A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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tt612 (1404 D)
21 Mar 12 UTC
101 reasons why you should join Chaos
162 replies
Is this possible?
Is it possible, as Germany (with support from Italy), to take over France by Autumn 1940 in this variant:
5 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
29 Mar 12 UTC
sitter needed
i will be away for a week and im in many gunboats so i cant pause most of my games...could someone play my games for the next week?
12 replies
Geronimo (1195 D)
31 Mar 12 UTC
please contact me quickly as I have a rule query in an active game
1 reply
Praed (868 D)
31 Mar 12 UTC
Two replacements needed for Fast (12hr), Classic, Full Press
France and Russia available. Game hasn't started yet so we're at Spring 1901.
3 replies
Raro (1449 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Join Destructor Force!
A fast and fierce gunboat! gameID=7041

4 replies
Mafialligator (863 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
Ridiculously high reliability requirements
Hey, everyone? I don't think we need to insist on every game involving people who've already played 500 phases and never even missed one. I think anyone with a reliability rating over 90% is probably perfectly reliable and maybe just once or twice had a problem with their internet connection.
It's a neat feature but let's not go overboard hmmm?
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
29 Mar 12 UTC
Mafialligator I understand your point of view. And everyone should understand it looking at your history in your profile.
But could you please do the same?
There are players here who joined the site 2 months ago and they've already played 1200 phases, so maybe who set that condition just wanted to be sure to keep out people who joined only 3 weeks ago. Maybe he just doesn't want noobs into the game. Or maybe he wants players with a minimum of experience on this site.
The count of the phases started on Sept 23, 2011. The highest number I've seen until now is ~1700. So a requirement of 1500 would be ridicoulus. Only 500 is absolutely not.
I mean... don't be surprised if on Sept 2013 you'll see some game with min-phases = 2000 or 3000, because there will be people who'll have played over 6000 phases then.

Also, maybe.... he doesn't want people with problems with their internet connection!.
However this is not an issue anymore. From yesterday on, you can't set RR=100% as requirement anymore. The harshest you can do is only players "A" allowed. And since A>90%...

So, what's wrong with this? Just skip it and join/create another game...
Mafialligator (863 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
A lot of the new variants I want to try are only allowing very high RRs. Also, I can't join a game with an RR requirement of A, even though I have 93%.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
29 Mar 12 UTC
That's odd! You are an A!... mmm... PM Oli? maybe it's a bug...
Yeah, I'm sitting at 89% RR and a little annoyed. I've missed 18 phases in almost 2 years on the site, and if 1v1s were counted in the total I'd probably be sitting at <2% phases missed.
Rancher (1109 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
god, Prez, you miss a shitload of phases, I'd never play with you ... slackard!
RoxArt (1732 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
So Guaroz just because im not playing lately, when i come back sometime i cannot play because i made a pause?
---> ridiculous! :D
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
29 Mar 12 UTC
Hi Rox !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do you do?
Happy to hear you, I hope you're back to stay !!!
RoxArt (1732 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
I always watched in hear around, but I never saw any game worth to play :)
And dunno, not so atracted of this right now :)
RoxArt (1732 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
*in here -.-
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
29 Mar 12 UTC
@PE: It's not a problem if your grade is a B. B is above average... And with 89% and 18 lost phases you will reach an A grade in 25 phases.

@MA: only 3 of 17 new games require a given grade. And you can always set up a new game requiring a lesser grade.

Oli (977 D Mod (P))
29 Mar 12 UTC
@MA: You can't join one game, because it was setup with the old code so people could set an arbitrary RR. So the rating might be 95% and it's just labeled A because of the new code.
Well, I guess I will never get to join these "high phases" games. I don't play live and I will never reach 1500 even in a year at one phase a day and no more than three games at a time...
Decima Legio (1987 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
With the current RR system I wouldn't set 1000+ phases filter.
100+ or 200+ combined with an A (90%+) rating and max CD=1 can be enough to stay reasonably away from a game likely to be screwed.
It won't be hard to reach 100+ phases: it's about 3 games completed.
Which means 2 months for me.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
29 Mar 12 UTC
I think with CDs calculated in the RR there is no more need for a CD-option in gamecreate and it's very likely that I'll remove this setting soon.
Haw about altering the turn count to be a simple check box that says "experienced only" and checks the count to be 50 or 100 phases?
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
29 Mar 12 UTC
YCHTT had a good idea. We could make a menu with only a few options, like ABC for RR. But steps of 50s look too short, since there are new players who play more than 50 phases a week (IE:userID=1633,userID=1649 and I checked only January 4 & 5). How about a Experience Menu with only 3 options: Low, Medium, High being... uhmm...say 100, 300, 600 and being the default=0 ?

And yes, CD-option looks useless after the new RR.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
29 Mar 12 UTC
I like this idea too.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
29 Mar 12 UTC
I think experience is measured by "Dpoints" and you can set the points to join to any value. We should come up with a better name to describe "phaeses played"
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
29 Mar 12 UTC
Ahah don't ask me! Some native English speaker?
What if the turn count was somehow combined with time on the site or some indicator flag that a Mod can set? I ask becaus eI have 100+ *games* at webdip and have been there over 3 years, but I'm a "noob" by the standards over here *and* not likely to get 100 phases in the next 6 months to a year as I only play 1 day or more phase games and resrict myself to 5 or 6 at most at a time between *both* sites.
@Oli - no skill, and to some degree, luck is measured by daggers. You could play hundreds of games and continually lose or draw, staying below 200 D and be a fun and reliable player, but just not have the skill to win or consistently draw.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
30 Mar 12 UTC
I agree with YCHTT. I've been on since long before the phases were implemented, and yet, I have far fewer than many people because I only player longer phase games and I don't play 10-12 at a time. At the same time, I doubt many people on here would say I'm not a "veteran" or that I shouldn't be able to join those higher quality games.

In my opinion, if people want to restrict games to the higher quality games (which seems to be the idea behind many of the posts), just do invite only games. Most people on here know who they like to play with anyways (at least if they want to play their high quality games), so just ask around. No need to put yet another feature on here that might actually cause you to restrict certain players that you might want to play with.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
who is drano is he new?
Decima Legio (1987 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
@YCHTT, we're talking about reliability, not about experience.
Reliability can be measured somehow using each player's data, comparing phases, NMRs and CDs.

# phases are not proportional to experience
# phases are just a measure of how many orders you've entered in this site.
Those names attached to #phases bands are a measure of how-much-you've-played-here. Nothing more.
Dpoints are not not proportional to experience too
(despite it is likely that bozo is more experienced than I am)

I understand your concern, but if I have a look at your profile there is no way I can measure your experience, nor I can have an idea of it.
Don't take it personally, in the point of view of this website you're a new_comer.
Is it too frustrating?
Look at the new-open games page: the # phases filter is not that commonly used
It was suggested using daggers as that measure. I'm saying daggers *isn't* that measure. The reliability rating combined with number of phases played is a better measure for true reliability over time. Not points. That's all I'm saying.

And no, I have plenty of games running and plenty here know who I am over at WebDip, so it isn't frustrating for me per say now, but when I first came on the site, I couldn't join more than one or two new games because I was "inexperienced". We just need to be able to account for direct WebDip (either through or Facebook) experience somehow or risk losing some good people when they get frustrated.

It's like moving form one state to another and having to take the entire drivers exam over even though you have been driving for 30 years.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
30 Mar 12 UTC
We had (and still have to a lesser extend) a problem with new players joining too many games at once (because of all these different variants) and than leave after a week or two screwing a lot of games. That's why we limit the games a new player can join. A new player can join 3 games. If he played 1 phase in each game he can join another one. 2-player games are not affected. I think that's not too harsh.
Actually, it wasn't long at all before I was able to join the games I wanted to, so no problem there. I'm more concerned with the new capabilities being abused per the OP. I think my only NMR ever was when my wife broke her back and I missed that evening's turn on one game before I could get on. But over here if someone decided to make it phase related, they could block me out despite having 3+ nearly perfect years on this platform.

That's why I suggest we just find a good balance to call experienced instead of opening it up to elitism. We have that on WebDip with 1001 point buyins and stuff. don't make phases provide another elitism opportunity. Instead just decide what makes one a veteran instead of a new recruit.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
31 Mar 12 UTC
"I couldn't join more than one or two new games because I was "inexperienced"."
You couldn't join more than one or two new games because you were "supposedly unreliable".
This is the point with the new users.
I hope it's clear.

I can see your gameID=7063#gamePanel has already had a CD issue.
It's open to everyone and has 13 players. It's hard to avoid.
Who's userID=2110 ? A new_comer.

gameID=6957#gamePanel instead had a hyperactive player userID=1930 (500+ phases in 40 days, lol!) with bad manners.
Chronic NMR, he stopped entering orders when he started losing.

Actually I can't blame userID=2110. Perhaps he just realized that he doesn't like this game.
I can blame userID=1930, though.

The RR system is here to teach people not to NMR, or worse, CD.
If people can't be teached... well, the RR system restricts their freedom to join games.

It's right, it's fair. It's going to improve the global quality of games.

You shall see, YCHTT, once this RR stuff will be in a steady state, you'll just love it.
Gumers (1801 D)
31 Mar 12 UTC
I think this system is perfect... Unreliable people must be banned....
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
31 Mar 12 UTC
Good, DL. I agree on all points, esp. on why a RR system is.

I just want to add something on userID=1930, who's not the first case I notice on this site.
Joined: 16 Feb 2012, Last visited: Sun 25 Mar
in 39 days he completed 35 games (3 of them with a Resign) + 11 not completed (=CD-Resign). Now, EITHER
- He left the site for some reason: he didn't like Diplomacy although he was able to win/draw 6 games, he got measles and he's stuck in bed...
- He was tired of RR restrictions and opened a new account and who knows how many games he's playing and how he's behaving now.

Both ways are good reasons to put more restrictions on new accounts.
You can't CD a game every 3 days for 40 days, you can't miss 90 phases in 35 games* and carry on just opening a new account that in a couple of days will let you join an infinite number of games.
I'm all for some more restricrions to new accounts. Just find a fair set that doesn't discourage honest newcomers. Discuss?
*@ sqrg: how would you compute the "chance of NOT missing a phase"?... -157%? LOL
@ Gumers: I'd agree but unfortunately the point is that they already auto-ban themselves. They don't even try to recover their bad rating: they just open a basically-without-limitations new account.

31 replies
Avast ye lubbers! Join me game, if ye got the salt!
Aaaaaarrrrrgh you ready to Swaaaaashbuckle? Choose yer own scalawag and try to survive the canon fire.
Release the Kraken!
6 replies
Nemesis17 (1709 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
Just started a world war 4 map i need a lot of players
1 reply
cypeg (2619 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
I still believe it is a bug
the game is h
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) cannot support move to.from and now the fleet at SIR cannot convoy army from
3 replies
Varianto (1894 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
someone please take over USA?

All options open. No one attacking you (yet?).
0 replies
Praed (868 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
Fast (12hr) game

Non-anon, full press.
0 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
Greek Gunboat

Join now or Thucydides will philosophise you to death.
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
Sitter Action
Attention VDip Community, I am going out of town for seven days following this sunday. I would appreciate it greatly if some kind sir would step up and sit for me.
10 replies
LakersFan (1373 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
Looking for a replacement in a Greek game
We are just starting, still in bidding phase. Please join up as Persia if you can.

0 replies
payne4life (1036 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
The CHaos Game is too crazy
What mad man made this game.. my head is throbing when i read these messages... and it cost me 30 D to join my first game... AYUDAME!
8 replies
sampson2 (843 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
New game of Classic, Fog of war

Any queries just ask
1 reply
Shep315 (1435 D)
20 Mar 12 UTC
Fight for Honor, Fight for Glory, Fight for Prestige!
I am looking for a few good men (it would be nice to have women, but they are in short supply here) to compete in the Prestige Series!

107 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
Kalling kamikazes 2 Kolumbia
Need replacement gameID=6575
Balance of power Fall of American Empire IV
0 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
28 Mar 12 UTC
The most awesome facial hair of all time
This topic just needed its own separate thread to relieve pressure in the "Where U From" thread. I claim that late Hapsburg Empire aristocrats beat Civil War generals and Gilded Age Industrialists. Discuss. No one has argued for the Akkadian Empire yet.
5 replies
goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Need a replacement for Japan
Good position, pretty early on

2 replies
Cordedkrieg (833 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
World War, Baby!
Join to game on World map!
0 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
28 Mar 12 UTC
See it,,,lol
Italy: Retreats
The fleet at Trieste retreat to Albania.
The army at Holland disbandBuild fleet at Holland.
1 reply
Alcuin (1454 D)
26 Mar 12 UTC
Bug in Known World 901
It's possible to move a fleet from Gulf of Aden to North German Sea. Could this bug be removed please... and where certain players have taken advantage... well it's rather unsporting isn't it? Could their moves be rescinded?
6 replies
crixno (1248 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Roman Empire Collapsing
here are my ideas for a variant i'm making! Plz let me know your ideas and other stuff!
22 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
suspect player
in case we suspect a player/s of foul play or playing too many games with another player, who do we contact?
1 reply
G-Man (2516 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Quick Map Development Question
I'm working on the initial map for my classical Greece variant and could use a tip.
12 replies
canaduh (1293 D)
26 Mar 12 UTC
Oli - I think there is a problem with pirates.
gameID=7059 - Northwest Caribbean went to Port Royal and Port Royal went to Northwest Caribbean - no bounce.
Surely there should have been some kind of stand off?
Thanks for looking into this.
10 replies
Terijian (1041 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
open spot 12 SC's
take over for CD in pretty good position.
doing better than more than half so pretty good shot. most anyone has is 15 so its not way behind
3 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
26 Mar 12 UTC
World War 2
Would there be anyone interested in playing on the WW2 with WW2 teams. Rules will come
1 reply
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