A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
26 Oct 12 UTC
took us more than one and a half year to end this!

congrats everyone!
1 reply
Dr.Octagon (985 D X)
26 Oct 12 UTC
Anyone on?
anyone want to 1v1? maybe get a 1v1v1?
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Oli (977 D Mod (P))
24 Oct 12 UTC
New feature: Black and white chat-text....
Small new feature:
If you are colorblind (or can't read the text in the global chat for any other reason) you can now switch the text to black and display the countryname in front of the text...
2 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
Another team game.
Anyone fancy a team game to have fun with?
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
16 Oct 12 UTC
if you'd do it in about two weeks, yes! :-)
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
I'd do a team game
Depending on parameters, I'm in.
Tyran (1335 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
Yup ^
butterhead (1272 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
Depending on map, how you plan to create the teams, etc.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
yep Lukas, we wait for some more specifications
Imagonnalose (992 D)
17 Oct 12 UTC
maybe. more info please.
How about this:

Variant: Anarchy in UK
Teams (apologies for not knowing the faction names): [Green, Blue, Red] vs [Yellow, Pink, Purple]

GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
18 Oct 12 UTC
better make it three teams
Could work.
[green, red] vs [yellow, blue] vs [pink, purple] ?
BigAssMofo (1003 D)
18 Oct 12 UTC
im excited!! :D
BigAssMofo (1003 D)
18 Oct 12 UTC
ops thought this was school of war
Nein, but this can still get you excited =D
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
18 Oct 12 UTC
Green is Wales, Red is London, Yellow is Bristol, Blue is Up-North, Pink is Merseyside and Purple is East-Anglia.
I wouldn't advise the three teams you recommended - Bristol would be easily picked off by Lon/Wales and the same for UN with EA/Mers.
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
18 Oct 12 UTC
What about Merseyside-Up North, Bristol-Wales, and East Anglia - London?
Tyran (1335 D)
18 Oct 12 UTC
Much better
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
18 Oct 12 UTC
Is this happening then?
yep, game here: gameID=10517
password is "shatter" ~
push ~~~
I thought some of us showed interest at first?
Mapu (2086 D (B))
23 Oct 12 UTC
Am I allowed to pick a teammate and join with him or is it just going to be randomly assigned teams?
pick a teammate? What do you mean by that?
Teams are pre-assigned as in Kicemen's post above ~
Mapu (2086 D (B))
24 Oct 12 UTC
No I mean a player here on vdip and he and I join the game at the same time as a team.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
24 Oct 12 UTC
The person you're in a team with depends on which country you get, so if you get a friend to join you can't guarantee being allied to them...
Captain was right, so the teams are pre-assigned while teammates are randomly assigned ~

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GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
23 Oct 12 UTC
welcome, little laura!
now i can stalk Oli 3:D
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bluecthulhu (1815 D)
23 Oct 12 UTC
WW4 Fog of War
I vaguely remember reading something on these forums about the fog of war variant of the ww4 map being in the works. Does anyone have any information about that? That would be an exciting and chaotic game!
1 reply
dieingrace (1072 D X)
21 Oct 12 UTC
Gunboat games?
I'm just curious. Since this game is called "vDiplomacy" a.k.a., you negotiate with people, why are there so many gunboat games where all communication is turned off?
7 replies
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
22 Oct 12 UTC
First Mars Game
First attempt at the seemingly complex new Martian Warfare. Complete with space territories!
7 replies
dieingrace (1072 D X)
17 Oct 12 UTC
SHSID gamers
Anyone from SHSID who is actually interested in vDiplomacy (instead of playing because "it's required") post anything interesting in this thread I've created. For those of you confused outsiders, SHSID is a school, and at least 50 people have joined this game as part of our English class.
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W.I.S.H. (836 D X)
22 Oct 12 UTC
name change.
is there anyway to change name. or delete account?
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SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
I'm a jew
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Anon (?? D)
21 Oct 12 UTC
We need a replacement for Argentina in a new WWIV game, just started.
Big pot, half the buy-in
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KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
Anyone up for a quick live game?
We've got some people right now ready to play- you want to join in just post in the next 30 min and we'll decide what map to do . We have 3 as of now- Just post here!!!
4 replies
rojimy1123 (1008 D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
Dazed and Confused
Need someone to take over England in our FoW gunboat.
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Anon (?? D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
save our just started mars game ...
Alborian left before the game even started ... so whoever wants to replace him has equal chances as the others.
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bo_sox48 (937 D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
I need a sitter for a few games on this site on Saturday/Sunday. Anyone available?
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
1 Player missing!
Hey guys! We search for another player who joins to the game.
Its the new variant Age of Pericles!
If you join and finish your turn, it will immediately go on, so lets go! ;-)
1 reply
ComradeGrumbles (976 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
WW4 game starting up!
Starting a new WW4 game! Pick your own country! 1 day turn length, and 8 day pregame! If you're interested, it is called "The Comrade's Challange". 5 people are in so far, come play!
Thanks, ComradeGrumbles
11 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
18 Oct 12 UTC
Fleets move question
If I have a fleet in Ionian Sea and Eastern Med, and someone has one in Aegan Sea, if I support into Aegan from EM, could Aegan retreat to Ionian?
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butterhead (1272 D)
10 Aug 12 UTC
A complicated tournament...
More Info to come...
140 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
It's that time of year again: Let's talk football(American)(NFL).
In an effort to have a bit of fun... lets have a good clean discussion on the NFL. a bit of debate is encouraged, but lets keep it friendly and clean please :)
19 replies
demmahom (966 D)
18 Oct 12 UTC
Hey, I'm a new player here and I hope to play some of you soon!
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airborne (970 D)
18 Oct 12 UTC
Successions Revision II
Still working on this map to ensure that I can deliver a good map to this site. Looking for thoughts and suggestions again
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Nemesis17 (1709 D)
17 Oct 12 UTC
Greek Gunny EoG
What was your overall take of the game?
9 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
17 Oct 12 UTC
Has anyone ever been in a game where the game ended due to a Concede? Under what circumstances would this happen? I can't invision it ever happening!
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Anon (?? D)
17 Oct 12 UTC
new gunboats
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airborne (970 D)
24 Sep 12 UTC
Test Games
Succession (Again)
Will post reminders of the deadlines of the seasons in the thread
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bojieh (847 D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
Gunboat games
Why do I get "new message" icon on gunboat games?
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Anon (?? D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
game on
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
FAST age of perikles
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