Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Frostnova (935 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
56776 决斗-13 ClassicFvA Defeated -1 999
56716 xgd-42 AncMed Drawn 8 1007
56836 xgd-43 ColdWarRedux Drawn 7 1014
57063 xgd-44 PunicWars Survived -4 1010
57065 xgd-45 Caucasia Drawn 15 1025
57066 xgd-46 DutchRevolt Drawn 5 1030
58212 跨年局(2024版) ManifestDestiny Drawn 6 1036
59106 单挑-7 ClassicFvA Defeated -1 1035
57409 It's the best variant Europa_Renovatio -31 1004
58955 Gunboats-2 ClassicFog Drawn 33 1037
59202 迎新classic混战 Classic Drawn 5 1042
59388 Norman Invasion TenSixtySix_V3 Survived 4 1046
59099 Shogun Rematch Sengoku5 Defeated -33 1013
59031 The first world war. GobbleEarth Drawn 23 1036
59187 Classic game-6 Classic Defeated -15 1021
59360 Classic game-7 Classic Drawn 54 1075
59174 Where the hell is this? Habelya Drawn 27 1102
59332 Original Flavor Classic Drawn 28 1130
59234 Just a classic game. Classic Defeated -26 1104
59283 Old world battle round 2! Colonial1885 -18 1086
59345 Das Gunboat-55 WWII Drawn 19 1105
59634 Cוassic game Classic Defeated -10 1095
59591 Slower Standard Classic Defeated 0 1095
59705 1885 Gunboat-20 Colonial1885 Drawn 67 1162
60142 Austria is Good??? Baron1900 Survived -14 1148
60271 Canton Diplomacy Gunboat Canton Survived -40 1108
59479 now for real Imperial2 Defeated 0 1108
59469 A Modern Europe XXX A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1108
59719 Das Gunboat-60 WWII -19 1089
60039 Scramble for Europe Classic -25 1064
60160 Dark Age Britain HeptarchyIV -35 1029
60136 ClassicGunboat-8 Classic -34 995
59853 The new era A_Modern_Europe Defeated -26 969
61242 bananaskin3 Classic Defeated -31 938
59624 Massive European Gunboat Europa_Renovatio -3 935