A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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King Atom (1186 D)
08 Apr 12 UTC
Playing Diplomacy With 5 Year Olds
That is what being on this site feels like.
18 replies
JLB (761 D)
12 Apr 12 UTC
I'd just like you guys to know that I lost internet connection suddenly a few days ago and I don't know when I'll be able to get on regularly, I would really appreciate it if you guys would vote pause.
Thank you in advance.
(P.S. If you were wondering why this was posted in the forum it's because it's a gunboat game.)
33 replies
javidtl (976 D)
15 Apr 12 UTC
Please join this game
It's a classic chaos. We are 22 so we need 12 people more to play. It will be fun please join this game:
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Praed (868 D)
15 Apr 12 UTC
Sitter wanted for Europe 1939
England, ok position, near end-game.
If interested, let me know and we can try the new Switch gizmo.
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TheWorst (1023 D)
14 Apr 12 UTC
Need China
Just the beginning of the game.
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LoveDove (1368 D)
14 Apr 12 UTC
Cancel vote?
Someone asked a good question. If playing a classic map (just example), France is defeated, and everyone remaining cancels, does France get his / her bet back too?
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mongoose998 (1344 D)
14 Apr 12 UTC
I'd like to make a site suggestion to improve the Search function. there is one in the games tab but is super complex and makes me sad. I'd like to suggest an individual search for reach subtab of games. see inside
6 replies
PowMacP (889 D)
13 Apr 12 UTC
Pirate map
Pirate Map
gameID=7321 Missing 3 players
PW: Purps
3 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
14 Apr 12 UTC
EOG: gameID=6708
The game was good but I missed one phase which put me on weaker situation... But bozo played it really well hence hats off to him. I wanted to ally with DR but he didn't seem to get it... But rest was fine,
0 replies
kikker82 (1102 D)
13 Apr 12 UTC
Ends of the World as we know it.
so i'm meetin' a buncha folks from around the world on this AWESOME site. i thought maybe we could take a lil poll and shove it right up our...wait a minute that's a different pole, and a different website. yeah, take a poll and say where we're from.
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Neil (957 D)
13 Apr 12 UTC
A coherent alternative to kikker82's thread - Where are you from?
I have been curious...

Also, I'm from Canada.
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goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
13 Apr 12 UTC
Need an Oceania
Only 1 year has passed. No SC's threatened, guaranteed build waiting for next year, friends waiting in game. gameID=7228
2 replies
amisond (1280 D)
12 Apr 12 UTC
Phase Length
I am playing a game at the moment where the phase length is 7 days. Most of the players want to draw the game because the game has been going for too long. If everyone in a game agrees is it possible for the phase length to be reduced?
10 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
10 Apr 12 UTC
Pacifist Variant!
Anyone want to have a go? I'm slightly editing the rules from the normal Pacifist variant - see inside for details.
28 replies
just a thought, but maybe this should be done so unless someone votes no it goes through? That way it could be used to push back an adjudication if it looks like someone will no show, and then you can find a replacement before they ever actually disappear?
5 replies
Fog of War game.
Anyone want to join my classic fog of war game. gameID=7476
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gantz (1859 D)
12 Apr 12 UTC
why the support was not broken?

I am talking about the convoy to Newfoundland from Germany, the idea was to move there Germany so then the support will be it a bug? or the rules are like that?
5 replies
PowMacP (889 D)
11 Apr 12 UTC
How about joining a Pirates map game
Pirate Map
Missing 3 players
PW: Purps
7 replies
This came up in the Admin Smackdown game...
More inside.
13 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
27 Mar 12 UTC
Some changes to the Reliability rating...
I did some tests/tweaks to the reliability rating...
140 replies
So how do the points get split if your enemies concede?
I don't really care about points, but just curious how that works out in a PPSC environment. Does the winner still get half the points and the rest get divided between the survivors somehow? Or does the winner get his present worth which is less than a win would get him considering he must be shy of the win.
4 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
11 Apr 12 UTC
Who else has ever done this:
So recently I played a classic game, and I found myself doing something strange, yet it seemed to pay off greatly... I found myself pulling out my board game copy of Diplomacy, putting the units on the map, and after every turn, I would try to find all the different options my neighbors could make, and find ways to counter them. I would use information from the game to pick the most likely moves to be made, and counteract them. so just a question, who else has finds themselves doing this?
8 replies
Sid Meier Pirates! - EOG (of sorts)
So this ended in a 13 way draw. We had a CD out of an "F" player (surprise surprise) and a replacement came in right at the end for all of 3 D to steal and extra 7 (point farming, but who gives a shit?)

But the point of contention is that The Ambassador claims we paused with the understanding we would unpause after Easter. No such understanding was reached. In fact, the understanding was we would pasue through Easter to give the devs time to fix the bugs and, if the bugs were fixed, we would unpause. But if the bugs weren't fixed, then we'd come to some consensus. The bugs weren't fixed. So my refusal to unpause was *not* counter to our agreement as we hadn't come to a consensus.

So the accusation that I cheated and meta'd by refusing to unpause is bullshit. Please redact your statement or forever be branded a lying sack of shit. :-)
My apologies. It wasn't The ambassador, but Captainmeme who is the lying sack of shit. :-)

Please accept my most humble apologies, The Ambassador.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
10 Apr 12 UTC
Excuse me? This isn't Webdip, this is Vdip - you're supposed to be civil here.
Look at the smiley... I'm joking about the whole Lying sack of shit thing. I just wanted to clarify that we agreed to pause till after Easter to give Oli and folks time to fix it and decide from there if nothing had changed what we would do. Then Oli's machine went boom and nothing got changed. So not unpausing was not metagaming at all.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
10 Apr 12 UTC
Anyhow, we agreed to pause because Holland went on holiday;

"(To: Global, from Holland) - I'm going for at least seven days"
"(To: Global, from Holland) - please remember to pause guys"

Not to give Oli time to sort out problems. And I have to say that your messages critisizing the game and it's maker were rather heartless considering TA had been working on it for a long time and he was in the game, so he could see them.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
10 Apr 12 UTC
And, also, Rochusson had a high RR when he started - his CD in that game and a couple of others brought him down to an F afterwards.
Actually, the agreement to extend the pause (like further up in the messages) was to give time to have the bugs fixed. Seriously. Read the later messages. And, as a software developer, I refuse to let even freeware go out with bugs of that nature. Heartless? Maybe, but I will remember next time a new variant gets introduced to not jump on the bandwagon and give it some months to get fixed first. I don't let bugs leave my local computer on the order of what I saw in that variant. If I knew PHP, I would help out with fixing them. But the thing didn't even feel unit tested, much less game tested.
Re: the CD. True and also true that we didn't even have the RR at the time the game started.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
10 Apr 12 UTC
Anyone from the game interested in a rematch at some point? (Not counting you, btw, it's fairly obvious you don't want to yet :D)
No problem, I wasn't gpoing to anyhow. I'll wait untilt he bugs are ironed out and even then... I just don't like the random hurricane and a few other things that turn it into dice rolling and not diplomacy.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
10 Apr 12 UTC
The Pirates-variant is a really beast code wise.
It looks soo innocent to code, but the attack-adjudicator is really hard to understand.
And I have really a bunch of RL issues that only allow for some small generic coding (like the reliability-rating or the concede button)...

Fact is: I have no clue at the moment why it isn't working. And to debug this I need at least a few days off so I can work on this thing for some time continuous. But with my current RL-situation this won't happen in the next few month to come. So you have to take the Pirates-variant as is. There is nothing I can fix magically the next few days as I obvious aren't working on these issues at the moment.
I'll implement the country-switch-feature in the next few weeks/month, but this is a really simple and strait-forward thing to code. The adjudicator is much beyond my capabilities and much more complex as it seems. One part of the code fixed, many new problems created...
fasces349 (1007 D)
10 Apr 12 UTC
@YCHTT: "I refuse to let even freeware go out with bugs of that nature"
This is where we differ, vdiplomacy, is a free service that Oli has developed and coded in his spare time. If there are a few bugs its fine by me because being here isn't costing me a dime.

"Re: the CD. True and also true that we didn't even have the RR at the time the game started. "
Actually we have had it for a few months now.

OK, we didn't have it appearing on the game or restrictable in the game filter.

And yes, we differ because I am a bit of a perfectionist in my code. I guess I should cut other developers more slack. But I didn't let anyone see the new grey press page until I felt it was fully functional and bug free. And version two won't be released until I feel the black press features are perfected as well.

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goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
10 Apr 12 UTC
Need France, Excellent position
4 replies
PowMacP (889 D)
05 Apr 12 UTC
Pirate Map
Missing 6 players
PW: Purps
14 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
19 Mar 12 UTC
Well who created 9 games named: Brazil kicks butt!!!
He must have done something wrong .. He created same name game 9
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iLLuM (1569 D)
10 Apr 12 UTC
Bug in Pirates (A Pirate's Life For Me)
Some player noticed that two frigates did not bounce, but just changed places. Please check and correct.
1 reply
airborne (970 D)
09 Apr 12 UTC
Ante Up?
Is it possible to code having a new game setting where there is a minimum bet or an "ante" and anyone joining can bet the ante or more into the game's pot?
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OatNeil (908 D)
10 Apr 12 UTC
Three more players
For this awesome 10 player game: gameID=7294
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fasces349 (1007 D)
09 Apr 12 UTC
Golden Fascist Sheep EOG statements

So longest of 1066 yet, finishing in 1083. Well played by Shep and Goldfinger, it was probably one of the most exciting games (at least imo) I have played in a while.
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