A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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The Czech (1921 D)
11 May 12 UTC
Live Gunboat starts in 1 hour
0 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
10 May 12 UTC
'Winning!' EoG Thread
This space is reserved for EoGs from gameID=7006. I'll probably put mine up this afternoon.
7 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
10 May 12 UTC
Convoy possibility lists
On some maps, the convoy list can get incredibly long to the point that it's really hard to find where you want to go. Would it be possible to alphabetize those lists to make it a little easier?
2 replies
12hr turn Europe game, one space left

Someone join pl0x?
Only 1hr30 left until it begins
0 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
07 May 12 UTC
Winning (spiteful version)
This is the mean and nasty version of Third to Last Person to post Wins. Instead of winning, the third to last person to post loses! Be mean and vindictive to others! (In a fun, friendly way.)
19 replies
War is Hell
WW4 map, pick your own countries, EoG=200.
30 replies
My first 1v1 and my first 1v1 win.
Thanks, fuzzy, for the game. Of course, i might not have gotten it had fuzzy not missed Spring 01, but he still got 2 builds that turn and it was a successful dislodgment that got a fleet behind his line that did it for me.
7 replies
BosephJennett (1204 D)
08 May 12 UTC
Who knew I was such a baller?
Suddenly, all of my games are featured games with some of the highest stakes on the server. This is surprising to me, since they all range in value from 60-150 D.
6 replies
TheWorst (1023 D)
08 May 12 UTC
Help: Extend Please
Kind of an emergency, I don't want this game ruined because of it
Extend please, some people have already made orders but haven't extended.
1 reply
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
07 May 12 UTC
Variant Idea?
I was playing a gunboat (not on here) the other day, and I've realised that, although it takes away a lot of the Diplomacy aspects of the game, there is still a lot present in the Support-Holds and Support-Moves of other nations.
Would it be possible to make a classic variant where you could not support move or support hold any unit but your own?
7 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
17 Apr 12 UTC
Real Viking
3 players needed gameID=7402
VIKING Gunboat
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taylor4 (936 D)
07 May 12 UTC
Strong position open
Replacement needed gameID=6575
Fall of America 8 / 10 units
1 reply
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
07 May 12 UTC
need replacement!
Hurons are to take over, game didnt start yet...
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butterhead (1272 D)
06 May 12 UTC
The Classic Variants series:
A string of games of the classic map/Variants of the classic map, including Classic, Economic, FoW, 7 Islands, Custom start, 1880, 1897, and Milan...
anyone is welcome in any game, classic game link here
18 replies
OatNeil (908 D)
06 May 12 UTC
Country give-a-way
I am giving away Canada in this game: gameID=7382and India in this game: gameID=7354

Who wants them?
3 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
04 May 12 UTC
Fantasy War EoG
Space reserved for EoGs from gameID=6160 . I'll write mine up soon.
11 replies
General Cool (978 D)
06 May 12 UTC
Who wants a nice classic game?
Some of us here at vdip miss the god old classic map, so if you are one of them, here it is with a slight twist!
3 replies
mariscal (1582 D)
26 Apr 12 UTC
possible bug, did not moved there
second time, but i dont find my thread, game:
in autuum 1457, playing as genova i moved to pio not to pisa, pls check it
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mapleleaf (1155 D X)
05 May 12 UTC
I'm trying the Colonial Diplomacy variant.
2 replies
Rancher (1275 D)
02 May 12 UTC
Greatest Lakes
I like the new variant!
23 replies
keyran (1095 D)
05 May 12 UTC
Players Needed!
Come on guys we need 12 more players, let's get thhis one going!
0 replies
Proper Ankara Crescent
With no rule violations. F Iceland is my move.
6 replies
gamerx215b (1066 D)
04 May 12 UTC
Classic live
I fancy playing a standard classic game, 7 players, 10 minute phase. Would anybody like to have a go as well?
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airborne (970 D)
25 Apr 12 UTC
Biggest Pot...Ever! EOG
Thoughts, tactics, and strategies of the biggest pot game on vdip (to date)
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Grand Admiral Thrawn (1207 D)
04 Apr 12 UTC
Ankara Crescent.
Cause its fun! F Iceland is my move.
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Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
13 Apr 12 UTC
keep in mind mongoose, dwarven bladders being as horrendously small as they are, you will have to use multiple rest stops as no single (or likely even dozen) rest stops will hold everything.

Seeing as no interference has materialized, I divert Army St. Helena to Liberia as a decoy while fleet Falkland Islands octopies to the Canary Islands supported by fleet SAO.
mongoose998 (1344 D)
13 Apr 12 UTC
im ok with that leif.
Now would anyone be offended If I relieved myself all over Diplomat's units?
@mongoose - Relieve away. I'll pay your unit costs for the next season if you do.
Shep315 (1435 D)
15 Apr 12 UTC
I would be offended if you didn't
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
15 Apr 12 UTC
Especially since D33 is rather fond of his tardis...
mongoose998 (1344 D)
15 Apr 12 UTC
very well then, that is what I do.
Sorry. SAM Infantry Shoot it down!
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
16 Apr 12 UTC
Fleet Brest attack SAM Infantry. Sorry your SAM infantry could not shoot the tardis down because it was trying to save its own life.
Shep315 (1435 D)
16 Apr 12 UTC
operation counter-red dawn continues into phase two, paratroopers in Kamchatka seize vladivostok, capturing the russian submarines, while armoured divisions in Eastern Siberia move into Omsk

we are now in a good position to attack Diplomat33's forces next turn
mongoose998 (1344 D)
16 Apr 12 UTC
I continue to urinate all over diplomats units. Morale -10%
Tardis morale drops from ∞ to ∞*0.9, which is to say still infinity.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
16 Apr 12 UTC
Fleet English Channel drop bombs on Tunnel.
mongoose you should get out quick before it floods!
I have the BBC cancel Doctor Who - the Tardis ceases to exist.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
16 Apr 12 UTC
Fleet English Channel move to London. Under duress, the BBC reinstates Doctor Who.
mongoose998 (1344 D)
16 Apr 12 UTC
@Gobble, its ok, Im not in the tunnel. I'm in Belgian coastline zipping up my fly
Shep315 (1435 D)
16 Apr 12 UTC
Army Omsk seizes Moscow, all Russian television stations are now broadcasting a really crappy Russian knock-off of Doctor Who, called Comrade Surgeon What
Nuclear assaults destroys London and the BBC, turning it into a slag heap.

I don't want D33 using any more fictional devices. This is a simulation of real warfare.
fasces349 (1007 D)
17 Apr 12 UTC
no it isn't
According to the 21st International Ankara Congress, only places visited by man in reality were considered acceptable. This was reaffirmed in 95 when the Congress agreed that space stations on the moon were considered reasonable, but not Mars because man had never set foot there. So until we invent or capture a time machine from the future, the Cards is against the rules.
Tardis nor cards. Stupid autocorrect.
fasces349 (1007 D)
17 Apr 12 UTC
I agree with the tardis being against the rules (everyone except d33 knows that)

however ankara crescent isn't suppose to be a simulation of real warfare
OK. I misspoke. I was referring to the fact it has to be based in reality or within the realm of feasible reality like moonbases and undersea missile silos.
fasces349 (1007 D)
17 Apr 12 UTC
fair enough
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
17 Apr 12 UTC
Damn. Fleet EC is affected by nuclear fallout. Disband F EC.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
17 Apr 12 UTC
I'll build Army Gascony instead.
I build Fleet Stalingrad.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
17 Apr 12 UTC
Good sir, but Stalingrad is landlocked. I can only assume you are building a monument fleet.
ezpickins (1742 D)
17 Apr 12 UTC
I declare the seafloor to be all mine with capture of key volcanic hotspots underwater
fasces349 (1007 D)
17 Apr 12 UTC
what about the oil? I want the oil under the icecaps

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krellin (1031 D)
03 May 12 UTC
Indians of the Great Lakes...OFFENSIVE!!
How dare we mock Indians and claim they are all necessarily war-like! OFFENSIVE!!

lol Just kidding. AWESOME map. I can see my house!! (Wow...that sounded like Sarah Palin...)
12 replies
Nemesis17 (1709 D)
03 May 12 UTC
Ultimate Game Winning Convoy Killcam
0 replies
Mack Eye (1080 D)
03 May 12 UTC
Message in no-messaging game?
I'm in a "No in-game messaging", but have a notification that there is an unread global message. Is there some trick to seeing the message that I'm not aware of?
I'm assuming that it's a message from one of the mods...
1 reply
Nonevah (804 D)
30 Apr 12 UTC
Another WWIV game
Trying again, now putting news out on the forum earlier. Here's the link:
9 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
28 Apr 12 UTC
New amazing game-creation Feature from Oli!
"NMR sends country in CD after x times and extends phase y times"
Oli, this is a very interesting new feature. As usual, you're amazing.
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