A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
23 May 11 UTC
Forum glitch?
Not very big, but I've noticed that no matter how much I refresh, the "new message" sign isn't going away for any forum posts. It is kinda annnoying, is it doing this for anyone else?
8 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
23 May 11 UTC
No more game interferences from me for now...
Hi everybody. I get much to much requests for game-pauses or game rollbacks and my free time is very limited at the moment.
6 replies
lebva (876 D)
23 May 11 UTC
Need 2 persons to game olarin diplomatiga 4..
we need to persons to game olarin diplomatiga 4(colonial). If you want to join Pm me and i will pm you the password. :). So the game is colonial all versus all. all messaging on and 4 of the persons are my friends, but we will not metagame! if you want to ask something post here or pm me. my friends names are:Adler, fyuhrr, Leo0074 and Juiski. just for that you know how are..... to know that we are not metagaming.. :)
1 reply
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
23 May 11 UTC
Anonymous games...
So, there's no way to pimp anonymous games here in the forum, Eh? I like the idea of anonymous games, but if I started one and advertised it, it would kind of wreck the whole anonymous vibe. Pity.
2 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
20 May 11 UTC
1066 gunboat

I felt so sad for missing Shep's test game that I had to set up a game of my own.
2 replies
Moutonoir (1124 D)
20 May 11 UTC
WW IV gunboat
Still missing some players
22 for now
16 replies
jacktheripper (861 D X)
19 May 11 UTC
New Variant
I don't know anything about making variants, but i think it would be awesome if someone created a space exploration variant where you might need different type of ships to move across space instead of boat and armies. and instead of covvoy its more like a hyper drive or something like that. space travel variant would be so cool
44 replies
Italy vs. Germany
Does anyone have a large list of opening moves or styles to this Variant. What I have noticed so far is that its really easy to win as Germany if you know what you are doing and when you do have a Germany who knows what he's doing it can be very challenging to win as Italy.
10 replies
Daiichi (1339 D)
20 May 11 UTC
A Song of Fire and Ice Variant
Ideas are welcome.
3 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
20 May 11 UTC
Daiichi and gopher arguing about dragons
Since I don't see Daiichi's promised Song of Fire and Ice thread.....
mongoose998 (1344 D)
20 May 11 UTC
jamie lannisters a jerk
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 May 11 UTC
I thing the West coast should be relatively fleet-free and the Iron Islands should start with three. Maybe Lannisport should be it. The Reach and The North should be all armies. I still think that The Riverlands should be neutral garrisons. I'd be interested on how you want to handle rivers. I like the idea of the Spice Road and sea lanes from the Mongol game on the lab. I imagine a territory for the Trident that would not be a SC but would be the meeting of 4 rivers and the intersection of the roads. The Vale would move to seize it at the opening as The North went for the Twins and the Westmen went for Riverrun. How do you see King's Landing and Dragonstone being handled? I think a Roma rule for King's Landing makes sense.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 May 11 UTC
I think it is Jaime Lannister.....but a sisterfucking jerk, yes. But he kind of redeems himself later. He has saved more lives than I can imagine being possible for anyone else.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 May 11 UTC
Is there any reasonable way to handle The Others or Essos?

Is partial Fog of War possible? Could the land beyond The Wall be shrouded so that the strength and movements of a Wightwalkers army is a mystery until they breach The Wall?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 May 11 UTC
Is Winter Coming?
Rancher (1109 D)
21 May 11 UTC
"sisterfucking?" ... really? Is she hot?
Daiichi (1339 D)
21 May 11 UTC
excuse me?
My thread got fucked down, but i opened it. viewthread=8669#8669
however, i can copy paste it here and go on with this one thread:
the map is pretty straightforward, and the division of provinces can be done accordingly to the SoF&I history without altering gameplay. I have to ask about powers and time:
- Pre-baratheons revolt (9 powers, 7 hauses+ Greyjoy + Targaryen)
- 5 Kings War (5 powers + some neutral armies in places like dorne for example)
- Crow's Fest time, with all the messy powers (Stannis, Tommen, Dorne, Arryn, the Reach)
Daiichi (1339 D)
21 May 11 UTC
about your ideas: yes, imo ironmans have all fleets starting (3), while lannisters 1 and the reach 1 also (down in the Arbor). And the north have 1 fleet also (White harbor) but in the east coast.
I don't know the rome and the roadway rule, so i can give n opinion on that, but clearly, in the riverlands are not a power, they should be the main battlefield and a very strategic point.
About the rivers, i though leaving some of them, but only the most omportant ones (~3-4 in the whole map) GreenFork, BlackWater and the Mander. Dragonstone is an SC with only 2 seas nearby (blackwater bay and the narrow sea), and a home fleet for whomever controls it (Be the targarynes, or Stannis)

About the Twins, note that you don't have to get throug them to get to King's landing, only to get to the Western Riverlands and the Lannisters place. So north can go east to the vale and to Salpans (another bridge to cross the greenfork) and to king's landing. I though about making those 3 rivers unpasable unless supported by a fleet, supported by an army on the other side, or convoyed, or using a bridge (Highgarden, Kings' Landing, Twins, and Saltpans) Or going arounf the river.
Daiichi (1339 D)
21 May 11 UTC
the others can be a neutral army which all turns try to move pass the wall. As long as there is a "nightwatch" army in the wall, they won't pass, but if the army is not there, INVASION!
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 May 11 UTC
@rancher, the story begins to a degree with the discovery that all of the Queen's children are the spawn of her brother and not her husband.

@Daiichi, Can you have neutral armies that move?

In Renaissance Italy, you have to have a majority of the SC and you have to have Rome in order to win. In the Mongolian game on LAB, there are roads and "trading Lanes" that allow double moves along them.

I vote War of the Five Kings era but without Stannis. So Robert the Usurper is dead and the Starks, Lannisters, Greyjoys, Crazy Lyssa, Renly, Mace Tyrell or the Dornish have to conquer.

The Targaryian Whore and her Horselord's Horde might be too messy.

I see The North as an all armies power. Having The Neck be a way to bottle them up seems appropriate to me.

Aren't the Greyjoys among the 7 houses? It's Dorne that is not one of the 7 kingdoms. The North, The Westlands (Lannisters), The Vale, The Riverlands, Iron Islands, The Stormlands (Barathians) and The Reach.

Do you make King's Landing neutral or give it to the Lannisters? Give Renly Dragonstone?

Since I think we agree that The Riverlands should become the central battlefield, having all of the Trident Rivers with crossings, like Dutch Revolt, could be interesting. I advocate for a funneling effect at a non-SC territory call "The Trident" where the rivers and roads come together. I see a river narrowing a northern approach and another river narrowing a western approach and then an open plan leading to King's Landing, so that the Vale would want to seize and hold it to frustrate others.
Daiichi (1339 D)
21 May 11 UTC
I like the Roma rule.

About the factions: We agree to have North, Lannisters, Vale, Pyke, and some other 2 at least like Reach and Storm's End. Dorne can have it's part, too. We can give it a time that does not appear in the books, also. About the rivers, are you going to make all the three forks, navigable? The road rule is only appealing if there are many small provinces. If not, i don't see the need of it.
The north is IMO 2 armies 1 fleet, and the fleet, being in the wrong coast, won't help against greyjoy invasion, but can help taking gull town or even dragonstone. But it will take a time to get the fleet fown there (2 years at least)

I agree about letting the Targy out, they're too far away anyway.

do you have msn or gtalk, or any other IM? so we can talk live
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 May 11 UTC
I have ym but keeping it here might be better for others to jump in.

I imagine lots of little provinces. Westros is supposed to be the size of South America. I imagine the North as being the strongest but with their SCs spread out so that one army gets past The Neck and they get tied in knots. I'm fine with the rivers not being navigable, if you prefer, but the Forks could give a Dutch Revolt character to the middle of the board. The roads, I think, could give an interesting effect. The Lannisters lost Riverrun because they had to cover the Kingsroad to prevent Robb from blowing past them to King's Landing.
Daiichi (1339 D)
21 May 11 UTC
What about instead of a road rule (which on the other hand i don't know how to do), we just make a province that is twice as long. That way you could move faster by that province than by it's surroundings.
I don't talk about leaving the forum completely, but about having a quick talk and then get here the ideas we got in IM.
aboutthe size South america has way less provinces in the WWIV than in the conquest of south america. Samely, Europe is trice as big in clasical than in World Diplomacy. It's not about the actual size, but about the relative size. I can imagine each kingdom having around 4 or 5 provinces. ie: King's Landing, Dragonstone, MaidenPool, Harrenhal, King's Wood, Stony Sept, Deep Den, Casterly Rock, Riverrun, The crag, Silverhill & Crackehall, making a 2-3 provinces high line from east to west.
Or Dorne divided into Sunspear, Salt Shores, Yronwood, Starfall, King's Pass
Or the Vale divided into: The Fingers, The Vale, Gulltown, The Eyrie, and the Bloody Gate (being the eyrie a very small province in the middle of the Vale, thus inexpugnable)
If you have a better idea, let me know. Of course, the north would have more provinces, and more scattered SC (Winter's coming indeed). But the would also be bigger, so in the en it willl have like: The Wall + The gift + Last heart + stony shore + Deepwood + winterfel + White Harbor + Barrowlands + moat cailin + Greywater + Flint's Finfer + The twins (not all homeland, of course) And SC's in like 5 of them (there are 12). So 4 SC's in the whole north, and 1 SC more in the twins. Resembles italy?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 May 11 UTC
You are right. Absolutely, long provinces along the road routes accomplish everything I would want and avoid the problems I see with mechanics.

I found this for whatever it might be worth:
Daiichi (1339 D)
21 May 11 UTC
i have seen that already, and i don't like it, because that map wasn't designed for dip. But we can use it as a province-measure guide. Do you want bigger provinces than the map (less numer) or smaller ones, in a bigger number? or that number and size (with some adjustments, of course)

Of course, the barrels and crowns thing is a stupidity, but maybe we can add castles and sieges.
Daiichi (1339 D)
21 May 11 UTC
Also, they suggest a 5-players: Stark, Lannisters, Greyjoy, Baratheon, Tyrell. It seems to me that we can make it to, at least, 7 players as in standard dip. Let's recall that in aGoT there are lots of different interesets...
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 May 11 UTC
It didn't seem terribly useful, but I found it. 7 players sounds doable. 7 Kingdoms minus Tullies plus Dorne. Give Renly Dragonstone and Lannisters King's Landing or make King's Landing neutral? I presume we're talking build anywhere.

Those territories are way too big. I think I've probably made my contribution and am a spent force. I like the idea of having longer territories along the roads to speed movements along them and give that game play effect. I suggest using the Dutch Revolt map as a model for The Riverlands. I suggest that the Riverlands be neutral with several garrisoned SCs. I suggest a Rome rule for King's Landing.
Daiichi (1339 D)
21 May 11 UTC
The whole dutch revolt for just the riverlands?? That's a fucking lots of territories for just one kingdom...
Long roads: checkmark
Rome Rule: checkmark
Riverlands Neutral with neutral standing: posible checkmark (depending on nº of players)
Build anywhere? I don't like it, Lannisters will never be able to build in iron islands. But we can make build in home + some certain SCs (for example, all powers are able to build home and riverlands)
Daiichi (1339 D)
22 May 11 UTC
I have made a quick division of territories, from the neck down to the rivers. Also marked where SC's would be, and which power will they belong to (Note that riverlands may be neutrals altogether. In that case, i will take some SC's out of the riverlands)
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
22 May 11 UTC
I just meant Riverland should have a rivers and bridges quality like the middle of Dutch Revolt.
Daiichi (1339 D)
22 May 11 UTC
ok, i didn't kew the dutch revolt map, i have checked it, and it's great. Also, the Spanish SC can resemble the Eyrie.

21 replies
Massive Map . We need four more players for this game in 3 hours if anyone is interested please jump on.
0 replies
Nation Switch.
Will whoever does that sort of thing switch the sides on this game so we can be the other country.
0 replies
Chester (942 D)
15 May 11 UTC
Utilize this thread by posting new live games here and only here. You can post game that is not live
8 replies
idealist (1107 D)
21 May 11 UTC
people in the game colonial scramble II!
if you are in this game:
can you vote pause for a few days? i'm traveling overseas this week and wont be able to check diplomacy. thank you!
0 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
20 May 11 UTC
no neutrals games
Please join...
3 replies
Rancher (1109 D)
21 May 11 UTC
Another Opium War
classic play, standard full press Colonial
1 reply
The Czech (1921 D)
20 May 11 UTC
Looking for semi live play
will finalize w/in 1 min. Had to put 12 hours in case game started and I was AFK
3 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
16 May 11 UTC
Thoughts on 1066 Gunboat
The stats show that Normans get the most wins in 1066 games. Although that is historically accurate I find Norwegians to have a slight advantage at least in gunboat games and I was hoping to use this thread to start up a discussion about the whole thing.
86 replies
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
20 May 11 UTC
Builds glitch
See inside...
3 replies
Rancher (1109 D)
20 May 11 UTC
Italian Siege Warfare
Rinascimento -- standard play, non-anon, full press
1 reply
idealist (1107 D)
20 May 11 UTC
anyone interested in a 1v1 live?
0 replies
Moutonoir (1124 D)
20 May 11 UTC
Need some 22 more players for

0 replies
mariscal (1582 D)
20 May 11 UTC
enjoy variants
enjoy this games starting soon gameID=1892 and gameID=1707
0 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
19 May 11 UTC
Greatest invention ever!
Hey, everyone... Post what you think is the greatest invention ever(Technology only!)
my favorite... OFF BUTTONS!!!
22 replies
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
18 May 11 UTC
Can someone explain the Pure variant to me? The description is vague. Are there literally only 7 'spaces' and 7 players? I don't get it.
11 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
18 May 11 UTC
New Players!
Ok, so I know we have a number of new players here this week(I know because I was the one who talked about it on facebook and got attention), so I just want to say hello, and welcome!
43 replies
Rancher (1109 D)
16 May 11 UTC
Multis and Metas
I know what the procedure is on wediplomacy about multiaccounters and metagamers ... what is it here? As I think many know, there is a rampant multi/meta problem here, unfortuantely ... so what do we do. In some game it is absolutely blatant ...
18 replies
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
18 May 11 UTC
Testing my skills
Hi. I've played a few game of standard Diplomacy and LOVE the game. I thought I'd try my hand at a variant, and the Fog of War variant looked interesting. Please join my game if you're not a coward that abandons the campaign as soon as things don't go the way you want them too. It'd be nice if you were an active chatty politicker. Let's do this thing.
0 replies
idealist (1107 D)
18 May 11 UTC
1v1 games. anyone?
link inside
3 replies
ironic1 (1123 D)
18 May 11 UTC
FOW Gunboat
Just need one more and we can start.
60 point buy-in - WTA - 24 hrs / turn
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