A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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El Cremoso (1728 D)
04 Dec 12 UTC
live duo map
need one for live duo map. turns at 24 hours, but will play as fast as possible.
1 reply
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
03 Dec 12 UTC
Classy Fog
20 point buy in 1.25 day phase WTA
Join if interested. :)
0 replies
Abdul (876 D)
02 Dec 12 UTC
5 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
03 Dec 12 UTC
College Football Question
How often has a bowl game featured a rematch from that season? Has there ever been one between crappy teams before? Iowa State vs. Tulsa is just a game that has to be re-played.
1 reply
AbsoluteZero (1002 D)
01 Dec 12 UTC
WWIV One more player needed!
Let's start this soon!
1 reply
Blank Cheque (1006 D)
02 Dec 12 UTC
Looking For a Substitute
I am looking for a substitute for one of my game's, in which I am playing as France. The condition is quite good at the moment (with over 6 SCs, I am not disclosing the exact amount because it is fog of war), but I do not have enough time to play that game.
3 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
23 Nov 12 UTC
Are you an apocalyptic demography geek like me?
Last year, in 2011, sales of adult diapers in Japan began to exceed sales of those for children. It is already tomorrow in Japan, and tomorrow is wrinkly.
17 replies
bojieh (847 D)
01 Dec 12 UTC
I am having a very busy life lately, which makes me miss lots of turns in the games I've joined. I feel bad about spoiling other people's fun doing so. Is there a way to be replaced without missing two turns in a row?
4 replies
Slyguy (1029 D)
27 Nov 12 UTC
gameID=11242 Please Join!!!
7 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
30 Nov 12 UTC
I would never be stupid enough to come back to webdip as sandiegosmith but excellent word play. :)
1 reply
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
28 Nov 12 UTC
Soon, again
My last game took so long that my farewell thread locked. So.....
27 replies
amisond (1280 D)
05 Nov 12 UTC
Celtic Variant
Comments/thoughts on the new variant + any problems you find.
16 replies
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
10 Oct 12 UTC
Age of Pericles
In Asia Minor, is the lettered D sea all Marmora Sinus? Because I have a fleet in Ionia that can only move to Lesbos, Caria, or Rhodius Sinus, and not Marmora Sinus, as I would expect.
28 replies
Anon (?? D)
29 Nov 12 UTC
Loading order failure...?
The screen just stops at the "Loading order...", not allowing me to make a move. Is this happening to just me or does anyone else have this problem?
3 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
28 Nov 12 UTC
Naming games
Please, be creative when naming games. It adds flavour.

That is all.
7 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
29 Nov 12 UTC
Webdip birthday
Can someone who has access to webdip tell my friend redhouse happy birthday for me? It's redhouse(4 digit year) I just can't remember. Please and thank you!
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
28 Nov 12 UTC
Sail Ho Live Gunboat
0 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
15 Nov 12 UTC
New Africa variant the colors are messed up
Example of a map

Notice Ethiopia is red in the chat boxes but is peach colored on the map(between red sea and nio) and that's not the only mistake only problem is I'm not sure which countries are which
10 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
26 Nov 12 UTC
Your favorite variant
Sandgoose wants to try playing YOUR favorite variant. Go on and post here and let's get some folks to join!
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
27 Nov 12 UTC
New WW4
Please join in and have fun together.
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
25 Nov 12 UTC
Celtic rumble Unpause?

Anyone involved know when we can unpause this?
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
26 Nov 12 UTC
New WW4 game
Hi everyone. I just created a new WW4. Please join in and have fun together.
0 replies
Raro (1449 D)
25 Nov 12 UTC
just curious
Just out of curiosity, why didn't this game draw?
Only 2 active players, both voted draw
3 replies
G-Man (2516 D)
10 Nov 12 UTC
FMDW Facebreaker EOG
Known World 901 AD
G-Man (2516 D)
10 Nov 12 UTC

Great game. I was on the edge of my chair the entire time! Love the large map and all the neutrals, which really gives you a lot of options. This is fast becoming one of my favorite variants.

901-904: The Golden Age - I opened with a balanced approach, splitting my forces between the west and the east, which isn't something I tactically like to do, but as Russia, I wanted to be active in breaking up any Denmark/Germany alliance, while still maintaining the tricky Black Sea border with Byzantium and Khazaria. Other than that, with so many potential frenemies in Denmark, Germany, Byzantium, and Khazaria, I figured I'd just see who was cool and roll with them. After all, who needs more enefrenenems...

Despite the early emergence of "the BEA," a.k.a. the Byzantium/Egypt/Arabia alliance, I was surprisingly left to my own devices. Everybody was also really cool. Too cool. In fact, everyone seemed to be on the up and up, which made for some tough choices. Ultimately, I decided to work with Byzantium myself, as well as with Turan. Then, well, let's just say Khazaria went down faster than the Falkland Islands Army! Meanwhile, in the west, Germany and I came together vs. Denmark. What I feared might be a strong France/Germany alliance quickly fell apart as France crossed... believe it or not... the Maginot Line! This had the added benefit of Germany having to abandon his share of Denmark in order to defend himself and, at the same time, cementing a made-for prime-time ally in France. As I landed in Jorvik, Britain, I thought I might be looking at a solo.

905-909: The Age of Reason - This was the tricky area. I needed to be careful to keep the right allies, but I also knew I had to keep the momentum rolling if I wanted to have any shot at soloing in such a large variant with so many personalities. I cemented an alliance with France and by '05 France and I had rolled through Denmark and Germany. We had even arranged to trade Jorvik for Denmark, allowing us each to consolidate our forces on separate sides of the North Sea. With the west under control and a firm western treaty in place, my focus switched to the east. I had been able to occupy the BEA, which had been steadily growing, by alerting both Turan and India to the threat of the BEA's "eastern wall." To hold up my end of the deal, I moved on Byzantium.

I had expected to take a couple of Byzantium's northern holdings but to get caught in a dogfight with him and Egypt. This in turn could allow another power to open a front against me, but things went better than expected. By the end of '06 I surprisingly found myself in position to seize the Byzantine heartland. Not wanting to waste the opportunity, nor the extra units, I took my gains and snowballed them into Turan, which I had in truth secretly coveted, since Turan is such a complete terror in this variant. Shortly afterward, India and I reached a deal that would greatly reduce the length of time it would take to knock-out Turan, who had grown rather large (with our help) by this point. But India's rush for the unguarded Turani centers never panned out. Nevertheless, I held out hope and I was rewarded when India decided to go ahead with the sprint to the empty Turani centers a few seasons later. By Fall of '09, Byzantium was eliminated and Turan was on the ropes, and my chance to solo was still alive.

910-914: The Age of Enlightenment - While things were going really well for me, amazingly, France had been doing even better. With Spain expediently falling to him, as well as a slice of Byzantium, and North Africa, he had managed to basically catch me. This was a double-edged sword in that the alliance with France helped me to expand vastly, while at the same time allowing France to take just enough centers to either prevent me from soloing, and to have a shot at the solo himself. I felt I had to at least take a peak and see if the solo was available, but my chances were dashed pretty quickly when I saw that I wouldn't have the momentum to overrun India with any kind of timeliness. France, India, and Srivijaya would ultimately stop me if I tried.

So, with 55 out of 109 centers needed to solo, France and I agreed to work towards the three-way draw. India seemed the best fit for a 3rd, particularly with Srivijaya's seeming lack of interest in working with France or I, but after helping India for a few seasons and seeing no cooperation in return, as well as being blocked out of Africa by him, I was being walled off with nowhere to expand to in the endgame. This led to my decision against holding everything back at the Khazar Sea while India and France would be eliminating Srivijaya, but I also had concerns about India's ability to stop a French solo without Srivijaya's forces and position.

With a little luck and hard work, I thought I could make maybe 45 centers if I made a run for it. But even that would be if everything fell right, and I'd also obviously piss everyone off and run the risk of being pushed way back in a huge balance-of-power shift in response to my solo attempt, something which could also work to France's advantage. So, in the end, the four-way draw seemed like the best option. But it was a very good game every step of the way and I very much enjoyed playing with France, Denmark, India, Turan, the Khazarias, Germany, Byzantium, Arabia, Axum, the Wagadus, Egypt, Sriijaya, Spain, and China--good show everyone!
EOG France:

First of all -- a great game -- one of my favorite maps, too. Everyone was really solid. When we started out, my hopes were not high, considering France's relatively surrounded position. With that in mind, I began by making tentative friendships with Spain, Denmark and Germany -- all of my neighbors -- to ensure that I got enough neutrals to develop a solid defense. Of course that meant I had to make some hard choices right away. I decided to plot against one neighbor at a time. Since Spain was having trouble in the Med with the BEA already, it seemed like he would have to grow so slowly that I'd have time to deal with him later, so I decided that Germany, and then Den would have to be my targets. Russia was amenable to working together against them, so we coordinated our movements and made for a hammer and anvil play, which worked nicely, despite some very clever maneuvering by both Germ and Den. Once Russia and I had established a solid Iron Curtain between us, I turned to the south, and began moving against Spain, who kept me guessing right until the end.

in about 910, I was finally growing to the point that I saw a possible endgame, maybe a solo, though that would require very fast growth and a probably war with the Russians, so I began looking for a way to make that happen. The WAG CD was a wrench in the works, though, since it let the eastern powers get a foothold in Africa sooner than I would have liked, slowing my growth. (Spcl thanks to SeimaskoIAm for jumping in on Wag, even though I had to attack him pretty quickly) Of course the fact that I missed a crucial game phase meant I'd have a really hard time keeping up with russia's very speedy growth. I decided that a solo was out of the question unless I could get sriv and India to agree to turn all of their forces away from me and toward each other, or Russia. Neither was moving fast enough for me, and Russia was advocating draw, so the rest of the game was mostly mopping up WAG and Egypt and trying to make sure Russia didn't make a grab for the solo.

All in all, though, I had a great time, and can't wait to play with any or all of you again.
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
10 Nov 12 UTC
EOG Denmark:

It's been a while but here's what I remember: First turn botched orders (which I suspect was really a prank by a friend) left me without a build the first year. Never a good start as denmark. Urgent comm looking for solid allies left me needing to trust someone. I tried to stay friendly with both Germany and Russia while fearing france.

Germany double crossed me almost immediately. Plea's to france and russia appeared to be fruitful, and France attacked Germany for me. However within a turn or two, Russia chose to pull the dirty deed on me.

This threw me solidly into the arms of France (who I still didn't trust completely, but I had little choice at this point). France's attack on Germany got him speaking to me again but there was little we could do for each other between France and Russia.

Unsurprisingly, I was double crossed yet a third time this time by France. Little left to be done except throw myself back into the arms of Russia who didn't see any use in keeping me around very long.

Short lived existence but I made it last for as long as I could...

Looking forward to better luck in the series!
dieingrace (1072 D X)
11 Nov 12 UTC
holy shit look at the freaking length of these comments... I gave up reading it
Raro (1449 D)
11 Nov 12 UTC
just want to commend whoever named this game.
If there is a FMDWFB 2, then I hope I can play.
G-Man (2516 D)
11 Nov 12 UTC
Thanks Raro. The next game in the ongoing series, Inverted Cobra Clutch Chickenwing Spinebuster, has already started, but I'll send you an invite for the next game. I'm guessing that will be in about three months.
Raro (1449 D)
11 Nov 12 UTC
lol, thanks
Titus (1545 D)
21 Nov 12 UTC
This was a great game. I enjoyed the start with my alliance with Sriv and Turan accomplishing much of our goals. I realize my playing was a little silly, first stabbing Turan, and then reversing, and then doing again. I always was hesitant about my stabbing Turan due to the risk of Russia running away with the solo, which he came close to doing.

Russia wanted me to let him through the east to join in an attack to eliminate Sriv. I assented in word, but was never able to work with Russia after he blew threw our DMZ and breached the agreement. I think if he had honored the agreement, I would possibly have worked with him against Sriv. But after the breach, which he alleged was because i blocked him in Africa, I decided to stick with Sriv after all to force a draw.

I appreciated Sriv's persuasive efforts to get me the first time to turn back from my stab of Turan, they were very effective. I also thougth it was a smart move of Sriv to not retreat to my center after I threw him out of MBS, as a sign of good will to keep relations open. His efforts helped us stick together at the end.

Also, I thought Turan handled things well when I stabbed him twice, always trying to be reasonable and convince me to turn back.

Overall, a great game!!
Ender (1701 D)
24 Nov 12 UTC
Svirijava EOG:

Started off just trying to make friends everywhere (China, Turan, India) and all seemed willing, though China was quite adamant and IMHO seemed to be far too demanding of the neutral spoils so I quickly realized that relationship was going to be problematic. Turan and India were the exact opposite in their willingness to work together so I figured I was on the right "team". In this particular situation, the team worked extremely well together and China was subdued quite quickly.

Now truth be told, the original plan had Turan and me then turning on India, but he was such a great ally against China, we changed our mind and figured why not be a sort of triple moving west...which we then tried to do. The problem with Svirijaya is that, while he can very quickly rule the sea lanes, there are just not a lot of SC's in said lanes to accelerate growth. I flew towards Africa...and watched my two allies gobble up their neighbors and SC's as they likewise marched west.

Here's where it got dicey. In order for me to make any progress, I had to get boots on the ground (to borrow the phrase from India) in South Africa and beyond which required that I convert a number of fleets to armies...which left me very much open to an Indian stab. Thankfully instead of stabbing me, he was pulled into a plan by Russia to squeeze Turan. Sort of a good news/bad news thing as it gave mea chance to grow, but at this point Russia and France were running the table through Europe and Africa and the long-term strategic consequences were deadly.

Thankfully India pulled back...but only for a few turns and then gave it a second shot. This time the writing was on the wall for Turan and I felt that all I could do was support India's efforts to eliminate Turan while simultaneously building a stalemate line which he was convinced he could do. I do think I used some stronger language than that at the time so I apologize to India for that.

At this point, it was all about the stalemate lines...and even one final stab of Turan (sorry) to get us down to four and hopefully make the stalemate even more appealing. While we definitely had Africa walled off, Asia was more iffy, but it would have been a real slog for Russia to get through and I'm quite sure that France would not have waited forever while Russia pushed for a solo, but I was glad nonetheless when all sides agreed to the draw.

To everyone, good game all - it was quite enjoyable.

To India - thank you, you were a terrific ally, even if a little unpredictable at times.

To France and Russia - superior play from both of you - in a perfect world you would have achieved a two-way as you certainly deserved it.

Cheers - Svi
G-Man (2516 D)
24 Nov 12 UTC
Always great to hear other's perspectives on any game. Thanks to all who shared theirs. And for those who opted out of the following game, we hope you'll accept future invitations to games in the 'Cloak & Dagger' series and that we'll be negotiating with you at the bargaining table at some point down the road. (Next game is likely about two months away.)

10 replies
Amwidkle (1351 D)
18 Nov 12 UTC
Wanted: "Where art thou dear NATO"!
Modern Diplomacy! 2 days per turn! What's not to love?! Starts in 3 days and several more are needed. Join up all you Modern Diplomacy fans!

4 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
17 Nov 12 UTC
Hall of Reliability?
Might I suggest a list of players with the highest number of phases without missing a turn?
35 replies
Anon (?? D)
20 Nov 12 UTC
First Enlightenment and Succession game
14 replies
Chaqa (1586 D)
20 Nov 12 UTC
Anyone Up for a live 1v1 Game?
PM me or let me know in this thread.
2 replies
Chaqa (1586 D)
20 Nov 12 UTC
1v1 Live Join!!!

Join my game!
0 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
18 Nov 12 UTC
wanted: ambitious player willing to play WW4 team game WITHOUT official teammate
ambitious player willing to play WW4 team game WITHOUT official teammate?
22 replies
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