A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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G-Man (2516 D)
22 Sep 11 UTC
Losing Powers and Non-Timely Orders/Abandonmnet
This appears to be quite common. I've got abandoned powers or powers who stop placing their orders in a timely fashion once they're losing in every game I'm playing. Is this as common as I think here, or just a bad draw of players in the games I'm in?
16 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
17 Sep 11 UTC
Anti-Winning thread.
just to be contrary.
12 replies
steephie22 (933 D)
05 Sep 11 UTC
dutch speaking games here!!
you don't have to be Dutch, as long as you talk Dutch pretty well...
29 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
21 Sep 11 UTC
Is there any person out there who particularly enjoys this variant?
1 reply
orathaic (952 D)
20 Sep 11 UTC
classicVS FvsI
anyone interested, pm me for the password

i don't think this is a fair match, but i'm interested to try it.
3 replies
Moutonoir (1124 D)
19 Sep 11 UTC
I have opened this game so we can play, no rush.
You plan to play it all the way?
Join in,
3 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
19 Sep 11 UTC
CD Assumption
Is it NOT possible to take over a country that is in CD during a Fog of War match? Any attempt to join simply results in an angry message informing me I failed to specify which country I wanted... Problem is, the join option's drop-down menu is blank, so I *can't* pick a country. Example found with gameID=2353. Is it just me?
3 replies
airborne (970 D)
19 Sep 11 UTC
How do you win as England? It seems very hard indeed
7 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
14 Sep 11 UTC
I would like to know...
On the Lepanto map... if you look at the stats page... How does Holy League have 13 draws, and Ottoman Empire has 14? how does that happen? he drew the game with himself?? did his opponent CD, and in which case, wouldn't that give him the solo instead of the draw?
10 replies
EmperorMaximus (1447 D)
09 Sep 11 UTC
I'm new to VDip, just trying to get a general idea, how many people just play just vdip, how many play mainly webdip but play this a little, ect.
33 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
19 Sep 11 UTC
Could we get a forced draw ?
3 replies
ScubaSteve (1202 D)
18 Sep 11 UTC
Less cheating in full press non-anon games?
Does anyone else think this is true? Does the cloak of anonymity make multi-ing more likely? Does the ability to see the history of your opponents make cheating more difficult/easier to combat?
2 replies
ninjaruler3 (978 D)
18 Sep 11 UTC
Ninjaruler joined Vdip
I joined, yay! anyone wanna 1v1, send me a link!
1 reply
Advice needed.
Im allied with greece and carthage and im persia. i want an expert opinion. do you think i can pull off a quick stab and get the 18 centers needed for a win. the game is and is in webdip not vdip.
4 replies
AdamNTM (965 D)
17 Sep 11 UTC
How to build your own map...
I see Oli has done a lot that way, how does one submit a map for consideration?
3 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
17 Sep 11 UTC
Hey, this is a Diplomacy website, right
So I can point out here that Loy Henderson now has a Wikipedia entry. Where else could my geekiness be appropriate?
1 reply
ScubaSteve (1202 D)
17 Sep 11 UTC
Quienes quieren jugar en espanol? Necesito practicar y platicar! Lucha por la Sur!

Vamanos amigos!
0 replies
Hey everyone, ive joined vDip.
Diplomat33 has joined vDip. Yay!
Raro (1449 D)
15 Sep 11 UTC
Welcome to you,
Would you like to start off with a fun 1-on-1?
sure. since i can only go up and cant go below 100 D. the experience will do me good, and i play for fun and like to do as many games as possible. i only said it because im on regular webdip as well
how do you bet less than five points, it says we have only two in the pot
Raro (1449 D)
15 Sep 11 UTC
you can only bet 1 point for 1-on-1s

^ yes.. I think I played a game with you
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
15 Sep 11 UTC
that's because it's a 1on1 game. the highest bet you can make is 1 point. Otherwise people can bump their points up really fast.
i dont remember you, sorry, but i like this site as it has more variants. less people, but time will fix that
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
15 Sep 11 UTC
variants or people?
the people
join my games, politics, migraine, low stakes, and diplomat 33s game low points high fun. i need people
fasces349 (1007 D)
16 Sep 11 UTC
King Atom (1186 D)
16 Sep 11 UTC
Wow, fasces is a mod here... for migraine, for politics
Hey Diplomat! I just joined here as well.
ezpickins (1717 D)
16 Sep 11 UTC
join some of my games. there are a few
im in ouch my head, your game
please join my games people
i still need people for my games, politics and migraine. please join its five points each, low risk but it will be fun im trying to try the new map types, please join people

17 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
20 Aug 11 UTC
TEAM CHAOS RETRY(and reborn)
Ok, so as many of you know, we had a Team Chaos Game...
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tricky (1005 D)
15 Sep 11 UTC
Please look at game
The orders aren't loading for anny of us and time is ticking! Thank you.
3 replies
joepo12 (679 D)
16 Sep 11 UTC
Join Tribalwars-4
Please join gameID=3472.
We need more players...
0 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
15 Sep 11 UTC
Pretty sure this is a bug:
A fleet in Achaia moved to Argos...
6 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
16 Sep 11 UTC
Sitter Needed
Is there anyone who can sit for me tomorrow starting at 4 EST until Sunday at 12 EST? roughly.
message me
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
13 Sep 11 UTC
New Games
14 replies
nuclearICBM (923 D)
15 Sep 11 UTC
New wwIV game
I'd like to make a new wwIV game. I wanna make sure there are enough players. Any takers?
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
15 Sep 11 UTC
orders will not load in this game:
1 reply
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
12 Sep 11 UTC
Some players (eg airbone) have the sign "Donator-Silver" next to their points. Whats that ?
13 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
06 Sep 11 UTC
Is anyone else aware that through stubborn diplomacy the Gothi could win in the first year?
17 replies
red squirrel (1613 D)
12 Sep 11 UTC
One More Player Needed
Modern Dip
0 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
12 Sep 11 UTC
It's official.
I suck at playing Russia.
10 replies
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