A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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canaduh (1293 D)
05 Jun 12 UTC
How can a win give less points than someone else in the game?

Happy with the win, but Russia received 2 more points, with the same number of SCs. Also, as we had the same number of SCs, how come he did not win?
6 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
13 May 12 UTC
Vdip Knockout Tournament: Round 2
Since the old thread died, let's start a new one to continue.

Now what?
55 replies
amisond (1280 D)
04 Jun 12 UTC
What happened to bourse diplomacy?
I can't seem to find the bourse diplomacy thread, does anyone have any idea where it has gone.
3 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
31 May 12 UTC
A Summer Set of Games
Since we are going into Summer and I will soon only have 2 games that I am active in. I've decided to create a series of games to keep us all amused! Feel free to join as many or as few you want!
9 replies
ezpickins (1615 D)
04 Jun 12 UTC
play on the north sea!
1 reply
Heffalump (1041 D)
04 Jun 12 UTC
Octopus - please check connection
It seems that a fleet can't reach Prussia from Denmark (though it can reach Livonia).
2 replies
rifo roberto (993 D)
03 Jun 12 UTC
Who want gaming?
0 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
03 Jun 12 UTC
Whittle Down Tourney
Hi all, I realized I kind of messed up in the pre-game by un-anaymously declaring that I was leaving for a week or so and might need a pause. The pause would be needed about now, but I have opted to find a sitter instead. I figured I should let you all know i the interest of full disclosure. The sitter is not in any way connected with this tournament.
1 reply
javidtl (976 D)
03 Jun 12 UTC
Anyone wants to join this game?
It's a Fall of the American Empire lV. It has a password which is viejo. We need 2 more players. Thank you.

0 replies
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
01 Jun 12 UTC
WW4 Game Design
I'd like to request that whomever adapted this variant for WebDiplomacy, inserting a 50 SC default victory condition correct thier grievious mistake by restoring it to the propoer level of 50%+1 supply centers (123 of 244).
19 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
02 Jun 12 UTC
Quick Race WWIV game!
This game is inspired by gopher's comment in the thread about WWIV game design. It is a WTA game which ends when one player captures 10 SCs. Join if you want some really messed up game dynamics!
2 replies
headward7 (981 D)
30 May 12 UTC
Another teams game (for friends)
Pre-arranged teams so you get to actually ally with your friends without worrying if you're breaking the impartiality code! Great way to invite new friends to come try out the site. We have a team of 3 already, looking for 4 or 7 more players.

14 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
31 May 12 UTC
WW2 Team Game ... 2 more needed!!

We need two more players for the game to start ~
Password is conquer
4 replies
Anyone else not going to join any games that say no friends?
I understand the fear of meta-gaming, however, if a person is meta-gaming I doubt they are going to register their friends. Also, this doesn't include site friends which I have seen to be just as close as real life friends.
52 replies
adalephat (733 D)
30 May 12 UTC
Join WW2 Team Game!
There's less than 2 days left, and we still need 3 players, so join!
pass: conquer
0 replies
outofbounds (1049 D)
30 May 12 UTC
New to site - How the hell do I join a game?
I am trying to figure out how to join a game. The site is apparently looking for a password, but not recognizing my LogOn password that I registered with, and I have no clue of any other that I should be offering. Am I missing something very simple here?
8 replies
Rancher (1207 D)
30 May 12 UTC
Connection Problems
with this site
8 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
29 May 12 UTC
I have recently become very addicted to League of Legends. So much that I only have one vDip game going at this time. And it takes A LOT to take my attention from diplomacy. Does anyone else here play this game?
4 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
29 May 12 UTC
Live American Conflict
Anyone up for a live American Conflict game this fine evening? it would be nice to get a slightly larger live game going and we have all these variants might as well use them! Plus I've been meaning to test out this map
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RoxArt (1732 D)
29 May 12 UTC
try new map - pls join!! :)
hi pals, lets try.. join fast :)
0 replies
feels weird posting this here...
We used to ask on WebDip if anyone had talked to Oli cause VDip had crashed. Now I ask the reverse. Has anyone talked to Kestas? Cause WebDip has crashed. :-)
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
28 May 12 UTC
Shield[Toss] (0 D)
28 May 12 UTC
Why no Webdip :(
orathaic (952 D)
28 May 12 UTC
Server error, looks like it needs a reboot. I have emailed kestas, i'm he'll fix this asap (but also he is probably asleep right now)
orathaic (952 D)
28 May 12 UTC
Also don't worry about your games, the server crashes nicely and delays any processing of phases on crashing (as far as i know)
fuzzyhartle1 (856 D)
28 May 12 UTC
haha ironic isn't it haha
fasces349 (1007 D)
28 May 12 UTC
I have posted a few of these over at webdip, lol.
fuzzyhartle1 (856 D)
28 May 12 UTC
oh wow haha. I don't play any more games over at that site because people are jerk's and what not.
I know. It is funny. EXCEPT I DON'T WANT TO LOSE MY WEBDIP STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!
(I have 317 D here. I would quit playing there, if only I could port over my points!)
orathaic (952 D)
28 May 12 UTC
Why you care about points? Just risk all your points over there on your next game and see what happens :)

I can't remember the last time i earned any points on either server...
fasces349 (1007 D)
28 May 12 UTC
"Also don't worry about your games, the server crashes nicely and delays any processing of phases on crashing (as far as i know) "
Does it reset the phase lengths?

Like for example, a game is going to progress at 1 am, I check at 11pm hoping to finalize, however the server crashes.

I then go to sleep before the sever is back up, however when the server crashed there was only 2 hours left in the phase length, so would the game progress at 3 am, when I am sleeping, or would I get the chance to finalize that morning at 7 am?
I think Kestas resets the phase lengths for at least as long as the site was down and usually longer.
TigerTiger (0 D)
28 May 12 UTC
My basic human rights are being violated by being denied access to the proper Diplomacy website
TigerTiger (0 D)
28 May 12 UTC
What happens on this website?
^ We play kick ass variants and are much more civil in the forums.
TigerTiger (0 D)
28 May 12 UTC
goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
28 May 12 UTC
Because variants can give an interesting spin to it all, while having the same game in place
King Atom (1186 D)
28 May 12 UTC
This is hilarious! WebDip is still down...
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
28 May 12 UTC
@Tiger Tiger: we can play two player games here!
G (966 D)
28 May 12 UTC
One of these times though we need to get a live game bigger than just 2 people going
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
28 May 12 UTC
Anyone right now?
Rancher (1207 D)
29 May 12 UTC
y'allz funny ... you want it for free and you want it now ... YCHTT and I and others, though, have made donations to keep all this fun going ... have you?
butterhead (1272 D)
29 May 12 UTC
@Rancher- If I had the money, I would donate to Vdip. but I have limited funds :( maybe once I start making real money I can.
fasces349 (1007 D)
29 May 12 UTC
I don't even have a credit card, so no online payments for me :(
(June 12th is the day I become eligible to get one, so ask again later)
Rancher (1207 D)
29 May 12 UTC
@fasces and butter - that was not really intended for you, you are honored and honorable players ... but may be others here may be just hanging around and presuming

25 replies
eskel96 (1165 D)
28 May 12 UTC
pirates diplomacy game
hello all, ive been dying to try the pirates variant on the game. i couldnt get enough people last time who wanted to play to get it going so now im posting a game to the public. please join, anonymous players, 20 hour phases
6 replies
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
29 May 12 UTC
I need a sitter!
I have lost almost all access to the internet and need someone to put in tournament and other moves for me. I am currently playing six games and would not like to CD in them.
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fuzzyhartle1 (856 D)
28 May 12 UTC
Tribal Trouble2
So i am aware that a few people on this site likes RTS. I also know a few people who have played or is a current player of this game. I just want to know what people think about it.
1 reply
The Czech (1921 D)
28 May 12 UTC
Any one up for a live game?
It's 12:39 EDT
Anon classic?
18 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
27 May 12 UTC
rl setting
How does the server know who is a rl friend of me?
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Oli (977 D Mod (P))
28 May 12 UTC
NMR/extend game setting- names...
After some weeks of testing I'll change this to a single dropdown.
Help me find good names for the different options...
6 replies
Sengoku5 game!
10 replies
javidtl (976 D)
27 May 12 UTC
Someone who wabts to join in?
This is the ID: gameID=8413 The password is: viejo.

We need more players, it's a Fall of the American Empire IV, for me the most interesting map of the game.
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adalephat (733 D)
27 May 12 UTC
WW2 Team Game
5 places are empty, join!
0 replies
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