A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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This forum is turning into WebDiplomacy 2.0. Ugh!
WTF? These HQD bots are getting on my fucking nerves.
19 replies
Hippopankake (937 D)
17 May 17 UTC
Need players
I need 1 player for a youngs town ww2 game
0 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
16 May 17 UTC
New Thread Idea
Does anyone know Polish History? Did The Deluge cause such material damage that it doomed Poland to economic and political death spiral, did it devastate the proto-bourgeois, densely populated Northwest at a key moment within a republic when it was fighting with the rural, agrarian South and East thus stunting an incipient movement towards urbanization and development or did it not really have any long term effect?
7 replies
HQDeevejot (878 D)
16 May 17 UTC
Shrek Super Slam vs. Mr. Rogers' neighborhood
which one is the good one
8 replies
HQDominator (757 D)
16 May 17 UTC
Thread Discussion Thread
In this Thread, we will be discussing other threads such as the Word Association Thread and the New Thread Ideas Thread and most importantly The Muting Thread
1 reply
Technostar (1302 D)
12 May 17 UTC
Scramble for Africa Variant - Gauging Interest
I was wondering how interested people would be in a Scramble for Africa variant. I'm already making one for my friends and me to use, so I could easily put it on the lab for testing once it's done.
13 replies
Greetings Thread
Um....................... Hello? Is anyone there?
38 replies
The Ambassador (2164 D (B))
12 May 17 UTC
Calhamer prototype - feedback please
Hi folks - the Calhamer prototype of Dip has been rolling around in my head and I'm thinking of bringing it to the online community. But I have some questions that I'd appreciate your input into:
3 replies
The Ambassador (2164 D (B))
11 May 17 UTC
Where do you post your variant map ideas?
Working on the Calhamer Prototype variant and interested in getting opinions on map design to keep it authenticate. In some cases the maps aren't clear and I'm interested in advice. Where's the best spot folks have found for posting?
1 reply
webdipper123 (1137 D)
11 May 17 UTC
Advertise LIVE games here
starting in 1 hr.
classic - 5mins phase
1 reply
Hypoguy (1613 D)
03 May 17 UTC
Sengoku - Want to join?
Anyone interested in a game of Sengoku Jidai? Medieval Japan. Post here if you want to join, and what preferences you have for anon, phase length, etc.
3 replies
Carebear (1000 D)
07 May 17 UTC
Online Diplomacy Championship - Second Round Signup
The deadline to signup for the second round of the Online Diplomacy Championship @ PDET 2017 will be May 19 with games starting shortly there after. Players who did not participate in the first round may join the second round.
2 replies
gjdip (1503 D)
06 May 17 UTC
Problems with World War II large map?
Is anoyone else having problems with the large map in World War II games? I get: This page isn’t working. is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500.
0 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
03 May 17 UTC
I was thinking about making a second account...
Here's a few...
18 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
22 Apr 17 UTC
Reminder: ALWAYS check the settings of games you join!
Hi all,
8 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
25 Oct 16 UTC
The Exploration game, episode III
One year ago we’ve tested this special rule game based on the Fog of War format.
I have to say that it’s been a fun game with original dynamics.
Details below
95 replies
Bourse development and discussion thread.
This summer, I plan to develop Phase I of four phases in a Bourse gaming system to expand the gaming experience without over taxing the game director. This thread is to discuss the phases and how the various features should be implemented.
9 replies
Strider (1604 D)
24 Apr 17 UTC
Anzac Day remembrance
Waking for this Anzac Days dawn service reminds me why we should not forget WWI. With threats of agression again escalating has nothing been learnt!
5 replies
Mitomon (2196 D)
17 Apr 17 UTC
Diplomacy: Is Germany Too Weak?
I noticed that Germany is considerably weaker in Diplomacy than it's historical counterpart. In game, Germany can very easily be knocked out by England and France. However, historically Germany was able to fight competently on three separate fronts. Does anybody feel that Germany is a little misrepresented in game?
More importantly, are there any variants that address this?
42 replies
Mitomon (2196 D)
17 Apr 17 UTC
What is your favorite board game?
I heard you guys like to play Risk.
48 replies
The Ambassador (2164 D (B))
19 Apr 17 UTC
Feedback for 1v1 Cold War on WWIV map
Hi folks, some of you may have heard me talk on the podcast about bringing the WWIV map to a Cold War circa 1984 1v1 variant. Interested in your thoughts about whether I use the standard WWIV map, the v6.2 version (is there any actual difference in the map itself?) or whether the sealane version would be better. Thoughts?
17 replies
The Problem Thread
This thread is if you have a problem you post and then everyone will try to help you with your problem.
57 replies
Happy Rome Day
since today (April 21) is Rome's 2770th birthday, I thought it would be nice to fill this thread with stories of the glory of Rome:
5 replies
The Muting Thread
This is the thread that everyone mutes.
9 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
01 Apr 17 UTC
Please see within for details on the vDiplomacy Referendum.
66 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
28 Jan 16 UTC
Can't stop the Trump
Does anyone here has a clue as to why Donald Trump is boycotting the latest republican debate? Seems to have only downsides and risks without a real gain to me. Enlighten me please.
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
14 Feb 17 UTC
@mapleleaf.....Perhaps you have failed to recognize this repeatedly mentioned fact, but kaner lives in Northeast Australia. A willingness to "remain ignorant" of the fever swamp political paranoia running rampant on literally the other side of the planet rather than allocate one's finite attention and energy to obsessing over it seems rather rational to my eyes. Whether or not kaner qualifies as a "Trumpanzee", whatever that is, seems like a question rather unworthy of either my attention or energy.

I don't know what planet you have been living on the last several decades, but well respected members of the political Left have been "vilifying and degrading entire religions" rather routinely my entire life. That habit more than almost anything could be characterized as their defining attribute.

It is strange how Gloria Allred related accusations seem to so often disappear as soon as elections are over.

I am reasonably confident that were we to make a careful study of your past posting here and elsewhere across the Internet that multiple examples would present themselves of you questioning, if not actively denying, that the American media qualified as an "independent press". And for the record, the example that is most often pointed to as Trump bullying the press actually involves one of my close friends from high school....the proposition that David Fahrenthold has been bullied is beyond absurd. David could not be happier and appreciates his celebrity immensely; do a little bit of Internet searching and you might be entertained by the political nature of David's extended family back in Texas. To point to the farcical nature of this theater, I happen to know that David's desk is directly adjacent to Robert Costa's, and they are personal friends as they are each using the Trump phenomenon to built their personal brands.

When Hillary Clinton made a scripted joke on the campaign trail in NYC about "Colored People Time" was that not a "racist comment"?

I will simply pace the name "Hillary Clinton" in the same sentence with "use the WH as personal ATM" and a "?".....<insert hysterical laughter here>

I do admit that I take a bit less seriously one sided endorsements from David Duke than overtly embraced endorsements from Al Sharpton.

Whether any reasonable person would accept your premise that a 70 year old man is "my boy", I would gladly be willing to accept any clearly specified monetary wager at even odds against the outcome that a Republican House of Representatives will be impeaching Mr. Trump during his Presidency and a Republican Senate will be removing him from office. Given the general stupidity of nearly everything that you post here, I have presumed that you were not using the literal definition of the word" impeach" and meant the figurative definition most commonly deployed in the sort of ranting missives as you have been posting. The probability of the Democrats gaining a majority in the House after the next election is vanishingly small and achieving even a numerical majority (as opposed to the required supermajority) in the Senate is nigh on impossible.
DawnRinger (752 D)
14 Feb 17 UTC
Hopefully very soon, mapleleaf. I'm tired of seeing him and his family getting away with the things they're getting away with.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
14 Feb 17 UTC
@gopher27 - no comment on Trump's bigotry and perversions?
Typical Trumpanzee myopia.
You defend a child molester.
Your mother must be proud.
Caerus (1470 D)
14 Feb 17 UTC
I love political debates. They allow me to practice spotting logical fallacies. For example, that mapleleaf, is an Abusive fallacy, a type of Ad hominem, I believe.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
14 Feb 17 UTC
Sorry. Wrong. I have not attacked gopher27, personally, only gopher27's BEHAVIOR. For example, "You are stupid. You are impertinent. You are immoral" THESE are Ad Hominem arguments.

Keep practising. Nice try though. Oh, and YOU are a moron. Now THAT'S Ad Hominem. See the difference, my child?
Caerus (1470 D)
14 Feb 17 UTC
I always welcome critiques. Perhaps i misunderstood your intent. You see, an ad hominem is when "an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument" (wikipedia). The "other attribute" here being the relationship with his mother. Were you not trying to imply that his mother would be ashamed of him, even though that has nothing to do with his argument?
Caerus (1470 D)
14 Feb 17 UTC
The problem with the Ad hominem fallacy is incorrect assumption that the argument someone presents is in some way related to who they are or what they do.
Other than Gopher's claims to personal knowledge (which you did not refute), nothing about his argument is predicated on who he is, how he behaves, or how his mother feels about him, so attacking any these aforementioned topics is simply a red herring to detract from his more legitimate points.
Caerus (1470 D)
14 Feb 17 UTC
Sorry. I meant to say distract*. My typos are terrible.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
14 Feb 17 UTC

You're kidding, right?
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
14 Feb 17 UTC
Also, how is it that you've ignored ALL of gopher27's Ad Hominem(by your definition, not mine) drivel?
(eg. "What planet am I on")

Kindly address this question, if you don't mind, because his rants are riddled with them.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
14 Feb 17 UTC
Or are you a simple minded Trumpanzee too?
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
14 Feb 17 UTC
Another example for you, Trumpanzee.

Have I mentioned Hilary Clinton?

Why on Earth would gopher27 introduce yet another morally bankrupt american suck off artist into this discussion?

Take your time....
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
14 Feb 17 UTC
The fact that you pathetic americans regularly murder your own children with your inherently racist 2nd Amendment, is AMUSING enough.(you morons STILL don't see the connection, even though there have been well over 200 school shootings since Sandy Hook. lol), but this Trump nonsense has made you all laughing stocks of the world.

But please, educate me with your philosophy. lol.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
14 Feb 17 UTC
Wow mapleflea, your arguments are very enlightening and definitely assist people in understanding the real issues. Thanks for your words of wisdom.
Caerus (1470 D)
14 Feb 17 UTC
Regarding Wikipedia, Yes I do often use wikipedia as a source as it is handy and centralized, and I am, on occasion proven wrong. If you have a dissenting definition from a more reputable source, I am more than willing to reevaluate my stance. Regardless, if you'd like a different source we can use "The newer sense of "ad hominem," which suggests an attack on an opponent's character instead of his or her argument, appeared only in the last century, but it is the sense more often heard today." from Merriam Webster. It is clear that invoking the name of one's mother has no bearing on the conversation at hand. Additionally there is the issue of calling people seemingly derogatory names.

As for why i have not made mention of Gopher's fallacies is you were simply the most recent to post, and your fallacies more flagrant. Gopher is using what are probably "appeal to hypocrisy" arguments. For example, comments regarding HRC, while likely referencing the only other available option as of november, are not actually related to Trump's behavior (to paraphrase: "just because she is terrible doesn't mean he can be"). The comments about the left "vilifying and degrading entire religions" are similar logical fallacies, as are his references to your posting habits.

As for my opinion on any matter here: I haven't given it yet. Like i said, I am practicing spotting Fallacies.
Caerus (1470 D)
14 Feb 17 UTC
Also, it should be noted that one should not dismiss an entire arguement just because it contains a fallacy. That would be a fallacist's fallacy, or also known as an argument to logic.
Caerus (1470 D)
14 Feb 17 UTC
Ah... sorry: it should read "your alleged posting habits."
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
14 Feb 17 UTC
I know Trump polarizes people, but let's keep this civil, everyone. This is a Diplomacy forum - if you want to name-call and throw abuse around you can go do that on 4chan instead.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
15 Feb 17 UTC
@mapleleaf.....I responded to both elements that you have claimed that I failed to respond to. I even did so in the order that you made them. I would like to thank you for one thing. I thought that the anachronistic "old" British spelling of "to practise" had disappeared linguistically from Canadian instructional norms.

As for the 2nd Amendment, I would recommend that you familiarize yourself with the writings of Isaiah Berlin on his "two concepts of liberty". Or perhaps Orwell's "Don't Let Col. Blimp Ruin the Home Guard". That is merely a first cut response off the top of my head, and since I do not take you comment as being anything but facetious, I am not allocating any time to assemble comprehensive selections in political philosophy.

I do not generally have any qualms in using Wikipedia as a quick reference for mathematical concepts when constructing structured propositional proofs. I would expect such definitions for logical concepts in the realm of rhetoric to be reliably fleshed out.

I am not sure that "I don't know what planet you have been living on" qualifies as an ad hominem. You were implicitly claiming ignorance of an almost defining behavior pattern of the political left throughout the western world.

The people that I know on the political Left who obsess over Canadian politics have in the past thrust upon me their theses that the collapse in NDP support in the final days of the last election, which produced the parliamentary majority for Trudeau over Harper, was largely driven by the NDP leader's voiced position on Syrian refugees. I am not well enough informed to endorse such arguments as being even cogent and internally consistent let alone consistent with evidence.

But more to the point, I take your silence on my final point as an admission that you lack the courage of your professed convictions.....and that you do not actually believe in even "the probability" of that which you have claimed was certain.

I cannot say that I have directly interrogated her on such matters, but as someone with multiple graduate level degrees employed by a major research university who has already "retired" from being a successful entrepreneur, I would expect that I conform to norms presumed to correlate with maternal pride. So thanks for asking.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
15 Feb 17 UTC
You don't really expect me to wade through that tortured prose, do you, Trumpanzee?

I repeat, you're kind of snotty for somebody who supports a child molester.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
15 Feb 17 UTC
As for your resume, unless you intend to include your NAME with that, Trumpanzee, then it's as meaningless as the rest of your child molester defending tripe.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
15 Feb 17 UTC
Huh, maple leaf autocorrects to maple flea.

I have to say mate that the last time I checked Australia wasn't part of the US, nor did I actually vote for anyone in any foreign government recently. On that note I don't recall ever actually endorsing either Trump or Clinton. For that matter I don't recall gopher doing so either.

So please offer some sort of discussion, because as it is chest thumping with your incredibly witty one liners and refusing to actually read what people write is quite noxious.
Murcanic (1453 D)
15 Feb 17 UTC
I didn't look back through to see what this disagreement is based on but it doesn't look very polite and friendly atm, so I'd like to summarize things, no matter what the view you have, I think most people can agree that america did not get two of their best and brightest put forward to be voted between for president. that said they voted and they got their result within their system and that is kinda that. the main thing to remember is no matter how bad the person, the issue and anything is, yelling at someone or calling them names does not make them stop and think about the matter and make them see your logic.

While these days are full of people hating each other over small disagreements. there are some good questions to ask yourself when you feel really upset about something.
1. Why am I upset?
2. What is a reasonable reaction to this thing that is upsetting me?
3. Is my reply meant to help solve the issue or just meant to push my believe onto others?
4. If everyone did and thought like I do, what would the world look like?
5.Why might someone not think my veiw is logical and reasonable?
5. What can I as a person do to actually solve this issue rather then yelling at people who don't share my view?

Hope this helps any issues, this is a Diplomacy forum, I'm sure we can all be diplomatic and reasonable here :) after all there are no sc's to stab over here in the forums ^^
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
15 Feb 17 UTC
Mapleleaf is the only one getting his knickers into a knot, everyone else has been quite polite imho.
Murcanic (1453 D)
15 Feb 17 UTC
Ah fair enough. Just looked like alot since there was alot of leaf comments... must have been fall or something for him to just leaf them around... could be trying to deter maple tappers from America x)
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
15 Feb 17 UTC
The Republicans will get everything they want out of DT, then they will oust him.

I feel no need to be polite with "people" who defend child molesters, racists, liars etc.

I refuse to be gaslit.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
15 Feb 17 UTC
So Gerry Studds is the only actual "child molester" I can remember being defended by partisans in American politics recently.

But for those of you following at home, I clearly offered to wager money at even odds against mapleleaf's specific predictions occurring, and he has now twice simply refused to respond to my offer. I will leave you to draw your own conclusions on how such behavior correlates with blowhard-y pontificating in a desperate plea for attention as opposed to reasoned analysis in which one places genuine faith.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
15 Feb 17 UTC
Captain, can we lock this thread please? It really serves no purpose here other than to feed a troll.
Caerus (1470 D)
15 Feb 17 UTC
No, please leave it open. I'd rather it stay here than bleed to elsewhere.
Samj (1766 D)
15 Feb 17 UTC
It reminds us how important it is to VOTE. There are many people out there with his opinions, but who can't accept defeat. Let them whine and destroy property, it just shows their immaturity and their message of "Peace and Acceptance" are only if you agree with them. Let him ramble... It offers a little comic relief when a reasonable person reads it.

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296 replies
Anon (?? D)
09 Apr 17 UTC
gameID=30786 2 day phases 100pt bet WTA Anon gunboat
2 replies
Matticus13 (1300 D)
15 Apr 17 UTC
Seeking replacement for Shift Right variant game

Looking for a replacement for Italy (me). The current position is pretty stable. I'm looking to eliminate all of my press games due to time constraints.
4 replies
The Ambassador (2164 D (B))
08 Mar 17 UTC
Live video feed podcast?
Hi folks - Kaner and I are getting together this time next week for another boozy Dip chat.
27 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
11 Apr 17 UTC
The Original Diplomacy Variant
As many of you know, the Calhamer estate is being liquidated and the very first self-published Diplomacy board sold for just over $5000 last week. Well, something else interesting from the same sale - a bunch of prototype maps, these likely being from several years before the game was published.
21 replies
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