A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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~:Prestige:~ (804 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
i cant join any game! PLease do something
2 replies
BenGuin (1529 D)
01 Feb 12 UTC
Lord of Ultima
Anyone playing Lord of Ultima?
26 replies
rudekker (1017 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
Anonymous Fog of War

It's sorta one of my favorite boards, you guys.
0 replies
ezpickins (1665 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
bring it on!
I like this map, and want to get another game.
any thoughts on why there is no description?
2 replies

5 replies
Diplomatic1 (966 D)
02 Feb 12 UTC
Problem during retreat
I have a problem in this game board.php?gameID=5620
When I set the retreat in the location I want to go, it says: " Parameter 'toTerrID' set to invalid value '9'. "
1 reply
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
02 Feb 12 UTC
8 more players needed!!!
0 replies
mispelledlazer (872 D)
02 Feb 12 UTC
Abstraction III
can you move from moracco to gibralter or vice versa in this game. Just wondering because I know you cant do that in modern diplomacy
1 reply
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
01 Feb 12 UTC
Please help!
2 replies
TheWorst (1023 D)
01 Feb 12 UTC
gameID=5563 Any help?
6 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
01 Feb 12 UTC
Replacement needed after Spring 1901 NMR!
0 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Might inequality cause liberal democracy? Discuss.
England was actually very unequal.....much more so than France or even Russia.
12 replies
Rancher (1275 D)
01 Feb 12 UTC
Il Duce di Domodossola
gameID=5693 ... join up, Italian Rinascimento
0 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Musical Thread
Yeah, I just had to write a 25,000 word paper... I need something to loosen up with.
Post music in this thread for the enjoyment of others.
3 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
30 Jan 12 UTC
Is Gernavian Homeworld a crossable Terrotory?
16 replies
G (966 D)
31 Jan 12 UTC
I'd complement the new map but it might cause King Atom to have a seizure due to an acute humility deficit, and we'd have one less developer :D
3 replies
zemaniac (940 D)
31 Jan 12 UTC
Fatal error (WW IV)
Hi guys, I get this error:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 52428800 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 11993955 bytes) in /usr/www/users/vdiplo/vDiplomacy/map/drawMap.php on line 297
While playing on World War IV map
4 replies
NikeFlash (979 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Best Variant
Hello all. I am fresh from webdeplomacy and was wondering what variant is best. Please post your favorite map and the reasons for it being the best in your opinion.
22 replies
rommeltastic (953 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Fresh from
I couldn't resist the Chaos Variant. I really, really want to try it. PLEASE join, and I'll stay on this site for good.
11 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Colonial player fill-in

Do pitch in as a side of board Turkey in a Colonial Game. 3 units, cheap pot
1 reply
LakersFan (1373 D)
27 Jan 12 UTC
New Haven Game

Please join up, only 5 more days before start up and we need ~10 players.
8 replies
urel (1644 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Missing one Player
for a Germany 1648 . Starting in about 30 Minutes. Please join!
1 reply
kaug (1220 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Greek Gunboat

Sparta keeps logging in and entering all hold moves. This is a WTA game and it makes no sense to continue playing like this. Can we get a Cancel or something? Shame on whomever is Sparta by the way, if you did not want to play anymore at least have the decency of going CD so someone else can join in...
1 reply
gman314 (1016 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
"Whittle down" tournament
I had an idea for this tournament but dismissed it due to the length. However, if butterhead can get some players for his tournament, mine can work as well.
gman314 (1016 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
The way this "whittle down" tournament would work is it would start with 35 players playing a full-press, PPSC World Game. Now, don't rant about how PPSC is horrible before I explain. PPSC best reflects the nature of the tournament. After this game, the top 19 players would advance to a haven game. The top 8 players would play a Migraine game with the top 4 advancing to a Ratwars game and the top two there advancing to a Lepanto game as the final.

The top players in each game would be determined one of three ways. If enough players are eliminated without a winner, the game is drawn and the drawing players advance. If more than enough players are eliminated, two or more must have been eliminated in the previous year. Track those players back until one has more SCs than the others and choose that player to join. If there is still a tie, let the tied players play a game between them to decide. If not enough players are eliminated before a solo victory or a draw, then the players with the most centers advance. If at the bottom of this group there is a tie, track backwards until one player has more SCs than the other. This player advances.

The reason this tournament would be PPSC is because except in the last game, the goal is not to win but rather to not lose. So, this tournament should encourage a "best loser" mentality as that will get players through farther.

Any thoughts? Interest?
I like it... keep me posted as it progresses.
Grand Admiral Thrawn (1207 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
I want to play and will. Though that stupid migraine map gives me migraines :-P
mispelledlazer (872 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
lol. Ill play it sonds fun, but what happens to the person who gets egypt they have no chance of winning check the stats on the world game
King Atom (1186 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
Diplomat, quit complaining about your headaches and get your ass over to the lab. You're screwing up the whole Pirates game!
fasces349 (1007 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
I would only play if it the top 7 from the Migraine game get to play classic (there has to be at least one classic game) and instead of lepanto we play Duo (a just as balanced better map)

I would also like to include Hundred as a 3 player map, but that might be going to far.
LoveDove (1368 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
1v1s really don't actually demonstrate who is better at Diplomacy. Almost better to have the last game be a 5-8 player map and then the winner (or drawing survivors) is the champion.
fasces349 (1007 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
Make every game an anon game and have the Hundred game be the last map. 2 way draws are impossble (given how the map divides) so there has to be a solo. Since every game I have played on the map is 2 players allying against the 3rd and then betraying eachother to attempting the solo, trying to convince that 3rd to now join forces with eachother and repeat steps it requires a lot of timing and diplomacy, 2 key things that 2 player games lack.
Great idea gman. Agree with fasces though that the final map should be a 3 player variant. For someone to survive the whittling down requires a combination of strategy, tactics and diplomacy. When you get down to a 2 player game obviously diplomacy no longer applies, so its not a fair way of ending things off.
ShootingStar (1238 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
You could select a different map for each number of players and have all those who draw go on to the next map until someone wins. The map chosen would depend on how many there were in the draw.

e.g. 10 players play a Fall of American Empire game and get a 6 way draw. Then those 6 players play Fubar and get a 3 way draw then those 3 play Hundred as so on.

I noticed there are no 13 or 14 player variants on the site.
fasces349 (1007 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
There is a variant being tested in the labs thats 13 players. So patiences ShootingStar patience (at least I thought when I breifly looked at it it was 13, but I could have miscounted.
ShootingStar (1238 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
Yes, the pirates variant appears to be 13 players. I think its a good excuse to find/make a 14 player variant as there isn't one. I am waiting for another variant I converted to be tested at the moment.
butterhead (1272 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
I had tons of ideas for variants, some of which people really liked... but I don't have the time or energy to put forth designing one myself, and nobody seemed interested enough to take my ideas and make the variants...
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
13 Jan 12 UTC
Hey! I would definitely be interested in a tournament. Keep me posted as it advances.
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
13 Jan 12 UTC
@butter - you gotta give a bit more than an idea for people to run with it, you need to provide a starting point. At the moment I'm helping King Atom work through his variant on it's way to the lab, and I'd be more than happy to assist you in the same way:

butterhead (1272 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
once again, I don't have the time to do anything more than form an idea... that's why I give the idea to people, so they can take it and build on it however they see fit... I don't know code, I don't have the software to work on a "basic map" or anything like that, and I do not have the time to work on it... I just like to throw the ideas out there and if someone wants to steal one of them, they can...
ShootingStar (1238 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
I would appreciate you looking at the variant I converted. Its just a modification of the classic map, so its not very complicated.

I posted it here:
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
13 Jan 12 UTC
@butter - the ''code'' is really simple. all you need to do to start is make the map, Oli takes care of all of the complex stuff, and the rest is really easy - simple drop box menu selection.. But you need the map to start from.

@ShootingStar - looks like I don't need to help you very much, speak to oli and ask him if he'll be happy to upload the images into the lab for you.
butterhead (1272 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
@kaner- once again: do... not... have... the... time... see my 2 forum threads, should be easy enough for someone to figure out my idea's since i mapped them out very clearly...
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
13 Jan 12 UTC
Open... a... paint... program... and... use... the... paint... bucket... to... describe... visually...
ShootingStar (1238 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
Glad that it looks ok. I told Oli about it already and I'm waiting until he's not so busy.
gman314 (1016 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
I have seen all these comments and will reply to them when I have time.
gman314 (1016 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
So, the main comments here are as follows:
1) Big maps are imbalanced
2) Different map choices would be good
3) Two-player maps are not that good
4) Anon is good

So, here are my thoughts:
1) Every single map is imbalanced except for Pure, Lepanto, Duo, Migraine and Ratwars. This is more pronounced in the larger variants (17 players and up), all of which have at least one 0 performance country. Imbalance is a fact and while it's unfortunate that whoever gets Egypt on the World Map is very likely screwed, I can't think of a good way to fix this. The statistics show WWIV to be more balanced than either Chaos or Chaoctopi and while this is likely because of sample size, I think it's much better to use variants where players don't start with just one center. Starting with more gives the players more control over their destiny. If anyone has a solution, please share.

2) I am very open to the idea of playing at least one classic game. I will think about how we can best fit that in. I am also open to any maps people think should be played although it would take far too long to play them all.

3) I personally have never played a variant smaller than Ancient Med with Full Press. I have only played gunboats on the smaller variants. So, I am not aware of the diplomatic skill involved in 3-player games. I would be very willing to end with a 3-player map if that is what people want.

4) Yes. Anon is good. I was thinking that all games should be anon so that players cannot choose who advances. Just to clarify, here will be the parameters for all the games: PPSC, Full Press, Anonymous, 36 or 48 hour phases. My initial idea was that since we would be taking approximately half the players to each game, it would be good to double the bet for each game to make the pots approximately equal. However, maybe just a 5 or 10 point bet is best. Also, the final match will be WTA.
@gman - Re point 1, Who Controls America is also perfectly balanced.
gman314 (1016 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
I forgot about that one.
gman314 (1016 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
But the point wasn't to list the balanced variants. The point is that all the variants with large numbers of players are imbalanced. Chaoctopi has several 0 performance players, Chaos, World Diplomacy IX and Known world also each have a plurality. In Haven, the Pirates have never survived and in WWIV it's Egypt. Of these variants, all have a sample of 3 games except for Haven and WWIV, which have had 9 and 10 games played respectively.

Although, even in Rinascimento, arguably the most imbalanced variant on this site, there are no powers with a performance of 0. This is due to more playing as the variant has 29 completed games. So, it's quite possible that over time the imbalances in all the variants become less pronounced although I think that with more players, this will take longer.
Ender (1701 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
I love this idea - different and very "survivor-ish". Count me in if you need players.
steephie22 (933 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
Above counts for me too :)
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
14 Jan 12 UTC
my tuppence worth says that you aught to have at least one or two games with public press only.
gman314 (1016 D)
14 Jan 12 UTC
Public Press is a definite idea.
mispelledlazer (872 D)
14 Jan 12 UTC
there have been very few chaos/chaoctopi games so the stats are probably about as balanced as the stats in wwIX game is
gman314 (1016 D)
14 Jan 12 UTC
That's what I said. All three of those as well as Known World 901 have only 3 finished games to gather statistics from.
myLAAN (1109 D)
14 Jan 12 UTC
2 things that came to my mind:

Although the tournament is mainly about the ability to limp into the next stage, it could be nice if a soloing player could choose the next variant. It would provide some incentive to risk more. Of course the winner would be bound by the number of advancing players. If the game ended in a draw, a default variant would be used. So if there was a 3 player variant after solo in classic, the winner could choose from Hundred, 1066... and if there was a draw, Hundred would be played.

Double elimination. If there were many intermediate steps (say 7-5-3 player variants), many people would advance to the next stage. Therefore, one big unbeatable alliance could be formed at the start of each game that would steamroll the remaining minority, thus sucking out all the fun. One way to solve this would be to have less steps. The other one is double elimination.

Say we start with WWIV, 35 players. 19 players advance to Haven, 16 players fall to 2 Migraines.

From Haven, 9 players advance to Known World 901 and are accompanied by top 3 from each of Migraines. Losers from Migraines end, 10 losers from Haven play Modern II.

Top 7 of Known World and top 4 from Modern II play Crowded. Losers from Modern end, 8 losers from Known World play Karibik.

Top 5 from Crowded and top 2 from Karibik play Classic. Losers from Karibik end, 6 losers from Fall play Imperium.

Top 3 of Classic and top 2 of Imperium play Ancient Med, losers from Classic Rat wars.

Top 2 of AncMed gets to play Hundred, while the winner of Rat Wars (rats fight till the end!) play loser from AncMed in yet another Rat Wars, whose winner gets to Hundred.

Winner of Hundred is winner since we don't want to play 2 player maps and so the double elimination is eliminated from the final step ;)

That was just my rough idea, the parameters are debatable, as well as the moment when to eliminate the elimination (can't get enough of it :)
myLAAN (1109 D)
14 Jan 12 UTC
Also, public press would help in curbing the mega alliance but I can't imagine how WWIV turns out in Wilson.
mispelledlazer (872 D)
14 Jan 12 UTC
that souns like a good idea Im interested in playing
gman314 (1016 D)
14 Jan 12 UTC
@myLAAN: I really like the idea of Double Elimination. That also helps solve the issue that mispelledlazer pointed out with what happens to the unlucky soul who gets stuck with Egypt in WWIV. The idea of the winner picking the variant is great as well so I think we'll merge the two. We'll (likely) use your format with just a substitution of (n-player variant) for each choice with a default selection as well.
start it up and I'll get on board
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
15 Jan 12 UTC
I gotta say, the Double Elimination idea is pretty awesome. Excellent idea myLAAN. Count me in for this if/when it gets started.
gman314 (1016 D)
16 Jan 12 UTC
OK. I will soon create a new thread as a sign-up thread. There I will have the details we appear to have decided on. Those who have expressed interest here will be signed up automatically.
gman314 (1016 D)
16 Jan 12 UTC
The other Thread is here:
crixno (1248 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC
I really want to play on this!!!
crixno (1248 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC

42 replies
crixno (1248 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Imperial Diplomacy
I LOVE diplomacy and i think that they should really add Imperial Diplomacy because it is portably the BEST variant ever!!!!!!!!!!!! I want them to add it but how do i get them to add it?
1 reply
taylor4 (936 D)
29 Jan 12 UTC
Germany '48 Need player
Needs more players start Monday AM Small pot
You might be Archbishop of Someburger AND-OR a Holy Roman Elector.
Variant 2-space moving knights
1 reply
Stricken with temptation to spend all those points! Keep them safely locked away in Diplomat 33s vault, game! Hide up to 168 D safe from yourself and protect them from misuse. PM me for Password.
3 replies
VPL and avpl REVIVAL!
Post here if interested in playing another competition between the VPL and that rag tag group of rebels that tries to challenge it.
0 replies
The Ambassador (2241 D (B))
28 Jan 12 UTC
Whatever happened to the AVPL?
Did they just give up and go away?
11 replies
ezpickins (1665 D)
28 Jan 12 UTC
Whats the VC?
2 replies
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