A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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KalelChase (1344 D)
22 Aug 11 UTC
New Game -> Public Messaging FOG - WTA

Join in... I'll be one of them.
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RoxArt (1732 D)
22 Aug 11 UTC
join! :)
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 Aug 11 UTC
It's not easy being Green
With my time as President of the New Russia over, I'm now playing green in every one of my games. I wonder which power I will be if 56 pointer (gameID=3220) makes.....Indonesia, Manchuria, India(?), Central Asia, South Africa, Catholica, Mexico, USA, Quebec or Canada? That's right, I've tricked you into reading an ad from one of my games.

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fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Aug 11 UTC
Greek Team Games
Back in late July there was a failed attempt of a Greek Team game, are we up for another try?
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Alcuin (1454 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
I've been home to visit my mother. She's dying. She has cancer. I requested pauses in all my games but didn't approach mods because I expect people are civilised enough to grant such pauses. I came back to find that in one game where I was doing excellently, I'd gone into civil disoreder and been taken over, even though I was only away three days. That's much more annoying than all the games where I found myself backstabbed in civil disorder. A curse on all you metagamers.
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AdamNTM (965 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
Bug on the Modern Diplomacy II board?
Hello All, just in the midst of a game where a fleet in Israel supported a fleet from Sinai into Jordan; should this be possible? Just wondering, never played this variant before, and never been in Israel, so I can't be sure if there's some sort of "waterway" from Israel to Jordan that would allow it to support such a move...
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fasces349 (1007 D)
04 Jul 11 UTC
Error in Duo
Unit in Arkoon cannot move to Nab despite the border...
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Raro (1449 D)
20 Aug 11 UTC
I must confess... I despise Yoko Ono
I've been listening to Double Fantasy today and I suddenly got the impulse to declare publicly that I can't stand Yoko Ono. It is not without shame, I have the utmost respect for John. Does anyone else suffer from this conflict?
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ScubaSteve (1202 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
quick live game?
Anyone interested? 1v1? 4 player? Let's play!
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MasterEddie38 (996 D)
17 Aug 11 UTC
interesting moves
anybody wanna tell me why france hasnt just finished germany and won this game already, not that im complaining the longer it goes the more centers Im getting, but still Im confused
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Jimbozig (1179 D)
19 Aug 11 UTC
guak was banned
and now all of my gunboat games have an unreadable message.

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fasces349 (1007 D)
22 May 11 UTC
Vdip Cup Standings
Once a week I will post an updated standings so people can see how they rank in the vdip cup.
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tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
18 Aug 11 UTC
Impossible to take over Rajasthan
It's impossible for me to choose Rajasthan, although the account is banned and the country is open.
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Tabanese (1303 D)
19 Aug 11 UTC
Server down or something?
A friend of mine can't seem to recive his validation email when registering (he attempted it three times with three different accounts) and his support email failed as well. Anyone any idea as to why?
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tricky (1005 D)
18 Aug 11 UTC
Any idea how to access a global message in a game with no in game messaging and annonymous players?
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bbb111 (460 D)
19 Aug 11 UTC
italy vs russia vs england
anyone for live italy vs russia vs england . plz join = gameID=3200
1 reply
Catch23 (884 D)
09 Aug 11 UTC
Live Greek Game?
tittle says it all. any1 intrested?
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kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
15 Aug 11 UTC
WWIV - Naval vs Army.
There are not enough sea provinces... making stalemate lines easy to constuctr between continents. :(
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
15 Aug 11 UTC
for instance:
SthAmerica has 6 Supply centers adjacent to the single Atlantic province SWI alone. It seems to me that to gain hegemony on this map you either have the good fortune of beginning in Asia or Europe where you simply build armies or you have to get the sea provinces REALLY quickly.

I think that the land battles on this map is quite accurate, the sea provinces are what holds players back - in that they are easy to stalemate these regions.
The standard map has 58 land spaces and 19 sea spaces. Almost a 3:1 ratio. While I haven't counted I am pretty sure that WWIV (and World Diplomacy IX, for that matter) has a far greater than 3:1 land:sea ratio.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
15 Aug 11 UTC
Not to forget the Sea provinces that count as SC's
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
15 Aug 11 UTC
I'm not able to count the true ratio at the moment but I think the ratio is mightily less that a 3:1 ratio present in the original game.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
15 Aug 11 UTC
South America does not border SWI. Did you mean SWA?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
15 Aug 11 UTC
Just to be contrarian, might more sea territories make jumping continents more difficult as they would be further away?
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
15 Aug 11 UTC
It might make it more difficult to 'jump' continents with more sea territories, but I think that the whole Naval aspect of world domination is being underestimated in WWIV. to start with there is vastly more ocean regions on the globe than there are land regions, and while this has been addressed by giving regions like Tahiti and Reunion (ETC) a Supply Center, the whole map is still unbalanced by having a disproportionate amount of SCs on landed continents (straight away disadvantaging powers that begin with the only option of being a naval power)

Consider the Atlantic: (yes sorry SWA not swi)
SWA has 5 Sea territories adjacent to it. It has 7 Land territories adjacent to it SIX of which are Supply centers. If a power wants to take SWA then it has to attack a territory that can potentially be held next to indefinitely by a power that has SthAmerican SCs protecting SWA.

My solution would be to cut every sea territory in half and then we might actually have some naval warfare occurring in this variant.

(I like the land based battles, but sea combat is lacking in my perception.)
Raro (1449 D)
15 Aug 11 UTC
I agree with Kaner
Devonian (1887 D)
15 Aug 11 UTC
I agree that there are too few sea territories. But, I would suggest that cutting them in half might not be the right way to do it. My reason for this is that a land stalemate is easier to establish in real life. Stalemate lines located in the middle of the ocean are not very true to life. If anything, fleets should be able to hold off a naval invasion on to land, but permit passage of fleets into the middle ocean. So, I might suggest cutting the middle ocean spaces into thirds or fourths, but leaving the coastal spaces alone.

As far as making it difficult to jump continents. I agree it would take longer to cross the ocean, but that seems realistic also. For any country to mount an invasion on another continent, it would take time. It might make the middle ocean SC's critical strategic objectives. They could be staging areas to create armies for an invasion.
I'm thinking the issue with a more realistic representation of the seas is that the game already takes for-fucking-ever. Not knocking it, but boy did it take some time to finish the one time I tried. (I died in the first 5-6 years for my only defeat; the game ended after 11. I died after a month and a half in the game and the game ended some 4-5 months after it started, and it ended prematurely at that.) So while adding sea spaces would truly make it the ultimate global variant we'd all love to see, it might take some time to get through a game.
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
18 Aug 11 UTC
Thats no problem if it also makes more fun.

11 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
18 Aug 11 UTC
Anyone interested in a livegame right now here ?
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
09 Aug 11 UTC
I generally pride myself on my ethnocentrism
because Western Civilization is the only one that matters really. However, does anyone else notice the lack of a Conquests of Qin or an Ascendency or Decline of the Mughals variant?
91 replies
acmac10 (923 D)
17 Aug 11 UTC
Pure Game
Hey all, looking for a pure game with some players. Look inside for info:
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Rancher (1109 D)
18 Aug 11 UTC
New Gunboats, Join Up!
A couple of new no pressers, fun stuff
1 reply
butterhead (1272 D)
31 Jul 11 UTC
Butterheads' War for America: Team Edition
Everyone knows the concept by now... Team game, where you have a preset alliance that does not change for the duration of the game, and the game cannot end until there is a stalemate line or only one team remains... for this team game, I am looking at Fall of the American Empire. There are 3 layouts of teams I have thought of that we can decide which one we want
167 replies
The Czech (1921 D)
06 Aug 11 UTC
Live gunboat?
webdip is being moved to the new server. Any one up for a live gunboat/live fow gunboat?
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Rancher (1109 D)
04 Aug 11 UTC
Spaghetti Western
no frills, full press Italian renaissance warfare, we have a few, need more
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SacredDigits (978 D)
16 Aug 11 UTC
One point games
Hi, I'm at 4 D right now, which is enough to join a 1 point 2 player game, but I can neither make nor join one. Any advice?
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GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
16 Aug 11 UTC
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G-Man (2516 D)
10 Aug 11 UTC
Ultimate Fantasy World / Diplomacy Encouraged / 3-Day Moves
If you like a lot of diplomacy, the challenge of 12 players, a dynamic land - sea war, Standard rules, and are in for the long haul... join the Ultimate Fantasy: gameID=3110

1st in the Cloak & Dagger series
10 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
14 Aug 11 UTC
Pause please?!
everyone has agreed to pause for Russia(left yesterday, gone for I believe 2 weeks), except Turkey, who has not said a single word the entire game... can someone please pause this?
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Gobbledydook (1083 D)
03 Aug 11 UTC
Board-of-advisors variant?
We all have weaknesses. Some of us may be weaker in strategy, some weaker in tactics, some weaker in negotiation, some weaker in stabbing/not getting stabbed.
What about this: Let us start a standard game. Players may recruit as many advisors as they see fit, to advise them on all issues of the game.
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