A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Soundwave88 (488 D)
19 Oct 11 UTC
Join to play a WWIV game that you can choose what nation you play as
8 replies
Anywhere to download Classic map files?
I've looked around a bit and I can't find anywhere where I can download the original diplomacy map files and borders for creating a variant based off the classic map. I'm thinking of creating a variant and if I could get these it would save a ton of work.
4 replies
About creating Variants.
Hey.. would anyone be nice to introducing me the first steps on creating variants? I don't know where to start.
5 replies
MasterEddie38 (996 D)
21 Oct 11 UTC
USA issues
been having some issues giving orders in this: gameID=3968
1 reply
thatwasawkward (1464 D)
21 Oct 11 UTC
The War to REALLY End All Wars
World War IV map, 15 point bet. Anonymous players, but full press. 10 days to join, 34 more needed. Let's do this.
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
21 Oct 11 UTC
is it working?
1 reply
fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Oct 11 UTC
Vdip Cup FInal Results
The closing ceremony for Vdiplomacy's first tournament.
5 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
16 May 11 UTC
Vdip Cup games and results
If you are one of the 16 players who recently signed up for the 1 v 1 tournament I am hosting, then you are required to post all the games you play in here. First when they start, to allow a moderator from changing you to the right team, and second at the end to post results.
576 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
05 Oct 11 UTC
Occupy Wall Street/Indignatoes
What issues do you believe that these people believe that they are protesting?

What specific solutions to specific problems do you believe that they believe that they are advocating?
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Oct 11 UTC
Jewish women are more likely than any other group to selectively abort their imperfect children and enthusiastically embrace perhaps the second most memorable ideological position extolled in Mein Kampf.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Oct 11 UTC
@AdamNTM.....I'm actually kind of slow. I'm rather embarrassed that I failed to notice this before now. If your theoretical framework views this crisis as having been engineered by the powerful to force the sheeple into a single global currency, then how does your theory deal with the fact that the crisis is actually taking us further away from a global currency by breaking up currency blocks. There is a significant probability that this crisis is going to end with a significantly reduced Eurozone and a devalued Dollar widens the gap between the greenback and the loonie. Even the Peso is appreciating against the Dollar and moving furhter from its long term trading range. The Swiss are desperately trying to keep the Franc tethered to the Euro and China's dirty peg is looking less rather than more sustainable. Currency zones are becoming harder to regulate, and the wage deflation in the Southern Europe is demonstrating for all to see the dangers of too much distributional dispersion in productivity growth within a currency block. Iceland and Ireland will probably be a textbook pair for the rest of our lives to examine the relative gains from different monetary regimes. It is clear as day that Iceland is looking better and better as time goes by.

Perhaps your theory is better than I give you credit for and it incorporated vicious beggar thy neighbor retaliatory devaluations to leave us all in race to the bottom hell, thereby producing a consensus for suprastate solutions. However, at the moment, events are pushing the Economics consensus to Friedman's multitude of flexibly exchanged currencies over Mundell's fixed exchange rates, which would have to be a transition state for the introduction of an expanded currency zone.

Also, is the gold standard isomorphic to your vision of a global currency or is your vision a solely government product of fiat creation?
AdamNTM (965 D)
07 Oct 11 UTC
Widen your view; this GLOBAL financial crisis will subsume the whole of civilization, and each country will be confronted with the spectre of collapse and isolationism, citizens will be made to dread this possibility more than anything else, until the masses are begging to see the establishment of a bona-fide World Bank. Insofar that everyone is going to run to gold as fiat currencies collapse, gold will likely be the international currency in the interim, until a new fiat currency can be established (SDR's?), but like I said, I'm just a crazy conspiracy theorist, time will tell...
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Oct 11 UTC
Generally, in human history, crisis has not led to international openness and cooperation. I am generally of the view that institution building requires an hegemon, and again the world doesn't seem to be going that direction.
AdamNTM (965 D)
07 Oct 11 UTC
Listen carefully to the banksters, like the head of the IMF Lagarde, and other financial leaders, they're all saying the same thing, especially with regard to saving the Euro, "leaders will have cooperate, show unity, work together", the market is the hegemon you're looking for, hiding in plain sight...
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
20 Oct 11 UTC
So after going the first weekend, I went back to my local Occupy where ever protest on Sunday. One, the protest was much reduced, but two, the Marxist hardcore had created a mural on a building with "Shining Path" written on it.

If you go carryin' pictures of Chairman Mao,
You ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow.

And that goes double for President Gonzalo.

Given that Winter is Coming in Gopherland, I think the protest will quickly be withering away.
LoveDove (1368 D)
20 Oct 11 UTC
I have a friend in a northern US city who, on Facebook, liked the Occupy "City" page. I asked her what she liked about the occupy movement. Was she anti-Federal Reserve, anti-Capitalism, anti-War in Iraq or Afghanistan, anti-bailouts, etc. I asked because all of these positions are presented in this Occupy group.

She responded that she liked the fact Americans were getting off their butts and doing something. It doesn't matter that not everyone knows the issues, and you don't have to in order to complain that you don't like the current situation. She was just happy people have found their voice.

Her response pained me. You don't think it's important to know what you are protesting for or against? You don't think it's important to differentiate between anti-capitalism and, for example, pro-"clean earth"? Hmm....

I also want to know how these people are "doing" anything. Standing around outside doesn't change anything... I'd be amused to see how many of the protesters actually ever vote. It will be curious to see how many "I just despise bail-outs" Americans vote in 2012 for the presidential candidate who spearheaded said bail-outs. So much for that "voice."

Furthermore, I wonder if they can actually articulate their complaints. You don't actually have a "voice" if you don't know what you are talking about.

Last I checked I still have clean, hot water in which to bathe and more than two pairs of shoes. I also overeat more often than not, so I have trouble taking to the streets to complain "this isn't working for me." I think most Americans could use a good dose of time in a third-world country; it changes one's perspectives...

/end rant (for now)
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
20 Oct 11 UTC
@LoveDove, my criticism was that my local protesters did have a coherent message. Che is great, murderous, homophobic thug that he was. Disappointing but to be expected. The Shining Path, arguably the most profoundly evil mass ideology ever unleashed in the 20th Century, is something to be admired. To me for a protest as small as our local has gotten to hoist a banner for the Shining Path is simply inexcusable. It seems probable to me that Abimael Guzman in power would have made Pol Pot look like a piker.
fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Oct 11 UTC
+1 Lovedove

129 replies
The Ambassador (2276 D (B))
19 Oct 11 UTC
Did I miss something?
Been busy of late, and didn't pick this up on the forum threads, but for new games can you now select what country you want to play?
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G-Man (2516 D)
17 Oct 11 UTC
Modern / Diplomacy Encouraged / 2-Day Moves
If you like a lot of diplomacy, the challenge of 10 players, a phenomenal map, Standard rules with build in any center you own, and are in for the long haul... join Double Gorilla Press Piledriver: gameID=3926

2nd in the Cloak & Dagger series
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drano019 (2710 D Mod)
18 Oct 11 UTC
Group that ACTUALLY plays...
See inside...and be patient, it takes awhile to type on a phone.
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EvW (1771 D)
17 Oct 11 UTC
Need replacement WW4 team game
This is a team game. We're searching a replacement...

USA went in CD just after the game started. There's only the first spring phase missed, so it's not a too bad situation, and with a bit of help from your teammates, it would be possible to become a great power...
2 replies
myLAAN (1109 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
Hussite Wars: New variant playtest
Variant page:
Game link:

Further info follows.
25 replies
Anyone for Sushi?
We need 2 more players in a Sengoku:

1 day turns -- get in there!
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Please unpause this!
Mr. Oli, please unpause this game.
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tricky (1005 D)
16 Oct 11 UTC
Problems loading games
Is anybody else having problems loading up their games?
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ezpickins (1717 D)
05 Oct 11 UTC
WW4 Team Game
Teams are set in stone once game begins. This was done randomly using a random digit creator on a Calculator with each region being divided up equally among teams.
17 replies
I can't make my orders there is only:
Loading order...
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Lannister (874 D)
14 Oct 11 UTC
Public Press Greek Diplomacy
Is there enough interest to get one of these games going? Greek Diplomacy would be a very neat setting to try this in.
3 replies
kaug (1220 D)
13 Oct 11 UTC
game limit
I thought 2 player variants did not count against the game limit? I have a 9 game limit and currently have 7 non 2player matches and I cannot start a new one because the 2player games take me over the top
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ezpickins (1717 D)
12 Oct 11 UTC
can someone explain the stats for ClassicVS for me?
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Taft (1008 D)
13 Oct 11 UTC
New Variant Idea Discussion: Turn Limit
Awhile back, I pitched an idea for a variant (threadID=13006): a Dip game that in a certain number of turns, and the person with the most SCs at the end of that period wins...
4 replies
tricky (1005 D)
13 Oct 11 UTC
Fast Game
5 min turns Classic and starts in 80mins. Should be fun!
2 replies
Venetia (1587 D)
08 Oct 11 UTC
ItalianJob wants you!
Come on, we are waiting for ather players. gameID=3741
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Oli (977 D Mod (P))
12 Oct 11 UTC
Duo-variant got some improvements...
The transform-command now works in this variant as expected.
Will try to code the neutral-armies movement next.
18 replies
Rancher (1109 D)
12 Oct 11 UTC
7 Islands --- "Island Warfare"
join up classic island fans gameID=3842
4 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
07 Oct 11 UTC
Skip a word word association thread
This is like normal word association but don't write down the first word you think of. Write down the first word that word makes you think of. So, skip a thought.
I'll start with "mosquito"
26 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Oct 11 UTC
Is the site loading slowly for anyone else?
The last few days the site has been painfully slow loading. I've tried 4 different browsers to no avail. Nothing else seems particularly slow in my daily surfing..
6 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
12 Oct 11 UTC
I need some peoples
JUG and Central POwers.
0 replies
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