A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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SLOTerp (0 D)
24 Aug 13 UTC
Forum-based standard @ Redscape
Weekly turns. Good maps. If you haven't played a forum game w/ a human GM in a while (or ever), here's your chance to jump back in.
13 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
18 Aug 13 UTC
Chaoctopi Signup Thread
As part of my summer series, I am trying to get a chaoctopi game started. I figured I'd make a new thread because the other lost traction. So signup here if you're interested!
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
22 Aug 13 UTC
Spend your dimoolah!
Come one, come all! Spend your dip points!
I am currently hosting a decent high pot game at the low price of 99 D! Global chat to really test your skill on the classic map! Join if you dare!

18 replies
mendax (1260 D)
26 Aug 13 UTC
Is there any way to force someone to accept a stalemate position.
2 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
05 May 13 UTC
Tour of VDip: Extension
A while ago, I started the Tour of VDip! With the intention to play every game on the site. We are currently on round three. After evaluating my summer schedule, I have notices that I have exactly fifty free days (excluding seven for band camp, twelve for a missions trip, and ten for vacation days). Anyway, from this conclusion...Actually, hold on, I have a lot to say...
Mapu (2086 D (B))
05 May 13 UTC
This one time... at band camp...
King Atom (1186 D)
05 May 13 UTC
Anyway, we didn't get through all that many games in our Tour, so I'd like to extend the "play every game on the site" mentality through my new summer program! The idea is to start a new game every day until I start band camp. If all goes according to plan, we should have fifty games running at once at the very end. You can call me crazy, but technically it's only a minor case of schizophrenia.

Thus we begin Atom's Summer of Love, and I'd like to issue a formal invitation to all Tour of VDip! participants to come and join us. KEEP IN MIND: Participation in one or more games neither requires nor assumes participation in any other. The more the merrier, though...?

Theses the rules:
-No set list of players, all games are first come, first served
-Each game will have 36 hour phases. No complaining
-No pausing, and no consecutive extends. If you can't handle the heat, you should head north for the summer...
-Each game will cost 5 D at WTA (so start saving up now!)
-I pick the variants by rolling my D&D dice...You play what I say, or you get out
-All games will require (Maximum SC's - # of players) as the victory count
-If I come up with some other rules, you should think about following them too.
-Any games listed under the name "Atom's Summer of Love" that I am not playing in, are complete frauds and should be boycotted by everyone everywhere.

Oh yeah, and they is gwyne to be all Press and stuff with the opposite of anonymous players. Have fun!
King Atom (1186 D)
05 May 13 UTC
I meant to post this here:
so the name is a patent already!? lol
King Atom (1186 D)
09 May 13 UTC
Here's a question you should be asking yourself:
Does this thread concern you?
If you're currently logged on to this site, chances are that they answer is 'yes.'
Of course, why take my word for it? Join! Join! Join!

And I think that it goes without saying, Lukas, that all rights are reserved by the owner. Any unlicensed manufacturing, distributing, or enjoying said product is prohibited by law.
King Atom (1186 D)
12 May 13 UTC
Dudes, check this: gameID=14148
Gonna be needing more players!
King Atom (1186 D)
30 May 13 UTC
One more up...
King Atom (1186 D)
01 Jun 13 UTC
Hey. You all. Join that game there. Or if you'd like, it's right here: gameID=14593
Join. Have fun. Don't waste my time. Join. You know you want to. Join. gameID=14593 Join. Sex. Join. Join. Join.
King Atom (1186 D)
10 Jun 13 UTC
Here. We. Go.
Game 01: Dutch Revolt
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
11 Jun 13 UTC
I'd join if it wouldnt be my 200th game... xD Maybe next time!
King Atom (1186 D)
11 Jun 13 UTC
Don't worry, I'll start another one tomorrow...and another one the day after...and another one the day after...and another one the day after...and another one the day after...
Mapu (2086 D (B))
11 Jun 13 UTC
Only one more slot left in your Dutch game!
King Atom (1186 D)
11 Jun 13 UTC
Join up, y'alls...
King Atom (1186 D)
12 Jun 13 UTC

Join up, y'alls...
King Atom (1186 D)
13 Jun 13 UTC
Still need more for:
King Atom (1186 D)
14 Jun 13 UTC
gameID=14802 gameID=14757 gameID=14787
King Atom (1186 D)
16 Jun 13 UTC
Atom's Summer of Love is now entering a bye week.
Players are still needed, however, for the following games:
Anon (?? D)
24 Jun 13 UTC
King Atom (1186 D)
24 Jun 13 UTC
Bump. Join those ^ games y'all.
King Atom (1186 D)
26 Aug 13 UTC
Attention bromos, and all...
My summer series is coming to an end...
champ11228 (775 D)
26 Aug 13 UTC

21 replies
Amwidkle (1351 D)
01 Aug 13 UTC
Opening strategy guide, WWIV
Spinning off bluecthulhu's excellent idea into a new thread.
93 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
22 Aug 13 UTC
Is the phase there yet... T__T
So of all the games I am in, the next phase processes in approx 12 hours, I go through diplomacy withdrawls...keep checking the site for information etc. Do YOU go through withdrawls too? Or is it just me?
13 replies
Synapse (814 D)
17 Jul 13 UTC
Playtesting (WWII, version 2)
I've made some improvements to WWII and would like some help testing balance issues. The first game is here:
22 replies
Synapse (814 D)
19 Aug 13 UTC
Wiki article on balancing variants
I don't know TOO much diplomacy theory, can anyone help me out with this?
5 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
18 Aug 13 UTC
1066 V3
do the Normans start with a fleet in CI?
Because it says nothing about that in the the Vikings have some fleet in the sea too?
4 replies
Synapse (814 D)
16 Aug 13 UTC
Test group
There's a real issue with testers for the lab.
12 replies
Firehawk (1231 D)
15 Aug 13 UTC
Another Test for the First Crusade
My First Crusade map has gone through a few changes and I'd like to test them. Here's the link, feel free to tell me what u think of the map also.
7 replies
Rancher (1275 D)
17 Aug 13 UTC
Phases Played?
in keeping with the % thread
9 replies
Tristan (1258 D)
17 Aug 13 UTC
anyone for a fast one?
0 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
17 Aug 13 UTC
Small 1066 error fixed.
But I needed to cancel the 2 games that started already.
0 replies
Safari (1530 D)
11 Aug 13 UTC
Testers Needed for New 4 Player Variant
Hi Everyone! I'm looking for players to test my variant Atlantic Colonies on the vdiplomacy lab. Ideally I'd like to have more than one game going so that glitches and balance issues can be rooted out as quickly as possible and it can go live!
8 replies
Anon (?? D)
12 Aug 13 UTC
Two needed for New Game.
0 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
01 Jul 13 UTC
Spartan's Summer Fun- Chaoctopi Signup Thread
Hello all! As part of my summer series of trying to play all variants, I want to play Chaoctopi. Considering that is a large undertaking, I figured I would make a signup thread. Post here if you are interested!
62 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
21 Jul 13 UTC
WW4 Gunboat Anon 3 point bet! WTA ca caw!
16 hour phase, random country assignment, target sc: 40, NO min rating or # of phases
16 replies
Anon (?? D)
08 Aug 13 UTC
Classic gunboat
1 reply
Amwidkle (1351 D)
07 Aug 13 UTC
WWIV Opening Strategy -- Illinois
New opening article.
7 replies
The Ambassador (2237 D (B))
08 Aug 13 UTC
Just checking: drawing and left players
Hi all. In a game where 2 players have left and the remaining 3 players want to draw. Just checking that the left players (still on the board) don't get a share of the pot if the 3 of us draw. Or do we have to wait until we've taken all their SCs?
4 replies
Synapse (814 D)
07 Aug 13 UTC
Colonial 1885 - Britain always wins
15 replies
caliburdeath (1013 D)
06 Aug 13 UTC
New rough map- "Fall of the Carthaginian Empire"
I've made a rough alternate history map, and I want some critiques.
15 replies
Anon (?? D)
07 Aug 13 UTC
North Sea Wars Gunboat WTA
We need a new Norse in the game. great position. arguably the best on the board. gameID=15355
0 replies
Aranith (1355 D)
24 Jun 13 UTC
Won, but less points than 2nd placed

Can anybody tell me why I got less points than the second placed player, although I won?
20 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
06 Aug 13 UTC
FoW Gunboat
Needing one more player for a WTA FOW gunboat. PM me for password.
3 replies
Halt (2077 D)
18 Jun 13 UTC
1 v 1 Challenge
I have recently played with someone 1 v 1 who believes that in an FvA scenario, and given that Austria plays properly, France has zero chance of winning.
61 replies
equator (1514 D)
02 Aug 13 UTC
searching games
how can I search a game using its name? is it possible?
1 reply
mfarb (1338 D)
16 May 13 UTC
Anon WWIV game
I have been trying awfully hard to get a anon WWIV game started. For my third try, I shall start a forum to get at least 25-30 people committed. Post here with your commitment, the game will be anonymous random country assignment, so it shouldnt matter if anyone sees your name, but if you want to remain a little more anon, just PM me
127 replies
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