A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Hello there! Please join!
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fuzzyhartle1 (856 D)
25 Jun 12 UTC
I need a game sitter
I need a game sitter from June 30th to July 16th. please PM me if you can do this big favor for me.
0 replies
drwiggles (1582 D)
25 Jun 12 UTC
glitches in the pirates map
We've noticed a few color glitches, and a few other potential adjudication errors.
1 reply
taylor4 (936 D)
24 Jun 12 UTC
Renaissance Italy needs fill-in
Sub for cd gameID=7781
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GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
24 Jun 12 UTC
labdip problem
i cant login in labdiplo since yesterday...
2 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
24 Jun 12 UTC
Pirate Game Map Glitch
Hi Oli, gameID=7079 has a missing map again. Could you fix it one more time? The game should be ending this phase/year.
3 replies
Rancher (1275 D)
24 Jun 12 UTC
webdip problem?
can't log on
9 replies
Wolfman (1230 D)
03 Jun 12 UTC
7 Powers of the World (Team Game Concept)
This would be a team game concept. I would like to see how fun it might be. Along with getting, others input as how to make it even better.
108 replies
airborne (970 D)
20 Jun 12 UTC
Europe 1815
Thoughts and comments
12 replies
BosephJennett (1204 D)
22 Jun 12 UTC
Request for Mods
I submitted something to the Forum this morning and haven't heard back yet. Just want to be sure it didn't slip through the cracks. Thanks!
0 replies
adalephat (733 D)
17 Jun 12 UTC
Manipulations Testgame
I'd liek to organize a testgame for the Manipulations Rules (see links inside)
3 replies
adalephat (733 D)
16 Jun 12 UTC
Manipulations Game
A set of auxilliary rules which I want to test: see in the discussion.
11 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
02 Jun 12 UTC
butterheads classic series concluding:
Well, as some of the games start to come to an end, I figured I'd post results here for those of us(like me and Leif) who were interested in the results of all games. so here we go with the finished games(ordered from person with most centers to least)
12 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
19 Jun 12 UTC
No Map! Admin?
Oli, please help! gameID=7079 has a bug - the map isn't loading at all for anyone. Please help!
24 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
17 Jun 12 UTC
To, too, and two. GET IT STRAIGHT, PEOPLE!
12 replies
Grand Admiral Thrawn (1207 D)
14 Jun 12 UTC
Daily +1 Pyramid Thread for vDip!
The rule is simple and laid out by Diplomat33; you must +1 everyone who posts before you. Enjoy!
13 replies
javidtl (976 D)
16 Jun 12 UTC
Join this game
We need 2 more players to start this game. It's going to be fun.
0 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
13 Jun 12 UTC
Maybe I'm playing Gunboats wrong...
But when I start a gunboat, I generally choose a target very quickly. This then becomes either a fantastic success getting me to a draw, or a horrible disaster getting me eliminated. What's a better tactic?
13 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
05 Jun 12 UTC
Strategy idea: What could a unit be doing?
An article. See inside.
16 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
30 May 12 UTC
Blind Diplomacy- see explanation inside...
And don't try to be like, well where is it, or anything like that, because it is coming in a couple minutes.
50 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
13 Jun 12 UTC
My 1st 1v1 Win!
Ironic name :D
29 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
12 Jun 12 UTC
only two more players needed!
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
28 May 12 UTC
My Idea for a Crusades Variant

I have some work to do on it, but I would like for some feedback for improvement.
31 replies
ezpickins (1665 D)
11 Jun 12 UTC
Sitter on WebDiplomacy Needed
Greetings Gang, I am in one game on webdip, and seeing as it is a gunboat, I was not able to get a pause, if anyone is willing and able to do it, would you please pm me for details
0 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
09 Jun 12 UTC
Honor ₧. Open for Business...
Join up and get all the Honor to your hearts' content!

6 replies
TheWorst (1023 D)
08 Jun 12 UTC
Greek Diplomacy
Anyone up for it?
6 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
30 May 12 UTC
A suggestion for a good read:
This thread is for people to suggest good books that they think others might be interested in... If you think someone else might enjoy it, feel free to post it! I will start off by suggesting The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay. I recently read the series and it has become a new favorite of mine. who else?
80 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
10 Jun 12 UTC
I am back Guys!
Thanks for waiting for me! And Thanks to Facses369 for continued support!
I will be regular from now on!
Thanks again
4 replies
sqrg (1186 D)
29 May 12 UTC
The North Sea Wars Feedback and Comment Thread
I'm very interested in your comments.
sqrg (1186 D)
29 May 12 UTC
Not many games have finished yet, I know. There are 14 active ones, though. A great response! Please let me know what you think after you've finished playing, or speak up now if you have something to say ;-)

Feedback will help me make more and better variants in the future. Hope you all enjoy the North Sea Wars! A quick thanks to the people that helped testing and a very big thanks to Oli for all the work he did on my variants and the site in general.
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
29 May 12 UTC

I enjoyed the pace of the game, just a couple of points:
1. The trade zones - I ignored these, thinking to focus on the land territories to the south
2. Frysia - seems a little bit at a disadvantage.
3. Briton doesn't seem very vulnerable.

Just some initial observations, no doubt tactics will change as players get more used to the variant. Good job!
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
29 May 12 UTC
Looks like most of the games are Gunboats; that's probably why Frisia isn't doing very well, on the whole. Frisia's position means that in Gunboat it will always be eliminated.
RoxArt (1732 D)
29 May 12 UTC
join to get my feedback! :D
sqrg (1186 D)
29 May 12 UTC
Thanks guys. @Kaner: it's good tactics to ignore the trade SC's it won you the game. I do think the Frysia player was just bad. He took two SC's first year... it makes you a target, leaves your starting sc's open and ruins your chances of making friends with the Romans :P
Captainmeme is right: Frysia is at a small disadvantage. Intentionally by the way, I think you can compare it to Austria in classic. Nothing good diplomacy can't solve.
About the Britons: I think you're right they are less vulnrable. Originally there were two sea territories between the Norse and the Britons. I'm glad I have them closer toghether now.

Thanks for the comments, it's greatly appreciated. @RoxArt: haha, I'm sorry I can't play a game right now. I hope you'll comment regardless :)
sqrg (1186 D)
29 May 12 UTC
My own observation when looking through the games: i thought i would see the Romans and the Frysians played like Italy and Austria. I do see a lot of aggressive moves where one takes on the other right from the start, but none of the "let's not kill eachother for abit, because we're fucked otherwise"-behaviour. It makes sense to me at least :)
RoxArt (1732 D)
29 May 12 UTC
question: when im e.g. in iron I cannot support to CNS neither? or just not go there anymore....?
(first time playing this)
RoxArt (1732 D)
29 May 12 UTC
@ kaner: if briton took the 3rd inner sc right away when he could (autumn move just holding in the middle) he had 1 more build there and would have been more competitive, so im not sure about just leaving the middle....
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
29 May 12 UTC
I guess I stayed clear of them with my fleets because I didn't want to loose them to 3 SCs when they could be defending me, while my armies did their work with getting more SCs than 3 (3 SCs vs 5 SCs).

also I did notice that it was possible to convoy an army into the trade routes, I don't know if this was intentional or not.
RoxArt (1732 D)
29 May 12 UTC
question: when im e.g. in iron I cannot support to CNS neither? or just not go there anymore....?
(first time playing this)
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
29 May 12 UTC
No, the Trade centres can't support moves to CNS or support hold CNS. However, CNS can support moves from one trading centre to another and support hold trade centres.
sqrg (1186 D)
30 May 12 UTC
@Rox: Captainmeme answered your question already, he is correct. Try to read the variant description when playing for the first time. I've put the movement rules there. English isn't my first language, but I think it's quite clear.

@Kanker: thanks for the comment again. You're completely right. It's possible (without opposition from the other players) to take the three trading SC's with just two units and then indefinately hold them. That's a good deal, but you're still two units down for defense.
It might be better to ignore them or maybe even to spend just one unit there (who might get all three SC's, it might happen, at least it will force other players to do something about it). So you're right: time will tell if there is a broken tactic.

About convoying armies to the trading SC's: it's intentional in the sense that we did not take the extra time and effort to remove the option. I figured it was not a big deal, because those armies are stuck too: they can't get out of the trading SC area, just like fleets would.
It's also defendable flavourwise: the trading SC's are not "real places", they are "trading influence". An standing army could secure it, just like a fleet.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
01 Jun 12 UTC
Frisia just won a game!
sqrg (1186 D)
03 Jun 12 UTC
Nice work meme :) You had a good game i see, well done.

Any comments?
jackdander (827 D)
04 Jun 12 UTC
I don't like it because once one nation gets two fleets into the trading SCs, it's impossible for the other nations to get in. They can cut support easily, and then just hold.
gman314 (1016 D)
04 Jun 12 UTC
Sure, but it's not dominant. I think it's more of a trap than anything else. In both solos, the player(s) with the trading SCs lost. (gameID=8371 gameID=8369) And in the other finished game, dominating the trading SCs wasn't enough to force a win. (gameID=8396)
eskel96 (1165 D)
04 Jun 12 UTC
I wasnt so fond of this game. In the game i played, Briton was able to win without having a single ally, despite the fact that both frisia and the romans were allied. Frisia and the romans were unable to defeat the norse. and Frisia and the Romans were not inexperienced players, they were both very strong players. The game needs to be more balanced I guess is my biggest concern, right now the norse and the bristons have a huge advantage
sqrg (1186 D)
04 Jun 12 UTC
@jacklander and gman314: I agree with gman here. I talk a little about on the variant description page. You may secure a survival with that strategy, but surely not a win.
sqrg (1186 D)
04 Jun 12 UTC
@eskel: nice feedback, thanks. It's very hard to judge these thing beforehand, so it's useful to hear stories like yours.
I know i've given the Norse and Britons a better position, but I also know a map needs some imbalance to make it fun an playable for diplomacy. Obviously you don't want to overdo it. In an earlier version of the map I had Germania Inferior as a neutral SC too, but that seemed to tip the scales the other way.
What I'm doing is gathering some more data about win ratios etc. Then I might change the map accordingly. I like the overall feel of it, so I wish to make very minor changes if it shows a great unbalance. Thanks.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
04 Jun 12 UTC
@Sqrg The Frisia win wasn't my game; I just spotted it and thought I would point it out.

Also, if you're gathering statistics, I wouldn't include the gunboats. Gunboat on this obviously advantages Briton and Norse. I really think this variant is best with full press; it's not made for Gunboat.
sqrg (1186 D)
07 Jun 12 UTC
Aha, well nice find. And you're right, it's not made for gunboat ;)
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
08 Jun 12 UTC
Just finished my first non-test game of this:
sqrg (1186 D)
08 Jun 12 UTC
A roman cd :(
Did you like it captainmeme?
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
08 Jun 12 UTC
Yup :D But it did outline just how hard it is to play as Frisia. Even with the Roman CD, I (the Norse) could have solo'd pretty easily and was ahead of Wolfman all the way through.
sqrg (1186 D)
09 Jun 12 UTC
So, i'm open to ideas how to give the Frysians an edge. Just something small like having their units start somewhere else. Maybe have their fleet start in Lower North Sea? More options to move. And it would give them more leverage the first turn.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
09 Jun 12 UTC
I'm not sure... That may leave Britain a little underpowered in the sea which would give the Norse an advantage. But it may work; it might be an idea to try that out in the Lab.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
09 Jun 12 UTC
I would have said that you could disconnect Amisivaria from Sealand and add another territory imbetween, or expand Jutland to fill the gap. However, this may make stalemates quite easy to form there and it would make invading the Norse very difficult.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
09 Jun 12 UTC
Hmmm... It's a hard one. Perhaps it would be better as it is; I think the Gunboat games are biasing the statistics very much against the Frisians. A good player can still win with them.
sqrg (1186 D)
10 Jun 12 UTC
Like a good player can win with Austria ;) Thanks for your comments, I will think some more about possible solutions.
It must a be change that only gives the Frysians a small advantage (At the start). At the same time I don't want to boost or crush the other nations.

I put Sealand in between to make the Norse more vunrable to attack via land and rpevent stalemate's I don't I can change it a lot.
sqrg (1186 D)
10 Jun 12 UTC
prevent stalemates. I don't think I can change it a lot. **

30 replies
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