A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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butterhead (1272 D)
25 May 11 UTC
WW2 Crowded...
See inside...
66 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
30 May 11 UTC
Replacement Germany?
We need a new Germany is a World IV game:

In a decent position, but not great. Have a strong ally but a couple strong enemies too. However, a new person might be able to change the diplomatic situation since I believe the wars were as much personal at this point as tactical.
1 reply
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
30 May 11 UTC
What the what?
I started a game. when I click my home hub, I can see it with me waiting for other players, but when I search for it in new games and open games, it's nowhere to be found. What gives?
4 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
29 May 11 UTC
War Declaration/Treaties Game a south america if anyone is interested and heres a greek game

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killer135 (656 D)
29 May 11 UTC
here is a 1066 game where you CAN talk. First time I've seen one, and I had to make it!
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tricky (1005 D)
30 May 11 UTC
New game
World map...should be fun!
0 replies
tricky (1005 D)
30 May 11 UTC

Can anybody tell me why this game is on pause?
2 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
29 May 11 UTC
Oli please help.
I can't open my home page. It opens a blank site page with these messages:
12 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
29 May 11 UTC
Pure Silence 4
Was ruined by 3 people cding. who wants to start a new one?
8 replies
furball (873 D)
28 May 11 UTC
i found a bug in the World War IV variant! OLI HELP
I play as Thailand in this one, and my troops in RIA can't move to PLM.
Also my troops in SNG can't support my troops in RIA to PLM.
This is the first time I spotted a bug. argh.
3 replies
Atheos (967 D)
24 May 11 UTC
How do I add a variant?
I would very much like to be able to play the map variant "Imperial" on this server. What do I need to do to get this variant added to the site?
2 replies
rommeltastic (953 D)
20 May 11 UTC
Chaos game up, anyone interested? I've come from far-off sites to play here, and I would be sad if nobody else played Chaos with me...
12 replies
What do these buttons do?
1 reply
JLB (761 D)
27 May 11 UTC
Can we get a pause in my games?
I'll be out of town from tomarrow-Monday, and I really don't want to go CD, and there's not enough time for everyone to vote on it.
1 reply
Daiichi (1339 D)
27 May 11 UTC
Greek Diplomacy coasts
Souldn't Thrace have 2 coasts (east and west) in Greek Diplomacy?
Illium is a canal, similar to constantinople, but Thrace, equaling Bulgaria in classic, should have 2 coasts, shouldn't it?
5 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
26 May 11 UTC
FoW - Finalise quick - Gunboat-4
2 replies
Adler (1490 D)
26 May 11 UTC
Testing Haven
Any fantasy freaks out there? ;) We have here a Haven game but need 8 more players to get it started. Come and get to play in the fantasy worlds you have read about: Narnia, Middle-Earth, Krynn, Forgotten realms and many other. Join now, only 3 days left!
2 replies
icevolcano (1391 D)
23 May 11 UTC
ColonialScrambleII game#1581 Pause?
How long does a game stay "paused"? The listed time left never seems to change...Thankyou, IV
7 replies
Graeme01 (1224 D)
24 May 11 UTC
Pure silence game
12 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
26 May 11 UTC
The Complete Theory on FvA Openings.
The Theory of France v Austria Openings is nearly complete, and I would like to present my results.
1 reply
Can someone explain how the phases work to a n00b?
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Gobbledydook (1083 D)
25 May 11 UTC
Let us consider a full-press enabled Pure game.
What are the strategies? What makes you a better ally than your neighour?
12 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
24 May 11 UTC
oppening bids
given how the opening turn works in Greece, would it be possible to play the classic map where everyone can bid on opening territories, rather then being assigned some?
2 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
11 May 11 UTC
Guide: Winning 1v1 battles.
I have started analyzing the 1v1 standard map battles. I'll post my findings here.
44 replies
airborne (970 D)
23 May 11 UTC
Britannia 1258 (Rules) (Map)
airborne (970 D)
23 May 11 UTC
Britannia 1258
“At the beginning of 1258, the British Isles are in chaos. The Kingdom of England exercises influence over most of the Isles, but its power is contested from several theatres. In the far west, on Irish soil, England tenuously holds a network of fortresses that keep the Irish at bay. However, the chieftain Brian O'Neill has succeeded in uniting the Irish, and despite their lack of heavy infantry and financial difficulties, with a strong push they may seize the island. On the Marches, the Welsh have also been united, by Prince Llywelyn ap Gruffydd, who threatens the lightly held English border fortresses and rules over a people who simply refuse to be subjugated. In the north, the English are allied with the fierce Scots, but this bond is untenable, and the only remaining question is when war in the Highlands will erupt. To the south, is the French, deviously waiting for the chance to take the Isles. Finally, the warlike Norwegians are returning to the Isles, having held the Isle of Man and the Hebrides for some time, their king coming personally to oversee the conquest of Britannia. England is the largest and richest faction in the isles, however they are very thinly spread, and incursions into their territories from the Welsh, Irish and even perhaps the Scots or Norwegians, seem inevitable unless action is taken. Time will tell who can come through blood and iron to unite Britannia.”
Gamestart: Winter 1257
32 SCs in Total 17 SCs to Win
3 Irish/3 Welsh/4 French/4 Norwegian/5 Scottish/13 English
There is a pre-game build phrase were players can choose what units.
Armies can cross between Kent/Calais, Derry/Dalriada, Wick/Kirkwall, Stronoway/Skyes, Cardiff/Devon
Fleets can move into spaces with rivers.
Norway and 1263
If Norway has not been eliminated by 1263, three Norwegian fleets arrive in Norwegian Sea, Northern North Sea, and Central North Sea, if not SCs are under Norwegian control then Norway has to disband units in 1264 to compensate for the new units.
England: The largest power, England should look to win quick or for a long haul victory. Ireland is hard to hold but, a useful springboard to project power in the western part of the board. Try to break up a Norwegian/Scottish Alliance or else the whole Northern England is in trouble. The French and Welsh should be properly contained by the fewest number of units till an opening is there for an English invasion. Above all England needs to be a superior diplomat, the only way England will win if the rest of the board is divided.
Scotland: Scotland has an interesting position, surrounding it is the time bomb known as Norway. It may be reasonable to take out or weaken Norway before the next Viking invasion happens. On the other hand a strong Scottish/Norwegian alliance can devastate England and Ireland with Norway mostly dealing with naval concerns and the Scottish highlanders smashing through the center. It might be tempting to ally with England but, remember England only needs 4 more SCs to win at the beginning of the game. Preferably wait till England has been cut down to size.
Ireland: Securing Ireland is your main concern, luckily the English will have a hard time holding or reinforcing such far off holding and there are other nations that can help but, be wary of any other nation trying to get a toehold on Ireland. The Welsh might be your best short term alliance since both powers will benefit against the English overlords. For the most part the Irish should secure Ireland and look to land on the British Isles for some payback and an Irish victory.
Norway: While building a lot of fleets is tempting with rivers about remember to build a least a couple of armies. Norway doesn’t really have any enemies to confront unless a power builds too many fleets. Norway should sit back, talk smoothly, and wait for a chance to claim some coastlines and go up river.
France: While France has a very secure position, France is possibly the slowest growing power. Speed here is critical if France doesn’t grow and gain a foothold on English soil then French chances at winning is remote. To that end try to work with Wales but, don’t give too much away. Your chances of victory rely not on brute strength; you can’t overcome England without help. No, France needs to be a good diplomat before being a good general.
Wales: A dangerous position, surrounded by the English with other powers just behind the English. Luckily, those other powers should be interested in helping Wales…for a price. Deciding what is affordable or what is easiest to take by a stab should be kept in the Welsh mind. If England falters, Wales is arguably the best power to capitalize on such event.
Stukus (909 D)
23 May 11 UTC
I'm glad we both enjoy Medieval II: Total War.
airborne (970 D)
23 May 11 UTC
:) Always enjoy the total war series I find this time period for a Britain Diplomacy Map.
Favourite Faction Byzantine
Favourite Unit Spear Militia
BenGuin (1529 D)
23 May 11 UTC
what what... all I saw is "Total War"... loved the games...
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
24 May 11 UTC
? is there a map or what?
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
24 May 11 UTC
sry. please disregard. ambiguous posting airborne...
airborne (970 D)
24 May 11 UTC
The Total War series is a series of detailed set piece strategy games. There is a grand campaign overview of a risk like board where players try to build up armies, navies, families, economy, etc. This part is turn based. When armies come in contact with each other on the grand campaign board, the player can control his/her forces in a real time battle and use tactics as he sees fit. Such as what I do Cavalry on the most flat flank, archers in the middle supporting heavy infantry, and whatever I can cobble together on the other flank.
airborne (970 D)
25 May 11 UTC
This map is a combo of NoNeutrals (All SCs are under some powers' control), FUBAR (One strong power, a bunch of weaker ones), and 1066 (Britain based map). Have yet to actually playtest it (it appears that the Mediveal DIplomay playtest will not happen alas)
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
25 May 11 UTC
why not? make the map and post it on the dev. forum:

9 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
19 May 11 UTC
I have a problem
Today I can't save or finalize my orders. After few seconds i push save or fnlz, the page becomes blank; you can wait hours but, although the Mozilla circle spins, nothing happens. So I reloaded the main page and tried again. I tried 10 times unsuccessful, then I tried saving 1 unit per time. Sometime it works, but it took 1 hour to complete a 9 units game. Help! Any advice?
9 replies
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
24 May 11 UTC
Sengoku Discussion?
Hi. I'm interested in trying out a Sengoku game after I'm done with the game I'm in now. I'd like to read up a little about folks' experiences first, though, and I can't find any discussion here. If you've played one of these variants before, sound off and let me know what you thought.
2 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
24 May 11 UTC
WWIV - Gunboat - Finalise Quick
title says it all, if you're in it FINALISE :/
8 replies
Stukus (909 D)
24 May 11 UTC
Fischer Random Variant
Oli or any other person who knows the program better than I, is this possible?
13 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
14 May 11 UTC
1 v 1 Diplo tourny
Would anyone join a diplomacy tournament which would have nothing but 1 v 1 games? Sorta like the tournaments over at
215 replies
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