A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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ashleygirl (1285 D)
18 Jun 11 UTC
First off I do not want to offend anyone, please don't take this the wrong way. Why the fighting and name calling? Not everyone has the same style of play...that does not make them bad people. This site is supposed to be fun. Oli and others work hard to create variants and keep this site going, so for his sake, lets heed the last words that show up whenever he posts a new variant...HAVE FUN!
19 replies
canaduh (1293 D)
21 Jun 11 UTC
Unable to move
Hi, Oli :I cannot move from RIA to KUA in World War IV game - It just freezes when I try to put in the 'via land' component.

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Pimlico (1097 D)
20 Jun 11 UTC
New Game Greek Economy "The Strong Economy"
Looking for players for this one. Please sign up
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Gobbledydook (1083 D)
20 Jun 11 UTC
Random 3 way battle!
Full press. May the negotiations begin!
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kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
19 Jun 11 UTC
WWIV - Gunboat - More Needed!!!!
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RoxArt (1732 D)
03 Jun 11 UTC
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
18 Jun 11 UTC
You know.....
I've been winning for almost a week now.
1 reply
myrmidon (798 D)
18 Jun 11 UTC
ClassicVS without England and Russia
I wanted to try a new ClassicVS game out without having England or Russia... join up and lets see how it goes
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kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
17 Jun 11 UTC
FoW WWIV more needed!!!

Join up - but finalise as fast as you can please.
2 replies
Benibo (1143 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
Game mechanics question
Can a fleet move from Portugal to Spain (sc), while at the same time another fleet moves from Spain (sc) to Portugal?
And, more important as there is an ongoing game, how does it work on this site?
7 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
18 Jun 11 UTC
Pause Request
Need a pause in gameID=1868 due to a hold out. Thanks.
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ashleygirl (1285 D)
18 Jun 11 UTC
sitter needed
I am in a WW IV game with two day phases and I fear that it will not be over in 2 or 3 weeks. Any interest in sitting please post. Sorry, no noobs.
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TBroadley (1202 D)
17 Jun 11 UTC
Race for the Tape
In contrast to Austria and Italy, Russia and Turkey often make a strong alliance against the rest of the board, called a Juggernaut. But what happens when there's no one else to ally against?
12 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
17 Jun 11 UTC
Antagonism: Classic VS!
Italy and Austria often go to war in the Classic map, and get pounced on by happy neighbours.
So what if we removed the pesky neighbours?
7 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
15 Jun 11 UTC
There is a really nasty bug in the ClassicVS variant
You might not be able to view your home-screen if you play 2 or more ClassicVS games. I'll try to fix this, but it can take some time.
You shouldn't joint too much games, and I might have to draw ClassicVS games as they make problems without announcing (did so on 2 games already)
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gman314 (1016 D)
02 Jun 11 UTC
Ankara Crescent
Since spam and creative forum posts are so popular on this site, I think that we should play Ankara Crescent. You cannot post twice in a row. I will start by moving from Berlin to Vienna by helicopter.
121 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
16 Jun 11 UTC
something strange
R,T, E, F
3 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
16 Jun 11 UTC
The WebDip GuestMap

Please read some guidelines inside, they are important.
11 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
A Couple O' Games
Thinking of taking a break soon, but I want to give it a few more go rounds before I go

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Catch23 (884 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
Live Rinascimento Game
Summer Is here, and for High School, aswell as collage, school is over. So, if we could make a live, or semi-live (about 6hr phase) for the Italian Rinascimento Varient. Post if intrested. ( optional teams)
5 replies
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
Game Psychology
Do you have trouble staying engaged in a game when you start to get overtaken?
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
I do. I know it's a character flaw, and i hate it, and I'm trying to work on it. If I don't pull into an early lead in a game, or if the tide starts to turn on me, I tend to just want to get the game over with and get into another game. I refuse to abandon a game, because that is some weak shit, but I'll start just submitting berzerker orders. Which is lame. How do you stay involved in a game when you're fighting an uphill battle?
LoveDove (1368 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
Stick around because you never know when a stab between two other players will lead to your own resurgence. Also depends on why you play. If you are a points guy, then the hope of recouping your bet is always present.
SacredDigits (978 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
It's being in an eternal stalemate position that starts to wear on me.
fasces349 (1007 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
mine is the exact opposite. As soon as I have more then 9 units I find it almost impossible to finalize and will constantly miss turns as a result.

The worst case is a 1v1 when I have 14 units and will probably loose...
Shep315 (1435 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
I get annoyed when nothing happens for multiple turns and people refuse to draw or stab and thus nothing will happen until someone gets bored and starts making mistakes
fasces349 (1007 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
agree, especially considering I am the one who makes the mistakes...
ashleygirl (1285 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
Thats only natural to not to be as engaged in a game your not doing very well in. Though putting " berserker " moves in may catch someone off guard. LoveDove is right, stick around, quitters never win
myrmidon (798 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
I agree with fasces on this... when I start getting alot of units I just never want to submit my orders
SacredDigits (978 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
I kind of agree there too, ESPECIALLY on a variant where you need a bunch of SC to win (Haven, I'm looking at you). It's like, good God, I really don't want to be ordering 30 units.
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
See, THAT's the most fun for me. When there are so many units to order. Trying to predict what the other guy is going to do, deciding whether to support this unit or cut support for that unit. That's the fun of this game. That, and the politicking. And I NEVER quit a game. If I've CDed in a game, call the hospital because I'm dead. I just stop enjoying the game if I know I'm doomed. Trying to find a way to stay into it. Thanks for the ideas, peeps.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
16 Jun 11 UTC
If I get to a position of despair, I usually either attack like crazy, or attempt to "throw" the game to the least bad player.
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
16 Jun 11 UTC
Yeah. I've been known to 'sell' my units to whomever I think will get to 18, in hopes that I'll at least survive. My ultimate goal is pretty much to not get eliminated from a game before it ends. Get 18, be part of a draw, survive. Those are my preferences, in that order.
gman314 (1016 D)
16 Jun 11 UTC
See, I add a fourth preference of "screw the guy who screwed you" to the list. I'm also in the camp of getting frustrated when I get over 10 units and don't want to input.

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polaris (1137 D)
16 Jun 11 UTC
Stalemate lines in Modern Dip
When they say (ie. Diplomacy strategy articles, etc) there is a Rostov-Caucasus-Iran stalemate line, they must also assume you also have control of the (Eastern) Black Sea? Would a Georgia-Azerbaijan-Iran line not be the same then? What would you need to control on the west side to make sure this line is effective? Also what is the Alexandria/Eastern Sahara/Ionian/Adriatic (articles only use 2 names but they're not consistent) line I keep reading about? Can someone actually describe this line?
1 reply
Jimbozig (1179 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
home page
mine isn't working... is this a common issue?
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airborne (970 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
WWI Duo?
It is in the offical diplomacy rulebook (mine at least) and seems to be a favourite setup for teamgames, is there any plans to make a WWI 1v1?
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Shep315 (1435 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
instead of showing the map, I get an error message everytime I try to open it
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President Eden (1588 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
craziest. shit. ever.

Who's with me?
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President Eden (1588 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
Eden Invitationals
Hey, kiddos. As if I needed any more attention, I decided to make a thread for a series of 1v1 games I want to try. Anyone's free to step on up.
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President Eden (1588 D)
14 Jun 11 UTC
ClassicVS Debut/Oli, You Are My God thread
England/Turkey VS. I figured this might be balanced, England's proximity making up for Turkey's build superiority. We'll see.

Second: Oli, this is fucking brilliant and I love you 'til the end of time.
33 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
in the variants page!
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Graeme01 (1224 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
Classic VS 5 random gunboat
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