A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Nonevah (804 D)
17 May 12 UTC
Diplomacy Roleplaying
Would anyone want to start up a roleplaying Diplomacy game?
32 replies
adalephat (733 D)
22 May 12 UTC
WW2 Team Game
0 replies
The Czech (1921 D)
21 May 12 UTC
Your Ad Here!
This forum has nothing to do with any game. It is a place where trolls can post so they don't clutter up real forums with BS posts.
9 replies
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
22 May 12 UTC
Feature Request?
What's the feasibility of (or community interest in) an 'extend' vote feature for the join game phase?
4 replies
Catch23 (884 D)
16 May 12 UTC
Allies Game?
A game with preset alliances anyone?
33 replies
What the frell?! Now I'm really confused.
So, IE used to not display the proper colors in-game here (but it did so fine over at WebDip). I was told this was a problem with IE 8 & IE 9. Suddenly, the colors are all correct and I haven't changed a thing. What the frell?!
7 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
21 May 12 UTC
Sitter required!!
I'll have no internet access from 25th to 28th May so I am looking for a sitter for this game: gameID=8185

Many thanks ~
0 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 May 12 UTC
In Memorium
Do I have anything to add? No. No I don't.
1 reply
Nemesis17 (1709 D)
20 May 12 UTC
Only a few more players needed world war 4
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viejo (892 D)
20 May 12 UTC
Partida en español
Abro esta partida por si hay jugadores que escriban en español:
2 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
20 May 12 UTC
Coder Needed!
I recently recommended a variant be added, the shift variant, in the lab here;
Oli replied, saying that it wouldn't be too hard to code but he didn't really have the time to do it at the moment, so I would need to find someone else to do it.
If anyone else who knows how to code a variant wants to do it, please PM me or post on the lab thread and I'll send you details!
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~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
20 May 12 UTC
Sorry, Sirs..Internet was down And couldn't logon...I am really sorry for that....
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G-Man (2466 D)
07 May 12 UTC
Just found three powers were multi-gaming (if not the same person) in our 9-month-long Modern Diplomacy game, "European Theater," with huge stakes (100 D per player).
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G-Man (2466 D)
07 May 12 UTC
We managed to force a draw, but this was very discouraging. I don't know what this player(s) was thinking, as there is no victory when you stack the deck. I urge anyone else doing this or colluding with other players to be automatic allies before a game starts, or for reasons outside the game, to stop what you're doing. This is a real downer and a big waste of time for all and the Mods and other players will find you out and expose you eventually anyway.
Shep315 (1435 D)
08 May 12 UTC
that is pathetic the main account only had one game that wasn't full of his friends and or other accounts
I'm confused. The games had a variety of winners and draws as if they were playing legitimately. What the heck?
G-Man (2466 D)
08 May 12 UTC
It looks to me like either a couple of players with multiple accounts helping each other to solos and draws, or one player with many accounts helping his primary account. Two of the players in this game didn't talk much, so it might well be the latter. I just don't get it. How can you ever think you won anything when you rig the game in your favor? It seems self-defeating.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 May 12 UTC
How about that apology, G-Man? I presume that you have had enough time to sift through all of my games looking for a particular player. In all of my time on this site, I've made that accusation only once, and I apologized sincerely when Oli told me I was wrong.
G-Man (2466 D)
08 May 12 UTC
As I told you in the game, after being berated by you and called an asshole, crazy, paranoid, insane... over and over, both privately and publicly, merely for seeing your inability to work with me on any front against any common foe as more the position of an enemy, than a friend, it is you who owe me an apology many times over. You gave up any rights to common courtesy with your verbal abuse, berating messages, and deliberate choice to not ready your moves, builds, and retreats until the full 7-day phase had passed, even though Germany stopped his tasteless commentary as a result.

Also, I only said I wanted to see how many games you and Spain had played in together and that I wouldn't be surprised if you guys had been allies helping each other in previous games before. And I only said after you were being a jerk and I said it to your face on public press. And guess what, you guys have been on the same side of a draw in four out of the five games you've played in together (in the fifth, one of you was eliminated). So, don't you think there was a bit of favoritism on both your parts in your choice of allies?, particularly in how you exchanged press from other powers early on in the game? Spain particularly passed up a number of opportunities to better his position in order to help your position.
G-Man (2466 D)
08 May 12 UTC
Oh, and we played in the 2nd Known World game together, where your initial allies turned on you immediately for many of the same reasons.
SacredDigits (978 D)
08 May 12 UTC
I think it's known that I'm not always eye to eye with gopher, but I will say that he is not a person who would metagame in that fashion. Amby also falls into that category. As a person who has been playing with both of them several times in the past, I can't imagine that the two of them would ever do something of that nature.

Isn't it possible that they're both just really good players?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 May 12 UTC
I checked after you made the accusation. We had not played together in over a year and we were enemies in the two previous games that I checked. You publicly accused us of cheating. You have had time to check. There is a world of difference between anything that I said about you and publicly questioning my honor. Being in games that were drawn is hardly the same thing as being allies. I'm honestly not sure whether we have ever allied together on this site. You made a verifiable public accusation besmirching the personal honor of two other players. You should either admit that you were wrong and publicly apologize or address your accusations to the mods.

As for the other crap you are throwing, you lied directly to both of us. Of course, we then did not trust you after that. And for the record in the Known World game, I was allied with Arabia and Egypt. Arabia just kept flipping alliances and eventually settled on you because he had burned his bridges with everyone else, as he admitted rather readily. Egypt viewed me as the preferable ally.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 May 12 UTC
And how is it that you know that I sent Amby my correspondence with you? Did I not tell you? Did I not do so immediately? You were lying to us and we knew that you were lying to us. I told you that we knew that you were lying to us in the hope that you would stop playing such games and work with us honestly. It is still staggering to me that you still believe that you were some how victimized. I never lied to you. I never attacked you. I never plotted against you with others. You did all of those things against me, seemingly constantly. It is you who failed to work with us even as we tried to work with you. And yes, you are paranoid. You are so incredibly and pathologically dishonest that you project such dishonesty onto others. Does it not sink in that the only people that you could work with were the cheaters? If memory serves, you bragged about how easily you got along with them....and how you found a natural commonality and easy working relationship with each of them. And I apologize if I'm confusing you with Germany, but someone in the game accused me of meta-gaming with Raro, which is obviously little more than the ravings of a deranged mind.

But it seems you aren't a classy enough person to admit when you are clearly wrong in matter that deserve such admissions.
The Ambassador (2241 D (B))
08 May 12 UTC
Italy was nice to me as Spain. Meanwhile Germany and Britain were pains in the you know where. Egypt wasn't trustworthy in the least. For the record France also was trustworthy (at the time). And wait for it.... as a result I allied with Italy and France. So really its not who the player was, but how they communicated with me and stayed true to that communication (which is why I had a love/hate relatioinship with Egypt.)

That same trait has happened in other games gopher's been in. It's also... bit of a news flash here... drumroll... a trait that other players use on me. And guess what? As a result I tend to ally with them too!!!!

And for the record, some of them do me over, and sometimes I do them over... I've stabbed gopher at least twice in this fashion ;-)
G-Man (2466 D)
08 May 12 UTC
Gopher, I don't know how you can say that characterizing someone repeatedly as an asshole, crazy, paranoid, is not at least on the same level as saying I wanted to see how many games you and Spain had played in together and that I wouldn't be surprised if you guys had been allies helping each other in previous games before. For the record, I never accused you of cheating, you only ranted that I did. I accused you of favoritism. Somehow, you seemed to know who he was from the first move in an anonymous game and both of you seemed to only want to work with each other, even though it was a bad deal for Spain. And when you call someone an asshole, crazy, and paranoid, you are attacking their character and honor. So, after you went out of your way to berate me and insult me in this manner 25+ times, you gave up your right not to be attacked this way. And I heard a lot of other things about how difficult and high maintenance you are from other players in that Known World game.

Also, it was Spain who stabbed me three times over. First, he said he would support me to LIB and didn't. Then he said he would not attack TUN and did. And then he said he would not attack LIB and did. If you look at the moves on the board, this is pretty clear. You don't move three forces from Spain towards Egypt, not attack Italy, and then say you were the victim. I didn't lie to Spain until the very last move in the game, and that was just a measure payback. I only lied to you well after it became apparent that you would not work with me in any capacity even though we had multiple common enemies, because yes, by then I wanted to take you out! (This is Diplomacy, right?).

And you told me I couldn't work with anyone, but now you're saying I worked with cheaters? First, I managed one move with Poland near the endgame, since it was the only way to keep Ukraine off of me and not perish, and then I managed two moves with Germany in the endgame solely to eliminate you. Second, I didn't know they were cheating. Third, I worked with Ukraine and Russia in the early game and Ukraine in the late game. And I never bragged about anything. What I said was that you were the ONLY person I've ever had to mute and that your continuous barrage of insults and berrating messages was unacceptable. And that deliberately obstructing the game by never readying your orders while insulting people on the message boards all week long was insulting to all of us after Germany changed the tone of his commentary as you had said was your goal. Finally, Germany was the one that accused you of meta-gaming with Turkey.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 May 12 UTC
You made verifiable statements. They were wrong. At the very least, as a matter of decency, you owe apologies. You accused other players of cheating. They were not. That would be the clue for an upstanding person to apologize. I'm not asking you to apologize for calling me an asshole. I'm asking you to apologize for calling Amby a cheat. You can still think me an asshole.....hell, I even gave you a forum thread to shout it until you are blue in the face. I do not believe that you perceive the world as it really is. If paranoia is too strong of a word to describe that, then I should have been more careful with your delicate feelings. And for the record, you were lying to me and conspiring against me from the very beginning. I do not know whether you are lying now to me or to yourself.....or just to everyone else.

But I do just have to ask, how exactly did Germany's tone in his commentary change? My memory is of him becoming even more scatological.

I seem to remember repeated assertions that you were just waiting for the end of the game so that you could mute me forever. That doesn't seem to have happened, now does it?
fasces349 (1007 D)
08 May 12 UTC
Does either Gopher or Gman want to copy and paste the chat log between them that game?
G-Man (2466 D)
08 May 12 UTC
I didn't accuse anyone of cheating! I said I wouldn't be surprised if you two were allies helping each other in previous games before. And you guys have in fact been allies in previous games before who appeared to all to favor each other from the get-go in this game. And I never called you an asshole or insulted you in any way for that manner, despite all the insults and berating messages you continuously sent my way. I only characterized your play as poor.

I don't care how you think I perceive the world, but if you want to tell me how you do, you should have had the decency to do it politely and respectfully, and not over and over and over again. And this came about because you were claiming I should look on our relationship favorably, when in fact you could not find anyway to work with me on any front vs. common enemies, which is why I characterized you as more of an enemy than a friend in the first place, and someone not worthy of my trust -- which is what you initially began harping that I was crazy, paranoid, out-of-touch with reality... about.

And making different offers to different players is not the same as lying. If Spain had taken me up on those offers and they were carried out, then you could say I was lying. But because you and he traded press from other players right away in an anonymous game, you knew I made you both different offers, and thus characterize me as lying. But I had every intention of following through on my offers to Spain, as I tried, when he stabbed me to help you with TUN. And at the outset, I tried to work with you, but as any of the other players in that game except Spain will tell you, you made yourself impossible to work with.

After you deliberately obstructed the game by not readying your orders for all moves, builds, and retreats, letting the entire week-long phase go by while chatting up every comment on the message boards when everyone else had readied their orders, Germany stopped making his pointed snipes for quite a few months, but you just continued to purposely obstruct the game even though you said your point was to get Germany to stop. And I did mute you from Feb - May, stopping all your insults in private press. And I have blocked you so that I never have the misfortune to play another game with you again, which is a shame, because I did enjoy your play. But your continuous barrage of insults and berating messages and deliberate obstruction of the game for 7 months to get back at one player you had a problem with, just made playing with you the worst Diplomacy experience I've ever had.
taylor4 (936 D)
08 May 12 UTC
There's no honour amongst thieves
G-Man (2466 D)
08 May 12 UTC
Oh, in the post I made at 8:04 on Spain stabbing me: his first stab was not to support me to TUN when he said he would (not LIB as I misstated in the post).
SacredDigits (978 D)
08 May 12 UTC
Seriously, the way to avoid having seven day phases is to not join games with seven day phases.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 May 12 UTC
3 Apr 2012 (To: Global, from Egypt) - Spring, 2004: I'm guessing Spain and you have been in collusion for some time here at vDip. I'll be interested to see how many games the two of you have had an alliance in.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 May 12 UTC
Now that can be easily checked. I counted at the time, and I think I found 5 common games. G-Man implied a pattern of collusion throughout our play on the site. I invite people to look through my games and tell me if they find a bunch of games with me and Amby and a pattern of us forming game long alliances. I have not counted but I'd speculate that most of our games together have either been test games for new variants or team games.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 May 12 UTC
Of the 160 results I got searching for "ass" in the game the overwhelming majority directed at me were Germany. Clearly, I have conflated in my mind the conversations with the two players I was constantly bickering with. I have not read through all of the chatlog, but I remember challenging G-Man to name me after he said something about my having a universally negative reputation. I thought that he had phrased it "biggest asshole on the site, but clearly that exact phrasing is not the case.
G-Man (2466 D)
08 May 12 UTC
@SA: The issue wasn't that Gopher took 7 days for every phase, the issue was that Gopher openly and intentionally would not ready orders for any phase, build, or retreat, even when he had nowhere to retreat to or only one unit, to get back at another player for a fight they had gotten into. I.e., he was punishing everyone to get back at one individual.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 May 12 UTC
Remember that this was an anon game.

Obviously, I'm missing a close " after site.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 May 12 UTC
Or three as the case may be.
G-Man (2466 D)
08 May 12 UTC
Guessing there is a chance of collusion and being interested in seeing the stats is not the same as an accusation Gopher. Particularly after you were so rude, calling me names and berating me with how paranoid and crazy and out-of-touch with reality I was. And you guys made everybody wonder that, because you admitted to exchanging press from other powers on the opening moves and because Spain continually passed up better opportunities and positions in order to continually help you
Raro (1449 D)
08 May 12 UTC
A game of Diplomacy is like Vegas- what's said and done there stays there. Rebuking someone for lying in a game of diplomacy is like handing out speeding tickets at an indy-car speedway.

I think we're all glad that the game's over, and we can probably all admit to some level of shame for what took place there. I thought Egypt played the game well, and handled himself appropriately enough. If Italy sent some scrappy messages to him, then I'd consider it a normal game of Diplomacy. I did too- Egypt deceived at every opportunity until late in the game, after I had decided to swear sovereignty to Ukraine for my survival, which would come to no avail. I think gopher and G-man are both standard players, who use words to their utmost advantage to better their position in the game. I usually am too, but I thought with the high buy-in, I would try a more honest and subtle approach. Egypt was wise though, and sensed that confrontation was a foregone conclusion. At my first chance, I admit that I probably would've tried to knock him out. That's how I won my first modern game as Turkey. I can't blame him for taking the first strike. Nor should gopher blame him for any devious attempts at misdirection or espionage. These are the players you want to play against, in order to accept the nature of the game and not be distracted by personal implications of one's character.

As far as Egypt's assertion that the Italy/Spain alliance was bad for Spain, I think it was a foregone conclusion as soon as Germany and England entered the game. Once France was collapsing under the 'monopoly' force, I don't blame Italy and Spain for sharing all in order for their survival.

I also think Italy's unwillingness to advance the game was also understandable, though not condoned. He was facing a constant barrage of aggression on both the game-board and in the forum, and appeasement toward Germany offered little prospect of changing his situation. I speculate that IF HE HAD complied with Germany's insistence that he 'ready' immediately, then Germany would've swiftly soloed with the help of his legions. So, in a sense, Italy's slowing down of the pace is probably be responsible for the draw and the share of the pot that Egypt was awarded. It was the dialogue that was caused by Italy's interruption to the game that led to the international pressure for a draw. It was obvious that Germany still wanted a solo victory when he tried that embarrassing facade with a 'time-limit' for Poland's holding out on a draw. He gave himself up when he alluded to the possibility that Poland may not return, when after 9 months Poland had never given any reason to make such a speculation (as was pointed out by Ukraine).

I guess what I'm saying is that there's no use in begrudging someone for events that occurred in a long and exhausting game. This game was skewed in many ways: Russia's cd, Germany's inciting demeanor and the foolish and unfortunate mistake of bringing a social circle to an anonymous high-stakes game. The result was a group of discontented and frustrated players who let their emotions get the best of them.

It's important to remember that not all games are like that, and that typically with active and honest players, they usually remain fun and active. Keeping this in mind, I hope that G-Man doesn't keep gopher muted, so there's a chance we can all play again in a future game and once again test each others' skill.
Well said raro.
Raro (1449 D)
08 May 12 UTC

you dirty little devil
fasces349 (1007 D)
08 May 12 UTC
"you dirty little devil"
G-Man (2466 D)
08 May 12 UTC
+2 Raro, and I completely agree on the Indi analogy, though I disagree on the Spanish position, as the Ambassador could have taken me up on my offer to split the Med at many points and been one of the major players himself. And if he had done so early, we would have been the dominant powers in the game, as he admitted later. But this was never a possibility, as the Ambassador and Gopher seemed to married to each other from the opening and unwilling to consider other positions at all.

I also dont' think Gopher's unwillingness to advance the game was understandable, as he is punishing everyone for something he helped provoke from Germany, who was also wrong for crossing the line. But two wrongs don't make a right. Whether or not Germany would have won the game is irrelevant (even if he wasn't cheating).

In the spirit of good sportsmanship, I would normally just say it's all water under the bridge. But I was insulted, called a slew of names, and berated with Gopher's derogatory opinion of me so many times, I would have to have both a full apology, as well as a promise never to call other players names or degrade them continuously with his derogatory opinions of them in order to do that. And frankly, judging from the number of times Gohper insulted and berated me, and from his general low opinion of everyone in that game (except the Ambassador), as well as the fact that he's never even once indicated that he might have been (completely!) out of line, I don't think Gopher is capable of that and will thus block him from playing with me.

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butterhead (1272 D)
19 May 12 UTC
Egypt finally has a draw!!!!
Thanks to the Whittle Down Tournament game, Egypt has finally net a draw in a game, giving there stats something other than a defeat! what a breakthrough! Thoughts? feelings on this subject?
6 replies
LakersFan (1373 D)
17 May 12 UTC
Haven Map Upgrade
It was pointed out that the Haven map has undergone a few tweaks to get better game balance since being uploaded here. Is this something that can be updated here as well? Thanks!
7 replies
The Ambassador (2241 D (B))
12 May 12 UTC
Song of Ice and Fire variant?
There was talk a year ago on the forum about this:

Did anyone take it further?
20 replies
LakersFan (1373 D)
18 May 12 UTC

Need a few more for a Crowded game starting in 4 days. Thanks!
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ezpickins (1665 D)
23 Apr 12 UTC
I smell another Treaty coming on
We in the Modern game have elected to play on the Fall of the American Empire map. A link to the last thread follows. Ask me questions if you have them. threadID=21661
52 replies
gjdip (1503 D)
18 May 12 UTC
Non-anon anonymous game
How do you guys feel about people joining an anonymous game where they know each other outside of and know that they're both in the same game?
3 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
16 May 12 UTC
what do you think about my status info? click my name!
I summed up my data because I find it frustrating when i try to see a player's stats. Say player X won 5 games. but he has 12 pages of data and in the end i find out that it was just 1v1!
wouldnt be easier to list players games and/or with links
Do you think that is a good feature to implement in this site (is it possible?)
6 replies
President Eden (1588 D)
18 May 12 UTC
Slightly embarrassing sitting situation
I volunteered to sit for another player because I thought my schedule was going to be pretty clear for the next several weeks. Then my parents surprised me with a vacation to Florida starting Sunday morning. I don't know if I'll have Internet access, so I'll need to find a sitter for a sitter...
7 replies
Catch23 (884 D)
17 May 12 UTC
Rinascimento Game?
Title tells it all....
6 replies
Nonevah (804 D)
17 May 12 UTC
Need a new powerful country
In the anon game Italy, once the most powerful country on the board (It had made a few too many enemies, though) CDed, changing the dynamics of the game greatly and giving Turkey a very unfair advantage. Anyone want to replace (I really ought to have made this before, but...)
1 reply
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
16 May 12 UTC
Who is in Europe?
The net outflows from Greek banks went up yesterday by a factor of ten. Why is there money left in Greek banks? One would think that when one voted for default and devaluation that one would not then be suddenly surprised when one got it. And if one votes thusly, shouldn't one place a positive probability on default and devaluation? And shouldn't that realization cause one to transfer one's savings into German or Dutch banks?
14 replies
airborne (970 D)
08 May 12 UTC
New World Order
An Europe map based in 1880s before the Scramble for Africa and a little after the Russo-Turkish War and the Franco-Prussian War.
3 replies
Saving Pirate Ryan

Anyone want to join?
2 replies
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
12 May 12 UTC
WWIV - question
Can someone who is in a WWIV game please let me know what the territory btw HAR, SHE, KOR and NIN is?
20 replies
Sauron (1088 D)
17 May 12 UTC
It's not getting higher than 14 degrees, the sun is exercising it's prerogative to go away at length without request, and so inside is a good place at the moment - let's all enjoy it

0 replies
WW4 Country give away.
I joined this game without realizing the turn length. Anyone want my spot pm me. I am Germany.
5 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
13 May 12 UTC
Very Serious Thread Daily!
Brought to you by King Atom and Morgul Blades. Cut your victims clean with Morgul Blades!
But basically the purpose of this thread is very simple, I will provide a topic, and then discussion will begin. Each response is limited to 150 words, and discussion on any given topic will end at the end of the day.
13 replies
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