A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Halt (2077 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
Live games
Why are Lives games (not counting 1 v 1) almost non-existent in VDip?
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
Live Games

2 player quick game
0 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
06 Apr 13 UTC
That one reinstatement thread
Anyone see that webdip thread... Promising maybe? No chance get back there?
52 replies
AtlastheBarbarian (1292 D)
09 Apr 13 UTC
Feature suggestion
I wonder what folks think about, or if it's even possible, to put in a private group chat option? In short, it would let you send an identical message to a group of nations that you'd like to keep secret from the others for the purposes of coordinating group assaults. I think it'd be especially useful for a cabal of smaller, shrinking powers to coordinate moves against a globally powerful threat.

What do you all think?
40 replies
Vargh (1159 D (B))
05 Apr 13 UTC
Is it just my imagination or has the number of multis drastically increased? Does anybody know why?
17 replies
Firehawk (1231 D)
09 Apr 13 UTC
Colonial 1885 test game.
Hey guys, please join my test game on the lab. It's called Colonial1885Test, we need 10 players so please join!
Firehawk (1231 D)
09 Apr 13 UTC
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
09 Apr 13 UTC
It is a very nice-looking map!
Firehawk (1231 D)
09 Apr 13 UTC
Chaqa (1586 D)
09 Apr 13 UTC
No it isn't. It looks like it was made in paint.

There's a very distinct look that Dip variants should have...
Firehawk (1231 D)
09 Apr 13 UTC
Firehawk (1231 D)
09 Apr 13 UTC
Thanks Chaqa, your comment has been noted and completely disregarded!
Chaqa (1586 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
I don't like that variant either, because it has the same look. It looks like a kid drew it with a crayon.
Firehawk (1231 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
Well then don't play the map. Goodbye
butterhead (1272 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
@Chaqa- It doesn't matter what your opinion of maps are, you can like or dislike any map you choose. I too have maps I dislike greatly. However, It is not necessary to sit there and say negative things about his map for the design of it when all he is trying to do is get players to test it for him. I do agree, it isn't the best drawn map in the world. But it does still look pretty good. " It looks like a kid drew it with a crayon." Is a bit rude and a large exaggeration, and IMHO, very unnecessary...
butterhead (1272 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
@Firehawk- I won't play in your test game(as I will forget to get on the site and check the moves) but when it is finally on the site here, I will gladly play a game on your map. Looks pretty good :)
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
The thing about the mapstyles you like Chaqa is that they work for small maps but aren't so good for large ones. And well, all maps are drawn in something similar to paint. I used GIMP-2 for Europa 1939. The actual colours aren't part of the map anyway though, that's a separate CSS file. When you draw the map, every territory is a different colour.
TheHeat91 (1182 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
It looks like a great map, though as butterhead mentioned i'll probably forget to input orders
Firehawk (1231 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
i can remind u guys w/ a pm a day on vdiplomacy if that would be helpful
Shep315 (1435 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
I'd actually be interested but unfortunately I have finals to study for :( I look forward to it coming to the site :)
TheHeat91 (1182 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
ok i joined though could you remind me if i dont have orders in?
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
@TH91: I can remind you, don't worry.
@everybody: Only 2 more spots!
Firehawk (1231 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
TheHeat91 (1182 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
ok thanks! Looks like a lot of fun.
Firehawk (1231 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
2 more players needed!
Firehawk (1231 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
The game is full and has begun!
Synapse (814 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
Senegambia? Really?
Rancher (1275 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
"Senegambia" was a term used by the British for the area in days of yore, and in the 20th century at some point the two countries actually had a federation of sorts, using that name
Retillion (2304 D (B))
10 Apr 13 UTC
Thank you very much for your work, Firehawk :)

Your variant seems very interesting ! And yes : it is a very nice-looking map !
ScubaSteve (1202 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
Looks fine to me. I think that anyone that puts in the time to drawing maps should be commended. Is there a resource somewhere that advises how to build/draw maps? Is there a standard format or convention?
Synapse (814 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
Wow. I didn't know that, and I used to live in the Gambia.
iLLuM (1569 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
I love the map and setting! I am looking forward to see it in action!
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC

GIMP 2 or Paint.Net are the resources we tend to use. Every land province has to be a unique colour, and the names/sc's have to be on a separate layer as in the end you want them to be separate png's. The rest of the names file is white (255 255 255) because that is recognised as transparent. The insides of the supply centres icons have to be 254 254 254 so they aren't set to transparent.

Eg. for the classic variant:

And then for the large map:
Firehawk (1231 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
Don't forget to make your moves guys!
ashleygirl (1285 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
The map looks great Firehawk. @Chaqa, if it wasn't for guys like Firehawk willing to put their time and effort in creating these variants we would be stuck playing the same one over and over. Like they do on the OTHER site.
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
Hellenic Riot, Are there any tutorials out there?
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
10 Apr 13 UTC
TheHeat91 (1182 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
@Firehawk, for other games besides the test game. Will the russian army be put in as it isn't currently?
tiger (1653 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
lol in one of the test games the bots are Pokemon
TheHeat91 (1182 D)
10 Apr 13 UTC
Gotta catch em all!
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
11 Apr 13 UTC
Thanks cap!
Firehawk (1231 D)
11 Apr 13 UTC
yes i screwed up the start, in the future the russians will get an army in Omsk, and yeh, you've gotta have some kind of theme for 9 different accounts!
TheHeat91 (1182 D)
11 Apr 13 UTC
If only there were 7, then it could be the harry potter series :p
General Cool (978 D)
11 Apr 13 UTC
Is it just me, or does this look like half of the Imperial II map with new SCs in Africa?
Firehawk (1231 D)
11 Apr 13 UTC
the outline is from imperial, but the territories are different (except for australia).
General Cool (978 D)
11 Apr 13 UTC
Yeah, I really like Imp II, and this looks quite interesting with the addition of Italy as a slightly minor power.
Synapse (814 D)
11 Apr 13 UTC
Please conform to the normal style guide, at least partially. Borders are excessively thick. The fleet/army icons are nice however.
Holland doesn’t stand a chance of holding its home territories, and the colonies shouldn’t function without it – you are basically making a Indonesia faction at the moment.
Impassable sea to the North of Russia needs to be black.
Germany should be at a massive disadvantage in terms of colonising Africa; currently it is the dominant force along with Britain.
Is Suez a province here? Or part of Levant? Unclear
More Pacific islands for Japan to conquer please, such as Guam.
North Korea (Pyongyang) is inaccurately named Seoul, and South Korea is named Fus?
Japan shouldn’t connect to the Northern Russian territory by land. One of the reasons Japan was never invaded was because of the difficulties of sea crossings.
Caspian Sea should either be a province or be blacked out.
The Blacked out region NW of Iceland looks ugly, just extend those sea regions to the edge of the map.
I would like the Nile to be drawn in Egypt, personal preference. I think it’s more important than the lakes you’ve included in southern Africa, for example.

And most importantly...
I can’t believe you’ve made a “colonial” map without Spain. Spain being one province makes no sense – compared to France next door. Spain should consist of at least 2 provinces, but a Spanish player could include Spanish Sahara, and a Gibraltar-esque part of Morocco, Madrid and a North/South province.
General Cool (978 D)
11 Apr 13 UTC
I think I can fix your Holland/Africa problem with one move. Give Holland Belgium and call it 17 Provinces (?). Also, even though it isn't quite historically accurate, give that congo SC to them as well. it will make GB, Germany, and Holland fight for Africa.
Synapse (814 D)
11 Apr 13 UTC
Africa should be largely fought between Britain and France, with Italy as a smaller 3rd contender, and then the Dutch, then Germany. Germany really had a limited involvement in Africa. Although I do support Belgium to Holland.
Firehawk (1231 D)
11 Apr 13 UTC
ok first things first, I don't understand why all maps have to conform to the same style, why can't we have some originality?
The issue with Holland in Europe is the same as it is in Imperial II, and there isn't much room for change past combining Holland and Belgium, which was too historically inaccurate for my liking.
Obviously Britain was completely dominant in Africa at this time, but saying Germany was weaker than Holland just isn't true. The Germans had a few important colonies, Holland actually didn't really even have the Transvaal. If this was realistic, I'd give half the world to Britain and call it a day.
I'll try and fix the ambiguity about suez, it's actually part of Cairo, which acts similarly to Constantinople.
More islands might overpower Japan a bit but I'm not sure.
Seoul and Fusan are named in the same way as they are in Colonial Diplomacy and the island connection is mostly for balance.
Firehawk (1231 D)
11 Apr 13 UTC
oh and on Spain. They had next to no power by this point and Spain acts in the same way it did in classic diplomacy.
Firehawk (1231 D)
11 Apr 13 UTC
i'm open to removing the land bridge from japan to sakhalin, but i'd like to get some trial games done b4 hand. I'll get back to you on these changes
Synapse (814 D)
11 Apr 13 UTC
"If this was realistic, I'd give half the world to Britain and call it a day."

You've actively made Germany the equally most powerful force in Africa, if anything France should be. Germany is not strong in Africa.

Seoul and Fusan are incorrect, this is regardless of Colonial Diplomacy.
Firehawk (1231 D)
11 Apr 13 UTC
Do you not think France is strong enough? They've got a lot of free supplies which I thought might allow them to dominate west africa. In terms of Germany, 1885 is a turning point in Africa's history, directly after the Berlin Conference and the beginning of the Scramble for Africa. At this point no country owned a substantial amount in Africa. I was hoping the map would give lots of countries a fair amount of power to simulate the scramble for power. I'm not sure Pyongyang was very important... i can move the territory slightly south to fully encompass where seoul is. Remember there was no north and south korea at this point so i'm just trying to make their 2 most important cities supplies.

48 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
09 Apr 13 UTC
Speaking of such, Oli, how is your baby?! O___o
5 replies
Dejan0707 (1986 D)
05 Apr 13 UTC
Game of thrones
Game of thrones board game is based on diplomacy game it seems. That could implicate that diplomacy variant made on Game of thrones stage could be very interesting playing experience. Who would not like to beet evil Lannisters with grey Starks little armies. One problem could be that in Game of thrones navies did not play important role, while in diplomacy navies are crucial for victory.
38 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
07 Apr 13 UTC
I will upgrade the codebase to the new V1.32 now
This might cause some trouble as nearly every file got changed...

Luckily all changes are just translation-related, so it's unlikely that we get a real problem.
I did some local tests on my server and it looks like everything is working fine, but you never know how if I missed some problems.
12 replies
Anon (?? D)
06 Apr 13 UTC
Bizarre Bug?
Something appears to have gone terribly wrong in gameID=13176 ... Any ideas? It appears almost everyone has 0 SCs suddenly.
19 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
07 Apr 13 UTC
Oli, this game is experiencing a glitch: gameID=12693
The game changed the build locations from any held SC, to only the home SCs. Can you fix this?
3 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
06 Apr 13 UTC
WWII Glitch
A major glitch has occured with the WWII variant. I have paused all affected games until Oli can check it and hopefully fix it. If your game becomes affected, please report it in this thread, and a moderator will pause the game ASAP.
6 replies
Anon (?? D)
07 Apr 13 UTC
Imperial Diplomacy II, 20 SC Holland needs replacement

Holland just NMR'd. Still has a great position and 20 SCs. A replacement would really help.
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
07 Apr 13 UTC
Spring 1897 (first turn), need replacement Italy

Please consider joining. You won't be behind. All we're doing this turn is placing our first build, and you still have nearly a day and a half to negotiate that.
0 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
06 Apr 13 UTC
NMR: serious
I thought that with this setting, players who are about to NMR, are sent CD and the gamephase gets extended...that did not happen in one of my games though...why?
3 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
06 Apr 13 UTC
Reasonably High Point Game
Anyone up for a high-point non-anon Classic game?

0 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
24 Mar 13 UTC
New Game Concept
This might have been tried before but here it is. More below
21 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
02 Apr 13 UTC
Classic Anniversary!
More to follow...
34 replies
Choice of Country
Being new to vDiplomacy, I'm curious to see what people choose for their country when the option in a game is given. For example, which nation would you choose for World War IV? Feel free to give preferences for other variants.
8 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
03 Apr 13 UTC
Anon WWIV games. Rare?
I have not seen many anonymous (specifically WWIV) games, does noone like these types of games? what is the general consensus? I feel as if they are a more fair, unbiased game. (because I believe people hold grudges, trust certain players more, recognize player tags and play according to their names, not their diplomacy, etc. )
17 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
28 Feb 13 UTC
Revolution Game
Bear with me...this is a long one!
66 replies
Need one player for Russia. New Game:
0 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
01 Apr 13 UTC
New Feature - Bonuses
Hi all,
As you may notice from my profile, I am now a Moderator :)
I have now been given my first task as Mod; to announce the new bonuses feature. Explanation to follow (apologies that it's in a letter format - it was originally intended to be PM'd to every account, but it ended up being too long.) :
18 replies
Scotieboy9 (838 D)
03 Apr 13 UTC
classic live game
I know its late but im starting a claasic live game called the return of scot
Because im returning after a break from diplomacy
7 replies
Tyran (1361 D)
03 Apr 13 UTC
Webdip down
Anyone else unable to access webdip at all? I keep getting some error message
9 replies
Anon (?? D)
02 Apr 13 UTC
Planet Haven
gameID=13370 need another 10 ppl or so for a 10 pt buy-in Haven game!
1 reply
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
30 Mar 13 UTC
Stalemate Line Are Crap!
10 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
30 Mar 13 UTC
Lying with stats
Do games with banished ( red 'X' ) violators playing at the conclusion of a game, draw or win, count in the Hall of Fame statistics?
Should they?
3 replies
fuzzyhartle1 (856 D)
29 Mar 13 UTC
Game sitting.
i need someone to watch over my games for a week. Starting tomorrow.
4 replies
League of Legends
Just out of curiosity, and some small bias that I'm likely to find some gamers here rather than elsewhere...does anybody here play Leagues?
33 replies
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