A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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tiger (1653 D)
09 Oct 12 UTC
Who are the youngest and oldest vDip players?
Umm... I just wanna know who're the youngest and oldest players. I'm 14, and reckon I'm pretty young for a vDip player, but want to see how I compare with others.
104 replies
Dr.Octagon (985 D X)
03 Nov 12 UTC
Contributing to map collection
how dose one go about or go to for info on making/developing maps?
2 replies
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
28 Oct 12 UTC
Hurricane Hype
A so called 100 year storm named Hurricane Sandy is lated to slam into the east coast of the United States tomorrow (10/29/02) somewhere between the Washington DC area and Boston. I'm not sure how many players this might affect, but it's very likely that we may abruptly lose power (and internet services) here in Northern Virginia for an extended period of time. I will do my best to keep my games up to date with orders turned in.
12 replies
Orpheus (1418 D)
04 Nov 12 UTC
This game ain't gonna join itself....??
....that's right - I'm talkin to you!
4 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
04 Nov 12 UTC
2 NEEDED players WWIV(Argentina or indonesia)
"Clockwork Angels " need two players, the game has not started. submit builds and play.
1 reply
mfarb (1338 D)
02 Nov 12 UTC
new WW4 game NEED EIGHT diplomats. start 4 days
There is a new WW4 game called Clockwork Angels, do yourself a favor and join!
7 replies
Blank Cheque (1006 D)
03 Nov 12 UTC
Signals For Alliance During Gunboat Games
I'm wondering if there's ever been any ways to hint "I want an alliance with you" through one's opening moves, and whether such hints succeed in forming an alliance. I understand you can easily do this (for instance, between England and France, no one goes for English channel or between Russia and Turkey no one goes for black sea), but that failure to move to the english channel or black sea can easily be misintepreted as a mistake by a noob
9 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY!!!!
Come one, come all, for the highly anticipated, highly exciting, and highly insane GLOBAL ONLY CHAOS MATCH!!! With your host, butterhead!!! That's right boys and girls, it's time to start recruiting players for the next installment of this fabulous game! I need 33 more brave souls to join me for the excitement. the game will be created on October 31st(ahead of schedule). Sign up now to secure your spot in the game of the year!!!
62 replies
The Ambassador (2276 D (B))
02 Nov 12 UTC
Replacement player needed for School of War game
Read below.
9 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
15 Oct 12 UTC
Contract NON-Anon Gunboat III
The purpose of this Special Rules Private game is to have an enjoyable old style (= non Anonymous) Gunboat game among gentlemen who have read, agreed, accepted each of the following rules and who promise to observe them carefully.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
15 Oct 12 UTC
The main goal of the Contract is to have a game that never stops and that goes ahead quickly. That's why many standard rules have been modified or cut out.
The first thing you promise is that you won't NMR, so if you have some engagements in your schedule the next 2 months, you can stop reading: this is not the game for you.
The second thing you promise is that you will never forget that this game must go on quickly. This game is addressed to those people who can check a game *at least* twice a day almost everyday.

1. You won't NMR. Please do not join if you may stay away from your computer in the next few months.
2. Each time you log in the game, you decide and FINALIZE your orders before you log out. Saving orders is not allowed under any circumstance.
3. If you're the last one who finalizes, you must refresh the game page and finalize your orders for the next phase.
4. If you have to retreat your last unit in Autumn and you can't retreat it into a SC, you must disband it. Thanks for the game, mate, we wish you better luck next time! :)
5. This is the first game you'll check each time you log in VDiplomacy. Please don't get caught like you logged in the site 2 hours ago, when the current phase was already started, and you didn't put your orders in. Please never forget that having your Contract-Gunboat orders FINALIZED is your FIRST PRIORITY each time you log in VDiplomacy. Also, please refresh your homepage before you log out the site, so you can check if the game has progressed to a new phase.
6. One of the goals of rules from 2 to 5 is to have a quasi-live game. What's hoped is to play *at least* 2 phases a day everyday. However, in order to handle exceptional circumstances in which you may not have access to the internet, the phase lenght is set to 37 hours. Gentlemen, please don't abuse this.
7. Voting for Pauses, Extensions and Cancel is not allowed under any circumstance. Voting for a Draw is not allowed during the first 4 years.
8. In the rare case an unpredictable issue keeps you away from the internet long enough to risk a NMR, you'll do your best to find a sitter or someone to send the game to, using Country-Switch Feature in your Settings page. Please mind:
- Sitters can't stay anonymous and must be announced with a short post on this thread, both as they're hired and as they're fired; the sitter must confirm with a short message on this thread.
- Please try to find your sitter (or the person you switch your Country to) among those people who log in VDip OFTEN. Also, before he accepts the task, he must read this post and this Contract. Please tell him to do so.
- This possibility has been given to you to handle sudden, exceptional and short RL issues. Please don't join the game if you already know you'll need a sitter at some point.
9. If, notwithstanding all, someone CDs, I'll post a "Please take over this Country" on this thread and the game will go on whether someone subs or not.
10. Other parameters are: cheap 10 D buy-in; Random Country; PPSC; Non Anon; No Press; RR 90+ MinPhs 100+; NMR Policy ∞/off.
11. Rules looks simple enough, but if you need clarifications you're encouraged to ask your question on this thread before the game starts. Please try to figure out what could make you not playing by the contract and ask for advices if you find some issue ("What if..."). If there's no solution, please consider this may not be the right SRG for you.
12. Once you read this whole post, all rules are clear, you accept them, you promise to observe them, just say you're in and I will put you in the signup list.
13. Map are pre-choosen depending on the number of joiners and the Victory Condition will be set on "half+1" whether it's the default or not. Maps are:
- 6 players: American Conflict. SCs required for solo win: Default 29 of 56
- 7 players: Abstraction III. VC: Default 25 of 48 SCs
- 8 players: Migraine. VC: Default 18 of 40
- 9 players: Indians of the Great Lakes. VC: 27 of 52
-10 players: Modern Diplomacy II. VC: Default 33 of 64
-11 players: Classic - Crowded. VC: Default 18 of 35
-12 players: Fantasy World. VC: Default 30 of 58
-15 players: Known World 901. VC: Default 55 of 109
-17 players: World Diplomacy IX. VC: Default 44 of 86
-19 players: Haven. VC: 52 of 102
14. Signup will stop 24 hours after the 6th has joined. If more players than a map can keep signed up.... I'm sorry for the last ones who signed up. I hope to see players resulted in excess in Contract IV.
When you sign up you accept to play any of the mentioned Maps. Conditional signups are not allowed so please don't signup if you think you won't play one of these Maps.
The point is that a Gunboat-lover should enjoy the non-anonymity and the fast play the Contract provides. You shouldn't care what Map.
15. This is a Gunboat. At no point during the game players are allowed to talk to ANYONE else (Mums, Wives & GFs included :D) about it or of it or of ANY topic anyhow related to it, in ANY form (Forum, PMs, Email, phone, voice, etc...), and for ANY reason.
Only exception is the Modforum for the purposes the Modforum has.
16. As the game starts, this "CONTRACT NON-Anon GUNBOAT - III" thread is intended to be CLOSED and no-one is allowed to post on it. Only exceptions are: 1) ME, when item #9 says I must (Take over CD Adv.); 2) ME, if the thread risks to "die" (I'll just bump it); 3) any player when item #8 says he must (Sitters).
Please NEVER break the silence, even if you are eliminated before the game finishes: this thread re-opens as the game is OVER and EoGs and any other comment are welcome AFTER that.
17. Once the signup is closed, I will create the Gunboat and PM you the PW. As the last one joins the Gunboat... golden silence. :)
18. This is an INVITATIONAL Private game. - - Password has been given to you for your use only, you're not allowed to tell it to anyone under any circumstance.

Any Gentlemen up for it?

bojieh (847 D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
I am.
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
I would, but I have to be away for 6 days in October. Sorry :(
fasces349 (1007 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
I'll do it as long as it starts after wednesday
butterhead (1272 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
Alright I will give it another go if you will have me!
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
16 Oct 12 UTC
I'm interested.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
16 Oct 12 UTC
1. Guaroz
2. bojieh
3. fasces349
4. butterhead
5. Spartan22

@FD. Sorry. :( I hope to have you in CG-IV.
@fasces. It shouldn't be an issue, sign-up will take 24h after the 6th joins + you have 36h to join the game itself. It should be enough, right?
fasces349 (1007 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
As for the map, of the ones provided, my preference is either Modern or Abstraction III.
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
you don't get a choice, fasces. It is determined by how many people sign up.

Guaroz, I have a question. i will be getting a sitter for my account (he is only on webdip, dubmdell) if he wants to, could he play the game for me the time I am gone?
ezpickins (1717 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
I will play
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
16 Oct 12 UTC
sign me up.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
16 Oct 12 UTC
Well... No.
Item #8 says that sitters are allowed for "unpredictable issues". So if you already know you're going to have one, it's not unpredictable. You should not join.
PS. That said, your "friend only on webdip" thing gives me the chance to make a clarification.
If I got it right, that person doesn't have a vDip account and therefore you couldn't introduce him like item #8 requires.
Now someone could think that, although talking of the CG with anyone is forbidden by item #15, it would be hard for me (as well as for anyone) to catch him breaking that rule. It would be almost impossible... Unless he confesses!
So if someone (violating item #15 and likely also #8) gives his site-PW to a "ghost sitter" (someone who doesn't have a vDip-account) then probably nobody will ever notice it! But please keep in mind that any rule broken by the "ghost sitter" would be a rule broken by YOU. It would be at your own risk (so at least be sure he did understood perfectly the contract)!
That's why my advise for everyone is: never do it, never break a rule.
- If a real unpredictable issue keeps you away from PC, find a VDip-user willing to sit your account and follow item #8.
- If you know you'll stay away, please be patient: a CG should last 20-25 days, so the next one will be very soon. :)
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
16 Oct 12 UTC
A bit more than 22 hours left to sign up!

1. Guaroz
2. bojieh
3. fasces349
4. butterhead
5. Spartan22
6. ezpickins
7. kaner406
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
kk, I will wait :\
Decima Legio (1987 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
This time I cannot guarantee fast pace, I'll skip CG-III
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
16 Oct 12 UTC
Same. I thought about joining it, but I can't guarantee I'll be on at least twice a day, so I'm out.
Thanks for inviting us all back in any case, Guaroz :)
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
16 Oct 12 UTC
Less than 14 hours left to sign up!

1. Guaroz
2. bojieh
3. fasces349
4. butterhead
5. Spartan22
6. ezpickins
7. kaner406

If noone else signs up, fasces will have his Abstraction! :)

@ FD, DL & Capt. Thanks for awareness and honesty. See you (hopefully) soon in CG-IV. :)
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
17 Oct 12 UTC
Sorry guys, I will be away come late November, so I won't be in this time.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
17 Oct 12 UTC
4 hours left.

ty, DC. :)
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
17 Oct 12 UTC

1. Guaroz
2. bojieh
3. fasces349
4. butterhead
5. Spartan22
6. ezpickins
7. kaner406

Ok, we're 7. I'm going to create the game and PM you the PW ASAP.
Thanks everybody.
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
17 Oct 12 UTC
at least the game should be shorter this time :\
lmlkyhdh (1004 D)
17 Oct 12 UTC
Looks like fun. I'll keep my eyes open for the next one.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
18 Oct 12 UTC
I am so incredibly sorry I screwed up by accidentally posting in the global.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
26 Oct 12 UTC
Thanks everyone who partecipated this Contract Gunboat III. The game was very fast and regular. This allowed us to make the fastest CG played until now, and we were able to play more than a year per day!

All details about this at:

Surely it's easier for the game to be fast when there are only 7 players. But I'm convinced that what has been really important was having players who really logged in the game 3 times a day (or more often 4 than 2) and who actually played by the Contract.

Also, for the first time, silence was not broken. At least not on the Forums! :D :D :D
Thanks everybody for this.

So. I hope you all are willing to add your EoG comments on this Thread, and I'd like to have you all in the next Contract Gunboat IV.
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
26 Oct 12 UTC
My, that was fast.
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
26 Oct 12 UTC
EoG for Russia:

Well by no means did I play that well :/ right off the bat I knew I was in deep. I chose to head west at Germany and hoped that Turkey wouldn't take the easy move north but I was wrong. I did my best to fend of turkey but in the end, the fact that I had attacked Germany and turkey was attacking me led to me having a pitiful showing. I was easily the first gone and didn't get to do very much other than defend. It was my third contract gunboat and my third poor performance xD hopefully I can change that in the next one.
butterhead (1272 D)
26 Oct 12 UTC
EoG for Austria: Started out planning to hit Russia first, but got attacked right off the bat by Italy. that pissed me off, so I turned around and started attacking him. Turkey made quick work of Russia, so I was hoping I could show him I wanted to work with him by making sure I attacked Russian lands so he would go around me instead of through me. No such luck, he destroyed half my force in one year. so I decided to just try to slow him down until Italy could position himself to stop Turkey(even though there was no alliance, Turkey and I had been peaceful until his attacks)... and within another year I was out second behind the Russian. horrid play for me, hopefully next time(this is my announcement to sign me up for 4 if you will have me) I can do better.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
26 Oct 12 UTC
Britain's EoG

Never been Britain in the few Abstractions played until now, so I looked at some finished gunboats to see how Britain could open. I also looked at some stats:
Solos 1
Draws 6
Survivals 11
Eliminated 19
really not very encouraging!

So I thought that the best opening would have been throwing all against France (sorry fasces) instead than trying to gain land in 3 separate zones of the map.
Leaving Cairo open was just a 1 SC risk, and that fleet has been very useful against my target. And, luckily, Turkey decided to find his fortune elsewhere. Not very surprising, after all: Cairo is just 1 SC.
First 2-3 years gone wondering if I was playing the right strategy, when a lucky guess let me take Paris. Well, that was not my only luck: Russia attacking Germany made Germany itself friendly towards me.
My first mistake was in Spring 1904. For some reason I left my Norwegian Fleet holding, while moving it in Lapland would have let me support Arkhangelsk in Fall. Having Turkey with one unit less in 1905 would have been nice. Alas! :(
But my biggest mistake was later. Look at Autumn 1907 map: what to do around Red Sea? Without getting deep into details, there were 6 possibilities depending on what Turkey and Italy were about to do. Italy could cut Cyrene, if he notice it. Hey wait, this is NON-Anon...who is Italy? Ezp? Fantastic, he surely noticed it.
But... will he be willing to do it? Doing it could cost him Tripoli... And what will Turkey do?
Well. If you look at the next map, you see that there was only 1 correct set of moves and I choosed the worst of the remaining 5. Turkey has locked his SouthEastern border. Sorry Ezp. :(
So this morning, Spring 1909, I found all players voting draw. A 4-way looked the right ending to me and I put my final vote in.

fasces349 (1007 D)
26 Oct 12 UTC
Are EOGs required? lol
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
27 Oct 12 UTC
EoG Turkey,

Initially my plan was to go after Russia, and then see where things lay from there. I was really surprised to have gained Moscow in A1901. After that Russia sort of fell like a house of cards and I found myself in A1904 with an Austria who was more and more trusting.

Another thing happened in 1904 I accidentally moved to the Ionian Sea (I meant to move to the Egyptian Sea to attack Cairo). I was sensing that England was going to move against me, as he was allying with Germany who was against me.

I had nowhere to expand. And I was pretty sure my north was stalemated (after I retreated from Arkhangelsek. And - sorry Austria - you were it. Austria folded pretty quickly, and I came up against Italy who I wasn't sure which way he would swing. I decided to try my luck against Italy (my north was covered) and then England convoyed to Hej - a nasty surprise. Realising I couldn't sustain a battle against E/G/I I decided to sue for peace.

good game guys.
ezpickins (1717 D)
29 Oct 12 UTC
EOG Italy,

As Italy, I am constantly wary of attack from Austria, I expected his first turn move to be into Venetia, but it didn't pan out. With my unit there I decided that Austria was a logical target and hoped Germany would catch on. In 1902 I took Switzerland as expected and covered my centers and tried to prevent Austria fleets from getting to strong, at this point the Turkish are working effectively with the Austrians. 1903 wasn't exciting for me, but I noticed that Turkey was growing quite quickly, and that France looked to be in deep shit with England (Especially considering it was Guaroz). 1904 resulted in the loss (and reclamation) of Venetia, due to me not hitting Tyrol, but trying to support the German there. Paris and Brest are lost resulting in a decimated France. A Turkish attack on the Ionian Sea probably saved the game for me, as the Austria fleet would have no doubt supported the attacking Army (sometimes you have to love misorders). Then a shitstorm hit Austria resulting in the destruction of most of his forces. I move to Marseilles half as an attempt to prevent English Growth and the other half to grow myself. 1907 comes and I get the feeling that I am between two fighting super powers, Turkey and England, so I ready my defenses as best I can. With 1908 come, France decides to call it quits rather than attack my center, which I appreciate, and the game draws to its close.

All in all, I had a good time trying to work with others, yet never was able to. However I was able to capitalize on the conflicts of others quite successfully.

Guaroz (2030 D (B))
31 Oct 12 UTC
Is anyone else willing to put his EoG comments?
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
01 Nov 12 UTC
Out of interest what were the 4 infractions?
bojieh (847 D)
01 Nov 12 UTC
EoG: Germany
My plans were to get a few centers at the start and keep it defensive, until I know who was targeting me. Russia gave me a target. I made a few wrong guesses, the French was putting pressure on my other border, but England helped a lot. We gave each other some much needed supports and the Reich was safe again. The last few years were only about taking positions and stopping Turkey.
I liked the speed of the game and it's being non-anon. I had almost no experience playing this variant, so that also made it lots of fun :)
fasces349 (1007 D)
03 Nov 12 UTC
I never put any pressure on your border boheih, 4 times I supported you into Belgium to signal that I wanted to help you against England. I guess you weren't reading the orders page to get the hint...
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
03 Nov 12 UTC
Well, France moving to Burgundy in Spring 1901 puts some pressure on Germany, although it's a rather standard move.
That said, while fasces was supporting bojieh into Belgium, I was as well supporting him to Burgundy. He didn't take advantage of either, so I also wonder if bojieh ever noticed the supports fasces and I were giving....

36 replies
webDip Error
I am unable to get to the site. Is anyone else experiencing the same error? Is it just me or is it for everyone.
15 replies
xSMTx (847 D)
03 Nov 12 UTC
So I'm not trying to be a poor sport, but my friend and I decided to have a good ol 1v1 live match and we chose the Civil War map. He won based on the massive unbalance of the map. Like how is the Union ever suppose to win this? Maybe I'm just bitter, but this seems a bit out of control
2 replies
My apologies...
I CDed in a game here because I forgot to check this site. My fault and I am sincerely sorry for forgetting to come here.
2 replies
Rancher (1109 D)
02 Nov 12 UTC
New Celtic Britain variant
let's try it out
7 replies
Dharmy (956 D)
02 Nov 12 UTC
Who wants my countries?
I give up - too bored - How do i give you my games?
8 replies
dieingrace (1072 D X)
02 Nov 12 UTC
I joined game by accident
I accidentally joined a game I don't want to play in. How do I get out of it without losing RR or sending it to someone else
3 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
01 Nov 12 UTC
I found this very fishy game
14 replies
Anon (?? D)
02 Nov 12 UTC
Darn it, Valpraiso

Your taking all the fun out of me stomping your tail- and doing a disservice to others in the game. Guaroz, or any other forum police don't bother; I already won the game. Just sayin...
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
21 Oct 12 UTC
Any WebDippers here?

Sandgoose memorial? :(
22 replies
Anon (?? D)
30 Oct 12 UTC
New ClassicFOW game ~
0 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
30 Oct 12 UTC
Classic - Cataclysm units
Shouldn't my fleet in trieste be able to move to Tyrolia?
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
30 Oct 12 UTC
I Wanna Let Y'all Know...
I wanna let y'all know that you should join this game and then let this thread fall to the very bottom of the depths of the corrupted threads of old...
1 reply
tiger (1653 D)
30 Oct 12 UTC
Donator postcard event for Laura-Marie
Does anyone know when this event ends?
4 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
29 Oct 12 UTC
Classic - Cataclysm
So the armies turn to fleets when they are in the ocean, and visa-versa. Can they convoy armies when they are 'fleets'?
6 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
08 Sep 12 UTC
vDip cup Round 2 sign up thread
So around 18 months ago, I hosted a tournament dubbed the vdip cup which featured a series of 1v1s between players to determine who was the king of 1v1s.

If you have interest in playing in the next one, which will probably start in October, please sign up below.
138 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
28 Oct 12 UTC
Amby.....a little light reading
1 reply
mfarb (1338 D)
28 Oct 12 UTC
WWIV Grab Your Buddy Team Game unfair???
Ive been watching said game for a while and have always wondered how the teams are split up with an odd number of territories. First team to a combined 100 scs wins i would imagine. I know there cant be a team of one because he would have no sure ally. So there has to be a team of three. when that teams gets to one hundred, do they win? or do they have to get to 150? someone help a brotha out
4 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
Idea for a Gunboat Tournament
More inside....
62 replies
Tabanese (1303 D)
27 Oct 12 UTC
Slight error
I am having problems with hosting games and the timer. On a firefox browser, the timer is constantly set to 'Now' and when I host a game, sometimes it sets the points to play at 1 even if I set it higher. Please help. :)
5 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
25 Oct 12 UTC
Any colorblind players here?
In the usersettings you can now turn on a map-enhancer for different color-deficits. Is there anything else you need...?
6 replies
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