A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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King Atom (1186 D)
08 Apr 12 UTC
Playing Diplomacy With 5 Year Olds
That is what being on this site feels like.
18 replies
JLB (761 D)
12 Apr 12 UTC
I'd just like you guys to know that I lost internet connection suddenly a few days ago and I don't know when I'll be able to get on regularly, I would really appreciate it if you guys would vote pause.
Thank you in advance.
(P.S. If you were wondering why this was posted in the forum it's because it's a gunboat game.)
33 replies
javidtl (976 D)
15 Apr 12 UTC
Please join this game
It's a classic chaos. We are 22 so we need 12 people more to play. It will be fun please join this game:
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Praed (868 D)
15 Apr 12 UTC
Sitter wanted for Europe 1939
England, ok position, near end-game.
If interested, let me know and we can try the new Switch gizmo.
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TheWorst (1023 D)
14 Apr 12 UTC
Need China
Just the beginning of the game.
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LoveDove (1368 D)
14 Apr 12 UTC
Cancel vote?
Someone asked a good question. If playing a classic map (just example), France is defeated, and everyone remaining cancels, does France get his / her bet back too?
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mongoose998 (1344 D)
14 Apr 12 UTC
I'd like to make a site suggestion to improve the Search function. there is one in the games tab but is super complex and makes me sad. I'd like to suggest an individual search for reach subtab of games. see inside
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PowMacP (889 D)
13 Apr 12 UTC
Pirate map
Pirate Map
gameID=7321 Missing 3 players
PW: Purps
3 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
14 Apr 12 UTC
EOG: gameID=6708
The game was good but I missed one phase which put me on weaker situation... But bozo played it really well hence hats off to him. I wanted to ally with DR but he didn't seem to get it... But rest was fine,
0 replies
kikker82 (1102 D)
13 Apr 12 UTC
Ends of the World as we know it.
so i'm meetin' a buncha folks from around the world on this AWESOME site. i thought maybe we could take a lil poll and shove it right up our...wait a minute that's a different pole, and a different website. yeah, take a poll and say where we're from.
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Neil (957 D)
13 Apr 12 UTC
A coherent alternative to kikker82's thread - Where are you from?
I have been curious...

Also, I'm from Canada.
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goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
13 Apr 12 UTC
Need an Oceania
Only 1 year has passed. No SC's threatened, guaranteed build waiting for next year, friends waiting in game. gameID=7228
2 replies
amisond (1280 D)
12 Apr 12 UTC
Phase Length
I am playing a game at the moment where the phase length is 7 days. Most of the players want to draw the game because the game has been going for too long. If everyone in a game agrees is it possible for the phase length to be reduced?
10 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
10 Apr 12 UTC
Pacifist Variant!
Anyone want to have a go? I'm slightly editing the rules from the normal Pacifist variant - see inside for details.
28 replies
just a thought, but maybe this should be done so unless someone votes no it goes through? That way it could be used to push back an adjudication if it looks like someone will no show, and then you can find a replacement before they ever actually disappear?
5 replies
Fog of War game.
Anyone want to join my classic fog of war game. gameID=7476
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gantz (1859 D)
12 Apr 12 UTC
why the support was not broken?

I am talking about the convoy to Newfoundland from Germany, the idea was to move there Germany so then the support will be it a bug? or the rules are like that?
5 replies
PowMacP (889 D)
11 Apr 12 UTC
How about joining a Pirates map game
Pirate Map
Missing 3 players
PW: Purps
7 replies
This came up in the Admin Smackdown game...
More inside.
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Oli (977 D Mod (P))
27 Mar 12 UTC
Some changes to the Reliability rating...
I did some tests/tweaks to the reliability rating...
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GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
27 Mar 12 UTC
Im only a C?!?!?
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
27 Mar 12 UTC
1. The games you left are now included in the calculation of your reliability.
Each game you "Left" subtracts 10% from your rating. You can recover from this by taking an open spot in a "Open" game.
2. Your Rating is now Displayed as an American-grade (A-F) A=90+, B=80+ C=70+ D=60+ E=50+ F=49-.
Creating new games you can now set a minimum grade instead of a Rating.
3. Your Grade is displayed in game behind your points.
Awesome, I'm an 'A'.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
27 Mar 12 UTC
As always everything is up for discussion and is likely to change sooner or later. I still need some experimentation on this topic.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
27 Mar 12 UTC
I worry that joining games could cloud the measure of your reliability. I've been in a lot of games where someone CDs and then someone else joins and they CD. So my bias is that the kind of people who jump into Open games are similar to the kinds of people who CD in general.
butterhead (1272 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
hehe "American Grades" don't have E's though?!?!?!
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
27 Mar 12 UTC
No E..? Ouch... What are the typical American grades?
I just browsed wikipedia. We have 1-6 here in Germany... (or 15-0).
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
27 Mar 12 UTC
@gopher: If you taken an "open" spot and go in CD later you didn't gain anything... +1 and -1 is zero.
Shep315 (1435 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
typical American would be:
A,B,C,D, or F
F stands for "fasiled" and A-D are passing grades in the american system. Typically, below 60% is a failure, and below 70% is below average with 75% being the true "average" grade.
*failed, nor fasiled
butterhead (1272 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Oli- it is typically
A- 90+
B- 80+
C- 70+
D- 60+
F- >60
airborne (970 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
I thought Oli was an Italian
Oli is German, I think.
@butter, that would be F - <60. >60 means "greater than 60".
G-Man (2516 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Nice Oli!
butterhead (1272 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
yes, I realized that as soon as I posted it, and was going to correct it, but got distracted by Mass Effect
Oli is German. This server is hosted in Germany. I checked.
raapers2 (1787 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Just curious, who has the most phases without missing any?
None of 1184 for me.
But theres probably people out there with more.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
27 Mar 12 UTC imagine that people who join open games also CD a fair amount, as a class of people. I care about the probability of someone CDing. If they CD 20% of the time, but join Open games for 25% of their games, then they would have a super-duper reliably rating, no? Such a person would be precisely the kind of person that I would want to avoid and my ability to spot them is being reduced.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
27 Mar 12 UTC
That was my concern. A, B, C, D and F seems like a good idea.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
27 Mar 12 UTC
@GOD....when did you join House Martell?
airborne (970 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
I have 1403
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
27 Mar 12 UTC
Very good, Oli. This harsh penalty for CDs is what we need and the 'recover-taking-over' rule looks good, too. I'm sure that, from now on, players will take more serously what not enough people say: a CD screws the game and it's a shame.
Also, I believe that the number of Open games will be somewhat reduced because of this.

Since you said everything is up for discussion, I'd like to comment a couple of aspects.

1) I'm afraid that penalty for a NMR stays uneffective.
I calculated that with the 1,432 phases I already played, I need to NMR 74 times before I fall in the "B" group. Even a single NMR can screw a game, so I think I shouldn't be authorized to miss so many phases only because I've been a good child during last 6 months. An upgrade in this part of the formula is still needed, IMHO.

2) Balancing CD with TakeOvers is pretty simple, and this is a good thing. But someone could be tempted to CD a hopeless game thinking he'll just TO the best game among the Open, to balance the loss. I propose that TO should be worth 0.5 CD.
First of all, DO NOT CD. Then, if ever, TO a couple of games to recover.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
27 Mar 12 UTC
Yeah...'2' was basically what gopher said.
sqrg (1186 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
It's so weird. I was in the middle of posting about how little sense the current reliability rating makes and BAM! It's changed.

Still not completely convinced it's the right way to go. I'll just post what I had wanted write:

In my view there are 4 variables useful for calculating how reliable a player is, they are: ('#' stands for 'number of')
# phases missed (missing phases makes you less reliable)
# phases played (playing phases, i.e. not missing them, makes you more reliable)
# games left (leaving games makes you a very unreliable player)
# games finished (likewise, finish more games and you are more reliable)

So what would be a good measure? When deciding if you should play with someone or not you might want to know: "What is the chance this player will not miss any phases when we play?"
We can get a good average if we calculate that chance with:

chance of NOT missing a phase = 1 - (# phases missed / # games finished)

This would already give a decent reliability rating. If you have missed any phases, you can calculate your own now.
Examples: you've played 60 games and missed just 1 phase because sometimes your an idiot. Calculate chance = 1 - ( 1 / 60 ) = .983 so a rating of 98%.
But what if you're really unrealiable with 3 missed phases in 4 games? Chance = 1 - ( 3 / 4 ) = 0.25 so a rating of 25%. We can call it asshole rating too.
N.B. this rating can be a negative number too, for the persons that manage to miss more than one phase per game on average...

You could ask in the same way: "What is the chance this player will leave our game when we play?"

chance of NOT leaving = 1 - (# games left / # games finished)

It is possible to have two separate reliablity ratings on people's profiles. You can even show what chance they represent: not missing a phase and not leaving a game respectively.
Or you can combine these two chances by muliplying them. This is not completely fair, because every game that someone leaves will also 'cost' them two missed phases. So the # missed phases gets counted twice. And in the # games finished, the # games played is included, which skews the result some more.

A more balanced formula would be:
Reliability rating = ( 1 - ( # phases missed - 2 * # games left) / ( # games finished - # games left ) ) * ( 1 - # games left / # games finished )

Hope the notation is clear, i can upload a picture of it too.
sqrg (1186 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Another example rating. If you missed 5 phases, left 1 game and finished 80 games the rating would be:
Rating = ( 1 - ( 5 - 2 * 1 ) / ( 80 - 1 ) ) * ( 1 - 1 / 80) = (1 - 3 / 79 ) * ( 1 - 1 / 80 ) = 0.95 = 95%

If you had missed 5 phases, left 1 game and only finished 10 games it would be:
Rating = ( 1 - ( 5 - 2 * 1 ) / ( 10 - 1 ) ) * ( 1 - 1 / 10) = (1 - 3 / 9 ) * ( 1 - 1 / 10 ) = 0.6 = 60%

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So how do the points get split if your enemies concede?
I don't really care about points, but just curious how that works out in a PPSC environment. Does the winner still get half the points and the rest get divided between the survivors somehow? Or does the winner get his present worth which is less than a win would get him considering he must be shy of the win.
4 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
11 Apr 12 UTC
Who else has ever done this:
So recently I played a classic game, and I found myself doing something strange, yet it seemed to pay off greatly... I found myself pulling out my board game copy of Diplomacy, putting the units on the map, and after every turn, I would try to find all the different options my neighbors could make, and find ways to counter them. I would use information from the game to pick the most likely moves to be made, and counteract them. so just a question, who else has finds themselves doing this?
8 replies
Sid Meier Pirates! - EOG (of sorts)
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goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
10 Apr 12 UTC
Need France, Excellent position
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PowMacP (889 D)
05 Apr 12 UTC
Pirate Map
Missing 6 players
PW: Purps
14 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
19 Mar 12 UTC
Well who created 9 games named: Brazil kicks butt!!!
He must have done something wrong .. He created same name game 9
15 replies
iLLuM (1569 D)
10 Apr 12 UTC
Bug in Pirates (A Pirate's Life For Me)
Some player noticed that two frigates did not bounce, but just changed places. Please check and correct.
1 reply
airborne (970 D)
09 Apr 12 UTC
Ante Up?
Is it possible to code having a new game setting where there is a minimum bet or an "ante" and anyone joining can bet the ante or more into the game's pot?
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OatNeil (908 D)
10 Apr 12 UTC
Three more players
For this awesome 10 player game: gameID=7294
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fasces349 (1007 D)
09 Apr 12 UTC
Golden Fascist Sheep EOG statements

So longest of 1066 yet, finishing in 1083. Well played by Shep and Goldfinger, it was probably one of the most exciting games (at least imo) I have played in a while.
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