A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
23 May 11 UTC
Forum glitch?
Not very big, but I've noticed that no matter how much I refresh, the "new message" sign isn't going away for any forum posts. It is kinda annnoying, is it doing this for anyone else?
8 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
23 May 11 UTC
No more game interferences from me for now...
Hi everybody. I get much to much requests for game-pauses or game rollbacks and my free time is very limited at the moment.
6 replies
lebva (876 D)
23 May 11 UTC
Need 2 persons to game olarin diplomatiga 4..
we need to persons to game olarin diplomatiga 4(colonial). If you want to join Pm me and i will pm you the password. :). So the game is colonial all versus all. all messaging on and 4 of the persons are my friends, but we will not metagame! if you want to ask something post here or pm me. my friends names are:Adler, fyuhrr, Leo0074 and Juiski. just for that you know how are..... to know that we are not metagaming.. :)
1 reply
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
23 May 11 UTC
Anonymous games...
So, there's no way to pimp anonymous games here in the forum, Eh? I like the idea of anonymous games, but if I started one and advertised it, it would kind of wreck the whole anonymous vibe. Pity.
2 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
20 May 11 UTC
1066 gunboat

I felt so sad for missing Shep's test game that I had to set up a game of my own.
2 replies
Moutonoir (1124 D)
20 May 11 UTC
WW IV gunboat
Still missing some players
22 for now
16 replies
jacktheripper (861 D X)
19 May 11 UTC
New Variant
I don't know anything about making variants, but i think it would be awesome if someone created a space exploration variant where you might need different type of ships to move across space instead of boat and armies. and instead of covvoy its more like a hyper drive or something like that. space travel variant would be so cool
Daiichi (1339 D)
19 May 11 UTC
Game of Thrones Variant would be cool indeed, also
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
19 May 11 UTC
My understanding is that the base code allows for only 2 kinds of units.

Several people have mentioned Song of Fire and Ice (Game of Thrones). Is this in the works? What all would such a game need? Would The Riverlands have to be neutral in the interest of fairness? Would Essos exist? Would The Eyrie be made literally impregnable (attackable from only one direction)? Would Storm's End have some similar arrangement?
Daiichi (1339 D)
19 May 11 UTC
IMO, the Eyrie can be unexpugnable without making it unfair: it's just 1 SC and you can control SeagullPort, The Fingers, and everithing around it without further problems. Storm's end can be taken if attacked by sea + land. The riverlands won't necesarily have to be neutral, there are several games with a central power, similar to germany in classic. About Essos, it depends on how much you want to expand the map, but theoretically you can take it as fas as Asshai.

PS: i don't have a clue of what "the works" are, if you can enlighten me... And also, if wanted, i can make the map and that, but i don't know how to code (i can be taught to, however)
fasces349 (1007 D)
19 May 11 UTC
Germany 1648 or whatever its called has 3 units, in a addition to the army's there are knights which have double the movement but can't capture supply centers.
I am sure multiple units can be programmed in, it is just difficult to do so...
Stukus (909 D)
19 May 11 UTC
Fasces, that's two.

RoxArt (1732 D)
19 May 11 UTC
germany has 2 the knights replace the fleets...
Daiichi (1339 D)
19 May 11 UTC
Copypasate from the variants description:

"The noble families cannot display any fleet; nevertheless, besides their loyal men-at-arms, they can rely on a powerful war weapon: the cavalry"

So it makes sense with what gopher says. However, Oli surely can solve this doubt
Daiichi (1339 D)
19 May 11 UTC
PS: also, knights can capture SC's, as long as those SC's are regular SC's and not free cities (they don't appear to like nobles)
airborne (970 D)
19 May 11 UTC
I had an idea similar to that. But with a Earth Map which then links to a "Space Colonies" Map and have a two board battle on Earth and in Space. Meh, no idea where I put that map now
As Oli often said, there can only be two types of units. with some dirty tricks one can put 'exceptions', as the standing army in Benevento in the Rinascimento variant or the flagships in the Lepanto.

if someone is interested in a manual explaining how to develop a new variant, PM me your mail and I send it to you
Daiichi (1339 D)
19 May 11 UTC
airborne, that would be similar to the "underground" in haven, right? just above instead of below, but the same idea, two paralel surfaces connected transversaly, right?

Tadar, in the manual there describes the "dirty tricks"?
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
19 May 11 UTC
@Daiichi: There is no real manual.
We tried to put something together, but time is very limited at the moment.

You need to know PHP and a bit of javascript to develop rule-changes.
You can download all the variants we have here:
You can download the webdip code here:

With some work (I had no clue about PHP 2 years ago and have no programming background, but I can use google :-) you can figure out how this all works.
Daiichi (1339 D)
19 May 11 UTC
quoting Tadar: "if someone is interested in a manual explaining how to develop a new variant, PM me your mail and I send it to you"

I can use google also, and i will maybe do it during summer, but if there's a shortcut, it would be welcome, since i'm very close to mi finals now
mongoose998 (1344 D)
19 May 11 UTC
what about Lepanto? galley, flagship, frigate.
I just served someone, not sure who though..
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
19 May 11 UTC
flagship=fleet without a move command (and you can't build frigates or flagships) also the game use the terrID to make a distinction between flagship and frigates.
You might check the code on your own first. I do not say it's impossible, but it's out of my knowledge (I'm not a PHP or javascript expert). But you might try on your own, or ask a friend that has some PHP skills.
mongoose998 (1344 D)
19 May 11 UTC
darn, counter served
nuclearICBM (923 D)
19 May 11 UTC
Um this whole forum seemed to have gone of track but i was saying space
airborne (970 D)
19 May 11 UTC
Yeah same as Haven a bit more interaction between the two halves but, yeah the same concept
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
19 May 11 UTC
@Daiichi, The Riverlands are different than "Germany" or "Austria" in that The North and Vale of Arryn cannot go around it. Anyone who drew The Reiverlands would be dead in a matter of turns. I strongly advocate for fleets over cavalry as The Iron Islands facing a nearly wide open coast line seems to me to be most interesting to possibly play. I think it would be interesting for The Eyrie to be impregnable but easily bottled up would be interesting. Say have the standard "thick" black border on three sides with only one way in and out. I suggest a Roma rule for King's Landing like in Renaissance. Perhaps the Kingsroad and the Eastroad should allow double time movement.

I'd expect the opening dynamics of the game to be: The North rushes to secure The Neck and The Twins, which should be garrisoned; The Vale of Arryn moves to secure the Trident and the intersection of the roads; The Westlands would rush for Riverrun.

Should the Dragonstone be in possession of the Stormlands or should all of the area around King's Landing start off neutral?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
19 May 11 UTC
for reference:
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
20 May 11 UTC
@Daiichi, The Riverlands are different than "Germany" or "Austria" in that The North and Vale of Arryn cannot go around it. Anyone who drew The Reiverlands would be dead in a matter of turns.

Fleets are better.

And...I suggest that if you gave Vale of Arryn 2 fleets and 1 army to start with, and the North 2 fleets 2 armies, the Riverlands would become viable.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
20 May 11 UTC
And regarding the Space variant...what about this:

Star wars ftw. Suggest 2 units, a sort of landing ship and a transport and fleet respectively, someone got to mention a better name though.
Either the Clone Wars era...a core Coruscant force, with regional powers and of course our favourite Separatist factions.
Or right after the fall of the Empire...
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
20 May 11 UTC
I don't think that either The North or The Vale is a naval power. If you have to change the nature of the power to make another viable, then I think that speaks to the problem.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
20 May 11 UTC
But if you delete a power, which was apparently equal in power to the other houses, and make it neutral, it is equally 'changing the nature of the power'.
Shep315 (1435 D)
20 May 11 UTC
Yuuzhan Vong invasion!
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
20 May 11 UTC
But in the story that power is pretty much just a vassal of The North and the traditional battlefield for everyone else.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
20 May 11 UTC
Maybe standing armies there then?
Soundwave88 (488 D)
20 May 11 UTC
For a clone wars variant two other powers that could work other than. The obvious republic and confederacy would be the hutt cartel and corporate sector authority
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
20 May 11 UTC
So what is the powers in the the space variant?
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
20 May 11 UTC
If we go by Star Wars, at least there is the Republic, the Separatists, and some more, maybe as Soundwave suggested.
Daiichi (1339 D)
20 May 11 UTC
IMO, the north can get to the Vale without having to get throug the riverlands. Also, the Vale can get down to the King's Landing area via Saltpans, a neutral SC. And eventhough the north is not naval, the Vale can have 1 fleet at least (Gull Town). Similarly, the lannisters have acces to the Reach and the Iron Islands, not only to the riverlands.
I'll have to think about the equilibrium of powers, but i'll do it, and expect to have it done by June 20th (mark my words, all you Song of Fire & Ice fans)
Love the idea of a Star Wars variant. Do you think George would notice?
Daiichi (1339 D)
20 May 11 UTC
i think we have to separate topics, so i'll let you have this for space variant and i'll take my Game of Thrones varianto to a new topic.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
20 May 11 UTC
So star wars....any ideas?
airborne (970 D)
20 May 11 UTC
I don't know, the Star Wars universe is kinda hard to pin down the location of planets or stars. Maybe like a planet and the surrounding space can be a section of the map and link all the sections with hyperdrive lanes.
A detailed map of the galaxy but, too small to see some names
Soundwave88 (488 D)
20 May 11 UTC
Well it could be done like they did Star Wars Risk with only certian planets.
butterhead (1272 D)
20 May 11 UTC
TABOO! we never, ever, EVER compare diplomacy to risk! not even in describing a map variant! shame on you! :P
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
20 May 11 UTC
This website has a heap of StarWars maps:

Try using a Masters of Orion map that would probably serve your purposes well. Take a look at this one- D1910.0&usg=__5gAK0-VwOkmZG94bIu8pSZuXF5M=&h=500&w=800&sz=354&hl=en&start=0&sig2=aQU8oTjiOqg67KX2L4atKg&zoom=0&tbnid=k9Ac0NP2ZI05eM:&tbnh=89&tbnw=143&ei=l_HWTdajH4H2swPovY2xBw&prev=/search%3Fq%3DMasters%2Bof%2BOrion%2Bmaps%26um%3 D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3 D1C1AVSX_enUS400US400%26biw%3 D1024%26bih%3 D673%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=680&vpy=274&dur=5&hovh=89&hovw=143&tx=82&ty=68&sqi=2&page=1&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0
Okay, that didn't work but anyway just take a look at the Masters of Orion maps and you could make one like that.
airborne (970 D)
21 May 11 UTC
Soundwave88 (488 D)
21 May 11 UTC
A map like the one with the clone wars in full swing like at the site kaner posted could work. It would allow the Chiss Asendency and Hutt Cartel to work though Geonosis would have to be setteled as to weather it is already republic occupied, or with the seperatists.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
21 May 11 UTC
I knew it - this site is infested with Star Wars geeks :p
LoveDove (1368 D)
22 May 11 UTC
No shocker there

44 replies
Italy vs. Germany
Does anyone have a large list of opening moves or styles to this Variant. What I have noticed so far is that its really easy to win as Germany if you know what you are doing and when you do have a Germany who knows what he's doing it can be very challenging to win as Italy.
10 replies
Daiichi (1339 D)
20 May 11 UTC
A Song of Fire and Ice Variant
Ideas are welcome.
3 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
20 May 11 UTC
Daiichi and gopher arguing about dragons
Since I don't see Daiichi's promised Song of Fire and Ice thread.....
21 replies
Massive Map . We need four more players for this game in 3 hours if anyone is interested please jump on.
0 replies
Nation Switch.
Will whoever does that sort of thing switch the sides on this game so we can be the other country.
0 replies
Chester (942 D)
15 May 11 UTC
Utilize this thread by posting new live games here and only here. You can post game that is not live
8 replies
idealist (1107 D)
21 May 11 UTC
people in the game colonial scramble II!
if you are in this game:
can you vote pause for a few days? i'm traveling overseas this week and wont be able to check diplomacy. thank you!
0 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
20 May 11 UTC
no neutrals games
Please join...
3 replies
Rancher (1109 D)
21 May 11 UTC
Another Opium War
classic play, standard full press Colonial
1 reply
The Czech (1921 D)
20 May 11 UTC
Looking for semi live play
will finalize w/in 1 min. Had to put 12 hours in case game started and I was AFK
3 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
16 May 11 UTC
Thoughts on 1066 Gunboat
The stats show that Normans get the most wins in 1066 games. Although that is historically accurate I find Norwegians to have a slight advantage at least in gunboat games and I was hoping to use this thread to start up a discussion about the whole thing.
86 replies
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
20 May 11 UTC
Builds glitch
See inside...
3 replies
Rancher (1109 D)
20 May 11 UTC
Italian Siege Warfare
Rinascimento -- standard play, non-anon, full press
1 reply
idealist (1107 D)
20 May 11 UTC
anyone interested in a 1v1 live?
0 replies
Moutonoir (1124 D)
20 May 11 UTC
Need some 22 more players for

0 replies
mariscal (1582 D)
20 May 11 UTC
enjoy variants
enjoy this games starting soon gameID=1892 and gameID=1707
0 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
19 May 11 UTC
Greatest invention ever!
Hey, everyone... Post what you think is the greatest invention ever(Technology only!)
my favorite... OFF BUTTONS!!!
22 replies
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
18 May 11 UTC
Can someone explain the Pure variant to me? The description is vague. Are there literally only 7 'spaces' and 7 players? I don't get it.
11 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
18 May 11 UTC
New Players!
Ok, so I know we have a number of new players here this week(I know because I was the one who talked about it on facebook and got attention), so I just want to say hello, and welcome!
43 replies
Rancher (1109 D)
16 May 11 UTC
Multis and Metas
I know what the procedure is on wediplomacy about multiaccounters and metagamers ... what is it here? As I think many know, there is a rampant multi/meta problem here, unfortuantely ... so what do we do. In some game it is absolutely blatant ...
18 replies
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
18 May 11 UTC
Testing my skills
Hi. I've played a few game of standard Diplomacy and LOVE the game. I thought I'd try my hand at a variant, and the Fog of War variant looked interesting. Please join my game if you're not a coward that abandons the campaign as soon as things don't go the way you want them too. It'd be nice if you were an active chatty politicker. Let's do this thing.
0 replies
idealist (1107 D)
18 May 11 UTC
1v1 games. anyone?
link inside
3 replies
ironic1 (1123 D)
18 May 11 UTC
FOW Gunboat
Just need one more and we can start.
60 point buy-in - WTA - 24 hrs / turn
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