOULD SUCCEED (ie, French fleet is now in Gibraltar and British fleet in Mid Atlantic after Gibraltar successfully bumped Spain). However, if they both convoy, it is impossible for both to succeed, but also impossible for both to fail.
I have not eyeballed the map and plotted things out, but my head is starting to hurt, so there may well be a convoy paradox here.
Chuttbugger (2630 D)
03 Nov 23 UTC
The primary issue here is that standard diplomacy doesn’t have convoyable canal territories, like Gibraltar in 1900.

Here is a somewhat similar situation that I’ve come up with in standard diplomacy - there is a distinct difference, but it may give insight into what happens in your scenario:

Italy has a fleet in Western Med and an army in North Africa. France has fleets in Mid Atlantic and the south coast of Spain. Italy attempts to convoy from North Africa to Spain, through Western Med. France moves to Western Med from Mid Atlantic, supported by Spain. Does the convoy reach Spain and cut its support? Or does the supported move to Western Med take precedence and break up the convoy?

I believe that Italian convoy should fail, as the support from Spain dislodges the convoying fleet in Western Med “before” the army reaches Spain (though of course orders process simultaneously in theory). That would also lead me to believe that in your scenario, the Gibraltar fleet is dislodged and the French convoy is successful.

Of course, the key difference between the scenarios is that in 1900, both moving pieces are convoys, and the English convoy is attempting to cut a support hold rather than a support move. In standard diplomacy, the result would be similar to the idea that since a unit cannot cut the support of an attack upon itself, a convoyed army cannot cut the support of an attack upon its convoying fleet. Whereas it’s much more reasonable to believe that a convoyed army could cut a support hold on a convoying fleet whose convoyed army would otherwise dislodge its own convoying fleet. I think you’d have to play test this scenario to be certain either way.
Enriador (1507 D)
04 Nov 23 UTC
It is the basest form of convoy paradox. vDip would adjudicate it by making it a standoff with everybody stuck in place.
Quarantino (1485 D)
04 Nov 23 UTC
Let's sort it out on the real thing! Last chance:
Paths of Glory
G-Man (2516 D)
05 Nov 23 UTC
Since GIB is unsupported and WMED’s support is not cut, doesn’t the French move dislodge GIB since the British convoy can never go through to cut SPA’s support over a dislodged fleet? I.e., nothing ever dislodges the French fleets making the French convoy. But if there’s support on GIB, then there would be a convoy paradox?

7 replies
Billster82 (1147 D)
02 Nov 23 UTC
Cheater in game “I did in fact shit gold”
Hi guys,

A country has taken the accounts of two other powers in our game and is now controlling three countries. How can we report this player “Akim” for Multiaccounting?
3 replies
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