A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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David E. Cohen (1000 D)
29 Mar 17 UTC
Calhamer Estate Sale
See below.
30 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
03 Apr 17 UTC
Sitter needed!!
For 7 days, ongoing bourse game. 1 SC power, 3 day phases, no bourse orders needed, only a hotbod to look after the unit on the board. PM me or reply on this thread. Thanks!
1 reply
MerlijnvL (941 D)
31 Mar 17 UTC
31 replies
didigoose (1532 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
Hof Points Question
I have 2 questions related to the Hof point calculation

didigoose (1532 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
#1 My username shows that i have 1690 D while the Hof shows i have 1693 D. If i look at the last game it shows i got from 1693 -> 1728. Doesn't really add up all together. Is there a reason for the differences?

Also the list of my games doesn't show the last games:

#2 When i look at the result i really wonder why Phil1986 only lost 2 D? Unfortunately i didn't find an explanation on how the points are calculated. I'd be quite interested to know more about the mechanics.
Devonian (1887 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
V-Dip points - Discussion thread and explanation:

V-Dip point scoring detail:

More Discussion
Devonian (1887 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
Those are some of the threads I found. If anyone knows of others please let me know.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
13 Mar 17 UTC
There seem to be some serious problems with the HOF points. I tried getting the server to recalculate them and it ran into an error at some point...
Yeah, I'd guess so. According to my profile, I'm 97th but I don't show on the HoF despite having a higher score than the bottom few.
didigoose (1532 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
thx for all those links. stupid question but there is no search for this forum or how did you find them?
didigoose (1532 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
I didn't really find a proper description just a reference to a URL that actually doesn't work anymore:
Devonian (1887 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
This question comes up so often, I copied them and posted them on my profile page. That way I don't have to search for them again.
Devonian (1887 D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
Yeah, unfortunately I can't find the full description anymore.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
14 Mar 17 UTC
I've found the original V-points creation discussion. 4 years ago.
didigoose, if you have the patience to read through 700 posts, you'll now (almost) everything about the V-points system.


Devonian, please take note of this when someone will ask questions again :-)
Devonian (1887 D)
14 Mar 17 UTC
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

I have been looking for that thread a long time.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
14 Mar 17 UTC
You're welcome, Devonian.
Now, like then I think that the pairwise method of splitting a multiplayer game was a bad choice.
Before that this system was put in place I raised numerous concerns about players behaviour that by a matter of fact revealed to be well-founded.
Now, like then, I think that your ancient proposal similar to webdip Ghost Rating should've been a better way to approach a rating system for this particular website.

Unfortunately Oli persisted with his formula.
Regardless of this, if we’re meant to have somehow a measure of skill, the current system is way better than the old one… and I don’t get why the D-point system is still around.
I think it is so embedded in the code it might be difficult to remove. But I don't know as Perl/PHP is the one more common language I don't code in (Java, JavaScript, C# and the other .Net languages, but not Perl/PHP).
Damn tournaments. Samj just won a FoW torunament game from FoW 1 that knocked me back off the HoF. And I didn't even get a screenshot cause the HoF page is busted.
mouse (1776 D)
15 Mar 17 UTC
Something weird is definitely happening - at some point in the last day or so (apparently before the 1st FoW 2 game completed this morning) every game I'd completed since mid-Jan stopped showing on my hof page and are not counted to the displayed v-rank.
didigoose (1532 D)
15 Mar 17 UTC
Thanks Decima Legio! I am gonna take a week off to study it :)
tantrumizer (1557 D)
15 Mar 17 UTC
Yes, that has happened to me too mouse.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
16 Mar 17 UTC
Putin hacked into the VDip HOF
Na. It was Hillary.
didigoose (1532 D)
30 Mar 17 UTC
After reading the 25 pages i can summarize the following
#1 Oli left the old point system in place to keep rewarding people when they win/draw a game. In the ELO system it could be you actually don't get any points as although you won the game you performed below expectation

#2 @decimalegio, what kind of negative behavior do you see as a result of the ELO?

#3 My biggest riddle still is the mV value. I don't know how we get to it.

In this game phil1986 has an mV of 1%
the best explanation i can come up with after reading the 25 pages is that he it is because he joined the game later?
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
30 Mar 17 UTC
Any idea whatever happened to the games that appear to have disappeared of the HOF rankings?
tantrumizer (1557 D)
30 Mar 17 UTC
I noticed a recalculation of all the historical points took place (possibly because I'd mentioned an error in a game from a while back, possibly for some other reason). My guess is a game that finished early this year crashed the process, and so then a bunch of games from the subsequent months weren't counted. Once my score got recalculated with the next game ending, I went down almost 300 D, but it is still excluding those missing months (when I had a hot streak (now ended)). My guess is someone will be able to figure out why it crashed and a recalculation can occur again. I also imagine it won't happen all that quickly.
MrClean (1275 D)
30 Mar 17 UTC
Does anyone know why my points have dropped ~100 ?
tantrumizer (1557 D)
31 Mar 17 UTC
Probably for the same reason mine dropped (see above). One or more of your nice results is not included now.
DogsRule11 (866 D)
31 Mar 17 UTC
Happened to me too. I lost 37 D from a drawn game.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
31 Mar 17 UTC
didigoose, very briefly:

Oli left the D-point system because it is inherent within the Webdiplomacy platform code.
As far as I remember, the Elo (not capital letters or the Chess player Retillion will have a stroke) system was designed by Oli in such a way that win and draws do not result in a V-points drop. If this didn't happen, it is due to non-standard conditions: altered victory conditions, civil disorders, bugs...

"top" players tend to be afraid of losing V-points / position in the HoF.
Because of this they tend to play only in elite clubs more than before. Either way, they opt for Unrated as a "conditio sine qua non" for their participation to standard games/tournaments.
"bottom/average" players tend to tear down "top" players in order to get more V-points in reward when the game is over.
This regarding to players that care about ratings. I note this as a difference of behavior among V-points and the old D-points.
Regarding to players that do not care about ratings, there is obviously no difference of behavior.

I can't recall how the match Value coefficients (mV) are calculated. It's a number between 0 and 1 depending on the relative SC count of the couple of players.
I think that also the WTA/PPSC setting also factors on mV.
mV is reduced when one of the players did take over.
MrClean (1275 D)
31 Mar 17 UTC
Sounds Greek to me. Wish we could have a consistent system. Changing the rules halfway through the game isn't very fair.
zurn (1178 D)
31 Mar 17 UTC
I wonder if a ELO points decay has ever been considered. This is used in other online competitive communities, partly to combat effects like Decima's point #2, and to encourage play. A separate "all-time high" list could be maintained to look on past glory, while primarily maintaining a current ELO list.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
31 Mar 17 UTC
I don;t think that you consider a points decay feature until you address the issues that arise in #2 in the first place. No one wants to play every game they enter with a bounty on their head. And the reality is that players have been targeting the top ranked players. This is why cypeg stopped playing. Yes, there's a vanity aspect to it, but the core issue is the problems with the ELO formula that create institutional headhunting. Once that is fixed, it would be okay to decay points from inactive players. Another idea would be to base the ELO on games within in a certain period say 12-months or 48 months. At the end of the day though any scoring system needs to be focused on rewarding player performance rather than tearing down others. Strength of opposition is a valuable factor to consider, but we need a way the doesn't penalize as much when top players get pigpiled for points.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
31 Mar 17 UTC
Anon games fix #2...
zurn (1178 D)
31 Mar 17 UTC
Both good points.

In non-anon games, I don't think targeting the players with better records is ever going to completely go away, though. You can always look at the player stats, and even if you hid that, you can still potentially learn the reputations of the players. Realities of a multi-player game where cooperation is everything.
zurn (1178 D)
31 Mar 17 UTC
Perhaps point-gains can be lowered to moderate the effect. I've heard of some pretty large point gains recently, seemed a little out of kilter compared to other ELO systems I've looked at.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
31 Mar 17 UTC
Hi zurn,
did you experience some other Elo-based ranking systems in other sites ( applied to diplomacy is intended ) from where we could learn and ultimately improve ours?
zurn (1178 D)
01 Apr 17 UTC
Don't know much about other Diplomacy rating methods, although I did read this, , the PlayDip Elo FAQ. (I haven't played there much so I have no feel for how good or bad the ELO ratings seem.)

One thing they mention that I didn't like, which is the possibility of draws lowering your rating. I think if you draw or win, you should at minimum get 0 D. Although potentially losing points might force high-rated players to play for a better result, it probably also dissuades them from joining a game in the first place. It's not a perfect solution though, since the possibility of being eliminated by a group of much lower-rated players also weighs heavily if you really care about your high rating.

Not sure how it works in vDip, I should probably have a look at the code... or does anybody know the vDip rating equation?
zurn (1178 D)
01 Apr 17 UTC
Uh, I didn't mean zero betting money there, I meant zero points; I guess the forum code automatically changed it.
Why shouldn't a draw between two low rated players and a high rated player cost the big guy points? Clearly, he didn't play up to his potential. It shouldn't cost as much as a loss, but it should cost something.
zurn (1178 D)
01 Apr 17 UTC
Because then he won't want to bother playing at all, is the main reason, if even a good result doesn't reward him.

Some more food for thought:

I have a hunch that you shouldn't simply linearly increase the rewards as the number of players goes up, due to the "chaos" of having more and more players. Not sure if anyone *does* increase it linearly though, but it would be the simplest thing.
Then no different than chess. Do you honestly think Bobby Fischer would have played just anyone?
mouse (1776 D)
01 Apr 17 UTC
You can see (with very little explanation, though most of it is self explanatory) the v point calculations for a game through the Hall of Fame. Easiest way I've found to navigate to your own listing is go to your profile then edit the url, replacing 'profile' with 'hof'.

By the looks of it, it's impossible for you to lose points in a draw. It's basically 1-(expected win prob. vs defeated foes) x (players in draw and leaver consideration) x (dependent on number of players). You're not compared to the people you drew with, just given a proportional amount of what you'd've gotten for beating everyone else.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
01 Apr 17 UTC
"Anon games fix #2..."

Yeah, if only all games were anonymous... #2 not fixed.

I enjoy playing non-anon with vDip friends though. Perhaps the fix is to not allow non-anon to be rated games.
zurn (1178 D)
01 Apr 17 UTC
Nice trick mouse, that shows a lot. So from some quick digging:

Winning Known World 901 (15 players): ~ +500
5-way Draw Knowing World: ~ +50
3-way Draw Knowing World: ~ +100
Losing Known World: ~ -40
Winning Atlantic Colonies (4 players): ~ +20
Winning First Crusade (7 players): ~ +100

Obviously these could vary a lot depend on other player skill, and I only glanced at a few games. But that win number for Known World is huge. Yes it's a map of 15 players, but it's not like the winner eliminated 14 players. He beat his neighbours, then a few more neighbours, then got half the board. Meanwhile, other players were being beaten by yet other players throughout the game. Is it worth 5 times as many points as a win in a 7 player game? Seem like there's a factor that blows up with big games.
But the same could be said of WTA points in the same game.

43 replies
zurn (1178 D)
28 Mar 17 UTC
Minor map issues
Is anybody able to make minor cosmetic map changes to the variants, for readability? There's two small things I've noticed:

* Imperial Diplomacy II: there's a connection between Morocco and W. Med, but the map really doesn't show it.
* First Crusade: The Sardinia supply centre in the large map is placed in an odd, almost invisible spot.
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Oztra (869 D)
18 Mar 17 UTC
WebDip members on here
Hi Guys,
just wondering how many people that are from webdip come over here and do stuffs
26 replies
Matticus13 (1300 D)
22 Mar 17 UTC
36 hour GB, Classic map
Classic/Gunboat/36 hour/Anon/Bet: 25. One or two games. List your preference and add your name to sign up. RR +90 preferred. I will create the game(s) and PM password when full. FITE ME ;)
19 replies
Anon (?? D)
18 Mar 17 UTC
Looking for a replacement player
Fall of year 1, still solid position to play France here.
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Decima Legio (1987 D)
19 Oct 16 UTC
V-dip players Map
90 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
14 Mar 17 UTC
Where is the draw button?
I'm in a "friends" game of Imperial (, and I can't for the life of me find any button to either propose a draw or vote on one.
2 replies
DogsRule11 (866 D)
12 Mar 17 UTC
Anyone up to hone their skills in Imperial II?
13 replies
Anon (?? D)
14 Mar 17 UTC
Live Game
1 reply
Decima Legio (1987 D)
22 Dec 16 UTC
Shift Right variant
Anybody interested to try out the shift right / shift left variant?
30 replies
LovelyPinkEgg (1449 D)
10 Mar 17 UTC
Diplomacy Supreme
Oh, because the game crushed and all of us were defeated, only Turkey not, I suppose he won. Am I right?
25 replies
jingliu015 (1000 D X)
13 Mar 17 UTC
FIFA Globe Cup being held
In 2016 FIFA main <a href="">Buy FIFA 18 Coins</a> made it clear that there was to be undoubtedly about the 2016 FIFA Globe Cup being held in South Africa: "Plan A... ". Stadium construction delays, striking workers, security fears, transport problems and the possibility of power outages are running rampant. <a href=""></a>

0 replies
jingliu015 (1000 D X)
13 Mar 17 UTC
FIFA Globe Cup being held
In 2016 FIFA main Sepp Blatter [url=]Cheap FIFA 18 Coins[/url] made it clear that there was to be undoubtedly about the 2016 FIFA
Striking workers, security fears, transport problems and the possibility of power outages are running rampant. [url=][/url]

0 replies
Anon (?? D)
13 Mar 17 UTC
New Fun Game For Fun People Password is a, non-fun people are not allowed
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
11 Mar 17 UTC
Looking for replacement player for brand new game
No moves made yet.
0 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
09 Feb 17 UTC
Diplomacy Historians
When Diplomacy first came out, was the classic board exactly as it is now (pretty much perfect) or did it evolve to where it is today?
6 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
08 Mar 17 UTC
Compromised Log ons
You get any sudden, new box msgs "connection not secure" MODS: hola !
2 replies
Kenpai (939 D X)
03 Mar 17 UTC
I have encountered a hacked account named HQDeevejot who is able to break games by exploiting a glitch, BEWARE
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
20 Feb 17 UTC
New WWIV game- come and play!
30 replies
Mitomon (2187 D)
22 Feb 17 UTC
Hello everyone! I'm new to this site so I'd like to get to know you guys. You guys can call me Mitomon, mitomon, Mito or mito. I like chocolate ice cream and taking over the world. What about you guys?
16 replies
Nuclear Surok (1362 D)
27 Feb 17 UTC
"Papers,Please" variant idea
I just thought,wouldnt the papers,please variant be a nice addition to vdip?The map should be something like this-
Every country borders at least two others,but there are no neutrals.The SC names are already in(tho nirsk should just be a province).I have no idea how to program or balance stuff,so,can this even be done without copyright problems?And can this be an actual variant someday?
26 replies
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
31 Jan 17 UTC
New podcast segment: Dip Dilemmas
In a semi recent podcast episode Kaner and I floated the idea of a Diplomacy Dilemmas segment where players either post via a forum thread or PM us a tricky problem/issue they're having in a game for our "sage" guidance. We'll be recording next week, so send your dilemmas through!
10 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
22 Feb 17 UTC
"Per rulebook" press option
"Per rulebook" means no discussion during builds and retreats as per the original Diplomacy rulebook. In this mode, saved retreats and builds are automatically readied for the next turn.
11 replies
Anon (?? D)
24 Feb 17 UTC
Awesome game. You'll live forever if you join! With colonials!
0 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
04 Feb 17 UTC
Any interest in a WWIV bourse game?
I'm just testing the water here, but after the current KW901 bourse game concludes (not for a while yet), I was wondering about getting a mega WWIV bourse game up and running...
41 replies
aman2000 (970 D)
22 Feb 17 UTC
World War 6
If anyone wants to play a WWIX variant (36 players) then join the game World war 6 revisited. Hope we get enough players and have a lot of fun!!
0 replies
Flame (1073 D)
07 Feb 17 UTC
For all mapmakers & adapters.
Dear Sirs! I don't know what had happened to Oli, may be he got some business and got no time to cope with DiploTestLab. So I decided to start DiploTestLab2 to make our job go on...
24 replies
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