A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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rolo (933 D X)
23 May 13 UTC
join the game
2 hours to join game: global domination. Come on!
1 reply
Melted Canary (980 D)
21 May 13 UTC
Appears to be a problem in the coding of the Youngstown World War II map
I'm currently playing Italy in a Youngstown World War II map, and I've run into a problem. The supply zone of Tirane is very obviously drawn so that it's adjacent to the Ionian Sea, but the game will not let me order a movement from the Ionian into Tirane.

3 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
21 May 13 UTC
Variant problem
Hey Oli,
I am writing this msg to the forum in case anyone can offer advice on the coding, which I am clueless, and since you were busy with the ranking codes.
34 replies
sloop-of-war (942 D X)
22 May 13 UTC
Indians wanted!
0.0 Start: 5 days (Tue 28 May) gameID=14365
1 days /phase (normal)Pot: 20 D - Spring, 1501,
7 players (of 9) missing
Indians of the Great Lakes, PPSC
1 reply
sloop-of-war (942 D X)
22 May 13 UTC
3 militarist wanted in Africa!
234 gameID=14367 Start: 6 days (Tue 28 May)
Africa, PPSC 1 days /phase (normal)
Pot: 50 D - Spring, 2012, 3 players (of 8) missing
Country left: Democratic Republic of Congo,Mali,Nigeria
1 reply
Synapse (814 D)
08 May 13 UTC
Points lost?
Available points: 0
Points in play: 15
Total points: 15
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Synapse (814 D)
08 May 13 UTC
I thought you didn't lose points below 100?
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
08 May 13 UTC
You do not get points back if your country goes in CD.
Mapu (2086 D (B))
08 May 13 UTC
Good! Nice rule.
Synapse (814 D)
08 May 13 UTC
That's a fine policy and all, but it begs the question what about when you run out of points? Are you supposed to multi or just quit the site forever?
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
08 May 13 UTC
And that begs the question of why you should be allowed to play again. If you managed to work your way down to zero points with an extremely forgiving system, you've been pretty damn irresponsible and disrespectful. What's changed now that should make anyone want to accept you in a game?
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
08 May 13 UTC
Oh Sy....why would you do such a thing?
steephie22 (933 D)
08 May 13 UTC
Maybe we need special games with 0 bet for those people to prove themselves worthy of another shot (that shot being like 1, maybe 5 D)
steephie22 (933 D)
08 May 13 UTC
Also: better than multi's Sandgoose.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
08 May 13 UTC
At least the mods can award additional points if needed.
But make sure to find a sitter if you can't play your games.
Mapu (2086 D (B))
08 May 13 UTC
I would argue that's it is not better than multis. If you CD a game, it means you have missed multiple phases and your power is usually in precarious shape as a result. If you get banned, the game gets extended and the power is left in its exact spot, no turns missed and easier to take over.
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
09 May 13 UTC
Steph baby, the sandgoose account didn't multi. Maybe if everyone could get the story straight that would be great! Go choke on ur moms cock lol
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
09 May 13 UTC
Hey Goose.. That sort of language may not be moderated much on webdip, but I for one am not interested in reading such pointless and uncalled for verbal drivel on this forum. Trite vulgarities are easy to regurgitate.. why not try for more inventive, less offensive banter?
fasces349 (1007 D)
09 May 13 UTC
@Mapu: the problem with multis is we don't catch them instantly, they may have successfully cheated and won a couple of games before we catch them.

With a cder they mess up 2 turns, not a full game.

@Sandgoose: If you a appeal a case, then an admin will reinvestigate the case, if he feels like you were wrongly banned then he will unban you.

The mods almost never make mistakes and are very lenient. They gave you multiple chances and you cheated multiple times. You have yet to cheat here, so we wont take action against you, but stop trying to justify your actions on webdip, you cheated, you got caught, you got punished. End of story.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
09 May 13 UTC
@ Leif_Syverson : +1
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
09 May 13 UTC
I already tried to appeal and I've already examined the case. Last I checked everyone keeps throwing around multi multi multi, I'm only defending myself. My own brother sent an email to the mods to verify so as far as I'm concerned I don't care.

You can imagine how pissed anyone would be
fasces349 (1007 D)
09 May 13 UTC
Exactly, you appealed the case and lost, which suggest the mods didn't believe your story, and so I don't either.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
09 May 13 UTC
Philcore (968 D)
09 May 13 UTC
@synapse, you'll have to play a lot of 1 v1 games for a point each and win them to gain back your points.

Or you could take over some CDs they cost less here than they are worth so it's a good investment. Especially ppsc games.
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
09 May 13 UTC
Oli please lock this thread, things are getting too far-fetched and pointless.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
09 May 13 UTC
I would prefer this thread just dies because no one replies to this nonsense.

@Sandgoose: Please refrain from your strong language. This is not a kids-site (but there are quite a lot of younger players around), but usually a thread goes totally off-topic if someone gets attacked that hard (as proved by this thread). It does not help the conversation and makes you look silly. In a game you might use such a language to enforce some reaction from your players, but there is no need for such language on the forums.

PS: On a positive side this remembered me that I really should add some explanation about this on the rules or feature-page.
Philcore (968 D)
09 May 13 UTC
Hahahaha ... Pointless ... Lucas podolski, you are a clever guy!
Synapse (814 D)
09 May 13 UTC
What happens if CD and then go on to win or draw?
Synapse (814 D)
09 May 13 UTC
For example if you CD and lose = 0 D but CD and win = normal points, then you are effectively punishing players for losing.

Otherwise you are punishing players for 1 CD even when it might not affect the outcome of the game. If I CD once and go on to solo win how do you justify taking the points away?
Synapse (814 D)
09 May 13 UTC
And to clarify, I didn't realise how freaking long those WWIV games go on for, which is the reason for my CD's. I can't be available every day for 3 months.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
09 May 13 UTC
to be fair, we have a feature right for that issue:

you, as every user, have received a similar message before joining the game

Looking at our stats this game might take (roughly) XXX months to complete.

Are you sure you want to join this game?

It's not meant to be exact, but it's fairly good to give a rough estimation of timespan commitment.
Synapse (814 D)
09 May 13 UTC
That's true. I'm not complaining just curious of the policy. I agree for example with limiting the number of games. But not refunding points below 100 seems to create a problem
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
09 May 13 UTC
"not refunding points below 100 seems to create a problem"

Yes. The point is for whom it creates problems.
1. Normal users usually get quite above 100 in a few months.
2. Normal users usually choose wisely their games and never go CD.
3. In the rare case a normal user goes CD, it happens once or twice, not five times like you did (and maybe he already got 400 D).

So. Since Points are NEVER refunded when you lose, unless you got less than 100 D AND you didn't CD, I can't see any problem created except for those who belong to none of the categories listed above. The solution is pretty simple: try and do your best to get into one of them. Personally I suggest you to get into category #2. And if you're "just curious of the policy"... well... the policy is just suggesting to you the same.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
09 May 13 UTC
Oh, I forgot:
4. Normal users usually search for a sitter / a pause / an extension when they can't check their games for a while and if they can't achieve one of these solutions they ask the Mods for help. Normal users do their best to avoid CDing.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
09 May 13 UTC
5 CDs out of 9 game played, 1 variant full of bugs and errors, but you spare a lot of time for typing on the forum.
Synapse (814 D)
09 May 13 UTC
That is one way of looking at it, the other way is that players with 100 D or less are not reliable by nature, and you should therefore create games with a buy-in greater than 100 if you don't want them to CD.

Ending up with players with 0 D who are unable to join games might seem great to your right-wing agenda, but it frankly doesn't make sense to the nature of the website.

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red-claw-blue (1087 D)
18 May 13 UTC
Sitter needed until Saturday!
I've got exams this week so could a kind soul please, please sit for me until Saturday. I'm only in two games so it shouldn't be too much of a burden. I'm trying to get an extend for the WWIV team game I am in, though, so I'm not sure if I need sitting for that yet.
8 replies
HawknEye007 (1135 D)
21 May 13 UTC
Youngstown WW2 - Convoy Glitch
I've been unable to convoy armies through two fleets in this game as France. Is this a bug?
5 replies
Anon (?? D)
20 May 13 UTC
Ankara Crescent full press
Please join. The variant looks really kooky, and I haven't had adequate experience with the zany full-press version yet. I did England once and just got mauled...

0 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
15 May 13 UTC
Tell me about your life!
Greetings to all the men and women of VDip! I had an idea that I think will help us grow as a community, and get to know each other better. I'd like to know more about you! Feel free to give as much, or as little, detail as you wish. things you can include would be your birthday, age, location, career/schooling, etc. etc. This will help us bond with each other, as well as get some good stats on the demographics on the site!
39 replies
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
18 May 13 UTC
World War IV map – spot between PAR and BEL?
does anybody know what the place in between PARis and BELgium is on the World War IV map?
is it neutral? non-existant on its own (if so: part of what is it?)? does it have a name not seen on the map?
6 replies
Gumers (1801 D)
15 May 13 UTC
Site slow
What is happening with this site? It´s very slow the last few days...
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slytheringirl (994 D)
07 May 13 UTC
I'm new... :)
Hi there :) How do you join a game? Can you help? Thanks!
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Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
15 May 13 UTC
The "Gunboat Has No Diplomacy" Thread
(Split out from the ranking thread)

18 replies
Pimlico (1097 D)
13 May 13 UTC
abusive chat
What is the general rule on chat being offensive? How do we deal with it? I am involved in a game whee I have moved against a player expecting me to be his ally and he has come back with %** %**!!.
17 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
20 Apr 13 UTC
Ankara Crescent Variant
I figured I'd give a quick overview for those of you who are too lazy to read the variant description :D
26 replies
daboyz78 (1139 D)
15 May 13 UTC
Knowing each other/cooperating in an anonymous game
I am playing a game where the parties are meant to be anonymous and there have been moves that take careful coordination by two of the parties against me. Is there any way to look into this?
7 replies
drwiggles (1582 D)
10 May 13 UTC
SCs neded to win
This is not a reference to any specific game, but I find it incredibly annoying that people do not check the SCs to win and continue to fight each other while someone else conquers easily.
27 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
14 May 13 UTC
Sorry to complain again about this thing, but I still believe that the 1v1s should not be on the same ranking scheme as normal games.
17 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
14 May 13 UTC
So inspiring...
I'm the last one for sure to view this vid from Commander Chris Hadfield, but if someone else really missed this gem on youtube check out this link:
2 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
13 May 13 UTC
I'm a married man!
Just a couple photos because I didn't take any, I stole a couple off Instagram and Facebook but I don't mind sharing a few photos from my special day! This week we fly to Spain!!! Friday!!! Anyways, if someone wouldn't mind sharing on webdip that'd be great!
15 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
08 May 13 UTC
Take over from Civil Disorder thread
I wonder if the system can be put in condition to append an automatic message each time a country goes in Civil Disorder, displaying gameID, country, previous player (questionable).
That would shorten the distance between supply and demand and would help filling open positions in time…at least the playable ones.
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red-claw-blue (1087 D)
12 May 13 UTC
A Kind (And Brave) Soul Needed
Need someone to fill in as Austria, gameID=14112
c'mon guys, do it for poor Balkan...
1 reply
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
10 May 13 UTC
Phantom Variant Idea
I thought of this idea the other day that I was thinking could make an interesting variant if it is actually possible. Part of this idea is based off the idea of having units with different strengths like in the Pirates variant. More information below:
21 replies
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
12 May 13 UTC
Temporary sitter required for a WWIV games

3 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
11 May 13 UTC
gameID=12532: Glitch Alert for Oli!
BIO can't move to SNT, VAL or MDZ, but can support all three. Also PIT can't convoy to VAL, ATA, or ARQ (I had a fleet in CHB for that purpose). I believe the game has a major glitch. Am I right, or was it the loaner computer I was using being dysfunctional (a distinct possibility)?
1 reply
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
10 May 13 UTC
Major glitch in WWIV game.
I'm Oceania. BIO will not move to MDZ, SNT or VAL, yet it can support all three. Also, my army in PIT can not or will not convoy to ARQ, ATA or VAL. As Oceania all my best laid plans are now FUBAR.
1 reply
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
10 May 13 UTC
Humor is good for the soul
In the need for a quick little laugh? This thread should be able to brighten up your day! Post funny videos and pictures here:

Ill go first:
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Amwidkle (1351 D)
08 May 13 UTC
Copyright infringement?
Does the Haven variant infringe copyrights?
19 replies
yaaks (1157 D)
09 May 13 UTC
Oli, you put in a lot of time into moderating the site.
Why don't you ever play any games?
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